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Can GIMP replace Photoshop?


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YES.... IT CAN!!

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Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

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lol no :lol: and just so your wondering, i've used both, placed gimp in trash bin, but w\e works for i guess


Same, and I use PS Elements 2.0. :lol:


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Hmm, I still haven't given up on GIMP and I have PS CS3 extended. I use both all the time, there are some things that photoshop can't do that GIMP can really, like the pentool. I hate the photoshop version, GIMP developers did an awesome job of merging all the different PS pentool functions into one. But then PS has auto curves, vector masks, 3D features, better animation tools, layer styles, panorama automation, etc. etc. etc.




Maybe one day, I hope it's soon. GIMP ftw. <3:


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i use GIMP @ home and P.S @ school.


i can use them both pretty effectively now but i use GIMP more and i like it more. they can both be good if u know what ur doing.

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i say no. some have said that gimp can if you know what your doing in it, but if you know what your doing in PS... its just amazing what can be done. i currently have and use Photoshop CS3 extended (my bro got it and is INCREDIBLE with it. i know the basics, but thats enough for me :thumbsup: )



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I have:


The GIMP 2.4


Photoshop CS3 Extended




And I prefer GIMP (mostly because I don't have a clue as to how to use PS :wall: ). But in all seriousness, GIMP may one day become a $1000 imaging program, like PS. :lol:


Nope. Never. I don't think you exactly understand the system of coomunity developing and open source.


I also have CS3E and Gimp 2.4, I use them toghether. Gimp is getting better and better at PSD support, so that works well. But when I go to make a sig, I usually try to stick to one program. Which reminds me, I have got to make a signature when I have the time.




Here's another question: Does anyone think that Inkscape will ever replace Illustrator? Or Blender replace C4D? It's the same question, in a way.


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The thing about Photoshop is that it has all it's siblings in the Creative Suite family, which are all programmed to be able to use the same files and interchangeable formats


This is why Adobe have a majority market share, because their programs work with each other which companies prefer. Obviously, rather than having lots of different software which is incompatible with everything else.




So it's not just Photoshop that beats GIMP, it's the fact that Photoshop has a whole range of editing programs to back it up.

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Both Gimp and Photoshop are very strong image editing programs.


They both have strong and weak points.


I don't think Gimp will be able to replace Photoshop for quite a while though...




I know Gimp is free, that is of course a big pro.


However, there are a few features in Photoshop that Gimp does not have (Photoshop can even work with vectors if you know how to control them, haven't seen that in Gimp).


Another problem I have with Gimp is the user interface... It's made out of different windows which are all listed in the task bar, I kinda hate that... :P


Lastly, to keep up with Photoshop the programmers of Gimp will have to work really hard and even then I do not know how they would manage...


Because people pay for Photoshop Adobe can invest that money into the development of newer versions, and believe me, that does make a lot of difference.


I've heard of a few features which are maybe coming in the next version of Photoshop and they make me really go :o.


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Gimp won't replace PS as the industry standard. That's like asking if Linux will replace Windows.


As someone said, it's because of all the programs that are compatible with PS. On a standalone base, both are equally powerful for most things, except a few options which are being implemented in the upcoming gimp versions.


PS is also more user friendly and has a better interface. And more resources and tutorials.




I use Gimp personally tho.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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