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Barrow gloves on my zerker pure and 138cb main unbanned!

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Got these a hour ago at 70cb died once at the mother dagg part because sued iron arrows and bolt spells lol got 59 mage went back with rune arrows and blasts owned it!






Next goals is 70 range and fire cape =[] then torso and make ags money




And my main got unbanned few mintues ago here stats *doing slayer was banned during a spirit mage trip* around 55k to 96 range 180k to 91 slayer and 150k off 30m hp xp =[]








Muted 5 days all my friends add sdn thirty talk on there not going quit this pure yet lol will have members on sdn30 tonight!






By the way rate my barrow gloves at 70cb!






Summon level is 96 not 93 btw

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So you got unbanned, then shortly thereafter you get a 5 day mute. Nice job.




Yes I got muted after 2 mins of being unbanned :wall:




They mute everyone unbanned for 5 days for a security reason they said in letter i got

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SHane!!!! omg hai!!




I r f2p now so my list is full and i deleted you when you got banned... but ill add you on my skiller til i get membs back and can add on you dwarve










o and 10/10/10/10

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Too bad sgs went down probably 50m since you bought, and dfs down 10m :o




Grats to see you back, even though you removed me i guess :P


Sig made by Dragon100177/Hatebringer.

Triplewich's Blog

Solo Drops: Saradomin Hilt: 1xBando Hilt:1x Bando Tasset:2x Bando Plate:1x Godsword Shards:3x Saradomin Sword:5x

Team Drops(CS): 1x Saradomin Hilt: 2x Saradomin Sword

Team Drops(LS): 1x Saradomin Hilt

Metal Dragon Maging/Ranging/Meleeing Guide by Triplewich

11,026th to 99 mage!!!51,536 to 99 Str!!!30,960 to 99 Range!!!47,435 to 99 HP!!!2,048 to 99 COnstruction!!!72,957 to 99 Att!!!

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YAY your back :D. Gl with Sdn, hopefully all 99s sometime next year? And forget all those people who think you should be banned.

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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YAY your back :D. Gl with Sdn, hopefully all 99s sometime next year? And forget all those people who think you should be banned.




Never getting 99 noncombat =p I don't care about them I love the fact people hating me means I'm doing something right =D>

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Sdn, commas are a part of the English language for a reason, use them.






Even thoughh I hate you, I gotta say 9\10, on the reward. But getting an acc unbanned isn't really an achievement. (I'd say that to anyone.)

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Sdn, commas are a part of the English language for a reason, use them.






Even thoughh I hate you, I gotta say 9\10, on the reward. But getting an acc unbanned isn't really an achievement. (I'd say that to anyone.)




Wasn't part of the achievement was psoting so all my friends would know I'm muted and to add sdn thirty to talk. :wall:

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God these trollers, they'd annoy the hell out of you. :| Seems people can't "forgive and forget."


Welcome back Sdn, its great to see your still going strong! <3:




Great work on having barrow gloves on your pure.


And goodluck on future goals!




*slaps on the backside* Stay out of trouble you. <3:

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