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Stupidest way you've been injured?


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Hmm dunno if any1 else ever done this, didn't read them all lol...








One of the electives in my school is a running class, and obviously...we run.




We was all running normally, realized my shoe-lace was untied and i didn't really think anything of it. Ended up tripping on it, an breaking my left arm ><|||













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Ahhhh, I have a good one. My dad is a welding teacher and one of his students got the bright idea a month or so ago, to make a cannon.











my brother when he was to high-school the where out sailing with "boylesley", the found a container full of small packages of juice and a ton of peanuts.








one of his friends had made a cannon, and when the navy passed by they took out the cannon and started to shoot peanuts and throw juice boxes at the navy :lol:



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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Ok once i was about 12 i think and i was playing soccer... so i ran and i tripped and broke my arm... wasnt that bad just too the hospital and home again... but later in the school i played soccer with my broken arm( i now it was stupid) i got shooted on the other arm and i broke that too... that was nasty a hole week with too broken arms... nasty nasty nasty :lol: :lol: :lol:


[Whip drops: 13]

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Ok once i was about 12 i think and i was playing soccer... so i ran and i tripped and broke my arm... wasnt that bad just too the hospital and home again... but later in the school i played soccer with my broken arm( i now it was stupid) i got shooted on the other arm and i broke that too... that was nasty a hole week with too broken arms... nasty nasty nasty :lol: :lol: :lol:








did you have to write the homework and hold your pencil in your mouth? 8)



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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A few:








This one wasn't really stupid but it was the end of the year party and there was this thing called 'jousting'. It wasn't acutally jousting but acutually this match where you swing these big pillars of soft stuff at your opponent. Well I was fighting a bigger kid (8th grade friend) and somehow he knocked me on my back and my head smashed on one of the stands in the arena. Smashed my head open but it really didn't feel different than hitting your head on something except it lasts alot longer.








A few years ago before I moved, I had this friend who loved karate and [wagon] kicking. So usually during gym while all the people were dressing we would spar. Well this time we both jumped and kicked for the crotch and holy [cabbage] we were rolling on the floor in agony!!! :lol: When you jump you leave your crotch defenseless and.................ouch.








A few days ago: This girl has a locker right above mine and usually she gives me a warning before she opens it but this time, some idiot put a fake spider in it. She opened it halfway and I was standing up and walking toward my class when "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK" and my face got owned :oops: . No scars or anything but it was pretty funny 8)

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A few:








This one wasn't really stupid but it was the end of the year party and there was this thing called 'jousting'. It wasn't acutally jousting but acutually this match where you swing these big pillars of soft stuff at your opponent. Well I was fighting a bigger kid (8th grade friend) and somehow he knocked me on my back and my head smashed on one of the stands in the arena. Smashed my head open but it really didn't feel different than hitting your head on something except it lasts alot longer.








A few years ago before I moved, I had this friend who loved karate and wagon kicking. So usually during gym while all the people were dressing we would spar. Well this time we both jumped and kicked for the crotch and holy cabbage we were rolling on the floor in agony!!! :lol: When you jump you leave your crotch defenseless and.................ouch.








A few days ago: This girl has a locker right above mine and usually she gives me a warning before she opens it but this time, some idiot put a fake spider in it. She opened it halfway and I was standing up and walking toward my class when "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK" and my face got owned :oops: . No scars or anything but it was pretty funny 8)




pretty funny :P


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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when i was 18months old :lol: i was on a staircase at my mums friends i was sitting on a fold up chair it slid fell back wards split my head open 2 stichers :D








thats not very bad tho....








was climbing on tennis court last year 3 - 4metres high jumped of landed on a little metal pole almost went through my foot bout a cm away 5 stichers went to the worst doctors surgery i got 5 shots of anastetic into the cut itself then he starts stiching away at my foot i can feel every stich so he puts another 2 shots of anastetic in :shock: but i can still feel it by this time i had made my mum spew and almost squized of my dads thumb when hes done he starts push all the broken tendens back into my foot that tickled lol :lol: 2 weeks on cruchers most of the days of school god that was the life but a painful life i still got a scar which makes me unable to stant on round things








so yeah that hurt :) and is my worst




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this isn't me but my uncle...








Anyways back when he was like 10 he broke his arm. he was really into playing outside and building stuff so he decided to build a fence. Since he couldn't really use a hammer, he used his hard cast to hammer in nails. After a while of this, he broke off his cast and had to go back to the doctors because they had to rebrake his arm becase it grew abnormally because of it :x .

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um one time i was at skool and i went into thge library and these 2 ppl that i dont like were playing chess so i got up on the table next to em and jumped onto the chess bord and i got 1 stuck in my elbow and a cut in my stomach and i got banned from the library for the rest of the term = ) o well

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Ok once i was about 12 i think and i was playing soccer... so i ran and i tripped and broke my arm... wasnt that bad just too the hospital and home again... but later in the school i played soccer with my broken arm( i now it was stupid) i got shooted on the other arm and i broke that too... that was nasty a hole week with too broken arms... nasty nasty nasty :lol: :lol: :lol:








You got shot playing soccer?!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey all wat a great topic :P well here is mine haha.... if any1 playz volleyball out there u'll know all about this, well in volleyball wen u get hit in the face by the other team its called a pack, so u try and pack the opposition... well i was playing for my state Queensland :D and i got packed by the opposition lol it was the best hit lol it actually knocked me off my and i got knocked out for a lil while lol








woot go me :D

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Well, just before last christmas I managed to fall down some concrete stairs and severely sprain BOTH my ankles. Managed to hobble home with the help of a friend. Luckily it wasn't far. Limping on both feet is not easy!! Went to the hospital the next day for x-rays and the doctor in charge was impressed. He'd never seen anyone take out both feet at once. I guess they're still discussing that one :lol: . Oh, and the real embarassing part? I was 27. Should by far know better.....





Ty Jeppoz for making it. Thx to the Pup for finding it after it got lost :D And thx to Kill_Life and Turtle for the ava.


Stoltenberg, 22/7-11: "We will retaliate with more democracy" In remembrance of Oslo/Utøya. May we never forget, nor be pulled down to the level of the beast

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I slipped down a single stair about a fortnight ago when I was helping my sister move house. I didn't think anything of it but when I woke up in the morning my ankle was so swollen I couldn't put my trainer on.








1 visit to the hospital later and it turned out I'd broken my ankle in 4 places. So I'm currently stuck on crutches for at least 1 month until my next appointment with the consultant.

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i actually got real pissed off once.. and i punched a wall and broke my hand.




What guy here has NOT done this :P




Let me guess.. it was because of a girl? hehe.




Guys punching walls is probably just as common as girls cutting themselves lol

one of my mates punched a tree once.




Tore up his knuckles fairly good in the process.












I've punched a wall once. Went right through it and almost through the other piece of plaster board :-?








There are three house around my holes and well... Never argue with your mummy! She'll always win :lol:








Well, just before last christmas I managed to fall down some concrete stairs and severely sprain BOTH my ankles. Managed to hobble home with the help of a friend. Luckily it wasn't far. Limping on both feet is not easy!! Went to the hospital the next day for x-rays and the doctor in charge was impressed. He'd never seen anyone take out both feet at once. I guess they're still discussing that one :lol: . Oh, and the real embarassing part? I was 27. Should by far know better.....








ROFL..... Dude/ette? That just soo painful....wow, i got huge respect for ya...rofl.. :lol:








I cannot stop laughing my damn behind off irl!! :lol:








This thread rocks!!








EDIT: broke my arm today... spent 6 hours in a&e...

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this morning I dropped my 10-pound wooden sock drawer on my big toe on my left foot (corner hit it right on I think, because its the only part of my foot that got hurt - and I was bearfoot, so that sucks...) ...hurt like a mother for about 15mins, especially since I was poking at it trying to figure out if I broke the bone or cracked the nail...didn't, but when I started walking around it felt like the toenail was moving around at the base, where it grows out at, which makes me think that its been disconnected and when the new one starts growing it, this one'll fall off completely and then I'll have to deal with that... :?








now that its been about 12 hours, it doesn't really hurt anymore, unless I walk more than 10 feet or stand on it for too long (walking to class is going to be fun next week :? )...when I'm sitting, its fine, but there's a little bit of pain that I can feel whenever my pulse goes to my big toe - the blood pushes on the injured part under the nail I guess...doesn't really hurt, its just odd cos I'm not used to being able to feel the pulse in my toe like that... and under the nail its turned a really dark bluish/purple from the brusing, almost black... :P








today I figured out where the health center's at on campus, so I don't have to go to the damn hospital :roll:

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um one time i was at skool and i went into thge library and these 2 ppl that i dont like were playing chess so i got up on the table next to em and jumped onto the chess bord and i got 1 stuck in my elbow and a cut in my stomach and i got banned from the library for the rest of the term = ) o well








did yu get a chess piece in your elbow?? lol



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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this morning I dropped my 10-pound wooden sock drawer on my big toe on my left foot (corner hit it right on I think, because its the only part of my foot that got hurt - and I was bearfoot, so that sucks...) ...hurt like a mother for about 15mins, especially since I was poking at it trying to figure out if I broke the bone or cracked the nail...didn't, but when I started walking around it felt like the toenail was moving around at the base, where it grows out at, which makes me think that its been disconnected and when the new one starts growing it, this one'll fall off completely and then I'll have to deal with that... :?








now that its been about 12 hours, it doesn't really hurt anymore, unless I walk more than 10 feet or stand on it for too long (walking to class is going to be fun next week :? )...when I'm sitting, its fine, but there's a little bit of pain that I can feel whenever my pulse goes to my big toe - the blood pushes on the injured part under the nail I guess...doesn't really hurt, its just odd cos I'm not used to being able to feel the pulse in my toe like that... and under the nail its turned a really dark bluish/purple from the brusing, almost black... :P








today I figured out where the health center's at on campus, so I don't have to go to the damn hospital :roll:








Lmao.... sorry for laughing!!! so funny....lol.








Tip.it is full of idiots (including me)

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ran into a pole while playing football and hurt my shoulder, jumped off my friends roof onto his trampoline and my ankle got hurt.. those are the recent ones i can remember.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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In the process I suffered cuts and a ruined pair of underpants.








ROFL! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:








Anyway, the dumbest way I've hurt myself.....Oooh.... :x








I was at this city pool. and they have a VERY high high dive. I was getting cocky, and decided to try a nosedive......Well, that didn't work so well, and i landed in a belly-flop.












Yeah. :x :x :x :x :x My chest was red for days.[/u]



Ahrim has huge thighs?
Lego's would be a nice addition to Construction. ^_^



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Lmao.... sorry for laughing!!! so funny....lol.








I thought it was at first, but I shouldn't have waited so long to get the nail removed...happened saturday morning, but I hadn't been walking on it so it didn't hurt...today I had to walk around campus to 4 classes and back and it hurt so bad I had to stop at one point and sit for a minute...it feels like the nail is ripping the skin off from underneath it, and at the base, where it grows out and is probably disconnected, its slicing at the skin and is pretty torn up. The toe, as a whole, looks horrible now - I have an appointment to have the nail removed tomorrow at 3pm...put an end to this...








yeah, I'm stupid, shouda had it taken off saturday afternoon when I could still walk :P

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Weeelll....One day, me and a bunch of my friends decided to play "Extreme 500"......like.....500.......but..........Extreeeme....








Anyway, you play Extreme 500 by first having a kicker/thrower throw off the football into the crowd. Once someone catches it, they have to take it and run to a tree located behind where the kicker/thrower kicked/threw it from. Once they tagged the tree (without being tackled by the others in the group[i.e. Rugby players 'n such >.<]), they were awarded their points.








Ok, so once I started to return the ball(I dont remember what it was worth), and made a long "C" shaped run to the left, trying to avoid some ppl, which I did.....But when I got closer, a friend of mine tackled me into ANOTHER tree......and left a 5" vertical scar on my back :D








I kinda like it, though it bled like none other for a while :lol:













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I got a couple.








The first was driving a car really fast into a pole, young and stupid i am. Luckily I only got a cut on my arm (thank god for ari bags).








The second one I was using a surical scalpel to cut plastic card and it slipped and went into my other hand. I drove to a GP but he wouldnt see me so I had to go to A&E. It was hard to drive with out getting blood everywhere.








And the final one is bruising of my stomache muscles from throwing up alot. My whole stomache ache for a week and I couldnt sit up properly.








Those are the more interesting and story worthy injurys Ive had but there have been other random stuff.

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