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The job you wished you had


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As a kid we all had our perfect jobs in mind. Some of us wanted to be firemen. Others wanted to be lawyers. Doctors, policemen and politicians all danced around in our minds. So, now that(most of us) have a matured a bit, I wonder what everyone's ideal job would be.








To start it off, mine would be a doctor. Probably either in the fields of orthopedic surgery or just a general physician. I hope to go to medical school after majoring in either biology or biochemistry. I love the human body and how everything works together. As a kid I wanted to be a computer programmer, but after having some experience in that field now...I've discovered that it's not for me.








So what would your dream job be?

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I've wanted to be various things over time. These include being a highschool teacher, either chemistry or computer science, or a SWAT team member, specifically a sniper or a hostage negotiator. Now, I'm looking at going into either the foreign service or the national security agency. I'd be doing linguistic analysies and the like.

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Well when I was younger I always wanted to be a professional footballer (the same as most of my friends).




Nowadays I don't really know what would be my dream job really, but I'd really like a job abroad, somewhere warm like Australia :P Something which would give me a decent amount of money also :wink:

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What do I want to be when I grow up? A father. :)




As far as jobs go though, my dream job is writing. I would love to have well-written and published novels, short stories, poetry, and articles. I can't think of many jobs I'd enjoy more than making writing my profession.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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well when i way younger, i always thought of being an astrounaught (sp?). But then i learned how scary it is to be in space, and that its better to observe from earth :oops: :wink:








Then after meeting up witha friend who loved dinousaurse, and watching jerassic park, i wanted to be a paliotoligist. Then i learned that it was very boring :x








Then i thought "hey my dad was a cool role modle (till i learned stuff :x ), i want to be him!" so i wanted to be a silk screen printer. Just always thougt of it as the fall back job.








Then i got into computers, and always wanted to be a programmer/technition. But i dont know how i ended up not wanting that as a job. (Now i want to learn how to program as a hobbie, so im taking programing for the rest of highschool).








Then i cam to the job i want now, and has to do with my favourite school subject. Science. I have always like science, and always will. And since its my favourite class, i want to teach it! So when i get out of highschool, im gonna get my degrees in chemistery and bioligy, then go to teachers collage :D








Ive planed my futer, and not many 15 year olds do that!








Edit: BTW, 1 year ago, i wanted to be an engrish teacher instead, lol what a mastake that would of been, look at my spelling!


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I wished I was a thief. Not the typical bank robber who goes in with masks and gun but like Oceans 11 type thief where I take it and I'm gone before they know it. But I don't have the guts to actually do something like that and I just wouldn't feel right doing it.








But since I will probably never do that I'd like to be a professional poker player.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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My dream job would be a professional writer of fantasy & sci-fi fiction. English is my worst class though. I don't like it because they force you to write stuff you don't want to write about. Not only do I dislike writing anything relating to real life, I can't. I just freeze up, and stare at the paper, because I don't know what to write. On one assignment I got a long time ago, it said something like "A good writer writes about a topic they enjoy. Choose something your interested in, and go with it! Here is your topic: School Activities" - Could I change it? No. So much for choosing something I'm interested in, hypocrites.








So there goes any chances at that career.

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i would like to get into game making, but seeing i would never be able to do that(aint to good at 3d graphics, you have to be awesome).








so im thinking of becoming a lawyer. although the years in uni put me off it, everyone i met say i would be a good lawyer.








for a few reasons




-excellent arguer, hardly ever lose even when im wrong




-very convincing




-ask for lots of money(they get payed lots, and i want lots :D )








im thinking about it, still got to finish high school first :D

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My dream job would have something to do with technology. I'd love to become a video game designer... I always look at video games and think of ways they could be better. :D And I know I'd enjoy it. Money doesn't really matter to me. Just as long as I have a job that I enjoy.

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When I was little I wanted to be a blacksmith :oops:








Then I learned it really isn't popular these days :P








Now I'm constantly switching between hardware and software =\








Can't decide!


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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So there goes any chances at that career.




It's not dead yet. If you honestly want to write, sit down and write.




Don't think about it - just sit down and do it ;)




















Anyhow, dream job? I honestly don't know.




CEO of a software company most likely.








I honestly don't know. The subjects I did in HS could've let me into any career path.




I ultimately chose IT though... So I guess, IT for the win.









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My real dream would be to be like the computer version of all those custom car shops ant etc.. Building custom rigs all modded-out and all that Jazz..








The problem as I see it though is that 1, custom computers are really a niche market right now, and 2, hardly anyone would want to drop a lot of money on a rig only to have it be obsolete in less than 2 years. So, I'd have to wait until the market grew and the technology stabalized to where things don't go out of date so quickly..
















Being realistic, an electrical engineer or something along those lines..

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Hmmmm... I would have to say writer or video game designer because it would be fun to have a job that lets you use your imagination








BTW anyone miss me while I was gone?



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I've had plenty of dream jobs, just cant decide.








I wanted to be a drummer when I was 9, but then my mother put me on another class(instead of the music class)and it's not useless so start playing drums.








I would also enjoy being a security-man in a shop / e.g, or a police.

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When I was young I wanted to be a lawyer or a pilot. Now those dreams are over and I'll be happy to do a job I like, that's perfect enough. We have to do it over 40 years, so.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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age 10: actor




age 13: rock star




age 15: 'go away, society sucks and im not a part of it'




age 18: writer




age 20: software developer












I currently work for an 'puter company as an ICT support technician.

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Professional DJ (one who works in superclubs/ibiza)




You basically spin a set for an hour and get VIP entrance to clubs for free. All the girls there love you and know your name, and music is practically dominant in my lifestyle.




Realistically, i'd like to do technical work for bands (improving the quality of audio etc.) get to work with bands and listen to good music all day, aswell as use my hobby as a job.

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If I make it out of boot camp, my job for the next 5+ yrs wll be an MP.












I originally wanted to be a truck driver(Father is one) or teacher.



Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune.


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I originally wanted to be a truck driver(Father is one)








I hear ya mate, people seem to think you're weird if you think a truck driver is a good job, but it truly would be amazing, driving for hours upon end with the wind in your hair, getting to see so many different places, and eating chunky breakfasts every day :D

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Well, I'm not entirely sure of what I wanted to do when I was a child, untill recently, I always wanted to be involved in some sort of Video Game making process. (Be it Concept Design, Graphical Design, Programming, Marketing and so on)








How ever I have started to want to do differant things in the last couple of months. (Probably a good thing at 16, just before I start to select the subjects I will be doing for my VCE)








Here's a little list.








Marketing - I love seeing the ads on TV and think that some of them are brilliant, and then I see others and think, 'Dang, I could do so much better than that'. I Also think that it is a fairly well paying job, and that I would enjoy making up crazy ads to amuse people.








Pyrotechnician - I've always enjoyed watching Fireworks displays, and to an extent, been fascianted with Fire, not a pyromanic, but I've always had interest it in. I think that it would be an entirely fun job to do.








Backstage Manager - I think that being the person behind the scenes running the large scale Production would be a interesting Job. I think it would be good to watch the actors and such, and do light queing and so on. Seeing as I have no acting talent at all, something around this sort of career would be as close as I would get, but that would suit me fine.








Well, Now you know what I WANT to be, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope eh?









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