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You'r opinions of the mmorpg's you've played?


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Well I thought this would be an interesting topic, and may give other people views on what game to start playing etc etc..




Rate the game out of 10 then give a reason why you gave it that rating.




Anyways ill start it off :P
















What the hell?, graphics are nothing better than useless, very pointless game and very confusing. Upside is its free :S








Runescape ( Obviously :roll: )




I'd rate this game 4 / 10




Even though i spent a large ammount of time on runescape, i find it not a very good game as a comparrison to other games.




Graphics arent the best, actually not very good at all. Customer support isn't the greatest either. The community is full of 10 year olds who beg beg and beg for free stuff and just are plain disrespectful.




Although the Sound is good, the music really fits in to where you are. Lag usually isnt a problem. also, its free :)




So cant really complain about a free game.








Knight Online








Well i only just started playing this game but so far its very good... i will update in a few days to give you more details about it.








I also plan on getting guild wars soon so ill also write about that












Well thats mine, now for yours :)








Ps. mods this isnt another 1 of those list the mmorpgs youve played, this 1 is simply to give other people an insight of what people think of the the games they have played.

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I've only ever played runescape so i have nothing to compare it to, but i didn't really play that for a long time. If i had to give it a rating it would probably be about 3/10, simply because there's no variation to it, it's just point and click, point and click.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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I played Ogre Island once. That was pretty lame. Runescape was good back in the day but its gotten so big now yet is still purely click click click. I grew out of it several years ago now



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Only played RS, i'd give it a 8/10 methinks, because of all the special hidden things that Jagex add in like the ghost robes, the funny examines etc, that show you the main developers pay attention to detail. :)

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I only play Rs but the best MMORPG is of course World of Warcraft.








Guild Wars is good,and it's FREE!!..you only have to buy it in the shop and you don't pay every month.








But if you download a game by internet knight online is good(I don't know it but I heard some things about it)








Or Rose Online is cool :D The graphics are ok(alot better than rs)




But about some months you have to pay if you live in europe and after some days there is another stupid bug or a very good bug...but it's bug free after some months

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10/10 of ten of course! I don't care about graphics, screw 'em! Just give me some good addicting game with an awesome competition thing going on. I played for two years and some time, and it kept amazing me. All the friends I made, all the quests I enjoyed, and all the hapyness with your first two-hander which costed 200 steel bar certs, and all that to lose it 1 day later together with your full rune in wildy, and nothing could stop you from getting a new one. Runescape might not be the game with most variety in armour and stuff, but I sure has hell enjoyed it a lot! Runescape 1 that is, uh. I never really played rs2.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Runescape, 1/10 Terrible, click click click, addicting but not fun, looks horrible. Horrible combat system, skills, no party support or guild. Stupidly little amount of weapons and armour.












WoW 9/10 Almost perfect, brillient gameplay, massive, 1000's of hours of actual fun, 1000's of quests, 1000's of weapons and armour pieces.

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About Guild Wars, I know there was a lot of people hyped up about it here. Do you guys still play it or bore easy?








It's infinitely better than other level-treadmill MMORPGS (Runescape, WoW...)








Stay away from ROSEOnline. It's boring as hell once you figure you're just clicking to level up and nothing else.

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probaly would give a 7/10. why? well, when I first started playing it the game was a lot of fun. The ability to just play in your browser alowed me to use msn and such...very nice. However, it does get repetive after a (while)








Guild Wars-








Not sure if i can call this an "mmo". its more of a competitive rpg. Either way, i'd probaly rate it 9/10. Why? Well, First off let me say i have logged in about 346hours worth of gameplay on Guild Wars since it came out. However... the game starts to get booring. After you have beaten the game 3 times with different characters, that doesn't realy become an option. When you go through the underworld/fissure enough, that gets booring unless your with a realy good group.








And even pvp, the star of the game, sometimes gets old and anoying. For example, the tombs. 8v8 is an awsome idea, but the way the game works, people usualy only want a certain type of thing. I don't know what it is now, but a month ago people were obsessing over these damn air eles, leaving all us in the open. So generaly you see people try and make these "power teams" which isn't that much fun, because than it almost turns the game into a game of rock/paper/scissors.








The thing about it is, it has no grind. Now of course, i don't like to grind every waking moment, but hell, you can't just pvp all day everyday, unless you have a guild focused on it. My guild was fairly active up untill a bit ago (I was the leader) but we were a mix of pvp and pve, so we didn't always have a team.








Overall, the game is fun, and considering i probaly overplayed it. However, to me it's more like playing a few rounds of counter strike than playing an actual mmo, because the game realy isn't ment to keep you on 24/7 like some.












Lineage II-








The newest game i've been playing. You may think, "but lineage II costs money". Well, i play on a private server. Basicly think of it as like a cs server.








anyways, the actual game of lineage 2 has a ton of grind. But on the server I play on, they give it x25 rates. This makes it so its a perfect ammount (You have grind, but you don't need to train for day's on end like runescape for a level)








The gameplay is fun. The pvp anywhere type thing works realy well, and of course, pvp has its many risks. Castle sieges, a feature we are still getting orginized on the server, are amazing. And then, the server I play on has so many events.








Imagine this, we are all told to meet infront of aden garden. I mean.. this is at least 500 of us. The lag is almost unbarable except for the most outstounding pc's.








they say they are going to summon "barim". Well, me thinking to my self "lol we are going to drop this monster"








it pops up, oh holy ****. The thing is 300 feet tall, and just towers over you. To give you an idea, his little toe is bigger than you. It literaly took us forever to try and get him down low on hp.








Anyways, i'd probaly give lineage 2 a 9.4/10 right now. I'm still waiting for "the" mmo, but untill then, I am enjoying my self with L2 :)

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Off Topic:




Cjlhdevil you obviously put in little thinking on comparing the two games. WoW gameplay is absolutely hidious. The way to level up on it is to do quests. Although that doesn't sound bad let me sum up EVERY quest in 2 sentences.








"Kill X amount of *Insert Monster* and bring me Y amount of *Insert Item*."












"Walk to *Insert Town* and talk to *Insert Character."








Now sure some may argue that you can fight to level up but they is slower then getting 99 skills on RuneScape. :roll:








Also you talk about just clicking on RuneScape. Well I am sorry to break this to you but thats what you do on EVERY game. Although some may have a combo of buttons there are certain buttons you press most of the time. WoW is no exception either.








RuneScape not having good party support is true but that it part of the fun. You can only go with people you know and trust not to just go within 5 minutes of it. Guilds are stupid on all games in my opinion so I will not go into that.








Graphics are no reason to not have fun on a game. Anyone who owns a Super Nintendo will most likely agree with me that it had the most fun games. Although the graphics weren't real good who cares. Gameplay is what makes a game fun, although if incorporated right graphics can only inprove it but they can also ruin it.








On Topic:




8/10 - RuneScape 2 - Although it is thought of to be a better version of RSC that is false. Many things that were fun in RSC are taken out on this version.








10/10 - RuneScape Classic - Sure this game was addicting but thats goes to show it was fun. On summer days that all of my friends were busy doing other things I could spend all day on it before.








2/10 - World of Warcraft - This game would be great but the lack of things to do ruins it. All of the quests are the same so leveling up is boring. Many things to improve on in gameplay. If they were to fix a few things it would be a great game.








Well, I am done typing for now, I will add more later.

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I've played Runescape and Guildwars.








Nadril, you mind sharing some more info on that Lineage2 private server? Preferably a link or something, I've never played anything like that but it sounds interesting :shock:

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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I've played Runescape and Guildwars.








Nadril, you mind sharing some more info on that Lineage2 private server? Preferably a link or something, I've never played anything like that but it sounds interesting :shock:








*points to his signature*









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Waste of time, all of them...








not if you are having fun :D








I tried many, many, many different free ones, and they pretty much all were the same. runescape im going to have to go with as my favorite, although i havent played it in forever. all the otehr ones were pretty much the same, but my favorite was that lineage 2 private server. by the time i tried that one i had about a month of looking for a new mmorpg behind me, and i was already tired out, so i dont play it anymore. it was pretty much the same as all the other ones, except with a lot more area, and better graphics. rose online sucked. knight online sucked. thang online sucked (i played this one for the longest out of them all thought, and i have a halfway decent character on it). anarchy online sucked. age of sovereign sucked. conquer online sucked. gate to heavens sucked. kal online sucked. rubies of eventide sucked. xiah sucked.








pretty much stick with runescape if you like it, but if all you liked was fighting other people then all these could be better that runescape to you. jsut play that lineage 2 private server, it was the best out of all those fighting based games.



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Well I would have to say an online community of 3.5million and some of the very highest ratings and best ever rated mmorpg would differ with you.








Cj I love you!!!! do you want to make out with me?!!? loveys.gif


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Well I would have to say an online community of 3.5million and some of the very highest ratings and best ever rated mmorpg would differ with you.








Cj I love you!!!! do you want to make out with me?!!? loveys.gif

I see you're back to your normal self.
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Runescape...the longest time I have ever spent with one game. I started playing it about...5 years ago? Quit over a year ago. It just began going downhill, died completely with RS2. Once was a 10/10 amazing game, now is a 2/10. Way too many items and things in the game, its just one giant mess. There are way to many things to keep track of. I loved it when it was plain and simple, everyone knew everything. Prices are amazingly rediculous now, and the game is dominated by pre teen pkers. Eww.

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Runescape...the longest time I have ever spent with one game. I started playing it about...5 years ago? Quit over a year ago. It just began going downhill, died completely with RS2. Once was a 10/10 amazing game, now is a 2/10. Way too many items and things in the game, its just one giant mess. There are way to many things to keep track of. I loved it when it was plain and simple, everyone knew everything. Prices are amazingly rediculous now, and the game is dominated by pre teen pkers. Eww.
Yeah I think you got it down, it was great in the early days but it's grown too big for its boots and isn't professional enough to maintain quality with size. There are so many stupid pointless items in peoples banks it's rediculous.
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Runescape - 6 or 7/10




Runescape is good for those "primative" players. A good game to play if you don't want to pay to play. Even if you P2p, its not a lot. Addicting and overall fun, community is pretty cool....lots of nice people. Gameplay is good. Graphics, suck.....but hey its an in-browser Java game.








LineageII - 6/10




Although addicting and fun, this game is wayyyy to hard to really come up in, in my opinion. The economy in this game is DRASTICALLY in need of fixing. It is VERY hard to get money and the only race that can create stuff is the Dwarves. Basically even having 5mil = dirt poor and hard to get the stuff you want or need. Quest are dumb i think and its hard to lvl. Lineage does have good Guild support though.








World of Warcraft - 10/10




I havn't found anything i havn't liked about this game yet!! Except for the mass amounts of people causing lag in major cities. Its GREAT. Even at lvl 1 you can still gather what you need, and make money. You arn't stuck in the mud until a certain level like you are in Lineage. You can basically start out doing what you have to do. The graphics are great, the gameplay is AWESOME and everyone, well most are nice. PvP is awesome, and the fact that you have raids and battlegrounds is very cool. All sorts of monsters and a HUGE area to explore. WoW has a huge world. And hey, you can get mounts!! 8) very addicting. I have basically said bye bye runescape hello WoW. Camera movement is also something




I like in WoW and hate in L2. I felt constricted in L2. Good guild support.








Oh and WoW has movement keys of WSAD!!!! And if you are an FPS gamer like me, WSAD mean the world to you. No clicking, just hold the keys.








If you don't play lineage on a private server, then drop the payments on the game because it is junk compared to WoW.








Oh and clans are stupid on runesape, leave them to FPSs ;)

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LineageII - 6/10




Although addicting and fun, this game is wayyyy to hard to really come up in, in my opinion. The economy in this game is DRASTICALLY in need of fixing. It is VERY hard to get money and the only race that can create stuff is the Dwarves. Basically even having 5mil = dirt poor and hard to get the stuff you want or need. Quest are dumb i think and its hard to lvl. Lineage does have good Guild support though












are you talking about a privite server, or the real servers. Because the actual servers are a grind fest to hell, more or less. :P Yet again, on the server i play at, the rates are about 25x for experience and such.








It's realy nice :). Makes leveling untill about 50 fairly easy, than it starts to get a (little) slower.








note: *has 800 mil of cash and another probaly 600-800 mil of items :oops: *

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I've heard a lot of good things about world of warcraft, most of it from rs players who seem to be moving in mass to the game. I just wanted to know, is it a free game or do you have to pay? I thought you had to pay, but someone told me you didnt.

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Cj although you can post statistics on a game that does not determine wether it is a great game or not. I can prove that by showing you the RSC to RS2 conversion. The new graphics are what got so many other players to get it. People are overwhelmed by graphics easily and could careless about gameplay. So posting statistics like that does not determine a good game. The reason RuneScape is not so highly respected like WoW is because it was not made by an all-time great game making company like Blizzard. When Jagex created RuneScape they had to take a chance with it but for Blizzard they already had such a huge audience they can just make great graphics, add in a few fancy screen shots before realease, and boom huge suscess. I guarentee if RuneScape was made by a big company like Blizzard and realeased as a CD it would get the same ratings as WoW. IT may not have as many players as WoW though because of peoples niave view on graphics making a game good.








Well, I will leave it at there for now, and see if you actually care to leave more then a one sentence post before running off hiding. :roll:

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