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pvp worlds


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I had my pre-order for Metal Gear Solid 3 for over 3 years... I checked the site daily to see when it was coming out... Then when it did, it was well worth it.




Good things come to those who wait.




I preordered Duke Nukem Forever in 2001 after the E3 trailer was shown. Worst decision of my life v -.- v




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For the Player Killers, it is like Christmas for them. They are getting what they wanted after so long, so it is natural that they get excited and over anticipated. Also, who cares if they stay in Edgeville asking "Is it coming yet?", they are aloud to have hopes and dreams right? Do there actions affect yours?

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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all i hear is:"when is the wild coming back?" People are so stupid. they wait in edgeville and the wild thinking that pvp will actually come. it vexes me that they keep on asking it. why cant they wait?




People do many weird things when they want something,


I'm sure alot of Tip.Iters (including me) have been through it \' *Thinks of waiting for Summonings release*

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all i hear is:"when is the wild coming back?" People are so stupid. they wait in edgeville and the wild thinking that pvp will actually come. it vexes me that they keep on asking it. why cant they wait?


I can't wait when everyone who HASN'T read the news posts realises that the pvp worlds will NOT be like the wild.


1. it will give drops, but not what the player is wearing; it will be like killing a monster: you get a random drop.


2. there will be pking ANYWHERE with lvls in cities similar to bh if I'm not mistaken (though this may change)


3. I hope that they fix the "running" tactic of the cln wars before pvp worlds. They run from people even though they have no food and they're poisoned and the only way to heal is to die....yeah...that's REALLY smart to run. Especially since they don't lose/gain anything for kills except "You pwnt noobster5236" in the chat box. If thy don't fix this before pvp worlds, there will be a lot of rants of people going into safe-spots (trust me, there WILL be some sort of safe-respawn site.)




I'll stick to the rp worlds, thank you very much \'

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Vexes, that's a pretty big word.. did ya look it up in the thesaurus?




Vexes is only five letters. The root word is only three.




By the way, people are just too impatient. And I really don't know why. I mean, unless you're on your deathbed, being impatient is useless.

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What? they complain for months and protest for months for good wilderness\PVP with rewards to come back... People like YOU say "omg noob, Jagex said they will never come back, because what jagex says is always the truth!"




NOW jagex is bringing back mass PVP WITH rewards and you are still complaining that they aren't patient enough. Get over it and go skill.. and no I've never been a pker and I will never be a pker.

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This question nibbles at my sanity, I can't imagine what it would be like for a P-mod, let alone a J-mod.


I see the question every time I see a mod speak in public chat, even before these updates were announced. If they asked me that often, I'd probably be mentally unfit to play Rune Scape within a few weeks! It's just one of those things that get to me for some reason...


It's what I do


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I can't see how a little overeagerness is worth vexing over! I'd get more vexed if we start seeing riots of "pk soon or we'll hit you with a spoon!" (lol not exactly as catchy as "no pk no play" but you get the picture). I think they have every bit the right to be excited but I don't think its too wise of them to get overhyped about it eh heh. I think its best if you just grant them this temporary bit of jubilee and not bash 'em too much for enjoying it while they can ;).


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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I can't see how a little overeagerness is worth vexing over! I'd get more vexed if we start seeing riots of "pk soon or we'll hit you with a spoon!" (lol not exactly as catchy as "no pk no play" but you get the picture). I think they have every bit the right to be excited but I don't think its too wise of them to get overhyped about it eh heh. I think its best if you just grant them this temporary bit of jubilee and not bash 'em too much for enjoying it while they can ;).




I doubt anyone's expecting some sort of intellectual brilliance from a group of players who sit in a video game and call it rioting.




Although it'd be funny if the rioters got perma muted, just so close to the update!




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