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Frustrations of a regular miner...


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I used to get really worked up whenever that occurred but in recent times I realize its ridiculous to let such pests annoy you in the slightest. So what I do if I'm ever bested by one of those inconsiderate people is tell them that they better enjoy all the bad karma they're racking up: "What goes around comes around." Sometimes just for kicks I visit them 15 minutes later and see someone is working in on their spot just as they had done to mine...+1 for karma, it never fails \'!


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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in the spirit of the post above me. there will always be a winner and a loser . its up to the loser to deal with it really..


IMO anybody with a high mining level is cheating themselves, if they switch servers merely to be so-called polite. so for closing words i quote myself and SCREW COURTESY - ME WANT MORE ORE!!!




No. It is a lose-lose situation in which both parties get reduced gains. Its simple common sense, but seems beyond the limited intelligence of spot crashers.

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I mine in pvp and kill whoever comes.














Just remember to pick a full world & bring combat gear.






Yeah, same here 8-) , only problem was when a level 60 came up and refused to go... I'd been there around 25 minutes, he logs in and says that he had logged out less than 5 minutes ago to go to the bathroom, so it was still "his world" and proceeded to try to steal the spot for the next 15 minutes




As for me, I don't steal spots for anything. The worst thing i'll do is if when hopping worlds to try and find an empty world to cannon. If I have a task where the place is always crowded, like daggies, i'll hop to 10 worlds. If they're all full, i'll find a world with only 1-2 people in it, go down, ask them permission to set up cannon, and if they don't respond within 30 seconds i'll set it up.


621st person to achieve 99 slayer on December 3rd, 2007

177th person to 99 summoning on June 21st, 2008

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I usually don't mine much, but if I do go to a coal mine theres usually people there. I don't think there's many spots without people in F2P, so I would have to stay in same spot trying to get ore, since switching worlds will not help.

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It's funny I'm reading this, because as of 2 minutes a go I had to hop due to a person stealing my spot whilst hunting.




The bit which frustrates me the most is that the person would rather irritate and compete with me for half an hour rather than actually moving 2 squares to the right, catching just as many chins, but all being happy too. People shouldn't log in and just expect to be able to steal where someone is hunting or mining. I do understand that competition is apart of the game and I don't mind when people hunt near me - hunting in the exact spots where I am though is just pure rudeness. Usually I'll try and compete with them for a bit, but eventually I'll give up. I'd rather hop to a different world and get back onto the task at hand, otherwise I'm just wasting my time.


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It's funny I'm reading this, because as of 2 minutes a go I had to hop due to a person stealing my spot whilst hunting.




The bit which frustrates me the most is that the person would rather irritate and compete with me for half an hour rather than actually moving 2 squares to the right, catching just as many chins, but all being happy too. People shouldn't log in and just expect to be able to steal where someone is hunting or mining. I do understand that competition is apart of the game and I don't mind when people hunt near me - hunting in the exact spots where I am though is just pure rudeness. Usually I'll try and compete with them for a bit, but eventually I'll give up. I'd rather hop to a different world and get back onto the task at hand, otherwise I'm just wasting my time.




I keep competing untill I have to logout. Hunter is not easy to compete though.

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I keep competing untill I have to logout. Hunter is not easy to compete though.


I'd like to do that, but the other person will usually have their mind set out on getting this spot. It's more hassle for me competing with them than it's actually worth - and it usually ends up with me getting in a bad mood. :P Sometimes I'll call a few friends over to begin hunting here though until he/she goes. That sometimes works lol.


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I keep competing untill I have to logout. Hunter is not easy to compete though.


I'd like to do that, but the other person will usually have their mind set out on getting this spot. It's more hassle for me competing with them than it's actually worth - and it usually ends up with me getting in a bad mood. :P Sometimes I'll call a few friends over to begin hunting here though until he/she goes. That sometimes works lol.




Reminds me of that time when I got a friend to set up 2 cannons at the Yaks. Good times.

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When I'm doing tasks which can easily get crowded, I hop a few times if places are full. But after a few times I'll get annoyed, and just try to steal it. Mostly works. I do only steal kills of campers, though. Never of other slayers. Campers can train anywhere else. Slayers cant :thumbup: If I would hop everytime I would never be 98 slayer by now.



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I always spot steal in a crowded slayer task if I think I can beat them, and I usually can. The only exception is with a fellow Tif member, which I'll hop for.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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I usually don't spot steal, but if all the hot worlds are taken and all the good spots are gone I know I can easily run over an inexperienced miner with my 94 mining...




Thing is is that to get 94 mining I had to go through a lot of spot stealers anyways.. It's just part of the game. You have to earn the right to spot steal in a way. Hard work and dedication should be rewarded with the ability to win over at something. Kind of like runite mining.... If someone is mining runite on the same world as me I'm not just gonna say "Oh he was there first it's his". We all fight to get that free 15k right? Healthy competition is all it is.

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Kind of like runite mining.... If someone is mining runite on the same world as me I'm not just gonna say "Oh he was there first it's his". We all fight to get that free 15k right? Healthy competition is all it is.




Yeah, when mining rune I will mine the rock whether someone is there or not. With something like Rune, where there is only two rocks in the wilderness, it really is all down to competition. If someone starts mining the rune rocks which I'm mining, I really don't mind.




If I was mining granite though, it would be a different matter for me. At the granite mines there are a lot of rocks and also a lot of different worlds, so I don't really see a need to spot steal there. I understand that there is 'the best spot', but I can't see it making that much of a difference overall. :P


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Kind of like runite mining.... If someone is mining runite on the same world as me I'm not just gonna say "Oh he was there first it's his". We all fight to get that free 15k right? Healthy competition is all it is.




Yeah, when mining rune I will mine the rock whether someone is there or not. With something like Rune, where there is only two rocks in the wilderness, it really is all down to competition. If someone starts mining the rune rocks which I'm mining, I really don't mind.




If I was mining granite though, it would be a different matter for me. At the granite mines there are a lot of rocks and also a lot of different worlds, so I don't really see a need to spot steal there. I understand that there is 'the best spot', but I can't see it making that much of a difference overall. :P




Lots of good responses, this was pretty much what i was going for tho: there's usually empty spots through out the quarry so these players must be getting off on just plain pissing other people off, which is frankly rude. I usually defend my spot to the death as well, I'm willing to take the xp loss, unless I'm really getting creamed and then I have to leave eventually. :wall:




Mining granite in general is a very friendly activity, as 99% of the miners i meet are very friendly and interactive.

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well it depends on what my mood is. if i'm in a good mood i hop up to 5 times, then duke it out.




if im in a bad mood for say... getting kicked and reported from a chat that is supposed to be a "family" and i have been in for 8 months for asking someones age, then i will take whatever spot i damn well please

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I don't spot steal. I've only tried once, and I failed miserably. My view on spot stealing is that it's totally fine. After all, it's Jagex's spot, not yours. If one gets riled up about it, he or she needs to go to anger management classes. After all, 30 seconds is nothing to wait.

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When mining, I don't steal spots, but I will stubbornly defend mine. If someone comes along and tries to move in, I gladly take that as a challenge. I'll probably start mining in PvP worlds, just cause that'd be fun.




With Slayer, however, if I see someone in a good cannon spot but they're not using a cannon, I'll just move in and take it. Before I used piety regularly, if someone crashed my spot, I would pot up, flick on piety, and attack all of their monsters till they left. I've only lost once. She had 99 melees and better gear. #-o

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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in the spirit of the post above me. there will always be a winner and a loser . its up to the loser to deal with it really..


IMO anybody with a high mining level is cheating themselves, if they switch servers merely to be so-called polite. so for closing words i quote myself and SCREW COURTESY - ME WANT MORE ORE!!!




No. It is a lose-lose situation in which both parties get reduced gains. Its simple common sense, but seems beyond the limited intelligence of spot crashers.




And if everyone thinks like you and the rest who so direly claim that a spot is only for ONE person, there wouldn't be enough worlds for Jagex to create, if everyone is to have their own little spot.




Thats simple common sense.




So fight for a spot and win it, or lose the spot and whine. The circle continues.




The "I-came-here-first-its-my-spot" idealism is getting pretty old, especially since there are over 200.000 online people at a time. And how many worlds to share?

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in the spirit of the post above me. there will always be a winner and a loser . its up to the loser to deal with it really..


IMO anybody with a high mining level is cheating themselves, if they switch servers merely to be so-called polite. so for closing words i quote myself and SCREW COURTESY - ME WANT MORE ORE!!!




No. It is a lose-lose situation in which both parties get reduced gains. Its simple common sense, but seems beyond the limited intelligence of spot crashers.




And if everyone thinks like you and the rest who so direly claim that a spot is only for ONE person, there wouldn't be enough worlds for Jagex to create, if everyone is to have their own little spot.




Thats simple common sense.




So fight for a spot and win it, or lose the spot and whine. The circle continues.




The "I-came-here-first-its-my-spot" idealism is getting pretty old, especially since there are over 200.000 online people at a time. And how many worlds to share?




It depends, of course, on the situation and time of play. I live in China, so by the time I get home from work most of my would-be competition is sleeping or starting their school/work-day. I'd estimate that at least 75% of the worlds have empty spots where I am mining, so it simply boggles my mind when someone would prefer to spot-steal rather than hop to an empty world.




Can you really say that spot-stealing makes sense in such circumstances?




Of course, most mining spots would have to be shared during the busier times, but thats not what this topic is about (OP posted about a spot that could accomodate several without spot stealing).




The "I-came-here-first-its-my-spot" idealism




In real life, thats called common courtesy. And since I believe in-game behaviour reflects people's true personalities, I would not want to associate with anyone who spot-steals in RS. Believ me, I face enough of that on a daily basis during the free for all melees I have to go through just to get on the bus.




Edit: You have not refuted my original point. Two people mining the same limited resources is a lose-lose situation, regardless of who manages to get the larger gains. Given the choice between spot-stealing and finding a more productive use for my time, I would always choose the latter (even if it means doing something other than mining for a while).

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Most of the times I don't spot steal. However, in some of those days, when I'm not feeling that good, I tend do do it. I don't know why... I just do it. :ohnoes:




So because you're "not feeling well," you think it's ok to take your crappy attitude on someone else? Wow, you're a real charmer online, forget about real life. I seriously hope you don't take such an immature, selfish mindset into a professional setting in the real world.



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