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9/11 7 years later


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Out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say "You people"?


Hmm, reading my own post I mis-phrased that. I meant people who still go on about 9/11 all the time. I mean, it was terrible, but it's very far into the past now. We should be concentrating on present and future issues relating to terrorism instead of dwelling on the past.


Many times more people (civilians and soldiers, and somehow, not many people do seem to count the civilians) have died in Iraq due to the violence than in 9/11, a lot of them unmourned. It doesn't seem right to repeatedly focus on a select handful of the innocent casualties every anniversary of their death, let them be.

~ W ~



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Summary of 9/11




-terroists flew planes into twin towers.


-towers fall down.


-a lot of people died/were missing.


-America became over security conscious.


-now we have to wait 50 minutes longer to board a damn plane.


-My cell phone is monitored.


-Our country realized our security sucked.






On a more serious note:




Yes it was a tragedy, yes we should remember it. But honest to God, I don't think we should remember EVERY FRICKING TRAGEDY as if it was a World War/Major War. There are so many tragedies that no one probably knows about /remembers that has happened in other countries/ or here. I am sick of people over dramatizing/over reacting to ever little event. Yes I had an uncle who was killed when the towers collapsed. BUT I GOT OVER IT!!


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Summary of 9/11




-terroists flew planes into twin towers.


-towers fall down.


-a lot of people died/were missing.


-America became over security conscious.


-now we have to wait 50 minutes longer to board a damn plane.


-My cell phone is monitored.


-Our country realized our security sucked.






On a more serious note:




Yes it was a tragedy, yes we should remember it. But honest to God, I don't think we should remember EVERY FRICKING TRAGEDY as if it was a World War/Major War. There are so many tragedies that no one probably knows about /remembers that has happened in other countries/ or here. I am sick of people over dramatizing/over reacting to ever little event. Yes I had an uncle who was killed when the towers collapsed. BUT I GOT OVER IT!!




Because we're "over security conscious" we haven't been attacked again.




Yes it was a tragedy, yes we should remember it. But honest to God, I don't think we should remember EVERY FRICKING TRAGEDY.





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I am sick of people over dramatizing/over reacting to ever little event.




So it's not okay to overreact to numerous buildings collapsing in Manhattan out of the blue because of hatred, but it's okay for you to overreact about the fact that it upsets people. Pick one or the other. Accept living in a world with overreactions, or stop overreacting yourself. And yes, I consider your post overreacting.




PS: Are we supposed to remember it or not? You contradicted yourself as Danger pointed out.

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This was a tragedy. A lot of people find it's interesting to talk about it to other people as it makes them feel better. If you just came around to go "lol gf get over it", then just don't post. Respect other people's emotions please. :|


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Well, not to sound harsh, it was awful, but get over yourself. Anyone still moaning needs to stop handing out invitations to their pity parties.






It happened seven years ago, why do you guys care? When Bush stepped in to stop it you guys flame him irl 'cause you think it's cool to do so. If you really did care about the awful thing that happened, then support Bush and the war. And also, fyi, we really don't need to make a new topic, do we make one every year on December 7th? No...




And what is there to discuss?

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Well, not to sound harsh, it was awful, but get over yourself. Anyone still moaning needs to stop handing out invitations to their pity parties.




This is quite funny. I can use almost the same argument against you: Stop moaning about other people moaning.




Does it really bother you that much? :|




It happened seven years ago, why do you guys care? When Bush stepped in to stop it you guys flame him irl 'cause you think it's cool to do so. If you really did care about the awful thing that happened, then support Bush and the war. And also, fyi, we really don't need to make a new topic, do we make one every year on December 7th? No...




Just because people feel bad about the victims doesn't mean they should all support retaliation.




And what is there to discuss?




There are 8 pages. Read in between the lines. 8-)

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It's not the fact that they are the enemy or not, but to not give them a fair trial is unjust. Regardless of what side they are on, they deserve a chance to plead their case. What they don't deserve is to be tortured, interrogated ruthlessly, and mentally abused in order to get information. I think there was some convention in Geneva that dealt with those issues...


They were getting trials. They're called military tribunals and they let people make their case. Also, where in the Constitution does it say we have to give prisoners of war constitutional rights? This is war. If torturing someone will get our military information that can be used to save American lives, then that's what needs to be done. Not to mention that the people from our side that they capture are probably tortured quite a bit more and treated much more poorly than those that we capture.




Tell me why, aside from 1993, we haven't been attacked on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001454.html We're no closer to catching the so called "master-mind" behind the 9/11 attacks, so in my eyes both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars ARE COMPLETE FAILURES. As long as Bin-Laden is still alive, he can orchestrate anything he wants to. Bush has single-handedly ruined our country.


Ummm... You left out Oklahoma city and all the embassy bombings. Afghanistan was a mission to try and find Bin Laden while also freeing the people from the oppressive Taliban and keeping the Taliban from supporting more terrorist attacks. I agree that we haven't won there, yet, but I expect to start hearing more good news from there as we start moving people over from Iraq. And Iraq wasn't about catching the "mastermind." Iraq was about making sure Saddam didn't have any WMD's (something most politicians and military/intelligence personel agreed that he had), liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam's oppressive rule, and ending the funding of terrorists by Saddam.




Let me give you a chart to show you how he has ruined this country.


War costs money. Add that to the facts that Congress has been on a [social/economic] spending spree (something I don't agree with; markets should work on their own and government handouts only make people dependent on the government) and that the Bush tax cuts actually increased revenue and I'd say he's done a pretty good job.




Oh and let me guess. You associate my un-patriotic ideas with Democrats. Really, I congratulate you, you make jackattack sound like a prophet If you really wanted to know, I'm Apathetic. When Ron Paul dropped out of the race, I found there to be no choice in the election. I'm actually quite apposed to the two-party system. It leaves us no choice aside from Democrat or Republican. Which in turn means that we will never be able to change our system unless there is a complete government overthrow. Also commonly known as a revolution.


Okay, so I shouldn't have made the comment about who I thought you supported. Forgive me. As for the two-party system, I would agree that it has its problems, but that discussion topic isn't related to this one, so I'll leave it at that. However, I do believe that the majority of un-patriotic people in the U.S. are liberals because liberals have been proclaiming failure in Iraq ever since we went in (although some of them are coming to see that we're close to victory, now).

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0 rows returned

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Also, where in the Constitution does it say we have to give prisoners of war constitutional rights? This is war.




ha, no it's not, War is when two armies are attacking eachother, we invaded, overthrew saddam and now we're just making sure no one steals any of their chickens


1. a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.


2. a state or period of armed hostility or active military operations: The two nations were at war with each other.


3. a contest carried on by force of arms, as in a series of battles or campaigns: the War of 1812.


I bolded the key parts. Just because they don't belong to any particular nation or aren't organized the same way as a conventional army doesn't mean we can't be at war with them.

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

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Were the Patriots a non governmental organization that directly targeted civillians?


Tax collectors = civilians.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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When did the Revolutionary army target tax collectors?


Ahh, not so "goodie-goodie patriotic" eh? The tax collectors were publicly humilated and some were reported as 'missing'.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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When did the Revolutionary army target tax collectors?


Ahh, not so "goodie-goodie patriotic" eh? The tax collectors were publicly humilated and some were reported as 'missing'.


Tar and feathering ftw. I believe that was one of the methods, sorry if I'm wrong.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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When did the Revolutionary army target tax collectors?


Ahh, not so "goodie-goodie patriotic" eh? The tax collectors were publicly humilated and some were reported as 'missing'.


Tar and feathering ftw. I believe that was one of the methods, sorry if I'm wrong.


Aye that was. Bascially after that, some folks blockcaded their house not letting them exit. Some got hurt pretty badly.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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The Continental Congress or General Washington never did. Mobs did.


The Continental Congress and George Washington as a leader came years after tax officers were being tarred and feathered; they are completely unrelated. The mobs were not trying to start a revolution and none of the colonists even wanted to separate from England, but to them the Intolerable Acts were taking it too far on England's part. They were not represented in Parliament and the King had ignored repeated attempts from the Colonists and from Benjamin Franklin (who was living in London at the time). They wanted to show that they were not going to sit back as England unfairly taxed them. They just wanted to make a statement and then go back into being English subjects.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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