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Quest 150


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King Tyras went went the the elf lands to fight some great evill. After Regicide, all his guards tell you to leave because some great evil is coming and Tyras is no longer around to defeat it. Also, I assume Tyras took a boat to get to the Elven forrest. He could not have taken the gate, as it is in the hands of elves that are his enemies, and Tyras could not of ventured through the underground pass with all his men. As pointed out, Iban must have been in the pass for a long time as well....


This simply leaves boats, and people who have completed regicide can take a boat there...




P.S. You see Guthix in a cutscene during meeting history as well, lol. But Amascut/Devourer is still the only God your player has interacted with. And probably the only one (s)he has seen.




Evil coming? Elves. But why is the Underground pass linked to Tiranwnn anyway? (Don't say "for the quest..."). Were (or are, if Iban truly is immortal) Iban and the Elves cooperating? This would mean that Tyras was a good guy, if elves are his enemies; he is Lathas's brother, in the end. Lathas might be a King, but can make mistakes, for example trying to clear the Making History outpost, or in this situation, thinking of his brother as a "bad guy." Maybe Lathas is really the bad guy here, maybe he knew that outpost was important but wanted to tear it down so some of Kandarin's history could not be revealed.




If you think that what I just said was insane, you are correct.






After beating Regicide, you find out Lathas IS the bad guy. The underground pass is an ancient pass that was once used as a prime crossing ground between what is now Ardougne and the elf forrest.


If Lathas really wanted the outpost destroyed, he could have done it anyways. He's a king.


And do remember, elves are like humans. Not distinctly good or evil, it depends on the elf in question.




By the way, who remembers the elven prophecy? In MEP2, you get a diary from a dead elf, and he speaks of some prophecy, and wonders if the human that went through the underground pass is the one spoken of in said prophecy.




I just hope quest 150 continues a storyline. BTW, for whoever said we need a sequel to "The Forgettable Tale of a Drunk Dwarf" because that quest came out over 3 years ago.....MEP2 came out over 5 years ago I think, and definitely before the Forgettable Tale. MEP2 probably came out before Keldragim did....






EDIT: For everyone who thinks the next elemental workshop quest will be SOUL armor, due to the famous "mind body and soul" mantra, DO remember that the first quest in that series was ELEMENTAL. Not Mind.




I'd say the next quest in that series will use cosmics.


points to body symbol on big door in the bottom floor of workshop....really does that have anything to do with cosmics? reaserch before you speak

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King Tyras went went the the elf lands to fight some great evill. After Regicide, all his guards tell you to leave because some great evil is coming and Tyras is no longer around to defeat it. Also, I assume Tyras took a boat to get to the Elven forrest. He could not have taken the gate, as it is in the hands of elves that are his enemies, and Tyras could not of ventured through the underground pass with all his men. As pointed out, Iban must have been in the pass for a long time as well....


This simply leaves boats, and people who have completed regicide can take a boat there...




P.S. You see Guthix in a cutscene during meeting history as well, lol. But Amascut/Devourer is still the only God your player has interacted with. And probably the only one (s)he has seen.




Evil coming? Elves. But why is the Underground pass linked to Tiranwnn anyway? (Don't say "for the quest..."). Were (or are, if Iban truly is immortal) Iban and the Elves cooperating? This would mean that Tyras was a good guy, if elves are his enemies; he is Lathas's brother, in the end. Lathas might be a King, but can make mistakes, for example trying to clear the Making History outpost, or in this situation, thinking of his brother as a "bad guy." Maybe Lathas is really the bad guy here, maybe he knew that outpost was important but wanted to tear it down so some of Kandarin's history could not be revealed.




If you think that what I just said was insane, you are correct.






After beating Regicide, you find out Lathas IS the bad guy. The underground pass is an ancient pass that was once used as a prime crossing ground between what is now Ardougne and the elf forrest.


If Lathas really wanted the outpost destroyed, he could have done it anyways. He's a king.


And do remember, elves are like humans. Not distinctly good or evil, it depends on the elf in question.




By the way, who remembers the elven prophecy? In MEP2, you get a diary from a dead elf, and he speaks of some prophecy, and wonders if the human that went through the underground pass is the one spoken of in said prophecy.




I just hope quest 150 continues a storyline. BTW, for whoever said we need a sequel to "The Forgettable Tale of a Drunk Dwarf" because that quest came out over 3 years ago.....MEP2 came out over 5 years ago I think, and definitely before the Forgettable Tale. MEP2 probably came out before Keldragim did....






EDIT: For everyone who thinks the next elemental workshop quest will be SOUL armor, due to the famous "mind body and soul" mantra, DO remember that the first quest in that series was ELEMENTAL. Not Mind.




I'd say the next quest in that series will use cosmics.


points to body symbol on big door in the bottom floor of workshop....really does that have anything to do with cosmics? reaserch before you speak




He was speculating. No research required for that, really.

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King Tyras went went the the elf lands to fight some great evill. After Regicide, all his guards tell you to leave because some great evil is coming and Tyras is no longer around to defeat it. Also, I assume Tyras took a boat to get to the Elven forrest. He could not have taken the gate, as it is in the hands of elves that are his enemies, and Tyras could not of ventured through the underground pass with all his men. As pointed out, Iban must have been in the pass for a long time as well....


This simply leaves boats, and people who have completed regicide can take a boat there...




P.S. You see Guthix in a cutscene during meeting history as well, lol. But Amascut/Devourer is still the only God your player has interacted with. And probably the only one (s)he has seen.




Evil coming? Elves. But why is the Underground pass linked to Tiranwnn anyway? (Don't say "for the quest..."). Were (or are, if Iban truly is immortal) Iban and the Elves cooperating? This would mean that Tyras was a good guy, if elves are his enemies; he is Lathas's brother, in the end. Lathas might be a King, but can make mistakes, for example trying to clear the Making History outpost, or in this situation, thinking of his brother as a "bad guy." Maybe Lathas is really the bad guy here, maybe he knew that outpost was important but wanted to tear it down so some of Kandarin's history could not be revealed.




If you think that what I just said was insane, you are correct.






After beating Regicide, you find out Lathas IS the bad guy. The underground pass is an ancient pass that was once used as a prime crossing ground between what is now Ardougne and the elf forrest.


If Lathas really wanted the outpost destroyed, he could have done it anyways. He's a king.


And do remember, elves are like humans. Not distinctly good or evil, it depends on the elf in question.




By the way, who remembers the elven prophecy? In MEP2, you get a diary from a dead elf, and he speaks of some prophecy, and wonders if the human that went through the underground pass is the one spoken of in said prophecy.




I just hope quest 150 continues a storyline. BTW, for whoever said we need a sequel to "The Forgettable Tale of a Drunk Dwarf" because that quest came out over 3 years ago.....MEP2 came out over 5 years ago I think, and definitely before the Forgettable Tale. MEP2 probably came out before Keldragim did....






EDIT: For everyone who thinks the next elemental workshop quest will be SOUL armor, due to the famous "mind body and soul" mantra, DO remember that the first quest in that series was ELEMENTAL. Not Mind.




I'd say the next quest in that series will use cosmics.


points to body symbol on big door in the bottom floor of workshop....really does that have anything to do with cosmics? reaserch before you speak




The body door isn't open yet. I don't think the soul alter will be from there, it seems more appropriate for the gnome storyline given the stuff with the anima mundi, but even if it is, it would be very unlikely to be the 150th quest, because a) So far, the quests in that series have been very easy, B) The body door (if it ever gets opened) will probably have a quest devoted to it first, and c) So far, the storyline of that quest has been practically zilch as far as in-depth contribution to the lore of Gielinor goes.


Agree on hoping like hell it's the next elven quest after sooo looong (CATAPULT CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT COUNT!!!), and I'm wondering whether it, the history questline (the elf outside the barrier, anyone?), and the gnome thingy will all tie together.

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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today is the day we all been waiting for the 150th quest ( bts feb )




:ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:




hope we are not dissapointed :o




best of luck to all





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King Tyras went went the the elf lands to fight some great evill. After Regicide, all his guards tell you to leave because some great evil is coming and Tyras is no longer around to defeat it. Also, I assume Tyras took a boat to get to the Elven forrest. He could not have taken the gate, as it is in the hands of elves that are his enemies, and Tyras could not of ventured through the underground pass with all his men. As pointed out, Iban must have been in the pass for a long time as well....


This simply leaves boats, and people who have completed regicide can take a boat there...




P.S. You see Guthix in a cutscene during meeting history as well, lol. But Amascut/Devourer is still the only God your player has interacted with. And probably the only one (s)he has seen.




Evil coming? Elves. But why is the Underground pass linked to Tiranwnn anyway? (Don't say "for the quest..."). Were (or are, if Iban truly is immortal) Iban and the Elves cooperating? This would mean that Tyras was a good guy, if elves are his enemies; he is Lathas's brother, in the end. Lathas might be a King, but can make mistakes, for example trying to clear the Making History outpost, or in this situation, thinking of his brother as a "bad guy." Maybe Lathas is really the bad guy here, maybe he knew that outpost was important but wanted to tear it down so some of Kandarin's history could not be revealed.




If you think that what I just said was insane, you are correct.






After beating Regicide, you find out Lathas IS the bad guy. The underground pass is an ancient pass that was once used as a prime crossing ground between what is now Ardougne and the elf forrest.


If Lathas really wanted the outpost destroyed, he could have done it anyways. He's a king.


And do remember, elves are like humans. Not distinctly good or evil, it depends on the elf in question.




By the way, who remembers the elven prophecy? In MEP2, you get a diary from a dead elf, and he speaks of some prophecy, and wonders if the human that went through the underground pass is the one spoken of in said prophecy.




I just hope quest 150 continues a storyline. BTW, for whoever said we need a sequel to "The Forgettable Tale of a Drunk Dwarf" because that quest came out over 3 years ago.....MEP2 came out over 5 years ago I think, and definitely before the Forgettable Tale. MEP2 probably came out before Keldragim did....






EDIT: For everyone who thinks the next elemental workshop quest will be SOUL armor, due to the famous "mind body and soul" mantra, DO remember that the first quest in that series was ELEMENTAL. Not Mind.




I'd say the next quest in that series will use cosmics.




For the record, MEP2 has not been out 5 years. I can't remember exactly when but it has been released since I've been playing, which is a little short of 5 years ago. I think it was before the forgettable tale, but not by a full 2 years...

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For the record, MEP2 has not been out 5 years. I can't remember exactly when but it has been released since I've been playing, which is a little short of 5 years ago. I think it was before the forgettable tale, but not by a full 2 years...


It was more than three years ago (http://news.runescape.com/newsitem.ws?id=500)


I'm not sure this quest will be a big one since the first grandmaster quest was just released, but if it is then I hope that it will continue an old storyline rather than starting a new. I can't think of any storyline that has been completed (except for Summer's end) they better end some of their older ones.

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MEP2 was released on 17th October 2005. Thats 3 years, 3 months and 15 days... I think.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Well, in a few hours we will most likely know what quest they have in store for us ::' I'm hoping for Rise of the Red Axe 3 myself, but I know that wont happen.

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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Maybe we get to visit the great city of Palingrad...




In Soviet Giellenor, wood cuts YOU!






Seriously though, Canifis is the Soviet of Gielinor.

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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Maybe we get to visit the great city of Palingrad...




In Soviet Giellenor, wood cuts YOU!






Seriously though, Canifis is the Soviet of Gielinor.




In Soviet Canifis, were wolves YOU?




We're way off topic now though :-#

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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It's coming allright ::'


http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?16,17,234,58329666,goto,2


quick find code: 16-17-234-58329666 (page 2)




Mod Luke


Jagex Mod




02-Feb-2009 14:34:38


Oh, if only it were so easy...




The BTS will be out later today, it just needs a few last minute checks (we have to make sure all of the information is correct and up to date, after all).




For the record, we didn't get a "snow day" today. Some businesses have probably declared them, but it actually isn't that bad here. It's quite nice, really. The Game Engine team built a snowman at lunch.


EDIT: It's here!




NO QUEST THIS MONTH???!!! :evil:

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Definately quest 150 is a big deal, according to the BTS, no quest will be released this month, meaning that the 150th is going to be a big one :thumbsup:




All I have to say is...it better be worth the wait. I miss my 1 quest per month! :(


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Definately quest 150 is a big deal, according to the BTS, no quest will be released this month, meaning that the 150th is going to be a big one :thumbsup:




All I have to say is...it better be worth the wait. I miss my 1 quest per month! :(




I was also waiting for it :[, I mean, I love quests and such, I have all quests/songs/diaries done lol :D


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2 whole months without a quest (In Pyre Need doesnt really count)... I was sceptical before but I'm pretty confident now that quest 150 next month is going to be truely epic.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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It had better be or else I'm sending them something foul by snail mail to their corporate headquarters. I just so happen to have some fish guts laying out in the sun right now not doing anything.

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bts feb 2009





This month we welcome a few new faces to RuneScapes whos who list in the form of giant Slayer beasts. These avatars just happen to be the main focus of our new safe, conflict minigame...Soul Wars! We will also be waving goodbye to a few of our old random events, adding a new feature that will let you sort your quests, building price-checking inventory options for your items, and adding a new distraction and diversion (whose bark is far worse than his bite).




Soul Wars




On the deepest, darkest, most mysterious of our backwater islands, an eternal struggle rages, unknown to the residents of RuneScape until now. Structured much like Castle Wars, this will be a quick to access, tough to master conflict-based minigame. The avatars of Destruction and Creation vie for control of the Soul Obelisk, an ancient and powerful artefact used to harvest the souls of the weak and unready. Get ready to grab your blade, staff or bow and battle through Slayer creatures, collecting fragments of their souls to feed to the ever-hungry obelisk. Rewards include combat XP while playing the game, Pest Control-style XP rewards and a few new pets for you to lead.




Random event update




Over the last year we've been very keen to make changes to RuneScape's system of random events. After all, no one likes being forced through a long dialogue with a desperate doctor or an over-enthusiastic security guard while they're surrounded by aggressive monsters.




The most obvious change in the update will be to the rewards. At the end of most random events, you'll be handed a random event gift box. When you open the box, you'll get the chance to choose a reward from a selection of items including coins, runes, ore, seeds, charms and perhaps even a genie lamp. If the random event previously offered emotes or costumes, you'll be able to choose those from the random event gift box's menu. So whatever kind of reward you want, there should be something in there for you.




We're also making a major change to the rate at which random events appear, basing it on your skill total and your record of successfully passing random events. So, if you correctly solve every event you encounter, you'll experience fewer events in the future. On a related topic, the game will remember which random events you get, so it can aim to give you a greater variety of events, rather than always giving you the same random events over and over again.




Some random events will be removed from the game. Poison-gas chests, smoking rocks, broken pickaxes and ents will become things of the past. The Drunken Dwarf will be retired as a random event, but he'll still be free to roam the world, handing out kebabs to his mateys. You'll still be able to obtain shade robes, strange fruit and security books; we do not intend to discontinue any existing rewards.




Other improvements include allowing you to have more than one set of costumes, giving value to old frog tokens (so dont throw them away!), stopping run energy from draining in the maze and even giving the Sandwich Lady her own café!




Price check




Ever found yourself at the bottom of a lonely, dark, depressing dungeon, with only the sound of your Summoning beast to keep you company, when suddenly out of the bleakness come the infamous words price check plz?. Quite often youll want to know how much something is worth, even if you are holding back the forces of darkness at the same time. Because of this often-heard request, we have decided to add it as a permanent feature. So youll be able to click on a button beneath your worn items to open a new price-check interface, into which youll be able to place objects from your inventory (including stacks) to see their trade value.




Quest list interface




This month we will also be adding a new filtering option to the quest list in game. This means that you will be able to filter out all the quests you dont yet have the level to do, or filter the list so it displays all your completed quests last to name just a few options.




Evil Tree




Also this month we will be bringing you a new distraction and diversion affectionately known as the Evil Tree. This twice-a-day event will focus on providing an alternative to your Woodcutting, Firemaking and Farming training. During this event, a small, innocent leprechaun will be appearing in a variety of locations, using his magical divining rod to try to discover the whereabouts of an exciting new species of plant. He knows that the plant grows into a tree at an alarmingly fast rate, and that budding farmers will be able to use their skills to coax it out even faster; but Farmings not the only skill you will be using...since this tree is EVIL!




Well, perhaps for us that twist wasnt so surprising (the name kind of gives it away) but for anyone who hasnt read this it will be quite a shock to see the innocent, naive sapling turn into a menacing and malevolent fiend! Prepare to grab your tinderboxes and axes (the leprechaun has spares), and go toe-to-branch with this new challenge. Evil trees will come with similar level requirements to their less evil counterparts, and will range from normal, simple trees all the way up to elder trees...evil elder trees, of course. Rewards include generous XP in the aforementioned skills, and access to some unique services to complement your Woodcutting training.




Future Content


Mobilising Armies




Work continues on this tactical minigame, and weve been busily adding new features and continuously developing the game engine to support this new content. Recent additions include:




Altering the effect that different races of troops can have on your rewards.


Changing the way in which catapults are loaded.


Improving the way in which the camera moves around the battlefield.


Improving the on-screen information so you know what all of your troops are doing.


Updating the tutorial to be more interactive and straightforward.


Changing one of the scenarios to feature TzHaar.


As we have said before, this minigame is different from anything ever seen before in RuneScape. The more we test and play through the content, the more features we know we need to add to make the game work the way we want it to. This means that weve not been able to launch it as early in the year as we had initially hoped, but we will give you more news as soon as it is available.




Have fun!




Mod Mark


Lead Designer RuneScape





no quest :cry: :wall: :x

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bts feb 2009





This month we welcome a few new faces to RuneScapes whos who list in the form of giant Slayer beasts. These avatars just happen to be the main focus of our new safe, conflict minigame...Soul Wars! We will also be waving goodbye to a few of our old random events, adding a new feature that will let you sort your quests, building price-checking inventory options for your items, and adding a new distraction and diversion (whose bark is far worse than his bite).




Soul Wars




On the deepest, darkest, most mysterious of our backwater islands, an eternal struggle rages, unknown to the residents of RuneScape until now. Structured much like Castle Wars, this will be a quick to access, tough to master conflict-based minigame. The avatars of Destruction and Creation vie for control of the Soul Obelisk, an ancient and powerful artefact used to harvest the souls of the weak and unready. Get ready to grab your blade, staff or bow and battle through Slayer creatures, collecting fragments of their souls to feed to the ever-hungry obelisk. Rewards include combat XP while playing the game, Pest Control-style XP rewards and a few new pets for you to lead.




Random event update




Over the last year we've been very keen to make changes to RuneScape's system of random events. After all, no one likes being forced through a long dialogue with a desperate doctor or an over-enthusiastic security guard while they're surrounded by aggressive monsters.




The most obvious change in the update will be to the rewards. At the end of most random events, you'll be handed a random event gift box. When you open the box, you'll get the chance to choose a reward from a selection of items including coins, runes, ore, seeds, charms and perhaps even a genie lamp. If the random event previously offered emotes or costumes, you'll be able to choose those from the random event gift box's menu. So whatever kind of reward you want, there should be something in there for you.




We're also making a major change to the rate at which random events appear, basing it on your skill total and your record of successfully passing random events. So, if you correctly solve every event you encounter, you'll experience fewer events in the future. On a related topic, the game will remember which random events you get, so it can aim to give you a greater variety of events, rather than always giving you the same random events over and over again.




Some random events will be removed from the game. Poison-gas chests, smoking rocks, broken pickaxes and ents will become things of the past. The Drunken Dwarf will be retired as a random event, but he'll still be free to roam the world, handing out kebabs to his mateys. You'll still be able to obtain shade robes, strange fruit and security books; we do not intend to discontinue any existing rewards.




Other improvements include allowing you to have more than one set of costumes, giving value to old frog tokens (so dont throw them away!), stopping run energy from draining in the maze and even giving the Sandwich Lady her own café!




Price check




Ever found yourself at the bottom of a lonely, dark, depressing dungeon, with only the sound of your Summoning beast to keep you company, when suddenly out of the bleakness come the infamous words price check plz?. Quite often youll want to know how much something is worth, even if you are holding back the forces of darkness at the same time. Because of this often-heard request, we have decided to add it as a permanent feature. So youll be able to click on a button beneath your worn items to open a new price-check interface, into which youll be able to place objects from your inventory (including stacks) to see their trade value.




Quest list interface




This month we will also be adding a new filtering option to the quest list in game. This means that you will be able to filter out all the quests you dont yet have the level to do, or filter the list so it displays all your completed quests last to name just a few options.




Evil Tree




Also this month we will be bringing you a new distraction and diversion affectionately known as the Evil Tree. This twice-a-day event will focus on providing an alternative to your Woodcutting, Firemaking and Farming training. During this event, a small, innocent leprechaun will be appearing in a variety of locations, using his magical divining rod to try to discover the whereabouts of an exciting new species of plant. He knows that the plant grows into a tree at an alarmingly fast rate, and that budding farmers will be able to use their skills to coax it out even faster; but Farmings not the only skill you will be using...since this tree is EVIL!




Well, perhaps for us that twist wasnt so surprising (the name kind of gives it away) but for anyone who hasnt read this it will be quite a shock to see the innocent, naive sapling turn into a menacing and malevolent fiend! Prepare to grab your tinderboxes and axes (the leprechaun has spares), and go toe-to-branch with this new challenge. Evil trees will come with similar level requirements to their less evil counterparts, and will range from normal, simple trees all the way up to elder trees...evil elder trees, of course. Rewards include generous XP in the aforementioned skills, and access to some unique services to complement your Woodcutting training.




Future Content


Mobilising Armies




Work continues on this tactical minigame, and weve been busily adding new features and continuously developing the game engine to support this new content. Recent additions include:




Altering the effect that different races of troops can have on your rewards.


Changing the way in which catapults are loaded.


Improving the way in which the camera moves around the battlefield.


Improving the on-screen information so you know what all of your troops are doing.


Updating the tutorial to be more interactive and straightforward.


Changing one of the scenarios to feature TzHaar.


As we have said before, this minigame is different from anything ever seen before in RuneScape. The more we test and play through the content, the more features we know we need to add to make the game work the way we want it to. This means that weve not been able to launch it as early in the year as we had initially hoped, but we will give you more news as soon as it is available.




Have fun!




Mod Mark


Lead Designer RuneScape





no quest :cry: :wall: :x




They need time to make quest 150 :P


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