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Profanity Filter


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If you can give me a reason why you need to use profanity at all in any form of communication then i would say yes.




Things that are not swear words should not be censored (Recently Shaz was removed from the ingame censor...weeeeeeeee) , but i wouldn't want to see a bunch of players walking around using profanity it ruins the whole gameplay.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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I have no need to swear in game (or out of game, for that matter). However, I would very much like to see the chat filter become optional for those of us who could verify that we are over 18 (or over 21 or whatever).




I certainly understand the reason the filter is there and I do think it serves a useful purpose. But is quite frustrating when innocent words are replaced by asterisks for no discernible reason. I realize that no system is perfect and some inadvertant filtering is likely unavoidable. I definitely support keeping the system as is for those who cannot verify that they are over 18, or for those who may be adults and want to keep the filter as is.




What I would like is a way for those of us who are over 18 and feel we can manage without the filter to be able to have that as an option. I do not know how practical that is, but it would be nice to have that option available. If only adults had that option, I doubt there would be much spamming (at least I would hope not).

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I don't think so.




My reasoning is actually rather simple -- adults that do it on a frequent basis aren't very social, and people don't hang out or associate with them after a while. Of course, children/teenagers are just discovering these four-and-five-letter words, and they think it's cool or adult to use them every other word.




It doesn't seem like it would be the best thing. I don't like it when adults that I associate with on a daily basis swear every other second, so why should I tolerate some kid swearing?

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Oh, gosh. This is quite the topic -- but nice picture :P




I mean I can understand why a profanity filter would make sense -- lots of other MMOs use one because, hey, it's supposed to be a social game and if your friends are fine with that kind of language more power to you. However, it really does depend on the community when it comes to whether a profanity filter should be allowed or not.




Now, and I'm going to make huge generalizations here, if we were to compare a game that has a language filter like WoW (Or was it guild wars...one of those. Haven't played either in months) the userbase of the latter is usually far older than the average Runescape player because it's an expensive game compared to the cheap, free, browser based gameplay Runescape provides.




Where a profanity filter works in WoW, because most players have the maturity to at least not scream obscenities randomly at people or to a crowd without halt (they realize no one's laughing just because their mouths are naughty), I'm quite sure the children of Runescape would behave in just the opposite manner, filling the chatbox with needless shouting just for the "epic win xD" of saying "bad words" and getting away with it.




I also blame the huge influence /b/ has on a lot of Runescape members who should have nothing to do with 4chan. Seriously, even the Spirit Kyatt's examine was "fast cat is fast" for a while (They changed it recently.) although I doubt (I hope) some Jagex staff creator simply found the statement meme from another website. :P




Too long; didn't read: A filter won't work because the community is filled with immature children and man-children.

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I hope this is not introduced to the game. RuneScape is immature as it is now, imagine thousands of little kiddies swearing in the game. How annoying would it be? "What!? You won't let me use it! [cabbage x10]".




There is nothing great about not having a censor on though. If you want a glimpse of a world like this play Habbo Hotel (I only know that because my sister is a keen player of it), you will find it lame after a while.

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If you can give me a reason why you need to use profanity at all in any form of communication then i would say yes.




Things that are not swear words should not be censored (Recently Shaz was removed from the ingame censor...weeeeeeeee) , but i wouldn't want to see a bunch of players walking around using profanity it ruins the whole gameplay.




As said to you in other forums, sometimes using profanity is the best way to express yourself.




Let's look at the censor, you can't even say the word butt.


I am constantly wanting to say things like "aw, that sucks" and what not, and saying, "aw, that stinks" just sounds childish.


You can't say damn, and so on. I wish they would at least give the option to turn of the censor for mild things, like sucks, damn, etc.



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If you can give me a reason why you need to use profanity at all in any form of communication then i would say yes.




Things that are not swear words should not be censored (Recently Shaz was removed from the ingame censor...weeeeeeeee) , but i wouldn't want to see a bunch of players walking around using profanity it ruins the whole gameplay.





As said to you in other forums, sometimes using profanity is the best way to express yourself.




Let's look at the censor, you can't even say the word butt.


I am constantly wanting to say things like "aw, that sucks" and what not, and saying, "aw, that stinks" just sounds childish.


You can't say damn, and so on. I wish they would at least give the option to turn of the censor for mild things, like sucks, damn, etc.




That would be why i said some things need to be removed from the censor :P But severe profane words should continue to be blocked.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
Proud TETAU Member 2006 - 2007 <3
"I had a standing agreement with god. I'd agree to believe in him, barely, so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays." - Rose Hathaway
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Optional filter for clan chat and clan chat only would be so cool. The owner of the clan chat sets their filter on and then everyone who trys to enter is first warned. Anyone who does not want to listen to children thinking they are cool does not have to.




I would love to be able to just hang out with my friends in clan wars and describe rather eloquently just how much I owned someone.

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Optional filter for clan chat and clan chat only would be so cool. The owner of the clan chat sets their filter on and then everyone who trys to enter is first warned. Anyone who does not want to listen to children thinking they are cool does not have to.




I would love to be able to just hang out with my friends in clan wars and describe rather eloquently just how much I owned someone.

This is quite a good idea imo.



^dds'er in progress =D

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I think they should make it "members only".




If F2p's get banned for it, they can just make a new account all the time.




I also think members shouldn't be allowed to remove cencors from free players because F2P players would spam offensive language in their chats.




Members being able to remove cencors from members is a good idea because you don't want to get banned as a member. And they can give extra blackmarks for people who use that language.

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I think they should make it "members only".




If F2p's get banned for it, they can just make a new account all the time.




I also think members shouldn't be allowed to remove cencors from free players because F2P players would spam offensive language in their chats.




Members being able to remove cencors from members is a good idea because you don't want to get banned as a member. And they can give extra blackmarks for people who use that language.






Well... Agh, can't think of how to respond... :wall:








Ontopic: I wouldn't mind having the censor lifted for, say, two days. Just to laugh at the chaos. Because honestly, I doubt that a permanent lift of the censor in pretty much any form wouldn't work, simply because there are too many people who would abuse the ability to say anything. I would like to see the censor lifted, but just to be able to have a normal conversation without random non-offensive words being deleted. But we all know what would happen if it was lifted, a large percentage of the population would spaz out and begin to spew a neverending stream of vulgarity.

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A lot of the filtered profanity isn't profanity at all. I can't even say damn ingame. Also, I'm from Holland, so I talk a lot of Dutch in the game. It so happens to be that a LOT of normal Dutch words are filtered about because Jagex feels the need to block all possible combinations of letters that only even slightly resemble swear words.


Ok sure, swearing isn't needed, but why aren't we allowed to see the words? I can still curse and swear at people if I want, just by being a little creative. No filter is ever going to get rid of swearing and not so nice behaviour in the game. It serves no purpose at all. We still have the report button, right?




Seriously, [bleep] off with the filter.




And naturally, everyone knows which word above here is censored out. Hypocrites.

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why not have the option to turn it on and off like you have it in your picture?


Because then you would swear and it shows up in your screen but others would still see **** and report it, etc.




I personally think the filter is fine. I usually never have any problems with it. Yes, being able to swear and say other words would allow yourself to express oneself to a better capacity, but you have to be aware of others around you. Yes, it would benefit yourself to express yourself in one way, but would it be beneficial to others around you?




I think it's acceptable to swear, but keep an eye out for those around you. Some people don't like to hear that kind of talk, and that is when I take it down a notch, for their sake.




So in other words, if you are mature enough to know how to swear and "express" yourself, you should be mature enough on when to use it, and Runescape is not a time to use it.

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Exactly, I'm completely with Mirror. I mean, in real life I pretty much swear in almost every sentence - but when it comes to the internet (anonymous people hearing), I don't really swear and to be honest I actually don't even feel the need to. Internet etiquette is a lot different than real life etiquette.

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I agree with the above 2 posts - to me, it's one thing to let a few things slip during the course of natural speech, but watching a bunch of immature and/or classless people constantly spewing out a torrent of cusses just because it's the k00l thing to do is annoying. The new "Under 13" stuff Jagex has implemented MAY be interpreted as a step towards an optional filter, but I personally don't think we will see one. Being able to curse just isn't that big of a deal to me I guess.

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I find it should be removed but what should be added is a warning when you either log on or create an account. Because lord knows some parent will hear a story of their little spoiled and protected 'pookie' being tainted by the name-calling of others. How sad... Let them go through life like that and see how far the get. The answer is the basement in their house the rest of their life




Sorry for the side tracking, but if there was such a warning in the case of an enraged persons then they could just send them to the page of the warning dated at the bottom of the time the movement was enacted so as to 'flip them the bird and walk away' if you will.




The game states that its a 13+ game and thats all it needs. its called an honor code , and yes its true people under aged will sneak in but then its on their time not anyone else's or anyone elses problem...


thanks for listening


19.madillamon-one of my best friends really cool guy but you kinda sucked at monster hunting

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the filter is really starting to annoy me now, it wont allow me to talk in gaelic as it takes out over half the stuff i say which doesnt make any sense as there is no other way to interprit the words im saying lol. maybe jagex is just prejudice against the irish language..... :(



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If you say something sucks, it is filtered. I've been lucky - the few times I've accidently said it, people haven't noticed. If Mr. Wannabe Mod comes along, hide. He'll report, and he'll report BAD.




Also, look at this. What do you see?




** ******








Can you thing of any time two words of (2,7) would be censored. You immediately think of my school. Therefore, my school being censored = FUTILE.




Again, look at this:




I'm on my ***** and playing runescape at the same time.




I rest my case.

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