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Teleporting Cure-All


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Well it would suck if you're mining, woodcutting, bacially skilling etc, you'd be basically at the mercy of the pkers: for 7 seconds, no food, no prayer, etc, and a skiller wont have a lot of food on him(need space for logs, ores.. ).




Then they should go to a non-pvp world :P


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Have you ever considered that skiller spots are very frequently empty on PvP worlds and that at some far off deserted skiller spot people don't normally fight? This makes it perfect for any skiller who doesn't mind taking the risk to go and train up their skills in peace.




Also, some people play on PvP worlds all the time now just because they prefer the risk and having to be prepared.


You really haven't thought very much before saying that there is no possible motive for anyone who doesn't want to PK to go into PvP worlds. I myself went there to mine a couple of gems in shilo and it was totally deserted.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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Sorry I didn't see the no teleporting option when I logged into Runescape. If I want to save my DH while pking I'll do it and all you can do is whine. So why not train up and be able to cast teleblock which doesn't splash as often as you think or be able to special me out at 60 hp or so before I tele. I am not an avid pker but I do do my share of teleblocks and barrages. Also you are trying to suggest it. If your going to whine about teleporting atleast have some legit reason instead of I hate wasting my food and pots on someone who doesn't want to lose their items.

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If you want to talk about honor, or no-honor for that matter, the fact that your cowardly opponent ran from you should be more than satisfying for you, the honorable warrior.




But no, you want to prevent people from teleporting. Just so that you, the upper hand, has another upper hand. To ensure you have a better chance of KO-ing. To get the drop. While that is part of PVP, you are asking for a change that affects more players negatively.




Even if a master PKer were to get a pair of brawling gloves from lots of pking. He'll want to make full use of the gloves while it last. 150% exp VS 400% exp. A chance to get so much more prayer experience from your dragon bones! He changes to a skilling attire and starts training his skill. I don't see why he should be subjected to more dangers than before.




You want to talk about NH? Unless Jagex makes you declare that you're an honorable PKer before you log into a PVP world only to PK and do nothing else, then yea, you won the argument.




:thumbsup: If you manage to fight and win someone equally honorable as you, it was a glorious battle. Good for you.


:thumbsup: If you manage to KO someone who was trying to run away from you, and is boasting away to your friends how useless and nooby your target was, good for you.




:wall: If your target ran from you, well maybe he's no PKer, he has no honor, you have honor, I salute you. Now move on to your next target.



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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In my opinion, tabs should be like running into a safezone - 10 seconds of no safety if in combat, no delay if not in combat. Can still eat and pot or whatever. And those 10 seconds will be interrupted if you're TB'ed.




Considering Jagex made an attempt to stop people from just running... they should have something against just teleing, too. I'm sure MANY people are more than willing to sacrifice about 900 gp to skip the whole 10 seconds of being able to get hurt.




Maybe it should be less of a timer because people are spending money on it, though. 7 seconds, maybe. But then again, you're getting to a safe zone from somewhere most likely where you can't get to a safezone. Most likely people won't tab 5 steps from a safe zone unless they are out of food -- they could have run earlier and just saved themself a little money, though. If they're barraged or something, teleing would get them safer faster than running. So teleing still would be a viable option.




And when that tab is used, an animation is displayed that will show the person is about to teleport. That person can still eat and all. Probably shouldn't allow fighting back during this time though. Idk how to make it work, but this general idea seems the best way to go about it in my opinion. Treat the teletabs as going into a safezone.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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PVP worlds for PKers only




Bullcrap, I've been mining there all week and doing other things. The competition for resources simply shifts to bloodshed instead of whining. You find real skillers in the PvP worlds, fighting over resources and evading player killers. It's the epitome of the old school wilderness.




What he said.




PvP worlds are great for skillers as most people are too scared to venture onto them.




Powertraining is easier as you don't have to fight for spots, plus if you do die you can make sure your 3 protected items are the ones you need. A good example is granite mining.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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With the 7 second rule implied, why not just take teleblock out of the spellbook? if the person you are attacking is low on hp, and without food (the main reason for teleporting) im 100% sure you will be able to k.o him/her within the 7 seconds. 7 seconds is like 3 hits with a whip or 3 dds specs...




As many people before me have stated, instead of whining about the teleport system why not train your mage up so you don't splash more often? or why not train your stats up so you can easily k.o the person without them even having time to teleport?




i will be completly honest with you, i hate it when you spend arrows, food, and potions on a guy, and at the end of the fight, you see them just teleport away...but thats a right that they have. its like people in the old wildy (new pvp worlds as well) saying "OMG YOU ARE A PRAYER NOOB, YOU NOOB TURN OF YOUR PRAYER YOU ******* NOOB!!!!!" well, first of all, your the noob thats not using prayer. if you werent supposed to use prayer then why in gods name would there be a tab right next to your magic book, with a prayer symbol on it? why would we have protection and enhancment prayers?




think about it, you have a right to use what is provided for you by jagex (prayers, teleports, good food, etc...) and i will bet you (this is a bet im positive i will not lose unlike mr.icantankfor7seconds) that even you whiners teleport when your low on hp/food. and if you say otherwise, i will take it as a bunch of BULL...no joke. no matter how much respect and honour you have for pking, you haev to be an idiot to just watch yourself die with 2mil+ worth of armour... :wall:


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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Or, you can just get 85 mage, waste a fin inv spots for a kill. This suggestion seems like you're too lazy to teleblock.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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The best thing about the all this is the fact that first you all complained and moaned about the loss of PKing, then complained and moaned that Rev's were too strong and NOT like a true PKer (but can be killed), and then you get PKing BACK (!), just so you can complain and cry over the fact that you can't kill PKers!!! WTF PEOPLE?!?




What the hell does it take to satisfy you all?!? Jesus! I know it could use some tweaks here and there, but damn...do you really have to cry and argue over it so much? Sorry, if this comes off as angry, but you all really need to get a grip and stop arguing over it.




If I was Andrew/Paul, I'd tell you all to go to hell, issue bans for your characters for being [puncture]s to each other and move on with further game development without a second thought. FTR, you are all starting to sound like the RSOF.





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Sorry I didn't see the no teleporting option when I logged into Runescape. If I want to save my DH while pking I'll do it and all you can do is whine. So why not train up and be able to cast teleblock which doesn't splash as often as you think or be able to special me out at 60 hp or so before I tele. I am not an avid pker but I do do my share of teleblocks and barrages. Also you are trying to suggest it. If your going to whine about teleporting atleast have some legit reason instead of I hate wasting my food and pots on someone who doesn't want to lose their items.




Don't talk to me about training. My stats are better than yours, higher than yours, and I have around 35m more xp than you. 85 magic is nothing to me. The issue is the accuracy problems and the fact that I have to waste a minimum of 5 inventory and an extra 15kg of weight just to counter someone's 1 inventory teletab No other way to put that, that is unbalanced.




Deal is none of the people here have EVER played on anything but this poorly designed combat system, so balance is uncomprehendable to you. Teleport, even with it's teleblock counter, is too available for it's power.




One MMO I played had only two things that worked like teleporting does in RS. One was an ability for the wizard class, which was a short range teleport used to get away from people. It took one second to cast, during which if you took ANY damage whatsoever the spell was canceled without a chance of recasting it. Plus you were limited to casting it once every 3 minutes.




The other was summon, which required a friend on a healer to summon you to his location. The spell itself took 6 seconds to cast, then you had to accept the summon offer, then it took another 10 seconds. During this 16 seconds you couldn't attack your enemy at all or the summon would cancel.




Combat system was different there, so 16 seconds wasn't so long that it was useless. 7 seconds in RS combat would be about the same.




That game was overrun with pkers. But unlike RS, you never had problems with people constantly complaining about teleporting/summoning, because 16-17 seconds was a long enough amount of time to make it counterable. Pkers don't hate teleporting because of what it does, but because of how ridiculously effective it is.




While the entire combat system in this game could use a workover, a few fixes in the pvp section would go a long way.




Trust me, I bet I could tank 7 seconds without eating in armor without breaking a sweat. With some luck I could make it nekkid.






Then you're about to lose a bet.




Time and place. I let you spec me twice, then I cancel spell, eat while you empty your bar, safe to full and try again.




The best thing about the all this is the fact that first you all complained and moaned about the loss of PKing, then complained and moaned that Rev's were too strong and NOT like a true PKer (but can be killed), and then you get PKing BACK (!), just so you can complain and cry over the fact that you can't kill PKers!!! WTF PEOPLE?!?




What the hell does it take to satisfy you all?!? Jesus! I know it could use some tweaks here and there, but damn...do you really have to cry and argue over it so much? Sorry, if this comes off as angry, but you all really need to get a grip and stop arguing over it.




If I was Andrew/Paul, I'd tell you all to go to hell, issue bans for your characters for being [puncture]s to each other and move on with further game development without a second thought. FTR, you are all starting to sound like the RSOF.




The best thing about listening to skillers is the fact that first you all complained and moaned that you don't get enough quests and how the new updates are useless with bad xp per hour, then when a decent update comes out (!) that gives good xp rewards, you complain and cry over the fact that your accomplishments are too easy!!! WTF PEOPLE?!?




Coding issues are coding issues. Teleporting has been overpowered since it was created, just because it became noticeable again with the release of the pvp worlds doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed. Just because Jagex doesn't give a rats's [wagon] about balance (when was the last time you pked with a warhammer or a spear?) doesn't mean things shouldn't be fixed.




If I was Andrew/Paul, I'd tell you all to go to hell, issue xp wipes for all skillers for being [puncture]s and move on with further game development without a second thought. FTR, this forum has always sounded like the RSOF.




This thread doesn't involve you, so I don't see what your issue is.

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You're talking about another MMO, with a different combat system, and classes. All of these cannot even be compared with RuneScape.




I don't even know what is the issue you're having here. If all true PKers have the same mindset as you, shouldn't all of you be happily killing each other, without preparing to run or teleport?




Fact is, it's a problem within the PKer community. I'm not talking about the average Scaper who logs into a PVP world to try it out. (which is something you'll see a lot now, since it's a new update, and probably why you wasted so much food.)




A PKer tends to target someone who wasn't intending to fight, or expecting it to happen (unless you start the honor thing again). In the past when wilderness was available for PKing, it's either the abyss runecrafters, or people doing treasure trail, or a skulled player in full armour and half barred . Now, it's skillers making full use of their gloves, or players using the best training spot, or (skulled)player in full armour and half barred. Those are the players who always have the word RUN in their mind when attacked.




I'll say that teleporting is overpowered versus teleblock, in terms of inventory space and success rate. But to change the teleport system such that all players will have a small chance of escape makes having PVP worlds, with all the training facilites and resources still intact redundant. The point of the brawling gloves and it's benefit is to attract other players to PVP worlds, making themselves potential (but not 100%) targets for bloodthirsty PKers.




The only way I see it is to EITHER make skulled players take an extra 10 seconds (or more, or less, it can be adjusted) to cast teleport spells or use teletab (an basically all teleporting tools, which is a rather tedious update). OR to make teleblock have a higher (or lower, or 100%, once again adjustable) success rate on skulled players. By attacking other players, you're pretty much declaring yourself a PKer, so it's an additional penalty for your aggressiveness. This will not penalise players with no intention of fighting, and ready to run at the sight of PKers.




Then again, if you're a true PKer, why would you be running? Makes sense to say that there's conflict within the PK community (who asked for the return of PK) itself. It's like saying "All the PKers are complaining that all the PKers are teleporting when near death!!".



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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Sorry I didn't see the no teleporting option when I logged into Runescape. If I want to save my DH while pking I'll do it and all you can do is whine. So why not train up and be able to cast teleblock which doesn't splash as often as you think or be able to special me out at 60 hp or so before I tele. I am not an avid pker but I do do my share of teleblocks and barrages. Also you are trying to suggest it. If your going to whine about teleporting atleast have some legit reason instead of I hate wasting my food and pots on someone who doesn't want to lose their items.




Don't talk to me about training. My stats are better than yours, higher than yours, and I have around 35m more xp than you. 85 magic is nothing to me. The issue is the accuracy problems and the fact that I have to waste a minimum of 5 inventory and an extra 15kg of weight just to counter someone's 1 inventory teletab No other way to put that, that is unbalanced.




Deal is none of the people here have EVER played on anything but this poorly designed combat system, so balance is uncomprehendable to you. Teleport, even with it's teleblock counter, is too available for it's power.




One MMO I played had only two things that worked like teleporting does in RS. One was an ability for the wizard class, which was a short range teleport used to get away from people. It took one second to cast, during which if you took ANY damage whatsoever the spell was canceled without a chance of recasting it. Plus you were limited to casting it once every 3 minutes.




The other was summon, which required a friend on a healer to summon you to his location. The spell itself took 6 seconds to cast, then you had to accept the summon offer, then it took another 10 seconds. During this 16 seconds you couldn't attack your enemy at all or the summon would cancel.




Combat system was different there, so 16 seconds wasn't so long that it was useless. 7 seconds in RS combat would be about the same.




That game was overrun with pkers. But unlike RS, you never had problems with people constantly complaining about teleporting/summoning, because 16-17 seconds was a long enough amount of time to make it counterable. Pkers don't hate teleporting because of what it does, but because of how ridiculously effective it is.




While the entire combat system in this game could use a workover, a few fixes in the pvp section would go a long way.




Oh boy, oh boy. Damn, I was hoping to not have to type so much. But someone needs to be put in his place. So...




Ok, first off your initial first post is very borderline ranting, but you do offer a suggestion to fix it. Although, your suggestion was almost immediately shot down by others, you come back to argue and put others down (just like in the quote), making yourself feel bigger because your stats are higher than the other person. Your suggestion is a modification of another games rule on teleporting. I would highly recommend you go and play that game since the rules/restrictions are more to your liking. Jagex has...well...has always been different than other MMO's and they seem to like that streak. If you really want to be heard, you need to move your post to the RSOF. There is a Suggestions area there that Mods see. And if you can get enough support, you may (and its not guaranteed) get your idea implemented. Which brings me back to why we are all arguing over the idea here. Tip.it Forums, to me, is more of a lets talk it out kind of area. Not...I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG bickering! FTR, I offered a suggestion on the 5th post of the first page. Go look...I'll wait....




You are right. 5 Spaces is a lot to give up when PKing (and to correct you, yes I do PK). Teletabs/Ecto are a nuisance. Teleblock is a godsend though if you catch someone out in the open and far away from a bank. I personally have to give up a total of 8 Spaces in my inventory to be efficient. 1 Super Atk, 1 Super Str, 1 Super Def, 1 Chaos, 1 Law, 1 Death, 1 House Teletab, and 1 Magic Essence Pot (to boost me to 85 Magic). I have won fights though with this much space sacrificed. And yes, I have had to run a few times too. If I'm not Teleblocked, I'm going to get out and live to fight another day. I want to pose this complete Hypothetical Situation to you and see what you would do:




You are PKing and for some unknown reason you have a Godsword and all 4 Hilts on you. And for some ungodly reason you are losing the fight. You attacked first and now you are skulled. You have Item Protect on, but you are going to lose all your Armor (let's say Full Bandos) and Hilts except for one... You have not been Teleblocked and you have a Teletab/Runes for Teleport on you. What do you do? Stick it out and die? Or get the hell out of dodge?




Now, this situation is a huge abnormality. It serves a purpose though as it demonstrates the loss of money vs running. To anyone but the richest players...this would be a colossal loss of cash, when a 880 gp Teletab could have saved it all. For other players that don't have as much cash, getting away saves money. Armors and other weapons all had a [bleep]e in value because of the update. Not everyone has 99 Smithing to make Full Rune (which is weak compared to P2P Armors). And not everyone can afford to keep replacing the better P2P Armors/Weapons. Food/Potions on the other hand can be gathered/made yourself with not a lot of effort and should looked at as acceptable losses.




Targeting Skillers is just going to get you upset, because more than likely they will always run. Any Skiller on a PvP World is fair game, but almost always, they are not prepared to fight and overly prepared to escape. So if you are targeting them, your chances at a successful kill is slim to begin with.




This all leads back to the suggestion part of the conversation. Tweaks do need to be made. Ranting here about it will more than likely not get anything done. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy. The PKing aspect has been expanded beyond what anyone had imagined. My suggestion was the accuracy, no matter what armor you wear. Should be a fine fix. If it was deadly accurate, people would want it and it would probably become a standard inventory addition. Since it is not, its not highly used.




And lastly, I do feel sorry for F2P that have to deal with the fact that anyone with 25 Magic can get away. My only suggestion to them is to make a Pure. Keep the Pure low enough to target people that don't have 25 Magic and hope for the best. That is about the best you can get for now. And be sure to get 20 Magic for yourself so at a minimum, bind is available to help you out.

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You're talking about another MMO, with a different combat system, and classes. All of these cannot even be compared with RuneScape.




I don't even know what is the issue you're having here. If all true PKers have the same mindset as you, shouldn't all of you be happily killing each other, without preparing to run or teleport?




Fact is, it's a problem within the PKer community. I'm not talking about the average Scaper who logs into a PVP world to try it out. (which is something you'll see a lot now, since it's a new update, and probably why you wasted so much food.)




A PKer tends to target someone who wasn't intending to fight, or expecting it to happen (unless you start the honor thing again). In the past when wilderness was available for PKing, it's either the abyss runecrafters, or people doing treasure trail, or a skulled player in full armour and half barred . Now, it's skillers making full use of their gloves, or players using the best training spot, or (skulled)player in full armour and half barred. Those are the players who always have the word RUN in their mind when attacked.




I'll say that teleporting is overpowered versus teleblock, in terms of inventory space and success rate. But to change the teleport system such that all players will have a small chance of escape makes having PVP worlds, with all the training facilites and resources still intact redundant. The point of the brawling gloves and it's benefit is to attract other players to PVP worlds, making themselves potential (but not 100%) targets for bloodthirsty PKers.




The only way I see it is to EITHER make skulled players take an extra 10 seconds (or more, or less, it can be adjusted) to cast teleport spells or use teletab (an basically all teleporting tools, which is a rather tedious update). OR to make teleblock have a higher (or lower, or 100%, once again adjustable) success rate on skulled players. By attacking other players, you're pretty much declaring yourself a PKer, so it's an additional penalty for your aggressiveness. This will not penalise players with no intention of fighting, and ready to run at the sight of PKers.




Then again, if you're a true PKer, why would you be running? Makes sense to say that there's conflict within the PK community (who asked for the return of PK) itself. It's like saying "All the PKers are complaining that all the PKers are teleporting when near death!!".




The game can't be compared. But people can be. Players are the same essentially no matter the game. While someone might send you a tell after you summoned out with an "lol evaced eh" - but the entire conflict you see here from pkers doesn't exist because it is balanced.




Teleporting just isn't balanced. The suggestion in my first post, like I said, doesn't have to be adapted word for word. It just shows the direction things need to go imho. If it was tied to skulled players only, I'd be fine with that.




Ok, first off your initial first post is very borderline ranting, but you do offer a suggestion to fix it. Although, your suggestion was almost immediately shot down by others, you come back to argue and put others down (just like in the quote), making yourself feel bigger because your stats are higher than the other person. Your suggestion is a modification of another games rule on teleporting. I would highly recommend you go and play that game since the rules/restrictions are more to your liking. Jagex has...well...has always been different than other MMO's and they seem to like that streak. If you really want to be heard, you need to move your post to the RSOF. There is a Suggestions area there that Mods see. And if you can get enough support, you may (and its not guaranteed) get your idea implemented. Which brings me back to why we are all arguing over the idea here. Tip.it Forums, to me, is more of a lets talk it out kind of area. Not...I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG bickering! FTR, I offered a suggestion on the 5th post of the first page. Go look...I'll wait....




Putting him down? Read his post. It's the generic "welllll if you cant beat em train more." Oldest put down in the book. I was just shutting down that line of discussion. It has nothing to do with making myself feel bigger, in fact through this entire thread I've been trying to get constructive criticism and opinions.




Your line about Jagex being different is so far off the wall though. Is this the very same Jagex that said they were "outmoding the old kill and loot system to stay more mainstream in our gameplay"?




Your suggestion is fine. If teleblock had a 100% success rate I wouldn't complain. If it only worked on skulled players, I'm fine with that as well. All I care is that something gets changed, because the system is just plain broke right now.




Now, this situation is a huge abnormality. It serves a purpose though as it demonstrates the loss of money vs running. To anyone but the richest players...this would be a colossal loss of cash, when a 880 gp Teletab could have saved it all. For other players that don't have as much cash, getting away saves money. Armors and other weapons all had a [bleep]e in value because of the update. Not everyone has 99 Smithing to make Full Rune (which is weak compared to P2P Armors). And not everyone can afford to keep replacing the better P2P Armors/Weapons. Food/Potions on the other hand can be gathered/made yourself with not a lot of effort and should looked at as acceptable losses.




You know the old saying - if you can't afford to lose it, guess what? Don't bring it. Holds true here. My suggestion wouldn't make getting away impossible, but it would give every method of escape an element of risk.




And doesn't it seem a bit...wrong, that 250m+ of gear could be saved with almost 100% success (if not koed) by a weightless tablet worth 880 gp?

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You are PKing and for some unknown reason you have a Godsword and all 4 Hilts on you. And for some ungodly reason you are losing the fight. You attacked first and now you are skulled. You have Item Protect on, but you are going to lose all your Armor (let's say Full Bandos) and Hilts except for one... You have not been Teleblocked and you have a Teletab/Runes for Teleport on you. What do you do? Stick it out and die? Or get the hell out of dodge?




Thats exactly what im trying to say (but not so extreme lol). All you peopel that are shouting: "you noob, you have no honour for pking" or "omg what a noob he teleported"...ALL OF YOU without any exeptions will for sure try and save yourself if you were caught in that situation. if not, you are an idiot, im sorry. No matter how much honour i have for a pixelated fight, i will always try and save my pixelated character from losing items i have worked many hours (or even minutes) to obtain. its common sense. even in real life, imagine fighting someone twice your size, would you stick to the fight and honour the fight or save your sorry [wagon] and run away so you could stay alive without any (or atleast not alot) of broken bones?




i couldn't agree more with Ixindor in the post his rant post couple of posts above mine. why are people never satisfied with what their given? :?






You know the old saying - if you can't afford to lose it, guess what? Don't bring it. Holds true here. My suggestion wouldn't make getting away impossible, but it would give every method of escape an element of risk.


And doesn't it seem a bit...wrong, that 250m+ of gear could be saved with almost 100% success (if not koed) by a weightless tablet worth 880 gp?




Are you kidding me? Why not bring my best armour, and fight until i can no longer hold myself, then teleport. what the hell, jagex gave me that option why not use it? :wall:




And no it doesn't, if it was wrong, jagex wouldn't have implimented that into the game :?


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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i couldn't agree more with Ixindor in the post his rant post couple of posts above mine. why are people never satisfied with what their given?




Good question, though pkers aren't the only ones guilty of that by far.

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i couldn't agree more with Ixindor in the post his rant post couple of posts above mine. why are people never satisfied with what their given?




Good question, though pkers aren't the only ones guilty of that by far.




mind explaining what you meant by "pkers aren't the only ones guilty of that by far"? if your trying to say pkers arent the only ones that always rant about updates, i totaly agree with you. my comment was completly general, and if my memory serves me right, jagex even stated you can never satisfy everyone, so they satisfy the majority. and in this particular case, i think the majority of people are satisfied :?


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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You know the old saying - if you can't afford to lose it, guess what? Don't bring it. Holds true here. My suggestion wouldn't make getting away impossible, but it would give every method of escape an element of risk.




I thought the old saying was meant for players who already lost it? "Yea, I lost 250mil, no big deal though"



And doesn't it seem a bit...wrong, that 250m+ of gear could be saved with almost 100% success (if not koed) by a weightless tablet worth 880 gp?




It seems not just wrong, but CRAZY if you didn't click the weightless tablet worth 800gp to save your 250m+ gear when it's right in your inventory. Why would you not do it? To have the chance to say the old saying above? Or to get a pat on your shoulder for upholding your honor? (Maybe the latter, if Jagex introduces the pat shoulder emote) Even more so if you didn't agree to a death match, and you were caught off guard by lucky 1-itemer.




And I believe that someone in the previous post would actually call you an idiot if you never click it. That's 1-0.




By the way, it's still true that no matter how good your suggestion is here, it won't bring enough attention for it to be implemented. You've let off enough fumes, why not suggest it on ROSF as well?



"Do you really want to go back to the time when Falador was grey, lesser demon look like goats, dragons look like cows, hellhound look like cats and your character stands as stiff as a statue?"



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Jagex should atleast implement a system where it would detect that you had telerunes/tabs. This way they know if you're at low-risk of losing your items, maybe decrease the value of your items by 50% or so.



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You know the old saying - if you can't afford to lose it, guess what? Don't bring it. Holds true here. My suggestion wouldn't make getting away impossible, but it would give every method of escape an element of risk.




And doesn't it seem a bit...wrong, that 250m+ of gear could be saved with almost 100% success (if not koed) by a weightless tablet worth 880 gp?




The "if you can't afford to lose it" argument doesn't apply here. The player did bring it into the fight knowing good and well he may lose it. If the escape route is still open (aka no Teleblock) and he is losing, he will most likely use it. He did risk the items. He just didn't lose it. Anyone will do that. There is a chance he could have been Teleblocked. Since his opponent didn't use it, he has the escape route option.




The Teletab argument has a point. And a possible solution. Maybe make it so the a Teletabs/Ecto don't work during combat and up to 10 seconds after combat (like the Logout Feature). The only way out is the actually have the Magic Level and the Runes in Inventory to get away. That would make the escapee have to use a minimum of 2 Inventory Spaces (Camelot), and they would have to have the required Level. That might even things out a bit. Not to mention its dangerous to just teleport blindly into the crowded cities on PvP. Maybe even disable House Teleport like the Teletabs/Ecto so that if you are forced to escape by Teleport, you may be in more danger than its worth.

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I don't think it's much of a problem. Maybe an untradable Teleblock Tablet will fix the inequality regarding inventory space?




That may be the best suggestion so far. It would be in high demand, take up one slot (satisfy the Author), and would probably end up costing a pretty penny which gives the makers of it (Skillers) a new money source (if it were tradable).




Lol, simple and to the point...Bravo Will_Holmes...Bravo =D>

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How about, if you're a decent PKer and actually want loot, use the spell they give you to counter this: teleblock. If people continuously teleport away from you then obviously you're good enough to scare them, if you use it then you'll get those kills, simple.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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