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A weight loss blog?



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Some background information..


I'm 16.


I'm 5'8.


I weigh 200 lbs.


It's not all fat, I've got decent arms.




I'm really interested in loosing weight, I mean I'm not quite so big I can't walk to the other side of my house without panting, or close, and I sure as hell don't want to get there.




If you'd kindly read my signature, you'll see I have horrible blog making skills and I really don't want this to fall through, I think this is actually crazy enough to work.




I'm not sure if this is the right place or not, but I know a weight loss blog is able to be posted in off topic, I checked with a super mod I think it was.. I was thinking of taking a picture of myself shirtless every day until the last day of school, and I'd love to have major improvement, in order for this to happen, I'd need a few things.




The will power. The right diet, and a decent justifiable exercise schedule. If anyone has any suggestions or would kindly take the time out to assist me in making a blog, I'd obviously give you credit, and I could really use the help.




If I look dumb trying this on an online forum, then I don't need to hear that, although I'm sure it will be said by at least one person or two, actually probably more. I'm just trying to loose some weight, and get support doing it, and some of you must know at least a little about dieting and muscle building.




Again, I'm not sure if this is the right section to ask for assistance like this, but it is "off topic" so I thought I'd try it, if it's not allowed, will a mod please move/delete it?




Thank you and I hope to get this started ASAP!


~Joe Nahorniak.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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So you're going to make a weight loss blog on OT? Or on another website..?


Good luck, you should try out different diets and if you end up making a blog type how each diet went/how favourable they were. ::'




P.S You spelt weight wrong in first sentence




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I could probably find a diet for you, I have an acquaintance who works out and is really fit, he used to be scrawny.




So what's your diet and exercise plan now?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I just had this idea about 3 hours ago, lets see, what did I eat today?




A large popcorn chicken thing from KFC, a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi MAX. A popcorn chicken/mashed potatoes/corn/cheese bowl from KFC, forgot the name, a bag of beef jerky, and hmm, fried eggs and rye toast for breakfeast.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Weight Watchers is a great diet. It provides results, emphasis on eating healthy, and tips on exercising. I've lost 45 pounds on their diet in six months now, and I feel great.




As for diet, eating high amounts of fiber helps a lot. It cleans out your arteries (and your colon!) as well as being more filling so you eat less.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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First of all, let me suggest this site: http://www.stickk.com/. It lets you make goals, then it will hold you to them. Some methods include putting money up so that if you don't complete your goal the money will be donated to a charity. If you do complete your goal, you get your money back. Other methods include sending e-mails of your successes and failures to friends and family.




As for the weight loss itself, what activites do you like to do? Sports? Biking, running, walking, hiking? The worst thing you could do was to choose running, when you hate running. So you need to find something that you enjoy doing. Also, if there is someone you could excercise with, that would be all the more motivation to keep at your goal.

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good luck




id try to lighten up on the pop, I seriously over drink it and thats probably the first easy cut (even if you go to kool aid first instead of straight to water.




also, id do once a week thing for picture, you wont notice a day to day change after the first week.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Worried about weight? Welcome to the Tip.It Off-Topic forums! \'




I wouldn't call it a "blog" persae, since I don't think you can really have them here. Asking for advice would work, but there's plenty of other threads for that...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Thanks for the tip, I don't know what I'm going to go about doing, but I do want results, by this summer hopefully, my goals are.




Rounded Shoulders.


A semi flat stomach - not going for a 6 pack in a few months, obviously.


To top it all off, I'd love the Bicep Vein. I've got veins in my lower arms when I'm not flexing even, but I really want that bicep vein. I guess it couldn't hurt to post a picture of me as of right now?




[hide=Me, it's a big picture - sorry.]33crh43.jpg[/hide]


I know I've got more then some fat on me, as well as the stretch marks, I don't need negative comments - thanks.




It's getting late and I do have school tomorrow, so I'm going to get some sleep, I'll *try to* respond to as many - if not all comments tomorrow around 2:50 EST. - That's about when I get in from school.




Thanks in advance to everyone, and I'd love to get someone to help me by tomorrow so I can get started!






~Joe Nahorniak










EDIT: To nick. I've cleared it with a super mod, they said it was fine, as long as I don't give up in a matter of 3 days or so.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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I did the exact same thing last summer, for the entire summer. The trickiest part of keeping a blog is taking the pictures. I used to take mine near my bedroom window, but different lighting from different daytimes messed up the entire compilation (grrr, shadows). So I suggest setting up a mini-studio where you can control the light source, in your basement or something. Take multiple shots from multiple angles for best results.. the more the better!




As for keeping a blog.. I didn't bother. I just uploaded my pictures to my laptop every weekend and made a compilation in iPhoto and left it at that. I concentrated more on the actual muscle building more than my "blog", i'm not sure if that was a good or bad decision. Aaaanyways, I suggest you make yourself a nice wordpress blog and update it every weekend, because daily updates are very tedious and the progression is not evident.






EDIT: I forgot to mention I also maintained a spreadsheet I updated after each workout. It started off with max# of crunches, push-ups, biceps lifts (left+right). That way, when I started my routine, I could keep an eye on what my maximums already are and made sure I'd never go under. That was what helped me push myself to the limit every single workout. My inner-nerd also enjoyed making graphs with all the raw data. Excel is also fun because you can just add columns for new exercises!

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If you don't know where to start activity wise, I'd go with a combination of running and biking. Personally, I like biking more and if you have a bike, when you get home tomorrow, go bike riding around your neighborhood (wear your helmet!). Also, it's still winter, but when it starts warming up you should try to get into a sport like tennis or anything you'd like to try really. If you're near good hiking locations, I always recommend hiking!

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Last post before bed, I was thinking about track in the spring - anyone have any experience? Obviously not for sprinting or something, but for discus or shot put? I love the track coach - he's also a teacher, and I think he could help me get into better shape as well.




Again, I don't do much other then sleep and TIF now, so keeping up the blog once I got someone to put in a decent format wouldn't be to hard for me to handle. I might skip a day on occasion because I have a heavy schedule, but other then that I think I could do it without question at least 5 times a week.




If anyone wants to help PLEASE post or PM me asap :-#


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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I had a real weight problem in eighth grade, I joined JV soccer for the school the following year and lost twenty pounds that season. But, that said, I did gain back half of it in the off season. But I went on to varsity the next year. :thumbup: So, I guess having friends and a (nice) coach to push me was the key to my success, because like you, I set up a routine for a week and never saw it again. Join a school team, like you said, it really helped me!




Good luck!

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Heres the thing don't eat much junk food eat plenty of fruits. You can run at least your block for 20 minutes a day and finish it off with 5 minutes of push ups 5 minutes of crunches. This is realy slow but trust me you'll probably wont lose weight but for all the weight you don't lose probaly turned into muscle. Trust me this is what i did cause when i was 11 i was fat(and they made fun of me of course) now look at me now I get called steroids at my school for being strong. I didnt lose qeight i just gained muscle and grew more.




Doing sports would also be good to cause you got a coach to help motivate you.

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Good luck with your weight loss.




Playing just one sport will be very helpful, I found playing hockey really helped keep me in shape, and I barely noticed the exercise.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I did the exact same thing, made a blog on tif ... I ll try find it later :) , I went from 226 pounds to 148 pounds :) ... In a matter of months




Heres a great site : - www.menshealth.co.uk/chatroom




General Fat loss tips would be




Keep Carbs to a Minimum (Eat only before lunch and try keep to under 50 grams a day, only complex carbs aswell), If you want you could even try Atkins diet ..




Have a 500 Calorie deficient ..... Your maintainence is probably around the 2000 kcal mark so you would try eating 1500 kcal a day




Of course you shouldnt eat 1500 kcal of junk though ... Eat foods which are high in protein , Don't worry about the fat content, Fat does NOT make you fat I.e All lean meats Chicken, Steak .... Tuna.




Try eat 3 big meals a day with 3 small meals inbetween them




I lost alot from swimming at the start... mabye even more though from weight training later on . Walking is also great for fat loss




Good luck :)

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Thanks a ton for the support, this thread was dying out and I didn't want to bump it or something, but I was trying to find a diet that I could stick to, and now that we have vacation for a week it's going to be even harder to not snack all day.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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