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Nice skirt noob


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the only reason pants became popular is because of horses, not many horses in scotland that is why the kilt is popular there


That made me chuckle. :D




Yeah, i wore a D skirt. Or a battle kilt if anyone asked.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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Meh, just change your character to a girl. I'd pay 3k to get rid of said noobs any day.




woooooooooooooohhhhh....hold on there we were arguing about kilts not "o i got a skirt to save money...and since


im showing a little feminine side ill get a sex change" thts just wrong -.- i personally bought dragon skirt in the begin but wen i had some spare cash i decided to get dragon legs. i have also noticed in the past several month since becoming a mem the skirt prices have gone up a lot. at 1st they were only 60k wen i 1st purchased them now they r almost at 170k. so there is a higher demand for plateskirt now or mayb rs economy is falling :?




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If it's any consolation I insult people wearing dragon skirts when they also have granite platebody dragon med granite shield and dragon longsword because they look like a typical noob. I don't bring their masculinity (or lack off) into the equation :thumbup: .

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Robinhoodie wrote:

I remember when Legs are 2.55m each and Skirts were 600k. That, I could understand somewhat. You're saving like 2m.. But 700k? If you wear a Dragon Skirt, you look really really poor.




Poor? Poor? as in Financial or Attractiveness? and to whom?

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Since when did dressing like a tran become cool in RS? :?




If you're so sure of your masculinity, wear a skirt to school.


Non sequitur. It doesn't cost more money to wear a skirt in real life, and you don't get the same defence bonuses from a skirt in real life either. Also, plateskirts are worn as armour, not casual clothing. If I came to school wearing a full suit of armor, I'd get a pretty different reaction than if I came dressed in a skirt and a blouse.




"Dressing like a tran" became cool in RS when Barrows gear came out and people started wearing Verac's and Guthan's, and when the God Wars Dungeon came out and people started wearing Bandos and Armadyl. All of those armour sets have skirts in them and nobody thinks twice about it.

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I wear tassets and got called a skirt noob :D


you call those tassets? they look like rags held on by a leather belt. :lol:




i wear my armor as i would if i realy was in the game, legs. even in real life i wear long pants so i always were platelegs, despite skirts being cheaper and lighter with same stats. :lol:


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Hey, people dress like santa even in July. It doesn't matter if you look silly, as long as you're fine with it. You've just got to ignore the dopes online. Heck, Verac's super manly, and he wears a skirt.







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Wearing a skirt making me look poor?




Can't I just be poor with my 10K in the bank :roll:




(I almost always immediately spend my money on skills)




Veracs is my #1 choice once I have the desire to save the money though. Guthans is a close second. Skirts FTW!

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There is something very ironic in buying a Dragon skirt. You argue that money and stats is worth more than appearance in a video game but...




Why buy Dragon then? Barrow far outdoes the stats, at the same cost. And please don't argue about repairs, as it only costs ~5k per hour in normal combat, PLUS you save food, which will sometimes add up far more than 5k.




If you don't care, go for a Barrows skirt.


I wear veracs skirt lol...



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There is something very ironic in buying a Dragon skirt. You argue that money and stats is worth more than appearance in a video game but...




Why buy Dragon then? Barrow far outdoes the stats, at the same cost. And please don't argue about repairs, as it only costs ~5k per hour in normal combat, PLUS you save food, which will sometimes add up far more than 5k.




If you don't care, go for a Barrows skirt.


I wear veracs skirt lol...






Wow, you sure mislead, I mean pwnt him.







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Since when did dressing like a tran become cool in RS? :?




If you're so sure of your masculinity, wear a skirt to school.




You can't "dress like a tran", you either are or you aren't.




And I've seen plenty of people in my old Highschool wear kilts, nobody says anything bad about it. You'll grow out of your immaturity when you hit ten.




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Since when did dressing like a tran become cool in RS? :?




If you're so sure of your masculinity, wear a skirt to school.


Non sequitur. It doesn't cost more money to wear a skirt in real life, and you don't get the same defence bonuses from a skirt in real life either. Also, plateskirts are worn as armour, not casual clothing. If I came to school wearing a full suit of armor, I'd get a pretty different reaction than if I came dressed in a skirt and a blouse.




"Dressing like a tran" became cool in RS when Barrows gear came out and people started wearing Verac's and Guthan's, and when the God Wars Dungeon came out and people started wearing Bandos and Armadyl. All of those armour sets have skirts in them and nobody thinks twice about it.




Except those other sets you mentioned, barrows especially, (after all, they are the barrows brothers), were designed to look good on both genders. The dragon skirt was designed for and only really looks good on female players. (It wasn't even released until some female players requested them some time after metal dragons entered the game)




Sure, you can say it's personal preference, but the vast majority of people must agree with me, because nobody thinks twice about a guthan's skirt but a dragon one racks up the comments, even though they're the same price.

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Since when did dressing like a tran become cool in RS? :?




If you're so sure of your masculinity, wear a skirt to school.


Non sequitur. It doesn't cost more money to wear a skirt in real life, and you don't get the same defence bonuses from a skirt in real life either. Also, plateskirts are worn as armour, not casual clothing. If I came to school wearing a full suit of armor, I'd get a pretty different reaction than if I came dressed in a skirt and a blouse.




"Dressing like a tran" became cool in RS when Barrows gear came out and people started wearing Verac's and Guthan's, and when the God Wars Dungeon came out and people started wearing Bandos and Armadyl. All of those armour sets have skirts in them and nobody thinks twice about it.




Except those other sets you mentioned, barrows especially, (after all, they are the barrows brothers), were designed to look good on both genders. The dragon skirt was designed for and only really looks good on female players. (It wasn't even released until some female players requested them some time after metal dragons entered the game)




Sure, you can say it's personal preference, but the vast majority of people must agree with me, because nobody thinks twice about a guthan's skirt but a dragon one racks up the comments, even though they're the same price.


What are you talking about? Verac's and Guthan's look identical on both genders. So does Bandos Tassets. And dragon plateskirt too, for that matter. It's only the Armadyl that changes, and even then only really the helm. Are you seeing something I'm not? Because I'm seeing no difference. :?:

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What are you talking about? Verac's and Guthan's look identical on both genders. So does Bandos Tassets. And dragon plateskirt too, for that matter. It's only the Armadyl that changes, and even then only really the helm. Are you seeing something I'm not? Because I'm seeing no difference. :?:




Didn't say they looked different, I said they were designed to look decent unisex. (Just look at the guthan "skirt". That's not even remotely feminine.) The dragon skirt was not designed to be unisex, it was designed for female characters. It's a girly, feminine piece of armor, and calling it a "battle kilt" or whatever is just deluding yourself.




If people are so worried about the money for a pair of dragon legs, just get a pair of guthan's legs for the price of a d skirt.

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What are you talking about? Verac's and Guthan's look identical on both genders. So does Bandos Tassets. And dragon plateskirt too, for that matter. It's only the Armadyl that changes, and even then only really the helm. Are you seeing something I'm not? Because I'm seeing no difference. :?:




Didn't say they looked different, I said they were designed to look decent unisex. (Just look at the guthan "skirt". That's not even remotely feminine.) The dragon skirt was not designed to be unisex, it was designed for female characters. It's a girly, feminine piece of armor, and calling it a "battle kilt" or whatever is just deluding yourself.


If it had been designed to be worn exclusively on girls, then male characters wearing it would have a different design, a la Stylish Hat. Jagex has never said dragon plateskirts were designed to be worn exclusively by female characters. I'm calling you out on this one--cite your source.

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Who needs a source? It was designed for female players at their request. Hell, iirc the news post where Jagex announced the d skirt's release said something like "some of our female players have brought to our attention that there is no skirt version of the dragon leg armor released recently with the expansion to the brimhaven dungeon, so we've designed one."




Plus you'd have to be blind to not see that the skirt's girly in design. It should be self evident who it was designed for.

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Who needs a source? It was designed for female players at their request. Hell, iirc the news post where Jagex announced the d skirt's release said something like "some of our female players have brought to our attention that there is no skirt version of the dragon leg armor released recently with the expansion to the brimhaven dungeon, so we've designed one."




Plus you'd have to be blind to not see that the skirt's girly in design. It should be self evident who it was designed for.


They said no such thing, and here's the link to prove it.

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Barrows = no choice but a skirt.




haha yeah, massive "soul caliber 2" guuy, with a giant axe...(dharoks btw)




insert pink miniskirt here :lol:


Verac's is by far the best Barrow's bottom, so no, Dharok's is not a choice.


I wouldn't call +3 prayer "by far." I'd say just by a regular amount. Dharok's is pretty much equivalent any time you're not praying.

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