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Favourite classic games?


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This thread is now about the old gaming gems that you still love after all the years.




I was browsing through my games collection when I came across this, remembering what a fantastic game it is I had to share it.




It's an old game, made in 1990 or so but it is still my all time favorite, and if you look at reviews they have nothing but good things to say about it. It's made by lucasarts - the same company that made Indiana Jones, the star wars movies, force unleashed etc.




It's an adventure puzzle game (a great but dead gaming genre) which requires lateral thinking. You cannot die, the whole storyline is puzzles. You pick up items in the game and have a list of commands you can do such as pick up, open, talk to, use etc. They are the types of puzzles that when you finally figure it out, you slap yourself in the head and think 'it's so logical, how did I not think of it.'




One of the highlights is the insult sword fighting.




The game is full of jokes but they are fairly subtle and you have to be almost looking for them to notice them. Monkey island is the game credited to bringing humor into video games, some people may not like the humor but I find it hilarious. From meeting the blind island lookout and bartering with a used ship salesman to befriending the vegetarian cannibals there are jokes throughout the whole game.




If anyone here hasn't heard of the series I suggest reading a couple reviews and taking a look at the game, I know downloading games isn't talked about here but I think it's the only way to get it because I haven't seen it for sale in many years. There are 4 games in the series, but the first is easily the best as long as you can put up with the old graphics. You also need an emulator called scumvm to play it. Just don't use a walk through because it really will ruin the game.




If you are the type who likes puzzles and lateral thinking, can appreciate subtle humor and realize graphics don't make the game than I am positive you will love the game.




A lot of people here probably haven't heard of it but those who have can discuss how awesome it is. <3:

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I've been meaning to catch up on old graphic adventure games, but they are way at the bottom of my list. I own 45 games I haven't played yet, half of which are unopened (I've had an injured wrist for 6 months now). After that, though, I'll probably ebay the Monkey Island series, Day of the Tentacle, and Full Throttle (the Lucasarts adventures). The only Lucasarts adventure I've played is Grim Fandango, and I think that's the last one they released. One day, though, I'll get to these (and the old Sierra adventures like King's Quest).

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These games were great, I had The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge, Indiana Jones Last Crusade and Indiana Jones the Fate of Atlantis. I played them all the time when i was a kid.




My friend had Day of the Tentacle and Sam and Max, which were good.

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Wow! I love all these kind of games! Monkey Island was an amazing Quadrology, i heard that they might make a 5th in a couple of years if the others become Classics, lol And Indiana Jones is awesome to, Me and my dad used to play the infernal machine together, then we got stuck at the final boss and we left it lol.

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The best game ever, in my opinion. It has that nostalgic feeling that makes you want to play it again even when you beat it 5 times. I think they pretty much messed it with MI 3, and put the final nail in the coffin with the 4th game. I wish they don't make a fift game, they need to let it end, before they make it even worse.




Oh, and you forgot to mention you can actually die, Guybrush only holds his breath for 10 minutes :lol:

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Oh, and you forgot to mention you can actually die, Guybrush only holds his breath for 10 minutes :lol:




I heard that in the 4th when you dive in the water looking for the bank loot, if you wait for 10 minutes guybrush swims to the surface for air or something.




ah, good ol' Nostalgia X)


Good Game. Maybe this should be a thread about the old games you used to play.




Good idea I'll change the title, and then add another classic game called phantasie later on.

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Tetris has to me my favourite classic, and I still play it quite a bit. It's only a simple idea but it works really well imo.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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That game was so [bleep]ing long, I never even got close to beating it as a kid.








A lot of my classic favorites were DOS games, stuff like Duke Nukem I+II, all of the apogee games, ect. Sidescrollers back in those days were king and in all honesty I think the PC had some of the best (halloween harry, duke nukem I+II, Dark Ages, ect.) available on it.






I really should download and get DOS Box working to be honest. :P

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I played this back when it came out (1995). It was my favorite game for the longest time even though it was really hard. I just recently got it to work on XP (without using emulators of any kind) and played it. It's so freaking hard! I can't even gat back to the rank I was when I was younger because I keep getting shot down and captured.

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This was an example of what rpg games should be. IMO it has never really been topped. It was also remade for PlayStation in which they added animated cutscenes and kept the game the same beyond that. I kind of feel the cutscenes ruined the feeling of the game but that's my own personal opinion.

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