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I just wanna ask anyone if they are happy with what gets played on the radio, and some TV channels/shows etc.




Personally, I dont really like the music thats played on the radio, it's mostly R&B, and Hippity Hoppity. Although, some of them arent too bad, they mostly are just crap, and make no sense.




I'm not one to criticize, but when it comes to music, I dont understand how half this stuff is considered music.




For TV, theres too much obvious-fan aimed stuff, too many reality TV shows, and way too many cop shows.


I have my opinions, and I think that around..


20-30 different cop shows (in AUS) on each week, on normal TV is alot.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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On the rare occasion I might like something on mainstream radio, but generally I don't.




I'm not really into the majority of what they put on TV either.




I dont blame ya. Imo, the best thing played on the radio last year was sex on fire, by kings of leon. That *was* pretty good though :P




And for the TV, there's too much of the 'aimed at obvious watchers' stuff, and too many cop-shows. They should take about 50% of the cop shows OFF and come up with something decent, make a series from a book or something.




Seriously, how many cop shows are on non-cable-TV?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I watch at most 1 hour of TV a week. Programs here suck.




Anway, regarding radio, I like listening to music, half the time there are ads of they are talking about celebritys. Ugh, frankly I don't like normal radio, however some talkback stations are good.

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I don't have the radio on much. Most of the time I just play a CD.




I'm a bit mixed. There's no real active mainstream band that I listen to a lot. Most of the time it's it is more alternative music that I listen to. But I don't really think that what's played on the radio is very bad or something.




I hardly watch any t.v. Only when they play football. I sometimes watch the news, and a discussion program, but that's it.


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I don't watch a lot of tv since most of the stuff on is crap. There is rarely anything worth watching nowadays.




once in a while, the mainstream radio will play some good bands (Staind, Disturbed, Flyleaf, Linkin Park, etc) that have been getting a lot of MTV attention, but most of the artists/bands are pop rock (Jonas Bros, Fall Out Boy, etc), hip-hop (Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, etc), R&B (Rihanna, Beyonce, etc) or a hip-hop/R&B combination (Kanye West).



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Whenever I listen to the radio I usually listen to either a classic rock/metal station, or one where they mostly talk and debate. I like some bands that are mainstream, but most of the time they don't really play much of those on the other more popular radio channels.




As for "mainstream TV"... first, is there such a thing as underground TV? I don't mind TV that much, the "reality TV" craze over here is mostly over now. As long as you don't switch to MTV or something. I've got the tv on most of the time when I'm home but I don't pay it a lot of attention.


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I've grown accustomed to the local radio station that plays 80s club hits because my Mum usually has that on in the car or at home. I'm not an avid listener of the BBC stations though, apart from Radio 3. I don't really know what music is 'in' at the moment around where I live.




As for TV, I barely watch any. Not because I don't want to, but because I have neither a TV or a TV tuner.

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Most of the music I listen to is somewhat mainstream I suppose. I'm growing away from it though. More of the rock/pop artists nowadays are just terrible (as mentioned, Jonas Brothers, Linkin Park).




I just watch baseball, news, and The Office on TV though, so I don't really have an opinion on that.


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I can't stand the stations in the Twin Cities so it's NPR for me all the time. You learn a lot of things when you listen to NPR and their weekend shows are hilarious.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I can't stand the stations in the Twin Cities so it's NPR for me all the time. You learn a lot of things when you listen to NPR and their weekend shows are hilarious.




Oh God, NPR... One time a couple years ago on Christmas, I was listening to NPR to see if they had the holiday spirit. Turns out the majority of news reports were about starving children in Africa and some Christians getting angry over a Left Behind game. You only listen to NPR if you want to sleep peacefully without buying medication or if you want to hear about Schweddy balls.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

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The only radio station I'd consider listening to for the music would be 6Music, the music on Radio 1 is pretty dire (but the talk's good) and is too samey on Radio 2. Most of the radio stations I listen to do podcasts though of the talky bits which I download, I prefer listening to my own music for music.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Why are the Jonas Brothers being compared to Linkin Park? :evil:




They both suck?








Anyways, I don't really listen to the radio. Only time I really did was listening to some metal channel on XM Radio on the way into work. Wasn't that bad. As far as TV goes I really only watch Adult Swim when it's on, and I guess that is about as far as you could consider "underground TV". Well at least the shows on it wouldn't be shown on a more mainstream channel such as FOX or something. Not really sure if you could consider it underground though, haha. Other than that though I really don't watch much TV at all.

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Why are the Jonas Brothers being compared to Linkin Park? :evil:




Because whoever is comparing the two only heard one or two songs out of both bands.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Oh God, NPR... One time a couple years ago on Christmas, I was listening to NPR to see if they had the holiday spirit. Turns out the majority of news reports were about starving children in Africa and some Christians getting angry over a Left Behind game. You only listen to NPR if you want to sleep peacefully without buying medication or if you want to hear about Schweddy balls.


You obviously do not listen to NPR and I'm obviously not a "Starving Children In Africa" type person. If the only time you pay attention to any media is during the Christmas season, then your view of media is going to be severely skewed.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Only FM radio channels I can stand. 102.1 is pretty good for alternative, but it overplays the more popular stuff a bit too often. 107.1 is almost entirely 'classic' rock, and does it pretty damn well. 97.7 is in between. You'll get stuff like the Beatles, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, etc. All of it is good for the car. Although I swear they have their ads synchronized so that you can't switch to one of the other stations during an ad.




I listen to the radio only when I'm in the car, so not all too often. I almost never watch TV, except maybe sports in the morning before I head off for school.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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There are tons of radio stations, at least here. I can name the jazz, blues, R'n'B, techno, pop, hip-hop, gangster rap, and classic rock stations in my city. Plus eighteen or so latin music stations.




I hate music elitism. There are just as many good bands as bad bands that are popular or less-known. More-known bands are just more at risk for decline and basically the ruination of their music. The amateur artists, well, to be honest, a lot suck. Of course there are tons that are great and should be popular, but there are plenty that I would never listen to in my right mind. Namely some of the local performers here. :?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I used to be a participant of the underground bandwagon too but then I grew up and realized that it doesn't matter what the world thinks of the song. It matters what I think of it.

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I used to be a participant of the underground bandwagon too but then I grew up and realized that it doesn't matter what the world thinks of the song. It matters what I think of it.




Isn't that given? I don't think anyone here is trying to say they hate popular music for it being popular...

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I used to be a participant of the underground bandwagon too but then I grew up and realized that it doesn't matter what the world thinks of the song. It matters what I think of it.




Isn't that given? I don't think anyone here is trying to say they hate popular music for it being popular...




Of course no one's dumb enough to say it. The underground bandwagon is very real though - it only unveils itself in little snippets otherwise recognized as the the critical conosseuirs of the RS Forums but only once in a blue moon, ever so subtle, brief, and secretive aiming to make us wonder if we're all just alone (perhaps to convert us?).

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You obviously do not listen to NPR and I'm obviously not a "Starving Children In Africa" type person. If the only time you pay attention to any media is during the Christmas season, then your view of media is going to be severely skewed.




First, I never said you were a "starving children in Africa" like guy, I have no idea where you got that from. I watch Fox News, CNN, and NBC for both conservative and liberal view points and NPR if I need to get fall asleep. You must have misread something because I never said I listen to any news media on Christmas.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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I can't stand the stations in the Twin Cities so it's NPR for me all the time. You learn a lot of things when you listen to NPR and their weekend shows are hilarious.




Oh God, NPR... One time a couple years ago on Christmas, I was listening to NPR to see if they had the holiday spirit. Turns out the majority of news reports were about starving children in Africa and some Christians getting angry over a Left Behind game. You only listen to NPR if you want to sleep peacefully without buying medication or if you want to hear about Schweddy balls.


I actually like NPR, most of it is interesting. :lol:


How can you get that bored with NPR? :?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

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For the 'mainstream' part of the TV, I basically meant non-cable TV. Here, non-cable TV is full of crap.


But unwatched channels could be considered underground? :P




For music though, alot of the popular music, seriously is crap.


It's the same thing over and over again with R&B, Rap isnt even what it started off to be - about turf wars and home dawgs. Now it's about drugs and [garden tools].


Hip Hop is just crap, same lyrics as rap, with mostly sampled beats.




As for Kanye West, imo, he's alright. He doesn't rap about typical black rapper stuff, which is why he was almost declined a record deal. Gold digger and Good life are 2 pretty decent songs.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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