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Scores killed in Mumbai rampage


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Why are terrorists attacking British/US citizens? I've read that they think we are too free. Christ, instead of pulling crap like this, why can't they try and develop for themselves? Make some alliances?




Because for a lot of the British empires earlier wealth they basically raped and pillaged countries such as India, it's not that they think were to free, we just gained the majority of earlier wealth by colonizing countries and taking their natural resources meaning they never had the money nor technology to fully develop.




A small extremist terrorist cell isn't the opinion of the entire country, such as the terrorists thinking were to free, India relies on Western countries to help develop it's economy and improve it's country's wellbeing, not every citizen thinks the same as the extremist terrorists.

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I think there can be quite a few reasons to kill the foreigners.




The Taj is an iconic place which attracts quite a few foreigners & as such it is a tourist attraction along with business deals taking place. In the last few years, Indian economy has managed to grow at a good pace & it is a good proposition for the FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) & FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) to make investments. Since India is an emerging market, there's lot of scope to make money. By targeting foreigners also, they intend to show that India is not a safe place to be doing business & the story carries more weight in the international media. Mumbai is also the financial hub of India.




Atleast in the short term it prompts a rethink for those who are invested in India or those who want to enter. Some of the industries will be impacted immediately by this attack. That was just the investment angle of it, there's the tourism aspect of it as well.




Hmm, that's what I think. There could be more or different reasons.


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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Why are terrorists attacking British/US citizens? I've read that they think we are too free. Christ, instead of pulling crap like this, why can't they try and develop for themselves? Make some alliances?




Because for a lot of the British empires earlier wealth they basically raped and pillaged countries such as India, it's not that they think were to free, we just gained the majority of earlier wealth by colonizing countries and taking their natural resources meaning they never had the money nor technology to fully develop.




A small extremist terrorist cell isn't the opinion of the entire country, such as the terrorists thinking were to free, India relies on Western countries to help develop it's economy and improve it's country's wellbeing, not every citizen thinks the same as the extremist terrorists.




They're killing civilians for something that happened hundreds of years ago and noone involved had anything to do with? There's terrorist logic for you.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Why are terrorists attacking British/US citizens? I've read that they think we are too free. Christ, instead of pulling crap like this, why can't they try and develop for themselves? Make some alliances?




Because for a lot of the British empires earlier wealth they basically raped and pillaged countries such as India, it's not that they think were to free, we just gained the majority of earlier wealth by colonizing countries and taking their natural resources meaning they never had the money nor technology to fully develop.




A small extremist terrorist cell isn't the opinion of the entire country, such as the terrorists thinking were to free, India relies on Western countries to help develop it's economy and improve it's country's wellbeing, not every citizen thinks the same as the extremist terrorists.




They're killing civilians for something that happened hundreds of years ago and noone involved had anything to do with? There's terrorist logic for you.




India only became independent in 1947, it wasn't hundreds of years ago.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Why are terrorists attacking British/US citizens? I've read that they think we are too free. Christ, instead of pulling crap like this, why can't they try and develop for themselves? Make some alliances?




Because for a lot of the British empires earlier wealth they basically raped and pillaged countries such as India, it's not that they think were to free, we just gained the majority of earlier wealth by colonizing countries and taking their natural resources meaning they never had the money nor technology to fully develop.




A small extremist terrorist cell isn't the opinion of the entire country, such as the terrorists thinking were to free, India relies on Western countries to help develop it's economy and improve it's country's wellbeing, not every citizen thinks the same as the extremist terrorists.




They're killing civilians for something that happened hundreds of years ago and noone involved had anything to do with? There's terrorist logic for you.




http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/ ... L120081106




HERAT, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Foreign forces have killed seven civilians in an air strike in northwest Afghanistan, officials said on Thursday, a day after the Afghan president said warplanes had killed 40 civilians in the south.




President Hamid Karzai said the issue of civilian casualties was the biggest source of tension with his main backers, the United States, and called on President-elect Barack Obama to make it his top priority to stop the killings of innocents.




I realize you probably are relatively young and haven't followed politics for long, still, there's terrorist retaliation logic for you. And I don't support terrorists in any way. But this happens almost every day. It has happened for a very long time. I can give you over 30 similar incidents from just a few month timespan in multiple countries where the US causes giant civilian casualties. Do you expect them to just sit back and watch their families get killed?




Really, I challenge you to think. If your entire family died in a US airstrike to kill a 'suspected' terrorist leader, what would you do, just go on about your life and job normally? Your entire life just got destroyed by the army of a single nation illegally assaulting your country. You would hate that country so deeply you would have nothing to lose by going on a suicide mission to bring down as many of them as possible.




Nothing is as simple as "they hate our freedom". It has totally zero to do with "freedom". Do you think someone is willing to sacrifice their own life to fight 'freedom'? It's a cold fact that the USA kills masses of innocent civilians, women and children all around the world in it's paranoid manhunt for 'terrorists'.




It causes unimaginable resentment and hatred which occassionally turns into terrorist movements and planning to retaliate against western civilians.

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Civilians p=often get caught in the crossfire, that's an unfortunate fact. We don't destroy entire countries because we THINK someone MIGHT be in that general area. In the mind of a terrorist, they see themselves as right, but who doesn't? It's twisted logic.




And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Civilians p=often get caught in the crossfire, that's an unfortunate fact. We don't destroy entire countries because we THINK someone MIGHT be in that general area. In the mind of a terrorist, they see themselves as right, but who doesn't? It's twisted logic.




And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?


You seem to be assuming that it was India that was behind this. Let me remind you far more Indians died in this than westerners. India was more of a victim than this than any other country. I'm not saying that the families of the foreign casualties aren't suffering, far from it.




Another main reason they specifically killed some westerners is because they know they'll get more international media coverage for it.

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I find it honorable that they try to avenge their families and friends.




How they do it makes them the scum of the earth. And, how often they're misled by leaders into throwing their whole lives away for nothing.




A waste that could be stopped in tons of ways, but never will be. Civilians will always get caught in the crossfire in these warzones, and their anger will always be taken advantage of by one side or the other.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Civilians p=often get caught in the crossfire, that's an unfortunate fact. We don't destroy entire countries because we THINK someone MIGHT be in that general area. In the mind of a terrorist, they see themselves as right, but who doesn't? It's twisted logic.




And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?


You seem to be assuming that it was Indians that were behind this. Let me remind you far more Indians died in this than westerners. India was more of a victim than this than any other country. I'm not saying that the families of the foreign casualties, far from it.




Another main reason they specifically killed some westerners is because they know they'll get more international media coverage for it.




I don't mean the Indian government, I mean they were Indian extremists.




I hadn't thought of the media attention, but you're right.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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The terrorists were Pakistani nationals not Indians.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?


Because you're assuming the terrorists' target was specifically US and British targets. Evidence quite clearly points elsewhere, given so many people from other nations, Israel included, are also dead or were injured in the attacks.




This was an attack on India's (or rather, Mumbai's) prestige as a destination for the rich and wealthy to come on holiday, do deals and celebrate events. Mumbai will lose millions because of these attacks since tourists will be put off using Mumbai as a destination. It's got absolutely nothing to do with democracy, or freedom, or even the US. As said, this style of terrorism has been going on long before the War against Terror was declared by Bush. It's just no one in the Western world really cared until terrorism landed right on their doorstep.




This is the problem with fatally putting all forms of terrorism under one roof, and then saying it's an attack on freedom.

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Heh, I just tried explaining in my previous post why they might've targeted foreigners.




There is a huge capital inflow because of the foreign investment, targeting them means showing them that India isn't a safe place to do your business. It makes you think twice before coming to India & doing business. In the short run there is a negative or unfavourable sentiment towards India. People will be hesitant to visit India because of these attacks. These are just the short term problems created due to this attack.


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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This is a major political goof up. Our politicians were idiots, this incident just made all of us realize that. The terrorist were better equipped than our police force, they (the mumbai police)didn't stand a chance with those outdated rifles.


Kudos to the NSG commandos and all those who were involved in the operation, if it weren't for them I shudder to think what would have happened.


If 40 terrorists could take over mumbai,I wonder what could a hundred could do :cry:




And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?




Um, the terrorists were Pakistani nationals, not Indians, we aren't that stupid to blow up our own people. A lot of Indians were killed too.


And by the way,we don't have anything against the Brits either, if it weren't for them we would have never progressed into the Modern Age, although some of them did get the unusual urge to create a massacre.

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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... sault.html




The 10 men who attacked prominent Mumbai landmarks were able to hold off hundreds of India's best trained special forces by mounting sophisticated ambushes, maintaining a constant, steady rate of return fire and a superior knowledge of the layout of the buildings seized.





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The 10 men who attacked prominent Mumbai landmarks were able to hold off hundreds of India's best trained special forces by mounting sophisticated ambushes, maintaining a constant, steady rate of return fire and a superior knowledge of the layout of the buildings seized.








Even though they wore civilian clothing as a diversion, I find it 100% impossible to believe they were just normal angry civilians with rifles. I will bet money on that fact.




To be able to hold them off for that long they must've undergone rigorous training from Pakistan SF operatives or another country's special forces (not likely american though). Someone had a motive in causing destruction in Mumbai, doesn't seem that "random" at all

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Yup. If you read the rest of the article you'd find out:






The heavily built men, who had undergone training at a special marine camp established by the Lashkar-e-Taibat (LeT) terrorist group in Pakistan, had also used steroids to build a tougher physique.




"We found injections containing traces of cocaine and LSD left behind by the terrorists and later found drugs in their blood," said one official.




"There was also evidence of steroids, which isn't uncommon in terrorists.




"These men were all toned, suggesting they had been doing some heavy training for the attacks. This explains why they managed to battle the commandos for over 50 hours with no food or sleep."




One terrorist used the drugs to keep on fighting despite suffering a life-threatening injury.




The gunman captured during the attacks on Mumbai has told police he underwent months of commando-style training in an Islamist militant camp in Pakistan.




The training was organised by the LeT and conducted by a former member of the Pakistani army, a police officer close to the interrogation said.




"They underwent training in several phases, which included training in handling weapons, bomb making, survival strategies, survival in a marine environment and even dietary habits," a senior officer said.






Crazy stuff.

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It is the Daily Telegraph. I think they tried convincing us half of them were British or something. Their evidence? The attackers used Blackberry devices to search British websites.




No doubt they were trained, but that paper's hardly reliable.

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This is a major political goof up. Our politicians were idiots, this incident just made all of us realize that. The terrorist were better equipped than our police force, they (the mumbai police)didn't stand a chance with those outdated rifles.


Kudos to the NSG commandos and all those who were involved in the operation, if it weren't for them I shudder to think what would have happened.


If 40 terrorists could take over mumbai,I wonder what could a hundred could do :cry:




And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?




Um, the terrorists were Pakistani nationals, not Indians, we aren't that stupid to blow up our own people. A lot of Indians were killed too.


And by the way,we don't have anything against the Brits either, if it weren't for them we would have never progressed into the Modern Age, although some of them did get the unusual urge to create a massacre.




don't believe everything you read.




first off several of the police forces are being quoted on other news stations, papers, ect. as saying that they were surprised at seeing the terrorists because they expected them to look more like them but they were white, had blonde hair, and punk rock hair styles.




2nd there are reports of them tieing red cords around their wrist this is a hindu practice, not muslim.




3rd there are reports coming in that the terrorists stayed at a hotel and ordered alot of alchohol before the attack, this again, is not a muslim practice.




and finally what would this achieve for pakistan by starting a potential war with india?


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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The 10 men who attacked prominent Mumbai landmarks were able to hold off hundreds of India's best trained special forces by mounting sophisticated ambushes, maintaining a constant, steady rate of return fire and a superior knowledge of the layout of the buildings seized.








This is either one of two things: those terrorists are REALLY GOOD or India's best... is mediocre




I dunno about other people, but when we're talking about the best SWAT teams in the world, I don't think India would be anywhere near the top.

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You know what, once I was watching the indian news and man, the police on they showed were total [wagon]es. They were raiding this place and this one guy so tentively opened a door, aiming a gun at his own mate. A body fell out and the gun was still aimed at his co-worker.




Now I'm sure not all police officers are like this..



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From what i've read, the Indian Special Forces killed most of the terrorists, one survived and is now in hospital and no doubt being interrogated. The survivor is supposedly refusing to eat, trying to starve himself to death.




I saw some pretty graphic pictures of the aftermath of the assault at the train station which really wasn't nice. There were also a couple of videos of the terrorists shooting it out with Indian security forces and one taken from inside the cafe, in which you could clearly see the bullets striking the windows. It really makes you think.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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From what i've read, the Indian Special Forces killed most of the terrorists, one survived and is now in hospital and no doubt being interrogated. The survivor is supposedly refusing to eat, trying to starve himself to death.




I saw some pretty graphic pictures of the aftermath of the assault at the train station which really wasn't nice. There were also a couple of videos of the terrorists shooting it out with Indian security forces and one taken from inside the cafe, in which you could clearly see the bullets striking the windows. It really makes you think.




There is a video of the surviving gunman being attacked by a mob in the train station as well, the policeman who arrested him stopped the mob from killing him.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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This is a major political goof up. Our politicians were idiots, this incident just made all of us realize that. The terrorist were better equipped than our police force, they (the mumbai police)didn't stand a chance with those outdated rifles.


Kudos to the NSG commandos and all those who were involved in the operation, if it weren't for them I shudder to think what would have happened.


If 40 terrorists could take over mumbai,I wonder what could a hundred could do :cry:




And it still doesn't explain why they attack US targets. We haven't done anything to India. And what about British targets? Britain is the only one here that they might have a conflict with, and even then, why civilians?




Um, the terrorists were Pakistani nationals, not Indians, we aren't that stupid to blow up our own people. A lot of Indians were killed too.


And by the way,we don't have anything against the Brits either, if it weren't for them we would have never progressed into the Modern Age, although some of them did get the unusual urge to create a massacre.




don't believe everything you read.




first off several of the police forces are being quoted on other news stations, papers, ect. as saying that they were surprised at seeing the terrorists because they expected them to look more like them but they were white, had blonde hair, and punk rock hair styles.




2nd there are reports of them tieing red cords around their wrist this is a hindu practice, not muslim.




3rd there are reports coming in that the terrorists stayed at a hotel and ordered alot of alchohol before the attack, this again, is not a muslim practice.




and finally what would this achieve for Pakistan by starting a potential war with india?




Many have the same doubts. However the captured terrorist himself confessed that he was a Pakistani national and the group trained in a well known Pakistani terrorist group LeT Or Lashkar-e-Taliba. A few personal items with Pakistani origins have been found with the terrorists. This has Pakistani hand written all over it. I assume the appearance was a divisionary tactic. We have enough proof to prove that ISI is behind these attacks




As for the last question, I have absolutely no idea. The purpose of terrorism is to cause terror and loss of faith in the government, not necessarily war, though.

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BBC News 24 just reported that there's been a shooting in Mumbai airport which if true is another worrying development which could be an attempted second wave or copycats.








edit - I did mean Dehli, don't know why I typed Mumbai, regardless it was a stupid BBC false alarm.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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