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Christians: Why do you go to mass?


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First of all, I grew up as a Christian, but I consider myself agnostic. Why? Because I don't believe in Jesus Christ nor do I believe in the Bible.




Yet I go to mass 2-3 times a month on Sundays during the 10:30 mass. Not only do I go to mass, I'm actually a volunteer usher. I'll admit I only started to do this because I needed to fill up the 40 hr volunteer requirement for high school diploma.




But as I completed my 40 hrs (a year ago or so), I came to realize the importance of religion in the community. I see it like a glue that holds the community together. Going to mass for me transcends the ridiculousness of religion and rather go to contribute to society/community. The part where this really shines is when the priest asks you to wish each other the sign of peace.




I'm 18 years old and for the better first half of my life, I was forced to go to mass as a Christian. Now as an adult, I go to mass freely as an agnostic.




Not to mention I love the choir's music. :-)

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I barely ever go, except on important holidays, but when I do go, it's because I'm forced. Just because I'm forced though, doesn't mean I don't get something out of it. I could care less about what Jesus and his friends did 2,000 years ago, but when the priest tells a story in real life relating to that day's gospel, I get a lot of lessons out of it. I also love it when he says "the mass has ended." It's like the school bell ringing at the end of the day :lol:

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I had to go to church with my great grandma, and it was soooooo boring...I did not believe in Jesus or anything like that, and tried to get through it without falling asleep. They always had good lunches after church, but I was surrounded by old ladies who wanted to know if I liked to play with dolls.

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Even though I'm not religious, I think church is a positive for the community. Every time my family drags me there, I see lots of friendly people greeting each other. That might have something to do with being under the roof of The Almighty though.

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They're just "i are holier than thou" stuck up average christian.












Anyways, I think "Mass" is for Catholics. I'm not Catholic.




I go to Church because my parents make me, sometimes of my own free will, but usually not. I believe in all the God, Jesus and Holy Spirit stuff, I just don't feel connected to the church that my parents drag me to, I am sure I could find one that I actually like.

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Mass is usually Catholic, but we'll skip over that...




First of all, your ideas of why you are agnostic are, well, not agnosticism. Jesus Christ is a proven historical figure. I could find my Bible and hold it. I think you mean you don't accept Jesus as your savior, nor the Bible as God's Word. I just hate when people act like Jesus was something people made up.




I do like your story, very much. It's good to see people experiencing this, even if they aren't exactly religious.




Anyways, I rarely go to church. Often it's simply to experience it, or I'm going with someone, or the day's sermon/pastor sound interesting. I prefer worshiping on my own.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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The power of the community is good! (nothing to do with God).

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Christians don't go to Mass, those people are Catholics.


Two other people already said that... :?




Even though I'm not religious, I think church is a positive for the community. Every time my family drags me there, I see lots of friendly people greeting each other. That might have something to do with being under the roof of The Almighty though.




Yeah, when I was a kid, I hated mass. I can't stand still for more than 2 mins and I can't kneel for more than 10 secs. But it was interesting to see how so many people my parents knew from the community. If it wasn't for church, my parents would see those people once every blue moon. It kind of keeps a tighter knit because it gives people a reason to dress up and go out once a week.

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I go when people get married or die.




Personally, I wouldn't get married or have my funeral in a church. I don't go in my normal life, why spend 2 very important parts of my life there? :?




^Would be one hell of a convo with my parents when I tell them that. :lol:



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Parents forced me to go til I was like 7, I don't even know why. I think the Priest was hiting on me or something.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I'll admit, I honestly can't pay attention during a bunch of sermons. Today's sermon was on a passage that appealed to me, so I actually listened, but usually my mind will wander off.


Anyway, I don't know if I'm forced to, as I've never tried not going. (Other than when I'm sick) My parents are both devout Christians though, and so is my sister, so even if they would let me skip (Which I wouldn't), it wouldn't go so well.


I go as I guess my faith isn't fully developed yet, and to simply learn more about Christianity. And I have friends there that I don't see anywhere else, I'd actually consider most of them higher up than my school friends.


And yea, unless it's one of those Fundamentalist churches (WBC?), then usually more good comes out of it than bad.


I've gained some respect for you by the way, good for you. I should follow in my family's footsteps and start helping out more... :|


(I'm Protestant for the record, but whatever. Mass is basically the same as church.)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Christians don't go to Mass, those people are Catholics.


Catholics are Christian too. That statement sounded like they were different groups.




I was forced to go to church as I went to a catholic school. I just made origami out of the pamphlets to pass the time lol.

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Only recently has my school officially become secular, it was founded with the Church of England as it's primary religion. So i've always had to go to Christian religious assemblies once a week. I actually quite like the idea of coming together for quiet reflection, bad hymn singing and (usually pertinent) thoughts from whoever's taking the assembly. Of course outwardly, everyone hates it, but I bet there are more people like me who just like the enforced quiet reflection once a week. There's so much pressure to always be doing something, to always be filling your life with something that having to sit and listen and think for half an hour without the sense that you should be doing something else is really quiet nice. I can imagine that's why a lot of people go, it forces them to make time to reflect.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Christians don't go to Mass, those people are Catholics.


Catholics are Christian too. That statement sounded like they were different groups.




I was forced to go to church as I went to a catholic school. I just made origami out of the pamphlets to pass the time lol.


Well, when it comes to this, most other Christians refer to it as church or temple, Catholics always say Mass.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I'm a Catholic, I go to Mass every Sunday and on all 6 Holy days of Obligation. In Chicago less than half of the 2+ million registered Catholics go to Mass when they're supposed to. What about the rest of them? Surely they can give an hour with their Lord, a tiny fraction of the hours they spend awake? Its a shame that you call yourself a Catholic when you don't go to Mass every week and don't know what the Holy Days of Obligation are (Christmas, Immaculate Conception, Assumption, Mary Mother of God, All Saints Day, Ascension). Is because they get bored of it? Its an hour of prayer. You have to be pretty weak to not stand one hour. Its inconvenient to get up in the morning? Most churches have masses at 5 Pm on Saturdays for those that can't make it on Sunday. Too far away from the church? There shouldn't be any excuse for that. Unless you live in an obscure town thats 200 miles from the nearest church. On vacation? There are churches everywhere. In Florida I went to a church that was made specifically for tourists, and had full attendence at every Mass. The only time you're excused from Mass is if there's an emergency.




My pastor noticed a weakening in the number of people attending church. So he added a small breakfast after some of the sunday Masses. He hoped people would come to the Mass at first just for the food after and slowly realize they should be attending more. Its helping a little bit and gives Mass attenders something to look foreward to. He also made sure the time of the Mass breakfasts was slightly random. You never know if it was the 10:30 Mass or 12:00. The only way to find out was to attend Mass and listen to the announcements at the end for the breakfasts the week after, or just come at the end of every mass to see if it was happening. I found the whole issue quite humorous. ;)


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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I'm a Catholic, I go to Mass every Sunday and on all 6 Holy days of Obligation. In Chicago less than half of the 2+ million registered Catholics go to Mass when they're supposed to. What about the rest of them? Surely they can give an hour with their Lord, a tiny fraction of the hours they spend awake? Its a shame that you call yourself a Catholic when you don't go to Mass every week and don't know what the Holy Days of Obligation are (Christmas, Immaculate Conception, Assumption, Mary Mother of God, All Saints Day, Ascension). Is because they get bored of it? Its an hour of prayer. You have to be pretty weak to not stand one hour. Its inconvenient to get up in the morning? Most churches have masses at 5 Pm on Saturdays for those that can't make it on Sunday. Too far away from the church? There shouldn't be any excuse for that. Unless you live in an obscure town thats 200 miles from the nearest church. On vacation? There are churches everywhere. In Florida I went to a church that was made specifically for tourists, and had full attendence at every Mass. The only time you're excused from Mass is if there's an emergency.




My pastor noticed a weakening in the number of people attending church. So he added a small breakfast after some of the sunday Masses. He hoped people would come to the Mass at first just for the food after and slowly realize they should be attending more. Its helping a little bit and gives Mass attenders something to look foreward to. He also made sure the time of the Mass breakfasts was slightly random. You never know if it was the 10:30 Mass or 12:00. The only way to find out was to attend Mass and listen to the announcements at the end for the breakfasts the week after, or just come at the end of every mass to see if it was happening. I found the whole issue quite humorous. ;)

vacations are to escape from regular life and the stresses of it. Plus, I am allowed to believe in God and Jesus Christ without having to go to a meeting every week. Does not going to church make you any less of a believer?
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I barely ever go, except on important holidays, but when I do go, it's because I'm forced. Just because I'm forced though, doesn't mean I don't get something out of it. I could care less about what Jesus and his friends did 2,000 years ago, but when the priest tells a story in real life relating to that day's gospel, I get a lot of lessons out of it. I also love it when he says "the mass has ended." It's like the school bell ringing at the end of the day :lol:
It's exactly the same for me, and for some reason i get really sleepy during mass =/

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Well I don't actually go to mass, as such. I go to Communion. I don't go because i'm force to. I don't go because of peer pressure (my sister is liek teh hardcore (which is good)), But I go on my own free will. I feel connected with God there, and I feel connected to the world. I go because I believe in Him, and to learn about Jesus. But being honest, I can't stand the sermons unless there buy our Youth Pastor. Our priest, she sorta drones on and on, so I usually whip out a bible and just do my own reading. Either that or go off with the Sunday School kiddies. :lol: 8-)

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