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Stupidest way you've been injured?


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playing soccer








im the goalkeeper...and one time at practice my teamate tried to chip me...








well..i wasnt paying too much attention...and i started turning my body to run back towards the goal with my body turned so i could see the ball








i slapped it over the goal....(going upper 90) but when i dove up to do so i dove into the pole face first...








spitting out blood for a halfhour

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When I was about 3, I found a hand-held pencil sharpener in a mall. (You know, those plastic ones that are cheap? You put the pencil in and twist to sharpen?) I put my finger in and twisted, gave me a gash on my pinkie and a hangnail. :(








When I was about 11, I was cutting something with scissors at school. The scissors were really long and I was holding the paper really weird... So, I ended up cutting completely through that skin between your thumb and forefinger... That was painful. The same year, I also stapled my thumb to a wall.








When I was 12, I was playing in my backyard and decided to climb my fence. (about 9 or 10 feet tall) I was almost over, when my leg slipped and I somehow fell on the other side. I landed on a board with a huge nail sticking out... So, I had a nail in my stomach, with a board attached to it... The board was really big and heavy, so I had to pull it out... That's when it started to hurt... after that I kinda went into shock and fainted. When I woke up, it hurt to walk, but, I was fine... Lucky for me, I'd previously had a tetnus shot. :D

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When I was about 3, I found a hand-held pencil sharpener in a mall. (You know, those plastic ones that are cheap? You put the pencil in and twist to sharpen?) I put my finger in and twisted, gave me a gash on my pinkie and a hangnail. :(








When I was 12, I was playing in my backyard and decided to climb my fence. (about 9 or 10 feet tall) I was almost over, when my leg slipped and I somehow fell on the other side. I landed on a board with a huge nail sticking out... So, I had a nail in my stomach, with a board attached to it... The board was really big and heavy, so I had to pull it out... That's when it started to hurt... after that I kinda went into shock and fainted. When I woke up, it hurt to walk, but, I was fine... Lucky for me, I'd previously had a tetnus shot. :D








ARggh!!, it hurts to think about those, i think those are pretty much the worst things u could ever do lolol :roll:




Anyways i havnt done much but one time when i was about 7? me and my brother were fighting and i pulled him backwards onto me falling over and him landing awkwardly on my arm, breaking my arm :?








Probobly a few other things but cant really think atm..

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It was kinda dark out, and my m8 and I were playin basketball..








I hopped on my bike and started riding it around, my friend passed me the ball and i started dribblin it while still riding the bike..




I come to the rim from the freethrow line, and take a shot, while still riding.








As I shoot i loose my balance, the ball rebounds and hits me on the side of the head as i have no hands on the handlebars and am tipping to my left. I finally crash and i get tossed straight up. My handlebars are sticking straight up and finally i land with my junk coming RIGHT down on the handlebars...








I couldn't breath from the pain, and my friend couldnt' breath from laughing so hard..

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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when i was four my parents were having a party at our house and me and my friend were playing tag (you know that game where u run away and if you get touched your "it") and he climbed to the top of my climbing frame and i ran underneath it and then the inevitable happened my friend jumped on top of me and due to him being a year or something older than me and considerably heavier he managed 2 snap my ankle i cried my eyes out and then me and some friends and someones dad and i think one of my brothers went in and played a boardgame then my mum took me to hospital


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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I dunno how old I was when this happened but it had to be before the age your brain starts being fully opperational. Anyways, I was playing with one of my toys and, for some reason, I decided I wanted to go outside. Now I don't know if it was part of my "game" or I was just in a hurry, but I started running towards the door. The door itself was open alright, but the screen door.... wasnt. So my sprint was abbruptly ended by my face hitting the screen which acted as a trampolline and made my body "fly" back. Next thing I know I'm on the floor, I dropped my toy and I have no clue whatsoever of what just happened. Didnt hurt myself (not that I can remember) but man was I surprised :lol:








Another one, probably happened when I was about 10. Me and my mom were coming home and we saw one of our cats in the window next to our door. We didnt want it to come out at this time so I got ready to bend down and catch him if he tried to come out while my mom opened the door. He did try to come out, but he litteraly LEAPED out. So I bent quickly to try and stop him and doing so I got the door knob right under the eye :x . My cat enjoyed a night out and I had a bruise under my eye for a week.

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It was my 10th birthday and mum bought me a speedometer for my bike. I was excited so I tried opening it but the cover for it was too hard to open. I then got the really sharp scissors and still couldn't cut it, so I pushed as hard as I can, and I sliced right through the cover, but only to realise I had also sliced a hole right through the middle of my left hand, all the way through. Being only 10, I thought I was gonna die and I cried to mum, then I just got stitches and a bunch of other stuff and it healed after a month or so, but I'm 17 now and still have the scar :(

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I was about 8, and in the boyscouts. One of the things we had to do was see how high we could jump, so I was practicing in the kitchen. Now, a while before, a wooden carving had been hanging on the wall, but had been taken down for whatever reason. Didn't take out the nail though. The head of the nail drove itself into the heel of my hand, and as graity pulled me down, left a gash running all the way up my palm, exiting betwen my ring and middle finger. Not so fun.








These aren't really injuries, but I've destroyed at least three lenses in my glasses. First one, I was around six, in a raquetball room at the req center with a bunch of other kids, making a run to the other wall. I stopped a bit too late, and my sock-ed self kept going, putting a good crack in one lense. About the same time, I was chasing someone on the playground, put on an extra bust of speed, and started turning to catch them. I misjudged my turning radius somewhat, and slammed into a telephone pole. I blame my lack of depth perception for that one.








Last glasses story happened only two years ago, at 18. I went to the police department's SWAT team training range. When I was in the shooting house, I ended up putting a few rounds into the entering officers, and their partners responded in kind. Now, I was wearing a paintball mask that prevented me from wearing my glasses, so they were in my cargo pants pocket. Both rounds hit me right in that pocket, turning the "unbreakable" poly-carbonate lenses into dust. I got an interesting reaction when I told the people at my glasses store that their lenses wern't bullet proof.




(FYI, we used real 9mm handguns, firing SIMs, a wax subsonic round filled with paint. Basically, paintball with real guns. :D)

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When i was in 5th grade (11 probally), i was playing full court basketball with my friend. Some idiot stood in the middle of the court with a maddle bat, he was just swinging. So i stole the ball from my friend, ran right past the kid and *WHAM* right in the face, got me in my cheek. If that would have been my eye, could have been serious, it was just bruised for a while though.








I got my revenge on the kid later with a little something called "my fists" later on in the week though :lol:



RSN--44warriorz44-|90 str|86 attack|70 def|85 hp|52 pray|102 cmb

--[Proud leader of Final Destination! http://z6.invisionfree.com/RSFinaldestination/index.php?

Requirements for FD!

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When i was in 5th grade (11 probally), i was playing full court basketball with my friend. Some idiot stood in the middle of the court with a maddle bat, he was just swinging. So i stole the ball from my friend, ran right past the kid and *WHAM* right in the face, got me in my cheek. If that would have been my eye, could have been serious, it was just bruised for a while though.








I got my revenge on the kid later with a little something called "my fists" later on in the week though :lol:




you were still quite the pker even as a youn'un, were'nt you? :lol:


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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When I was about 3, I found a hand-held pencil sharpener in a mall. (You know, those plastic ones that are cheap? You put the pencil in and twist to sharpen?) I put my finger in and twisted, gave me a gash on my pinkie and a hangnail. :(








When I was 12, I was playing in my backyard and decided to climb my fence. (about 9 or 10 feet tall) I was almost over, when my leg slipped and I somehow fell on the other side. I landed on a board with a huge nail sticking out... So, I had a nail in my stomach, with a board attached to it... The board was really big and heavy, so I had to pull it out... That's when it started to hurt... after that I kinda went into shock and fainted. When I woke up, it hurt to walk, but, I was fine... Lucky for me, I'd previously had a tetnus shot. :D








ARggh!!, it hurts to think about those, i think those are pretty much the worst things u could ever do lolol :roll:




Anyways i havnt done much but one time when i was about 7? me and my brother were fighting and i pulled him backwards onto me falling over and him landing awkwardly on my arm, breaking my arm :?








Probobly a few other things but cant really think atm..








Lol. I've never broken my arm. But, I have broken a rib. That hurts badly... I like your sig BTW. Legend of Zelda rocks!

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Well, in our common room we have a cantine. The exit is near a window, and where the door opens there is a little blindspot.




I was mozying out with a cheese and bacon baguette where my friend JP jumps out of the blindspot, exclaiming: "OOGA WOOGA WOOGA!!!"




I threw the baguette up in the air and staggered backwards. I staggered straight through the window into the corridor outside, infront of the head of 6th form, leaving a Bubsa shaped hole in the window. In the process I suffered cuts and a ruined pair of underpants.








Let this be a lesson to school administrators, have that green wire stuff in EVERY window in the school.








that is the funniest thing i have ever read, but cheese AND bacon-that's just greedy.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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When I was 5, I burned both of my hands :lol:




There was something in the oven, and I was probably wondering what it was.. So I decided to check what was in it, and put both my hands on the window. Not good.

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I built a PVC water gun and overpressurized it, so it busted me in the lip and split my chin. Just one week ago.








Diagram of gun:










handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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well, i was at a ski, board resort snowboarding, and little did i know, my friends went there... so i was boarding down a double black when someone on the chairlift calls my name.... i look up and 3 giant snowballs hit me right in the face (later on my friends said i had snowballs as eyes) and i couldnt see at all and i was going about 20mpg.......








i hit a tree








:x omg it hurt, passed out for about a min and got taken by the ski patrol and was let go....








o yea my friend that threw a snowball at me later in the day at the condo tripped over a dog and scrapped up his whole face lmao :lol:

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Well, in our common room we have a cantine. The exit is near a window, and where the door opens there is a little blindspot.




I was mozying out with a cheese and bacon baguette where my friend JP jumps out of the blindspot, exclaiming: "OOGA WOOGA WOOGA!!!"




I threw the baguette up in the air and staggered backwards. I staggered straight through the window into the corridor outside, infront of the head of 6th form, leaving a Bubsa shaped hole in the window. In the process I suffered cuts and a ruined pair of underpants.








Let this be a lesson to school administrators, have that green wire stuff in EVERY window in the school.








that is the funniest thing i have ever read, but cheese AND bacon-that's just greedy.








lmao that is the funniest thing!!!

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OK so its halloween, my mates street is doing a trick or treat night. We have this wicked idea. So i get dressed up in a black hooded cloak, with a scythe (grimreaper) and my mate sets up a lawn chair in the front yard. He put the candy pot on my arm, and told me to sit perfectly still. Anyway this kid (probably no more than 10) comes up to get some candy. He gets close, i grab his arm and scream at him. Ive gone "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the kids gone "AHHHHHHHHHH!" then he DROP KICKED me right in the balls! So the kids run off crying, im on the ground crying, blinded by pain when his mum comes over and tore up us for being idiots. I still havent found the left one yet...

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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Me, I broke my big toe because I stumbled while going down the stairs the wrong way. I didn't fall, but what I did do was basically completly bend all of my toes so that they were underneath my foot. :x








Ohh well








That was the only time I've ever bronken a bone so I can't complain.




I drink a lot of milk :D










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OK so its halloween, my mates street is doing a trick or treat night. We have this wicked idea. So i get dressed up in a black hooded cloak, with a scythe (grimreaper) and my mate sets up a lawn chair in the front yard. He put the candy pot on my arm, and told me to sit perfectly still. Anyway this kid (probably no more than 10) comes up to get some candy. He gets close, i grab his arm and scream at him. Ive gone "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the kids gone "AHHHHHHHHHH!" then he DROP KICKED me right in the balls! So the kids run off crying, im on the ground crying, blinded by pain when his mum comes over and tore up us for being idiots. I still havent found the left one yet...












omg I just not got back to the comp to post this, i've been clutching my sides from laughing..... :lol: :lol:

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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I got pulled backwards off the hand-rails leading down to my schools oval.




And the back of my head hit the top of a metal pin which was just sticking out of the wooden retaining wall or whatever it is.




Got up, went to smack the person down and was a bit woozy. Looked where I landed and there was all this blood over the wood, put a hand to my head and it was soaked, so i plodded down to the school office (about 300m away) and called my mum to take me to the medical center.








Got it stiched up and then 2 days later I was riding home from school.. was almost in the garage at home and my back type burst. wheel went flying out from under me, head smacked into the brick pillar. And because I usually take my helmet off just because I get inside, the back of my head got cut open again.








Ironically enough in the same place as the one a few days before, just in the other direction. So I got that patched up and I now have a small T shaped scar there because of it :P

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