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Snow in october in uk


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I think the snow is great!


Particularly in late October when fireworks start.


I was going to a party and yes (I'm scared of fireworks) people were setting them off right outside the doors.


And then because of the snow, they had to stop it. Which I think is great.

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Wisconsin will own your souls for pretty snow pictures. Just wait until I go home for break in December.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Wisconsin will own your souls for pretty snow pictures. Just wait until I go home for break in December.


Norfolk can make some great wintery pictures too, y'know. Just you wait.

~ W ~



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Wisconsin will own your souls for pretty snow pictures. Just wait until I go home for break in December.


Norfolk can make some great wintery pictures too, y'know. Just you wait.


Yeah! And we'll open up a can of Somerset West-Country accents on you!


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Wisconsin will own your souls for pretty snow pictures. Just wait until I go home for break in December.


Norfolk can make some great wintery pictures too, y'know. Just you wait.


Yeah! And we'll open up a can of Somerset West-Country accents on you!




If it snows in london, you have lost!

Luck be a Lady

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Wisconsin will own your souls for pretty snow pictures. Just wait until I go home for break in December.


Norfolk can make some great wintery pictures too, y'know. Just you wait.


Yeah! And we'll open up a can of Somerset West-Country accents on you!




If it snows in london, you have lost!




It did snow in London, yesterday.


I made a snowman with a suicide note attached for when it melts \'


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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I live in Birmingham. I snowed for a few hours and the snow melted the day. Right now it feels as if we are in mid winter. So cold outside. Snow in October is not normal for Britain. And the last two summers have been very wet.




You snowed?






And no one beats Canada for best snow pictures.

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Yeah! And we'll open up a can of Somerset West-Country accents on you!


Oi, oi, no need to pick on us brand new combine harvester getters and cider drinkers. Even if we do chase cheese down steep hills.


in b4 this reference goes over everyones heads.


I love the Wurzels :D


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Ha! You guys think your snow is awesome? Wait until you see the flat, empty, barren landscape of the south plains covered with a yearly max of 2 inches of snow!





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Snow in October is not normal for Britain.


Maybe not for England but I wouldn't say it's terribly unusual for parts of Scotland. It's nearly November really. I remember when I was younger, maybe 12 years old our worst snow during that winter was at the beginning of November. Our winter's have been lacking much snow lately.

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woke up yesterday morning and everything was white... didn't even have time to rake the leaves.




i'm definitely getting a Tremblant ski pass this winter and live in my friends cottage :D Us canadimerans know how to take advantage of these ridiculous winters



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Yeah! And we'll open up a can of Somerset West-Country accents on you!


Oi, oi, no need to pick on us brand new combine harvester getters and cider drinkers. Even if we do chase cheese down steep hills.


in b4 this reference goes over everyones heads.

Norfolk accent is a bastardization of West Country with Suffolk.





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