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"You attack first! No you attack first!"


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OK, first of all you dumb "lets use protect pray" people need to shut up. Whats the point of pking if you are just going to use a protect prayer? I'll tell u...NONE. You guys are the dumb ones, pures aren't noobs they just know how to pk and get a kill.




It's there for a reason, and I'm going to make all the freakin use out of it as i can. Call me a prayer noob all you want, I'll be the once dancing on your grave and enjoying the nice items you kindly donated me.




Let me ask you this have you ever pked someone your combat level praying and actually gotten good loot? I know for a fact that the answer is no




Umm then you don't pk much, because i can say prayer has allowed me to K.O even higher levels that pray also. I have gottin good loot before, my first whip came from a pker back in the old wildy, such a generous man. I have to say, prayer is what got me it.




So go ahead and complain all you want, I'll always use prayer, and I garentee that like i said a second ago Ill be the one dancing on your grave.


Gained first quest cape on 3/22/09! Gained 99 fishing 5/22/09!

I forgot when I got 99 cooking!

Proud member of Jovial Rovers

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Lusciousboom shut up please its been stated many time before in previous that many high end pures have prayer including myself, and pures do own people there lvl because I doubt any lvl 60 melee mains accs could beat lvl 60 Mage pure with 94mage. Aslo personally I've almost got owned by a lvl 77 range pure ( he had range cape).



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Want to talk about Prayer? Do it there instead of here.




Sorry if this is thread hijacking.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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I hate the idiots that did what you said and also got mad at us for using prayer. Hey, pures, [bleep] you. I'm going to use piety and protect from melee whenever I want.




Nothing wrong with using prayer, but using any protect pray is just nooby.




This is just pathetic. Just because most pures dont have the brains to understand the fact that the skills are there to be used, doesnt meen you are a noob for using them. Why was is there iven such a skill as prayer, or such a prayer as frotect from ___ if it would be nooby to use it... Its called tactic.






Lmao, no my friend it is called lack of tactic.




Having to rely on a protect prayer instead of pure skill.




It's pathetic.




All right, you know what? I'm not even going to read the rest of the thread. This post sums up everything that irritates me now about pvp.




I know why your calling us, "Pathetic", and "skillless". It's because your frustrated.




When pures first started to appear, everyone was excited. People thought that they had found a way to beat the system, and murder everyone at their level. They thought that something had slipped through the cracks, and that Jagex had overlooked something. THEY WERE WRONG. Jagex DESIGNED THE ALGORITHM FOR LEVELING. They KNEW that these "pures" would have to sacrifice a skill or two in order to keep a low level. ONE OF THOSE WAS PRAYER.




As a pure, you have this mindset that you should control the wilderness. I don't know HOW this happened, but it is extremely frustrating. If you want to act high and mighty, and act like someone should hand over all of their items just because YOU decided to gimp yourself to attempt to kill people your OWN LEVEL, then I really don't feel like you deserve ANY BREAKS AT ALL. I find it astronomically ironic in that someone who made a character who's entire purpose is to catch people their own level off guard, people that have lower stats than the pures' own, and then kill them in an attempt to feel superior, is calling OTHER people cowards for using the SKILLS THAT JAGEX MADE AVAILABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.




SO STOP YOUR [bleep].








You have absolutely no idea what the hell you are ranting about.

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I hate the idiots that did what you said and also got mad at us for using prayer. Hey, pures, [bleep] you. I'm going to use piety and protect from melee whenever I want.




Nothing wrong with using prayer, but using any protect pray is just nooby.




This is just pathetic. Just because most pures dont have the brains to understand the fact that the skills are there to be used, doesnt meen you are a noob for using them. Why was is there iven such a skill as prayer, or such a prayer as frotect from ___ if it would be nooby to use it... Its called tactic.






Lmao, no my friend it is called lack of tactic.




Having to rely on a protect prayer instead of pure skill.




It's pathetic.




All right, you know what? I'm not even going to read the rest of the thread. This post sums up everything that irritates me now about pvp.




I know why your calling us, "Pathetic", and "skillless". It's because your frustrated.




When pures first started to appear, everyone was excited. People thought that they had found a way to beat the system, and murder everyone at their level. They thought that something had slipped through the cracks, and that Jagex had overlooked something. THEY WERE WRONG. Jagex DESIGNED THE ALGORITHM FOR LEVELING. They KNEW that these "pures" would have to sacrifice a skill or two in order to keep a low level. ONE OF THOSE WAS PRAYER.




As a pure, you have this mindset that you should control the wilderness. I don't know HOW this happened, but it is extremely frustrating. If you want to act high and mighty, and act like someone should hand over all of their items just because YOU decided to gimp yourself to attempt to kill people your OWN LEVEL, then I really don't feel like you deserve ANY BREAKS AT ALL. I find it astronomically ironic in that someone who made a character who's entire purpose is to catch people their own level off guard, people that have lower stats than the pures' own, and then kill them in an attempt to feel superior, is calling OTHER people cowards for using the SKILLS THAT JAGEX MADE AVAILABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.




SO STOP YOUR [bleep].







You have absolutely no idea what the hell you are ranting about.




:lol: You've been revealed and you now have to depend on insulting the person's intelligence about what they're talking about.




And you threw in a "hell" to make people think you're being sarcastically correct.

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Alright, lets put something right here.




Praying is often looked down upon not only because of the amount of 0's. But more often then not when the prayer is finally drained they realise "Oh my god, my protect item prayer, Im going to lose my adamant full helm", and sprint towards the nearest exit available, be it teleporting or running towards the wilderniss ditch.




There is a difference between a casual runescape player entering the wilderniss and a Pker. A casual player's mentality is to protect their items, a pkers mentality is to kill their enemy before they can retaliate enough to kill you.




If a casual player fights a pker, he will tank and defend until he is out of food or prayer and then leg it. This means the pker has no chance of defeating the tank, but the tank has less time to inflict damage on the pker, having less chance to kill him.




If a pker fights a pker, both time their eating, time their special attacks and spells for maximum damage to the other and keeping their health at a lesser importancy. This is more often then not a challenging fight. Because both players have a chance of death and a chance to win.




The sign of the wildernis said "Only go in with items you are willing to lose", if you aren't willing to lose your items then why enter?




So go out in adamant if that is the only armour you are willing to lose, and focus on you killing the opponent. Ofcourse if you are willing to lose more you will have the edge over the player who does not, so build that up over time.




My main advice in PvP, don't be a wuss.








Summed up my thoughts exactly

Generally when i throw up i would rather not have it in my mouth :-X
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Personally, i hate the noobs who stand around going, "attack me!" wearing no armor, then when someone finally does, they put on three pieces of rune and attack you. I can't stand this. -.-


There's no real rule against it, but it just seems cheap....it's a dirty backhanded trick. Maybe it's just me, but is there no honor in pking?


Porsche: It's supposed to go in the rear.

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OK, first of all you dumb "lets use protect pray" people need to shut up. Whats the point of pking if you are just going to use a protect prayer? I'll tell u...NONE. You guys are the dumb ones, pures aren't noobs they just know how to pk and get a kill. Let me ask you this have you ever pked someone your combat level praying and actually gotten good loot? I know for a fact that the answer is no since you "lets your protect pray" are just ordinary mains that think: oh let me see if i can 3 item or 1 item and kill some 1 DEF pure or a lower level. Tbh, it takes no skill at all so get skulled and turn your pray off if you think you are all that awesome. I guarantee you will get owned, and badly. Pures own mains(period). Their purpose is to kill people. And need i remind you that the original thread was meant to be for skulling discussion and not for making a fool of yourself?




And so now that thats taken care of, i can move onto the intended discussion.




Yea I have actually have experienced this is in old wild and in PvP, the noobs that walk around with rune pl8 legs and a d scim and ask you to fight and then also expect you to attack first. I see them everywhere and its honestly (making me angry) me off. I think jagex should apply the BH skulls to PvP worlds so we get rid of all the 1 and 3 item noobs.




Thanks for Reading.








dude pures are like hyperactive children, they spend like 20 minutes training strength the declare that all other beings are noobs

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I've been reading this thread and I've registered just so I can join in :mrgreen:




I don't really have anything like high levels but I know what's n00by and using prayer isn't n00by. Fair enough if you're PKing and you've got protect prayers on then yeah it's kind of pointless but people who say that using prayer at all is skilless and n00by are the ones that need to take a reality check. It's a game, for one, there isn't LOTS of skill behind it anyway and one peice of advice I always follow is 'If it works, use it.' I don't know why people could say that a skill it stupid when Jagex put it there for a reason, they meant for it to be used.




So what if I use prayer? if it keeps me alive to fight longer then why not? PKing code and all that rubbish? Hah. It's not my fault you tanked your prayer to be a pure, I didn't, so more power to me. *shrugs*


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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On the subject of PKing code, I find that more often than not, those that say get mad at me for praying because its "against the code" are the ones that tend to run from deathmatches.




So I say your code can rot.

I've come to the conclusion that if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, it makes a sound, but it doesn't matter.

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On the subject of PKing code, I find that more often than not, those that say get mad at me for praying because its "against the code" are the ones that tend to run from deathmatches.




So I say your code can rot.




This. You speak the truth.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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This whole omg "U prayr nubs r BeNt!12!1111!!" is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, take for example i went to varrock city prayer altar in the new pvp and some noob attacked me, now i had nothing but a dds on me coz i knew i'd get jumped there and what do you know i did.




He attacks me and i pray protect melee and i got the whole "omfg praying nub scared of a lvl 90" (im only lvl 93 myself) so the dude flips on his protect from melee, he then calls over his friend and says "lol help me kill this prayer nub" now im next to an altar with nothing but a dds on me. this guy has dds, d scim, fighter torso and zammy skirt. ofcourse im going to pray to try and win. Not only did this noob get ownt he tried to have his friend team me (not multi combat place though lol @ him) so i killed him he calls me a sad prayer nub (he used it aswell and lost) and his friend kills me.




Thats one example of complete noob-ism. Second example is that you pures cry at us for using protect prayers while you ice barrage us and run away so we can't hit you, now if I was to say "ok fair game to him, he freezes me and runs away so we cant fight fairly, i wont use protect prayers coz only losers do that" I'd be a complete newb, However if i were to say use protect from mage and 3 hit you with my dds that would be classed as: Win!




Get a grip you idiots. If it's noob for us to have a defense level over 65 or to have a prayer level of anything above 40 then it must also be noob for you to Ice barrage me and run away so we cannot actually fight fairly. Pking skill? hah. You'll be lucky. You wanna fight without people using prayer? thats what the Duel Arena is for.




Anyways onto the actual topic discussion at hand. I have witnessed the whole you attack first thing even when I was skulled, I had to ask myself if the kid was serious or not and I eventually just left to fight someone who wasn't using just a dds to attempt to get loot.

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My first BH kill was like that. In F2P though.




That's f2p. Although this entire thread aside, I just can't fanthom why you would pray melee in f2p of all places, pvp is so painfully slow there already.


Because it lets me win. People have lower Prayer in F2P.




It got you one kill. Seriously if somebody gets owned by somebody with protect melee in f2p, they should quit RS, they're just that bad. I said earlier that no 14-16 spec through prayer will kill me in p2p. Well, I promise you, no 13 from an r2h would even dent me.




All right, you know what? I'm not even going to read the rest of the thread. This post sums up everything that irritates me now about pvp.




I know why your calling us, "Pathetic", and "skillless". It's because your frustrated.




When pures first started to appear, everyone was excited. People thought that they had found a way to beat the system, and murder everyone at their level. They thought that something had slipped through the cracks, and that Jagex had overlooked something. THEY WERE WRONG. Jagex DESIGNED THE ALGORITHM FOR LEVELING. They KNEW that these "pures" would have to sacrifice a skill or two in order to keep a low level. ONE OF THOSE WAS PRAYER.




As a pure, you have this mindset that you should control the wilderness. I don't know HOW this happened, but it is extremely frustrating. If you want to act high and mighty, and act like someone should hand over all of their items just because YOU decided to gimp yourself to attempt to kill people your OWN LEVEL, then I really don't feel like you deserve ANY BREAKS AT ALL. I find it astronomically ironic in that someone who made a character who's entire purpose is to catch people their own level off guard, people that have lower stats than the pures' own, and then kill them in an attempt to feel superior, is calling OTHER people cowards for using the SKILLS THAT JAGEX MADE AVAILABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.




SO STOP YOUR [bleep].








If you got owned by a pure, you suck, end of discussion. Pures are so completely tame now it's not even funny. And like I said, no pure out there has sacrificed prayer so much that they don't have at the least protect melee. I'm going to quote myself.




I challenge you to find me a viable, effective p2p pure that doesn't have at the very least 44 or 52 prayer. Go on, do it.




I hate this "but the pures don't have prayer" argument, it's [developmentally delayed] and false.






False argument I've dealt with again and again, please l2read. And honestly, most of the true pkers out there aren't even pure. I'm sure as hell not, and I find protect prayers [developmentally delayed].




Dunno if this is a double post, but pull your head out of your nether regions and realize that prayers are our way of evening the playing field against pures.




Jagex didn't exactly create the wilderness so you little tards could run around and kill everybody.




No, they leveled the playing field by redesigning the combat system. You can't even use barrows so yes, your stats are so low that a decent pure might destroy you, but believe me, I'm no pure, and I NEVER had problems with pures because of two reasons; pking skills, and high magic.




It's there for a reason, and I'm going to make all the freakin use out of it as i can. Call me a prayer noob all you want, I'll be the once dancing on your grave and enjoying the nice items you kindly donated me.




Deathmatch me in the duel arena with nothing but generic pking gear. Let's see if you'll have a chance of beating me before I simply run out of pots or food. If you get a ko on me, I'll give you 5m if you have the junk to trade for it. Sound good? Oh, and to make it more wilderness-like, forfeit is on, so let's see if you can drop me before I decide things are going bad and run for the forfeit/ditch.




Oh, and I will record, just fyi. Hypotheticals are only going to go so far here, time to give people a hard dose of reality. I really, really will give you cash if you somehow are able to "dance on my grave", because I know without a shadow of a doubt it ain't gonna happen.




On the subject of PKing code, I find that more often than not, those that say get mad at me for praying because its "against the code" are the ones that tend to run from deathmatches.




So I say your code can rot.




I don't give a [cabbage] about a "code". It's always been a lame term. All I care about is common sense and logic, and that's what the average prayer nub doesn't seem to have.




As such, I make my argument assuming you are pking old school: level 30+ wilderness, where running means almost certain death, and staying for the fight is your only hope- supposing you've already been fighting and are on the verge of loosing that is. And there were many times when I encountered the "you skull first" while pking in deep wild.




What spot did you pk at? I'm just curious...




I am seriously going to invest in an oldschool broken record player. Who needs a keyboard when you can repeat the same stuff at 20 different clueless skillers because they didn't even take the time to read?

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My first BH kill was like that. In F2P though.




That's f2p. Although this entire thread aside, I just can't fanthom why you would pray melee in f2p of all places, pvp is so painfully slow there already.


Because it lets me win. People have lower Prayer in F2P.




It got you one kill. Seriously if somebody gets owned by somebody with protect melee in f2p, they should quit RS, they're just that bad. I said earlier that no 14-16 spec through prayer will kill me in p2p. Well, I promise you, no 13 from an r2h would even dent me.




All right, you know what? I'm not even going to read the rest of the thread. This post sums up everything that irritates me now about pvp.




I know why your calling us, "Pathetic", and "skillless". It's because your frustrated.




When pures first started to appear, everyone was excited. People thought that they had found a way to beat the system, and murder everyone at their level. They thought that something had slipped through the cracks, and that Jagex had overlooked something. THEY WERE WRONG. Jagex DESIGNED THE ALGORITHM FOR LEVELING. They KNEW that these "pures" would have to sacrifice a skill or two in order to keep a low level. ONE OF THOSE WAS PRAYER.




As a pure, you have this mindset that you should control the wilderness. I don't know HOW this happened, but it is extremely frustrating. If you want to act high and mighty, and act like someone should hand over all of their items just because YOU decided to gimp yourself to attempt to kill people your OWN LEVEL, then I really don't feel like you deserve ANY BREAKS AT ALL. I find it astronomically ironic in that someone who made a character who's entire purpose is to catch people their own level off guard, people that have lower stats than the pures' own, and then kill them in an attempt to feel superior, is calling OTHER people cowards for using the SKILLS THAT JAGEX MADE AVAILABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.




SO STOP YOUR [bleep].








If you got owned by a pure, you suck, end of discussion. Pures are so completely tame now it's not even funny. And like I said, no pure out there has sacrificed prayer so much that they don't have at the least protect melee. I'm going to quote myself.




I challenge you to find me a viable, effective p2p pure that doesn't have at the very least 44 or 52 prayer. Go on, do it.




I hate this "but the pures don't have prayer" argument, it's [developmentally delayed] and false.






False argument I've dealt with again and again, please l2read. And honestly, most of the true pkers out there aren't even pure. I'm sure as hell not, and I find protect prayers [developmentally delayed].




Dunno if this is a double post, but pull your head out of your nether regions and realize that prayers are our way of evening the playing field against pures.




Jagex didn't exactly create the wilderness so you little tards could run around and kill everybody.




No, they leveled the playing field by redesigning the combat system. You can't even use barrows so yes, your stats are so low that a decent pure might destroy you, but believe me, I'm no pure, and I NEVER had problems with pures because of two reasons; pking skills, and high magic.




It's there for a reason, and I'm going to make all the freakin use out of it as i can. Call me a prayer noob all you want, I'll be the once dancing on your grave and enjoying the nice items you kindly donated me.




Deathmatch me in the duel arena with nothing but generic pking gear. Let's see if you'll have a chance of beating me before I simply run out of pots or food. If you get a ko on me, I'll give you 5m if you have the junk to trade for it. Sound good? Oh, and to make it more wilderness-like, forfeit is on, so let's see if you can drop me before I decide things are going bad and run for the forfeit/ditch.




Oh, and I will record, just fyi. Hypotheticals are only going to go so far here, time to give people a hard dose of reality. I really, really will give you cash if you somehow are able to "dance on my grave", because I know without a shadow of a doubt it ain't gonna happen.




On the subject of PKing code, I find that more often than not, those that say get mad at me for praying because its "against the code" are the ones that tend to run from deathmatches.




So I say your code can rot.




I don't give a [cabbage] about a "code". It's always been a lame term. All I care about is common sense and logic, and that's what the average prayer nub doesn't seem to have.




As such, I make my argument assuming you are pking old school: level 30+ wilderness, where running means almost certain death, and staying for the fight is your only hope- supposing you've already been fighting and are on the verge of loosing that is. And there were many times when I encountered the "you skull first" while pking in deep wild.




What spot did you pk at? I'm just curious...




I am seriously going to invest in an oldschool broken record player. Who needs a keyboard when you can repeat the same stuff at 20 different clueless skillers because they didn't even take the time to read?




I applaud your determination. Your the only one who has given a VALID counterpoint to the prayer argument from the side of the pures. Your reasoning makes sense, and you can actually see applications of it in the game (Hiei). But keep in mind that my argument is for the F2P version of the game, not P2P.

I've come to the conclusion that if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, it makes a sound, but it doesn't matter.

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If you talk about normal fights, meaning both people want to fight each other, it's normal both don't pray because you can't ever kill each other with pray on unless you're a pure or hybridding in void switching hats and weapons (which requires skill tbh). If someone attacks me and I don't want to fight him because he's not risking anything or just too high lvl or w/e I just don't fight him and use prot pray to get to a safespot.

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The good old discussions between prayer and not, its been a while I've seen them.


Training prayer is timeconsuming, or moneydraining, so if I am going to skill in the new worlds I am defenetly going to use the time I have spend leveling up my prayer.

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I just read the first page, some of the previous page, and got annoyed at the stupid prayer debate.




OK, first of all you dumb "lets use protect pray" people need to shut up. Whats the point of pking if you are just going to use a protect prayer? I'll tell u...NONE. You guys are the dumb ones, pures aren't noobs they just know how to pk and get a kill. Let me ask you this have you ever pked someone your combat level praying and actually gotten good loot? I know for a fact that the answer is no since you "lets your protect pray" are just ordinary mains that think: oh let me see if i can 3 item or 1 item and kill some 1 DEF pure or a lower level. Tbh, it takes no skill at all so get skulled and turn your pray off if you think you are all that awesome. I guarantee you will get owned, and badly. Pures own mains(period). Their purpose is to kill people. And need i remind you that the original thread was meant to be for skulling discussion and not for making a fool of yourself?




And so now that thats taken care of, i can move onto the intended discussion.




Yea I have actually have experienced this is in old wild and in PvP, the noobs that walk around with rune pl8 legs and a d scim and ask you to fight and then also expect you to attack first. I see them everywhere and its honestly (making me angry) me off. I think jagex should apply the BH skulls to PvP worlds so we get rid of all the 1 and 3 item noobs.




Thanks for Reading.








People like you are the type of people I hate. You have no right to tell people how to play their game. If you want to play a game with RS style pk'ing, MAKE ONE. ONLY THEN can you tell people how to play the game. One thing I agree with though, is that there needs to be some PK area where you are skulled and cannot use protect item prayer. And that 3 item pk'ers in old wilde asking you to attack them is kinda pathetic...




How it works is simple - if Jagex puts purposefully puts something in a game, it is every players right to use it. People who disagree with this are generally are just sore losers. If a person uses a game feature that you don't, and wins because of it, you should learn from this player and use this feature next time instead of complaining about it's existence.




This is about more then prayer too...I just think of all the people with superior stats at FOG I beat simply because I choose to run and hide, instead of standing there and taking it and letting them use their superior stats to win...




Not that there's thatmany...

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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This is about more then prayer too...I just think of all the people with superior stats at FOG I beat simply because I choose to run and hide, instead of standing there and taking it and letting them use their superior stats to win...




Not that there's thatmany...


:thumbup: YES!!


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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This is about more then prayer too...I just think of all the people with superior stats at FOG I beat simply because I choose to run and hide, instead of standing there and taking it and letting them use their superior stats to win...




Not that there's thatmany...


:thumbup: YES!!




I'm sure prayer and all your other wonderful tactics work very well in FOG, which is the place most of the people in here get their pvp knowledge from.




But pking is a little bit different from FOG.

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This is about more then prayer too...I just think of all the people with superior stats at FOG I beat simply because I choose to run and hide, instead of standing there and taking it and letting them use their superior stats to win...




Not that there's thatmany...


:thumbup: YES!!




I'm sure prayer and all your other wonderful tactics work very well in FOG, which is the place most of the people in here get their pvp knowledge from.




But pking is a little bit different from FOG.


Indeed it is. TBH, the two "mini games" have nothing in common.


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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My first BH kill was like that. In F2P though.




That's f2p. Although this entire thread aside, I just can't fanthom why you would pray melee in f2p of all places, pvp is so painfully slow there already.


Because it lets me win. People have lower Prayer in F2P.




It got you one kill. Seriously if somebody gets owned by somebody with protect melee in f2p, they should quit RS, they're just that bad. I said earlier that no 14-16 spec through prayer will kill me in p2p. Well, I promise you, no 13 from an r2h would even dent me.




All right, you know what? I'm not even going to read the rest of the thread. This post sums up everything that irritates me now about pvp.




I know why your calling us, "Pathetic", and "skillless". It's because your frustrated.




When pures first started to appear, everyone was excited. People thought that they had found a way to beat the system, and murder everyone at their level. They thought that something had slipped through the cracks, and that Jagex had overlooked something. THEY WERE WRONG. Jagex DESIGNED THE ALGORITHM FOR LEVELING. They KNEW that these "pures" would have to sacrifice a skill or two in order to keep a low level. ONE OF THOSE WAS PRAYER.




As a pure, you have this mindset that you should control the wilderness. I don't know HOW this happened, but it is extremely frustrating. If you want to act high and mighty, and act like someone should hand over all of their items just because YOU decided to gimp yourself to attempt to kill people your OWN LEVEL, then I really don't feel like you deserve ANY BREAKS AT ALL. I find it astronomically ironic in that someone who made a character who's entire purpose is to catch people their own level off guard, people that have lower stats than the pures' own, and then kill them in an attempt to feel superior, is calling OTHER people cowards for using the SKILLS THAT JAGEX MADE AVAILABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.




SO STOP YOUR [bleep].








If you got owned by a pure, you suck, end of discussion. Pures are so completely tame now it's not even funny. And like I said, no pure out there has sacrificed prayer so much that they don't have at the least protect melee. I'm going to quote myself.




I challenge you to find me a viable, effective p2p pure that doesn't have at the very least 44 or 52 prayer. Go on, do it.




I hate this "but the pures don't have prayer" argument, it's [developmentally delayed] and false.






False argument I've dealt with again and again, please l2read. And honestly, most of the true pkers out there aren't even pure. I'm sure as hell not, and I find protect prayers [developmentally delayed].




Dunno if this is a double post, but pull your head out of your nether regions and realize that prayers are our way of evening the playing field against pures.




Jagex didn't exactly create the wilderness so you little tards could run around and kill everybody.




No, they leveled the playing field by redesigning the combat system. You can't even use barrows so yes, your stats are so low that a decent pure might destroy you, but believe me, I'm no pure, and I NEVER had problems with pures because of two reasons; pking skills, and high magic.




It's there for a reason, and I'm going to make all the freakin use out of it as i can. Call me a prayer noob all you want, I'll be the once dancing on your grave and enjoying the nice items you kindly donated me.




Deathmatch me in the duel arena with nothing but generic pking gear. Let's see if you'll have a chance of beating me before I simply run out of pots or food. If you get a ko on me, I'll give you 5m if you have the junk to trade for it. Sound good? Oh, and to make it more wilderness-like, forfeit is on, so let's see if you can drop me before I decide things are going bad and run for the forfeit/ditch.




Oh, and I will record, just fyi. Hypotheticals are only going to go so far here, time to give people a hard dose of reality. I really, really will give you cash if you somehow are able to "dance on my grave", because I know without a shadow of a doubt it ain't gonna happen.




On the subject of PKing code, I find that more often than not, those that say get mad at me for praying because its "against the code" are the ones that tend to run from deathmatches.




So I say your code can rot.




I don't give a [cabbage] about a "code". It's always been a lame term. All I care about is common sense and logic, and that's what the average prayer nub doesn't seem to have.




As such, I make my argument assuming you are pking old school: level 30+ wilderness, where running means almost certain death, and staying for the fight is your only hope- supposing you've already been fighting and are on the verge of loosing that is. And there were many times when I encountered the "you skull first" while pking in deep wild.




What spot did you pk at? I'm just curious...




I am seriously going to invest in an oldschool broken record player. Who needs a keyboard when you can repeat the same stuff at 20 different clueless skillers because they didn't even take the time to read?




I applaud your determination. Your the only one who has given a VALID counterpoint to the prayer argument from the side of the pures. Your reasoning makes sense, and you can actually see applications of it in the game (Hiei). But keep in mind that my argument is for the F2P version of the game, not P2P.




Umm, he said hes not a pure so he is arguing that he is better then pures and, average players.




People seem to keep responding to his argument like hes a pure.

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Ah, the good ol' days of pking...Where avid players would fight to death in combat in order to gain your items. I can still hear faint voices of the old days of pking in my head...''Noob let me pot before you fight me'' ''lol tele nub'' 'omg prayer nub' ''wtf def lvl nub?'' wait...serriously?


Honor in pking has no point at all, its like if you were the commender of an army and you say to your troops: ''guys, since we have to show honor we will let the other army recharge their guns before we shoot em, oh and also since we have a nuclear bomb and they don't, we won't be using it'' :wall:

Previously known as Pope Skills

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I just read the first page, some of the previous page, and got annoyed at the stupid prayer debate.




OK, first of all you dumb "lets use protect pray" people need to shut up. Whats the point of pking if you are just going to use a protect prayer? I'll tell u...NONE. You guys are the dumb ones, pures aren't noobs they just know how to pk and get a kill. Let me ask you this have you ever pked someone your combat level praying and actually gotten good loot? I know for a fact that the answer is no since you "lets your protect pray" are just ordinary mains that think: oh let me see if i can 3 item or 1 item and kill some 1 DEF pure or a lower level. Tbh, it takes no skill at all so get skulled and turn your pray off if you think you are all that awesome. I guarantee you will get owned, and badly. Pures own mains(period). Their purpose is to kill people. And need i remind you that the original thread was meant to be for skulling discussion and not for making a fool of yourself?




And so now that thats taken care of, i can move onto the intended discussion.




Yea I have actually have experienced this is in old wild and in PvP, the noobs that walk around with rune pl8 legs and a d scim and ask you to fight and then also expect you to attack first. I see them everywhere and its honestly (making me angry) me off. I think jagex should apply the BH skulls to PvP worlds so we get rid of all the 1 and 3 item noobs.




Thanks for Reading.








People like you are the type of people I hate. You have no right to tell people how to play their game. If you want to play a game with RS style pk'ing, MAKE ONE. ONLY THEN can you tell people how to play the game. One thing I agree with though, is that there needs to be some PK area where you are skulled and cannot use protect item prayer. And that 3 item pk'ers in old wilde asking you to attack them is kinda pathetic...




How it works is simple - if Jagex puts purposefully puts something in a game, it is every players right to use it. People who disagree with this are generally are just sore losers. If a person uses a game feature that you don't, and wins because of it, you should learn from this player and use this feature next time instead of complaining about it's existence.




This is about more then prayer too...I just think of all the people with superior stats at FOG I beat simply because I choose to run and hide, instead of standing there and taking it and letting them use their superior stats to win...




Not that there's thatmany...






lolz then why do pures not own my main??? normally all it takes for me to own a pure is 2 ags specs and then they bow to me =) just like you would =O



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rofl, i hust saw two people fighting, and they were both smiting each other, what were they thinking? :roll: anyone who gives me a logical answer gets a cookie


OT: I always see people yellin 'Plz kill me' (with no armor or weapons) and once someone attacks, they whip out a g maul, or dd, or somthing.


I have also noticied an increase in scams.... old ones like trade then run into dangerzone, or say there dropping party hats


no real att first tho....

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