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Nintendo, A Console For Children.

Da Pirates

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Again, it's sort of a pointless argument. He's probably making this to make an argument.




And if he only played the Wii 1 time, and then threw it away, then he really didn't play it or a game long enough to see why a lot of people enjoy and respect the console.




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Wait. If he sold his Wii because he's not 5...why did he have a Wii in the first place?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Wait. If he sold his Wii because he's not 5...why did he have a Wii in the first place?




Because it was the cheapest of the 3 consoles, I now know why.


Because it was made in Japan.... \'






More like Made in China...

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Wait. If he sold his Wii because he's not 5...why did he have a Wii in the first place?




Because it was the cheapest of the 3 consoles, I now know why.


Because it was made in Japan.... \'






More like Made in China...




The point is, it is cheaply manufactured compared to the 360 or PS3.


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Wait. If he sold his Wii because he's not 5...why did he have a Wii in the first place?




Because it was the cheapest of the 3 consoles, I now know why.


Because it was made in Japan.... \'






More like Made in China...




The point is, it is cheaply manufactured compared to the 360 or PS3.




The XBox360 and Playstation 3 are also made in China...

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Well whatever the reason, you can buy it back after Mad World comes out, unless they ban it in 80 states.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Wait, you want Nintendo to stop putting Japanese stuff in their games? Have you realized...Nintendo is Japanese?!?!


I'm pretty sure nearly all Nintendo games are released in Japan first. So...Yeah. They're putting Japanese culture into Japanese games. Big surprise, eh?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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The last time I posted something on another forum about my hatred for another console was when I was 10 and was angry at my friend for saying his PS2 owned my gamecube.






And I love how Mlbfan stated about how he sold his Wii because he's not a 5-year-old. He also says how online for the Wii is horrible. Then he goes ahead and says he's not bashing the Wii.




Sure, the Wii has its flaws. I have to admit that While SSBB is one of the best games I've played, it's online is horrible. You can't make friends because you don't know who they are, you can't communicate, and there's no prize for beating other players. That doesn't mean the Wii's online is bad altogether. I enjoy Mario Kart Wii's online. You can see who the players are, you gain ranking and thus respect from other players when you win many games. The only thing I find annoying is you can't communicate, but looking at how so many people are ranting about noobs on X box live abusing their microphone priveliges, it may be a good thing.




Try as you must to convince yourself, online with no communication is horrible. The reason why I love going online is because I know there's a person behind the character. Those "noobs" (who the hell uses this word?) are the minority because I have Xbox live and play online (Halo3 nonetheless, other TIFers on my friends list can prove this) and don't even often see them.

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The last time I posted something on another forum about my hatred for another console was when I was 10 and was angry at my friend for saying his PS2 owned my gamecube.






And I love how Mlbfan stated about how he sold his Wii because he's not a 5-year-old. He also says how online for the Wii is horrible. Then he goes ahead and says he's not bashing the Wii.




Sure, the Wii has its flaws. I have to admit that While SSBB is one of the best games I've played, it's online is horrible. You can't make friends because you don't know who they are, you can't communicate, and there's no prize for beating other players. That doesn't mean the Wii's online is bad altogether. I enjoy Mario Kart Wii's online. You can see who the players are, you gain ranking and thus respect from other players when you win many games. The only thing I find annoying is you can't communicate, but looking at how so many people are ranting about noobs on X box live abusing their microphone priveliges, it may be a good thing.




Try as you must to convince yourself, online with no communication is horrible. The reason why I love going online is because I know there's a person behind the character. Those "noobs" (who the hell uses this word?) are the minority because I have Xbox live and play online (Halo3 nonetheless, other TIFers on my friends list can prove this) and don't even often see them.




I hate people with headsets! They don't even use it properly. Instead of talking about strategy they scream down their headests. I was so happy when COD4 got an update allowed you block people.

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The last time I posted something on another forum about my hatred for another console was when I was 10 and was angry at my friend for saying his PS2 owned my gamecube.






And I love how Mlbfan stated about how he sold his Wii because he's not a 5-year-old. He also says how online for the Wii is horrible. Then he goes ahead and says he's not bashing the Wii.




Sure, the Wii has its flaws. I have to admit that While SSBB is one of the best games I've played, it's online is horrible. You can't make friends because you don't know who they are, you can't communicate, and there's no prize for beating other players. That doesn't mean the Wii's online is bad altogether. I enjoy Mario Kart Wii's online. You can see who the players are, you gain ranking and thus respect from other players when you win many games. The only thing I find annoying is you can't communicate, but looking at how so many people are ranting about noobs on X box live abusing their microphone priveliges, it may be a good thing.




Try as you must to convince yourself, online with no communication is horrible. The reason why I love going online is because I know there's a person behind the character. Those "noobs" (who the hell uses this word?) are the minority because I have Xbox live and play online (Halo3 nonetheless, other TIFers on my friends list can prove this) and don't even often see them.


I'll confess, there's nothing more entertaining than a Yank screaming down his headphone, while charging straight at you on GoW.




*Pull out shotgun*






Stupid boy... Bear in mind I don't even have an Xbox, I play the game for like one hour a month at my mate's.

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I hate people with headsets! They don't even use it properly. Instead of talking about strategy they scream down their headests. I was so happy when COD4 got an update allowed you block people.




I dunno. When I'm playing seriously I actually try to command the team (ie. "dont go in that room, they have sword and shotties. throw in grenades instead"). But when I'm a bit drunk, I'm pretty sure all I do is say random crap when I kill/die

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I hate people with headsets! They don't even use it properly. Instead of talking about strategy they scream down their headests. I was so happy when COD4 got an update allowed you block people.




I dunno. When I'm playing seriously I actually try to command the team (ie. "dont go in that room, they have sword and shotties. throw in grenades instead"). But when I'm a bit drunk, I'm pretty sure all I do is say random crap when I kill/die




Having headsets is something that is almost necessary in my eyes. Once you get into the upper echelons of a game where people start playing to win, being able to communicate is essential.




But in general they're just used for insults, screaming, 5 year olds yelling at the top of there lungs, bad singing, etc. Most of the time when I just go into a Halo or COD4 pub (I don't know how else to put it. I've been PC gaming a lot lately) I'll either private chat with a friend or just mute al other players.




That may have sounded a little weird, basically what I'm saying is that it's necessary to have headsets, but really only when you're playing seriously are they actually used properly.

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Well, child-friendly as it may be, since I got RROD'd on my 360 I've been playing a good deal of Wii. GC games, but on the Wii nonetheless, and I'm starting to consider getting Mario Galaxy. So kiddy might not always be a bad thing.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Or are sony/microsoft fanboys. :lol: just realised microsoft had fanboys.




Amazing, isn't it?






And I wear a headset when I play, but I don't necessarily talk. I will talk if there's stuff that my teammates need to know (i.e. x player is at y spot with z weapon) and the only reason I wear it is if my teammates do the same - they actually tell me what's going on over where they are/were.




What's wrong with child-friendly games? It's not like the games put out by Nintendo are completely straight forward (As in, they tell you exactly what to do, no skill is needed to do it). The only reason I have a 360 is because I know quite a few people who have one along with Xbox Live, so buying it has been worth my money, despite the fact that I rarely use it nowadays. I wouldn't mind getting a Wii either, I would buy it just for Mario, Zelda and Samus.




Wait. If he sold his Wii because he's not 5...why did he have a Wii in the first place?




Because it was the cheapest of the 3 consoles, I now know why.


Because it was made in Japan.... \'






More like Made in China...



The point is, it is cheaply manufactured compared to the 360 or PS3.




Constant RROD's. Definitely a sign of a quality console

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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And I wear a headset when I play, but I don't necessarily talk. I will talk if there's stuff that my teammates need to know (i.e. x player is at y spot with z weapon) and the only reason I wear it is if my teammates do the same - they actually tell me what's going on over where they are/were.
More people like you please; less spam more critical information about enemy movements and the team wins.
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And I wear a headset when I play, but I don't necessarily talk. I will talk if there's stuff that my teammates need to know (i.e. x player is at y spot with z weapon) and the only reason I wear it is if my teammates do the same - they actually tell me what's going on over where they are/were.
More people like you please; less spam more critical information about enemy movements and the team wins.



There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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I think you are very much wrong, and the numbers prove you wrong as well.




What you think are kid games, are in reality ageless fun, which are designed to appeal to people of all ages.


WiiFit, Brain Academy, WiiSports are all quick burst games where even grandma can play. You don't need to mess around with the controls, it just works.




Nintendo's market strategy is capping the non-gamer market rather than the hardcore gamer, and it worked out great.




It may not be the console for you and I understand your frustration, but you just can't compare games for the 360 and PS3 to Wii titles.

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One word...Zelda. Or i can make it four: The legend of zelda. (excluding Windwaker. fun, but kiddy). Majoras mask, orcarina of time, twlight princesses, the ORGINAL game,four swords adventures, the adventure of link... Compare difficulty (as in thought required) to, say, halo (GREAT game, just not as much thinking as shooting).




I don't get having to move around, I mean I go jogging so don't end up like a fatass, so when I play video games, it shouldn't have to be a chore by running in place.
Only one game I know requires jogging, wii fit. And c'mon, you buy this to get in shape.




I don't get why Nintendo is so popular. Almost all their games are aimed at children.
AIMED at children, yes. But the arrow went askew, and got just as many adults ::'




Seeing a Nintendo game rated M is extremely rare.
A game isnt fun becuase its rated M. Seriously, would adding blood and swearing make mario fun? I have red perm markers and youtube (not for blood, ...err, bad language) for that.




I bought a Wii, used it once and sold it. The reason is, i'm not 5. Why is Mario so popular or SSBB?
Mario is crazy fun with laughs for most people. SSBB=great multi/single player game. Its like asking "why is halo popular?" well, its because its fun to play.




The most ironic thing I found is how popular it is with adults. Whenever I see an adult playing the Wii, I think to myself "How old are you".
Again, people think Mario is kiddy becuase of its graphix. Put good grpahix and it becomes more socialy acceptable.




I mean hell, Nintendo has the worst online gaming i've ever seen.
True there, nintendo isnt built for WI-Fi though.




Conclusion: Nintendo just isnt for you, and thats OK. Its not like EVERYONE likes it, even though they should. (joking)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mario has simple graphics, huh?




Has anyone mentioned to these people that GoW seems composed of three colors: brown, grey, and muzzle flash?


So I've noticed. And it's not even just 3 colors, it's 3 colors with 50 different frikking shades which makes it almost impossible for me to make out an outline of an enemy or friendly, or I'll think I see a friendly and then I get chainsawed.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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