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Getting a laptop today so reccomned me some PC games.


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Hey guys I'm uber excited because today I'm buying a laptop that seems like it'll be able to run quite a few games. I'm a big games myself so it makes it duo-exciting! woot woot!


Anyways here are my laptops specs-


  • *CPU: AMD Turion X2 RM-70 Dual-Core 2.00GHz
    *Ram: 3GB DDR2
    *HD speed: capacity: 250GB 5400RPM
    *Graphics card: Integrated NVIDIA GeForce 8200M with up to 1407MB of video memory.
    *OS: Windows Vista (64 bit)


With 15.4 inches screen I think this computer will do just fine, and it's only 599.99$ (Canadian).




I was planning on "getting" the following games:


  • *GTA: San Andreas
    *Elders Scrolls: Oblivion
    *Orange Box
    *Civilization III and IV
    *Battle for middle Earth I and II
    *Age of Empires II and III
    *Age of mythology
    *Warcraft III
    *Stronghold 2
    *S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
    *Heroes of Might and Magic III and V


And I was Going to buy Guild Wars, but I'm really not sure whether to buy World of Warcraft Or Lord of the Rings Online.




Now I know I'm missing alot of good games there, so please recommend me some or maybe review some of the games I listed.




Please and thank!

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Laptop = not the computer system for games sorry buddy


Ignoring that ignorant statement, you may want to get a USB mouse. That is, if one doesn't come with it.


Also, are you getting XP or Vista? If you're getting Vista, you may want to check the compatibility on some of those games, I can tell you that Civ4 works fine, and that BFME randomly either works or doesn't work.


Otherwise, any preferences? Strategy, shooter, what? The Total War series is good if you want strategy, which I'm assuming you do as you have quite a few of those on your list.


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Laptop = not the computer system for games sorry buddy








Did you even bother to read the specs at all? That's your average year old desktop PC right there... I'm pretty sure it can run those games buttery.


If you don't know much about computer (or laptops) then thanks for trying to help but kthxbai








Laptop = not the computer system for games sorry buddy


Ignoring that statement, you may want to get a USB mouse. That is, if one doesn't come with it.


Also, are you getting XP or Vista? If you're getting Vista, you may want to check the compatibility on some of those games, I can tell you that Civ4 works fine, and that BFME randomly either works or doesn't work.


Otherwise, any preferences? Strategy, shooter, what? The Total War series is good if you want strategy, which I'm assuming you do as you have quite a few of those on your list.




Finally someone smart :)


And yea I'll obviously use a wireless mouse, can't expect me to headshot noobs with a touch pad do ya?


I'm getting a Vista (64bit) and thanks, I'll look at the specs more carefully next time!


And I like every kind of games, from shooter to sims 2 (forgot to add tot he list).


And I'll definitely check out the Total Wars.


Thanks alot for help.

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I play Call of Duty 4 on my laptop. Works like a charm (although you'd probably need the USB mouse like me). I have Windows Vista, but for some reason my ping is really bad and I lagg a bit in big firefights, but It's still fun.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


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*alert* Dont get AOE 3 *alert*




Now i got that out of the way, you look like a bit of a strategy fan, so i'd definately say Black&White 2, one hell of a beutiful looking game aswell as a great game to play.




If you do get a USB mouse to play a FPS or two, i'd say get the lates Uneal tournament game, there always a good solid game to get if you have internet access on it.

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Do NOT use a wireless mouse for FPS's trust me =/ At the moment I'm using a wireless mouse for CS:S and it is absolute poop, the lag is terrible, the batteries will run out in the middle of a gun fight :wall:


My friends have all suggested to get the Logitech MX518 wired mouse for FPS's, which i should be getting next week. It's a bit pricey but it definately seems worth it


Sweet laptop for its price :P




Not sure if it's Vista rumours and what-not but I heard a lot of software won't work with 64bit vista but will for 32bit, don't take my word for it though, its just what I've heard from random peoples :)


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A USB mouse came with my ASUS laptop (It's an ASUS mouse, go figure), it works fine. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I do fine in Combat Arms with it.


64-bit Vista is better in general, I think, but has more compatibility issues. I have 32-bit, for the record.


As for games, I would look into another Blizzard game. Diablo (2), or Starcraft, or wait until Starcraft 2. I wouldn't get WoW, I would wait until WAR. (About a month, I think) That is, if WAR doesn't fail like AoC did.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Do NOT use a wireless mouse for FPS's trust me =/ At the moment I'm using a wireless mouse for CS:S and it is absolute poop, the lag is terrible, the batteries will run out in the middle of a gun fight :wall:


My friends have all suggested to get the Logitech MX518 wired mouse for FPS's, which i should be getting next week. It's a bit pricey but it definately seems worth it


Sweet laptop for its price :P




Not sure if it's Vista rumours and what-not but I heard a lot of software won't work with 64bit vista but will for 32bit, don't take my word for it though, its just what I've heard from random peoples :)




For the wireless mouse: I agree. Do not buy one. I had one back when I was a Runescape addict. Several times I nearly died because my mouse's connection started to fail. I later bought a USB mouse and a year and a half later it has never failed me :thumbsup:


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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If you wanna try an FPS game with a bit of realism try Americas Army.. its free and fun when you get into it. New version coming out later this year aswell using UT3 engine :D




Going off topic here but..




In my opinion a couple updates after special forces got introduced it got poo :( I liked playing on pipeline the best :P Havent played recently so can't comment but when i last tried it I didn't enjoy as much as i did (Before SF)




Recommending a few FPS's






Orangebox (you listed)


Counterstrike Source (Awesome competitive play)


Mass Effect (One of the best games of last year)




As for world of warcraft/guild wars, I would download the trial of world of warcraft and see if you like the feel of it, if not then try something else (Or wait for warhammer like many people are doing)


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Do NOT use a wireless mouse for FPS's trust me =/ At the moment I'm using a wireless mouse for CS:S and it is absolute poop, the lag is terrible, the batteries will run out in the middle of a gun fight :wall:


My friends have all suggested to get the Logitech MX518 wired mouse for FPS's, which i should be getting next week. It's a bit pricey but it definately seems worth it


Sweet laptop for its price :P




Not sure if it's Vista rumours and what-not but I heard a lot of software won't work with 64bit vista but will for 32bit, don't take my word for it though, its just what I've heard from random peoples :)




For the wireless mouse: I agree. Do not buy one. I had one back when I was a Runescape addict. Several times I nearly died because my mouse's connection started to fail. I later bought a USB mouse and a year and a half later it has never failed me :thumbsup:




I use a Logitech v450 wireless mouse and I have never once had a problem with lag, connection problems, or failing batteries. In fact, it's twice as good as my desktop's wired mouse. But my old mouse (Microsoft wireless notebook optical mouse 3000) really was awful for games.

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Oh man my new laptop is uber hot.


To the guy that said laptops are not for gaming, I already installed (and played) S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Doom 3, Heroes of might and magic V, GTA: vice city and Battle for middle Earth II.


All of the above games run at the highest detail possible, absolutely flawless, with no lag whatsoever.




Thanks soo much for all that recommended me games, I think I'll get CoD 4 and CS: source, any other suggestion though?




And should I wait for Guild wars 2, Warhammer or New wow expansion?





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Well I personaly would reccomend World of Warcraft over Guild Wars, but that is just a personal preference. Having played both games, I would say Guild Wars is more focused on PvP then WoW (not to say it is any better), but WoW has a much better (and bigger) community, the game is much more involving, and I think the overall experience is better then GW.

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You can max out STALKER with 8200m? unless you are playing at the lowest res with No AA/AF I don't see how thats possible.




Orange Box is pretty good value for money as well.




I Have no idea what you're talking about cause I run at utra-high detail settings, with all the shadows and such turned on and it runs uber-smooth, excacly same as the lowest graphics option..




EDIT: Just loaded up Runescape and it runs HD, with everything at the highest (including X4 anti-alising) absolutely perfectly. Is there no end to this laptop lol?

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You can max out STALKER with 8200m? unless you are playing at the lowest res with No AA/AF I don't see how thats possible.




Orange Box is pretty good value for money as well.




I Have no idea what you're talking about cause I run at utra-high detail settings, with all the shadows and such turned on and it runs uber-smooth, excacly same as the lowest graphics option..




EDIT: Just loaded up Runescape and it runs HD, with everything at the highest (including X4 anti-alising) absolutely perfectly. Is there no end to this laptop lol?




Runescape HD Has patheticly low specs.


And your liying about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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No clue what else has been listed so I'll just rattle off some good single player games/discs/ whatever. (Some may not yet be out, not sure).




Black and White


Black and White 2


Sins of a Solar Empire




every single Forgotten Realms game you can get a hold of.

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I recomend F.E.A.R.


You can buy the Platinum Collection for $20 and it includes the original F.E.A.R. and the two expansions: Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. Granted it has aged kinda poorly (still looks really good on high settings) and the expansions aren't that good, but come on, it's 3 games for the price of one and the original is really good.

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