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LMAO Ronald reagan is the greatest american ever!


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2 million votes were cast in a multi night tv spectacular. america voted and RONALD REAGAN beat out george washington, martin luther king, and abhraham lincoln, to be voted the greatest american ever.




















I watched a little bit of it but it was just to ridiculous :roll: .

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ya that totally suxxors, john kerry shoudlve won1!!1!








[bleep], people voted for a TV show and Ronald Reagan won, so what? Why bother bringing political [cabbage] into it?
















I don't think there is a single greatest American.

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Oh noes! Americans!








PS what did JFK get?




That guy was cool. Too bad he's dead too lol...

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Well Regan was great and you can't really say who is the greatest American, but I would have voted washington.








totaly agree. washington should of won. reagans top 10 material maybe. but number 1? :lol:








Washington was a horrible tactician, and non too bright. His first fort would have been totaly destroyed, had the french no pitied his ineptitude. (he built the fort in an area completely surrounded by hills)

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Guest GhostRanger
I don't agree with Ronald Reagan being number 1 but I don't consider it being so unreasonable for me to "LMAO".




















You have to consider that Regan beat an incumbent winning 46 states and re-election with 48 states. Was he the greatest American ever? I don't believe so. But was he a great American? Very much so.

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I don't agree with Ronald Reagan being number 1 but I don't consider it being so unreasonable for me to "LMAO".




















You have to consider that Regan beat an incumbent winning 46 states and re-election with 48 states. Was he the greatest American ever? I don't believe so. But was he a great American? Very much so.








Yeah I agree.








I realy would say the greatest american would be JFK or someone like that.








Although, my teacher showed us the list of canadites, lol, they had like michal myers up there :roll:

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Although, my teacher showed us the list of canadites, lol, they had like michal myers up there :roll:








:lol: Pahahahahaha! That would be so perfect. "In the news today, a native Canadian was voted the Greatest American ever."

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kenedy got like 30th i think.....yea whats sad is that there were no writers on the list.out of the top 100 americans hemming way wasnt on there, but martha stuart, micheal jackson, dr phil, and many other wth? people made it.








oh and washington did a lot more then be a tactician, and theres a lot more to being a general then being a tactician as well.......well in old times at least

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Lmao. What a joke. I believe 250 times more people voted on American idol than this no named show, so it's more or less a joke. Noone heard of it, noone voted, noone watched. Simple as that.

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I would like to know what excatly Ronald Regan did to deserve being called the greatest american. After studying America and it's politics from 1900 - the present for the past 3 years, I fail to recall any major change he introduced, a giant scheme, anything that could possibly be considered 'great'. Heck, Nixon did more important stuff (like making peace with China).








The only great thing that he could have done is being mentioned on Back the Future Part 1, which is possibly the greatest and most underrated trilogy's in movie history.

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Hmm reagan...




he dealt with helping our national defense,




arms reduction accord with the Soviets,




helped with the deficit with supply side economics,




helped end the cold war by increasing competition with the star wars program, etc...




and I think it was him that wanted to claim ketchup was a vegetable to spend less on school food.




Reagan is about on par with clinton and he wasn't that great of a president.




I would have chosen lincoln for his dealing with the civil war.

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Just to clear this up... its a contest for the Most Popular American Ever.








We had one in Canada about a year ago. Mr. Pierre Elliot Trudeau won that one...A Liberal. A lot of mixed feelings about that one too.

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Just to clear this up... its a contest for the Most Popular American Ever.








We had one in Canada about a year ago. Mr. Pierre Elliot Trudeau won that one...A Liberal. A lot of mixed feelings about that one too.








Ah, the title is wrong. We were under the illusion that it was 'greatest american ever'. We had one in England ages ago, I think it was Winston Churchill that one. The BBC went through this phase of doing 'greatest...' programs, we had 'greatest comedy...' and such as well.

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Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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2 million votes were cast in a multi night tv spectacular. america voted and RONALD REAGAN beat out george washington, martin luther king, and abhraham lincoln, to be voted the greatest american ever.




















What the hell? Whether it be most popular or greatest...what the smegging hell is wrong with you people?

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