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PvP RELEASED - Relive the good old days!

The Observer

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I think the limits are the same everywhere, but in the wildy they increase as they used to.



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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When I first signed up for RuneScape (I forgot when :oops: ), I was scared of the Pkers because of bad experiences- backstabbing and the whatnot.


But now that I have grown (both CB level and self-confidence), I just can't wait to do more! \'


67/99/120 Invention

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Love the nostalgic feeling, but problems there is....




I can't get a kill for my life as either there is no one in good places to kill or they run like hell to the nearest safe zone since people barely ever venture out of the city....of course I didn't go to the most populated worlds. I would get lagged to death.

Templar Guardians

When are trying to lend something, the word to use is borrow. Not barrows, which is a mini-game.

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Love the nostalgic feeling, but problems there is....




I can't get a kill for my life as either there is no one in good places to kill or they run like hell to the nearest safe zone since people barely ever venture out of the city....of course I didn't go to the most populated worlds. I would get lagged to death.

Same thing happens in cities & towns. Once players are piled, they teleport. The only way to get most kills in, for example, Falador is KOing. Not bad loot, too.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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Love the nostalgic feeling, but problems there is....




I can't get a kill for my life as either there is no one in good places to kill or they run like hell to the nearest safe zone since people barely ever venture out of the city....of course I didn't go to the most populated worlds. I would get lagged to death.

Same thing happens in cities & towns. Once players are piled, they teleport. The only way to get most kills in, for example, Falador is KOing. Not bad loot, too.




Fally is very good with a clan, but i personally prefer the HUGE level range of deep wildy :)

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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i love it but it has 1 small flaw imo... the drops




ive gone with whip dragon boots full rune super set ready to do some damage and then i get my first kill woo im happy then... 1k worth of junk ive killed about 20-30 people ( okay most of them were noobs but still...) no deaths and still ive almost lost money on food and pot costs.




other then that absoloutely brilliant great fun. :D


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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It will probably get allot of tweaks and fixes as user feedback like this comes in. I made the mistake of teleporting to Fally as a shortcut to Edgevill... I was KOd before I could get out of the gate by a clan or team. I thought they said their was a grace period for teleporting...

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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It will probably get allot of tweaks and fixes as user feedback like this comes in. I made the mistake of teleporting to Fally as a shortcut to Edgevill... I was KOd before I could get out of the gate by a clan or team. I thought they said their was a grace period for teleporting...




If you teleport you see those blue circles come up around you, they last less than 5 seconds, that is your grace period.

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Ok, but it's no fun teleporting right into an ambush. I will avoid fally teleports in the future, unless I have a good host of men backing me up.




On a side note, this should make the MSSW4 allot more interesting. Now participants can be ambushed in their rally locations. TIF Security Forces anyone?

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Ok, but it's no fun teleporting right into an ambush. I will avoid fally teleports in the future, unless I have a good host of men backing me up.




On a side note, this should make the MSSW4 allot more interesting. Now participants can be ambushed in their rally locations. TIF Security Forces anyone?




Lumbridge tele goes inside the safe zone and the cabbage teleport goes where no one is around so those are safer.

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Cabbage Patch Teleport?




I have not played in 9 months, so I am rather ignorant of certain new features.


I am also F2P, always have been.




If you finish all of the Lumbridge/Draynor achievement diaries, you get a ring which can recharge run energy 3 times per day, give 30 free low alchs per day, gives a chance to increase the amount of elemental runes you craft, and can teleport to the Draynor cabbage patch.


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Cabbage Patch Teleport?




I have not played in 9 months, so I am rather ignorant of certain new features.


I am also F2P, always have been.




If you finish all of the Lumbridge/Draynor achievement diaries, you get a ring which can recharge run energy 3 times per day, give 30 free low alchs per day, gives a chance to increase the amount of elemental runes you craft, and can teleport to the Draynor cabbage patch.




this is p2p? seems like an oddly multi use ring :roll:


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Cabbage Patch Teleport?




I have not played in 9 months, so I am rather ignorant of certain new features.


I am also F2P, always have been.




If you finish all of the Lumbridge/Draynor achievement diaries, you get a ring which can recharge run energy 3 times per day, give 30 free low alchs per day, gives a chance to increase the amount of elemental runes you craft, and can teleport to the Draynor cabbage patch.




this is p2p? seems like an oddly multi use ring :roll:




It's F2p, so is the Lumbridge diary, a noob ring really since the Lumby diary is sort of an intro to the game but the Cabbage patch tele is nice.

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And if I loose this ring, can I get another?




It sounds like a nice feature...




And sorry about the off-topicness of this little correspondence.




Oh- and thanks for the info, much obliged.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Had a 6 hour fight in pvp, I guess the bad side of old wildy fights is back too: incredibly long returning sessions. I remember the last fight of the old wildy was a 14 hour pkri between rsd and df, so I wonder how long till we get another 14 hour one? TT vs Df was 4 hours, and Corr vs Df was 6.


8 hours next weekend, anyone? :wall:



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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all very good, except that your enemy can teleport at any time. i redbarred an 83 in lvl 21 wildy, but he ran and tellied before i could finish him :( also i was fighting right next to the varrock east bank and bob the cat teleported me right before i was about to k0 my opponent :( i wish the randoms were gone... safers in f2p are annoying too.. a few flaws, but still fun.

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burgles, that's nothing new. Either get p2p and use teleblock or pk in deeper wildy :thumbup:



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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