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A History of Runescape, The Other One


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For some reason I felt bad making two topics in such quick moderation, o well; our forums are far from cluttered (Other than locks and moves)




Anyway, there seems to be a funny guide in the Runescape Knowledge Base; a guide that contradicts every word of what we have said about Runescape's history as of now.




I've known about this guide for a while, but have always just ignored since I figured Jagex would rid of it, seeing that the info might just be wrong.




[hide=RS Link]History of the World of Runescape[/hide]




As of right now, what we say to be Runescapes beginning history says Guthix found the Stone of Jas and formed an 'all-ready-formed' Runescape. RSKB Guide says that three gods, Guthix Saradomin and Zamorak (Zamorak wasn't even a god at this time) created Runescape together.




I also found, under The Third Age - The God Wars something about all the gods fighting, but stopped after they came to an agreement saying their war will end up destroying all of Gielinor.


Un-fact #1 - Guthix arose to find the other gods fighting (over control of the Stone of Jas) and stopped it himself.


Un-fact #2 - Guthix was not a part of the God Wars; he was asleep! *it says that he, Sara and Zam made the agreement to stop.




Now there is more bogus on-and-on but I'll let you find yourself




Why would Jagex keep this in their KB? They forgot about it?


It's way out-dated. Or is it true and we are wrong (doubt it, we have evidence)




Anywho, what do you think?




***The old God Letter state: Guthix, Sardomin and Zamorak are Brothers. (that's really old out-dated history)


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It says "As taught to the normal citizens of the kingdom of Misthalin."

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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"Your character starts the game in Misthalin, so this is the basic historical information that they would have learnt before embarking on their adventures. But be wary! As with many histories, while much that you will be told will be solid facts, some things may also have a bias favouring those in the world who were powerful at the time, other things will be guesses and theories by historians and may turn out to be flat out wrong.




Things are not always entirely what they seem! In fact, in a world like RuneScape, full of all sorts of mysteries, magic and monsters, lots of things are not what they seem. "




This is what it says at the beginning of the article. Jagex isn't contradicting itself at all.


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"Your character starts the game in Misthalin, so this is the basic historical information that they would have learnt before embarking on their adventures. But be wary! As with many histories, while much that you will be told will be solid facts, some things may also have a bias favouring those in the world who were powerful at the time, other things will be guesses and theories by historians and may turn out to be flat out wrong.




Things are not always entirely what they seem! In fact, in a world like RuneScape, full of all sorts of mysteries, magic and monsters, lots of things are not what they seem. "




This is what it says at the beginning of the article. Jagex isn't contradicting itself at all.




LAME... why would Jagex make some completely wrong... for the hell of it






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"Your character starts the game in Misthalin, so this is the basic historical information that they would have learnt before embarking on their adventures. But be wary! As with many histories, while much that you will be told will be solid facts, some things may also have a bias favouring those in the world who were powerful at the time, other things will be guesses and theories by historians and may turn out to be flat out wrong.




Things are not always entirely what they seem! In fact, in a world like RuneScape, full of all sorts of mysteries, magic and monsters, lots of things are not what they seem. "




This is what it says at the beginning of the article. Jagex isn't contradicting itself at all.




LAME... why would Jagex make some completely wrong... for the hell of it








For the "role players" who live the game rather than play it.


^ Blog

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"Your character starts the game in Misthalin, so this is the basic historical information that they would have learnt before embarking on their adventures. But be wary! As with many histories, while much that you will be told will be solid facts, some things may also have a bias favouring those in the world who were powerful at the time, other things will be guesses and theories by historians and may turn out to be flat out wrong.




Things are not always entirely what they seem! In fact, in a world like RuneScape, full of all sorts of mysteries, magic and monsters, lots of things are not what they seem. "




This is what it says at the beginning of the article. Jagex isn't contradicting itself at all.




LAME... why would Jagex make some completely wrong... for the hell of it








For the "role players" who live the game rather than play it.




Well there is a true history and this fake stuff, why go through the trouble of making this?


Unless they didn't make it fake on purpose.


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"Your character starts the game in Misthalin, so this is the basic historical information that they would have learnt before embarking on their adventures. But be wary! As with many histories, while much that you will be told will be solid facts, some things may also have a bias favouring those in the world who were powerful at the time, other things will be guesses and theories by historians and may turn out to be flat out wrong.




Things are not always entirely what they seem! In fact, in a world like RuneScape, full of all sorts of mysteries, magic and monsters, lots of things are not what they seem. "




This is what it says at the beginning of the article. Jagex isn't contradicting itself at all.




LAME... why would Jagex make some completely wrong... for the hell of it








For the "role players" who live the game rather than play it.




Well there is a true history and this fake stuff, why go through the trouble of making this?


Unless they didn't make it fake on purpose.




This is all based on my assumption it's for the role players:




If they're role playing, then their character is living in a Medieval like land. Information at this time in history (and presumably in the game) is sketchy, not totally based on documented fact, sometimes it could even be considered propaganda. We'll say, for example, that the Saradominists (since they're the major 'religious' faction of Runescape) are pushing this story on all the citizens of Runescape, making Saradomin seem greater than he actually was. Through the quests and other advances within the game "you" (the character) begin to uncover the truth of the history of Runescape.










It's just a flub and someone in Jagex Tower will read this thread, tell Andrew and he'll go "lol whoops" and remove the article. :-s


^ Blog

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"Your character starts the game in Misthalin, so this is the basic historical information that they would have learnt before embarking on their adventures. But be wary! As with many histories, while much that you will be told will be solid facts, some things may also have a bias favouring those in the world who were powerful at the time, other things will be guesses and theories by historians and may turn out to be flat out wrong.




Things are not always entirely what they seem! In fact, in a world like RuneScape, full of all sorts of mysteries, magic and monsters, lots of things are not what they seem. "




This is what it says at the beginning of the article. Jagex isn't contradicting itself at all.




LAME... why would Jagex make some completely wrong... for the hell of it








For the "role players" who live the game rather than play it.




Well there is a true history and this fake stuff, why go through the trouble of making this?


Unless they didn't make it fake on purpose.




This is all based on my assumption it's for the role players:




If they're role playing, then their character is living in a Medieval like land. Information at this time in history (and presumably in the game) is sketchy, not totally based on documented fact, sometimes it could even be considered propaganda. We'll say, for example, that the Saradominists (since they're the major 'religious' faction of Runescape) are pushing this story on all the citizens of Runescape, making Saradomin seem greater than he actually was. Through the quests and other advances within the game "you" (the character) begin to uncover the truth of the history of Runescape.










It's just a flub and someone in Jagex Tower will read this thread, tell Andrew and he'll go "lol whoops" and remove the article. :-s




#-o <--Andrews face when he finds out :lol:


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The reason they left that article there is simple: back before we knew about all these gods and how they came to be, there was Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak, three brothers. They fought in the God Wars, or whatever happened, then stopped becuase they didn't want to destroy Gielenor. To explain this to players, Jagex put up this article.




Now, with all the new quests that go into more detail about the "truth", and especially with the WGS quest, Jagex had to update their history. They didn't want to get rid of this article, though, because it's a kind of relic from the past, to show how simple Runscape was back then. It's got a kind of sentimental value. Therefore, in order to keep the article, they just put the disclaimer before it about this history not necessarily being the right one or whatnot.




Besides, for the beginner player, this history is sufficient. Don't need to know the super details that early. :P


I'm 100% free-to-play!!!

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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.






Exactly, it even says that at the beginning of the article. This is the history as tought to the people of rs. Don't forget that without doing all the quests, we wouldn't know this stuff, so most of the characters in rs (lvl 2 men etc) probably still think that is the norm. (if they could think)

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.




I believe that this is the reason, and agree with the view put foreward by Dan, above. I don't understand why almost everyone else can't seem to understand this. Erichermit even showed Jagex explicity stating that you should take 'history' with a pinch of salt to say the least.




Why would the average person know what happens in the hardest and longest quests? Only, what, like a handfull of people know what happened in the depths of Lumbridge in While Guthix Sleeps.




Just as it is in real life; the truth from actions of old will only come with the deepest reseach into them.


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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.






Exactly, it even says that at the beginning of the article. This is the history as tought to the people of rs. Don't forget that without doing all the quests, we wouldn't know this stuff, so most of the characters in rs (lvl 2 men etc) probably still think that is the norm. (if they could think)




Yup you're right, as is Le Fay:


If they're role playing, then their character is living in a Medieval like land. Information at this time in history (and presumably in the game) is sketchy, not totally based on documented fact, sometimes it could even be considered propaganda. We'll say, for example, that the Saradominists (since they're the major 'religious' faction of Runescape) are pushing this story on all the citizens of Runescape, making Saradomin seem greater than he actually was. Through the quests and other advances within the game "you" (the character) begin to uncover the truth of the history of Runescape.


It's not a fault nor a 'flub' (whatever that may be), it's quite a clever thing Jagex did here. No human remembers the first ages of RuneScape, it was a long time ago, almost no written documents survived to this day, and in the years numerous people took advantage of the gullability of the common people and changed the stories a bit. Especially the 'Holy' Church of Saradomin. They have a tendency to tell the tales so they come out better -.- . This is the history most people have learned when growing up, and it's a rare privilege that we, as commoners, may uncover the real truth.

Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.




I believe that this is the reason, and agree with the view put foreward by Dan, above. I don't understand why almost everyone else can't seem to understand this. Erichermit even showed Jagex explicity stating that you should take 'history' with a pinch of salt to say the least.




Why would the average person know what happens in the hardest and longest quests? Only, what, like a handfull of people know what happened in the depths of Lumbridge in While Guthix Sleeps.




Just as it is in real life; the truth from actions of old will only come with the deepest reseach into them.

Or the internet is invented, and information is assimilated through the masses in mere minutes.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.




I believe that this is the reason, and agree with the view put foreward by Dan, above. I don't understand why almost everyone else can't seem to understand this. Erichermit even showed Jagex explicity stating that you should take 'history' with a pinch of salt to say the least.




Why would the average person know what happens in the hardest and longest quests? Only, what, like a handfull of people know what happened in the depths of Lumbridge in While Guthix Sleeps.




Just as it is in real life; the truth from actions of old will only come with the deepest reseach into them.

Or the internet is invented, and information is assimilated through the masses in mere minutes.




Yeh, but that's mechscape.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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For the love of...




Ok look back when RS Clasic was the main RS the biggest quests were Legends and Underground Pass (and Dragon Slayer I guess) There was not much thought to the gods other then there were three different ones and three different view points.




In truth the biggest alignment options were sara or zammy ammys and the prayer books. Think about it there was not much known about Guthix for a LOOOOONG time and only recently was he even given the power that he really has (though honestly the ability to bless both symbols with his book gives some hint)




Over all it was just the original ideas made when they had no clue which direction to go. In order to keep something for nostalgia's sake they added a disclaimer and said "hey this is what you need to know now" Heck going by that it is questioned why the Zammy and Sara followers dislike Guthix short of his "can't we all just get along" persona.

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Over all it was just the original ideas made when they had no clue which direction to go. In order to keep something for nostalgia's sake they added a disclaimer and said "hey this is what you need to know now" Heck going by that it is questioned why the Zammy and Sara followers dislike Guthix short of his "can't we all just get along" persona.


Thats probably closest to the mark. The history is the knowledge base may have been cannon at some point but with the twists and turns put in place to improve the games story its been revised, so now its just the knowledge your character would start out with and Npcs in game would believe.




Its a nice way of doing it imo, this way Jagex can continue to shape RS as they see fit and not have to stick to an outdated story.

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.




I believe that this is the reason, and agree with the view put foreward by Dan, above. I don't understand why almost everyone else can't seem to understand this. Erichermit even showed Jagex explicity stating that you should take 'history' with a pinch of salt to say the least.




Why would the average person know what happens in the hardest and longest quests? Only, what, like a handfull of people know what happened in the depths of Lumbridge in While Guthix Sleeps.




Just as it is in real life; the truth from actions of old will only come with the deepest reseach into them.

Or the internet is invented, and lies are fed to the naive fools whenever it is deemed necessary/profitable/amusing.












OT, I have to say, this is a nice piece of work on Jagex's behalf, it both presents multiple viewpoints on the games possible backstory, and inspires a load of conspirators to come up with amusing plots which Jagex can "borrow" when needed.

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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It's not a miss on Jagex' behalf. As several people already pointed out, this is what your character believes when he starts the game. I just had a talk with the priest in the Lumbridge church, and when you ask him "Who is Saradomin?" he is quoted as saying: "Surely you've heard of Saradomin, he who created this world alongside his brother Zamorak and Guthix".




So that's pretty much set in stone then? :)

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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