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is it possible to use more than one mouse?


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You can have two mice, or a mouse and something else like a drawing pad, but not 2 cursors.



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I had a glidepad (finger pad) and a mouse, and either could shift the pointer or click - you could also use a tracker ball and a mouse, for things that need thrashing speed or finer control.




If an exact postition device (tablet) is active, it will hold the pointer in position - a mistake which can be made if you leave the pen on the tablet and try to use the mouse.

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I plugged in 3 old USB mouses I don't use.. To try this for fun; It does work :lol:




You wont get 3 different cursors though, but every one of them will be capable of moving it. A bit bizarre, but completely useless, as I can't see how it could be an advantage in any work situation or game.

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There was a few games that were centred around two mice & two keyboards. I also believe that there wasa Nascar game released and there was a bug that enabled you to have dual keyboards and use them for p1 and p2 (both keyboards would use the arrow keys at the same time, and not just use wasd and arrow keys, lol).




But really with online gameplay nowadays it's not even needed.

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As is said by everyone else, both mice share the one cursor. Reminds me of times back in school when I'd plug wireless mice into other people's computer and start moving it randomly. They'd say 'What the...? Sir I think I have a virus!' Hilarious.

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I plugged in 3 old USB mouses I don't use.. To try this for fun; It does work :lol:




You wont get 3 different cursors though, but every one of them will be capable of moving it. A bit bizarre, but completely useless, as I can't see how it could be an advantage in any work situation or game.




Seems like a good office prank.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I plugged in 3 old USB mouses I don't use.. To try this for fun; It does work :lol:




You wont get 3 different cursors though, but every one of them will be capable of moving it. A bit bizarre, but completely useless, as I can't see how it could be an advantage in any work situation or game.


This also works with laptops that have a touchpad and one of those "bellybutton" mice.


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yeah, I know how to mouse input works. I got a lappy with a touchpad and I hook a mouse to it. I was just wondering if its possible to get two seperate cursors because it doesn't seem like too big of a deal. I'll look into that CPNmouse link. Thanks to anyone who replied anyways.

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You can have two mice physically plugged into your computer, but they will both control the same "cursor" if you're on any normal operating system(windows, linux, mac, bsd, etc). I don't know of any OSes that allow you to use multiple cursors, but that sure would be useful!





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