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What would you do? (A friend lies)


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Well here you go ;) About as off topic as you can go :D




A good friend of mine has been lying to me for a fair while now, I suspected he was with my little sister (she is 12 lol, and we are both 15.) Anyways, I naturally asked him about it, to get the reply "Do you think I am a paedophile? Of course i'm not with your sister!"




He sounded pretty offended, so I didn't press the subject. It was recently brought to my attention that he was lying blatently to me when he said this, and that he is in fact with my sister.




Now the problem is not him being with my sister, she can hardly be expected to remain single all her life, and I suppose if he really likes her it is better that she is with someone who is not a complete wagonhole. (Lol, I just typed wagon, not the actual word :D) The problem is that my friend was lying to me, had he have told me the truth when I asked him about it I wouldn't care. So anyways, I guess this whole post comes down to the point: What would you do if a friend was lying to you.




The beauty of this situation is that I know for a fact they are together, and he has no idea that I know.




Heh, sorry if this is written poorly, I am tired :D

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It depends on what kind of a lie my friend told me. In your situation, there's nothing much to do than to accept it and possibly tease him for being together with your sister. He probably didn't tell you the truth from the beginning cause he thought you'd tease him about it. But if a friend lied about something more serious, for instance I'm together with this guy and she falls for him too and makes out with him behind my back, I suspect what she's up to, but she lies, I'd be disappointed, and even if we're back to friends again after she's apologized, I might not trust her anymore as much as I used to.


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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It depends on what kind of a lie my friend told me. In your situation, there's nothing much to do than to accept it and possibly tease him for being together with your sister. He probably didn't tell you the truth from the beginning cause he thought you'd tease him about it. But if a friend lied about something more serious, for instance I'm together with this guy and she falls for him too and makes out with him behind my back, I suspect what she's up to, but she lies, I'd be disappointed, and even if we're back to friends again after she's apologized, I might not trust her anymore as much as I used to.




Yeah, trust is the issue here. The actual circumstances that the lie came under I couldn't care less about, but trust is very important to me :) In the circumstance you described, I think it would become more than a trust issue for me :) And as for teasing him, screw that. I might make him confess over MSN and then print it out onto A3 paper and plaster the school with it.




Aren't I mature? ;)

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Your sister is 12! AND he lied to you about it. I think you need to have a chat about this with him or he risks losing you as a friend. Infact even if he outrightly said to you "im going with your sister" id tell him where to get off. Shes far too young



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Yeah, he was very clever to tell me over MSN, so that I wouldn't hit him mistakenly. And yeah, my sister is 12, and it is very strange on his behalf, but sadly I cannot end the relationship myself.




The thing about it is, I am not a person who wants to see Matt hurt, though I will probably end the friendship, I don't want friends who can lie to my face. The thing is, if word got out about this, there would be 80% odds that Matthew would end up with a black eye and broken jaw, and that is the last thing I want to happen. I am thinking along the lines of a private conversation to him about how this is actually illegal.

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That's just wrong :ugh: Get that relationship finished ASAP.








And depending on how the guy acts, considering getting him some help...




Something doesn't seem to be quite right with him.

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12? Just how far is this relationship?




My advice would be to invite him round to your house one night, waiting on the other side of your front door with a big bat.




Once again Bubs, you have made me explode with laughter. I am a fair bit bigger than him, about 6 inches, but not a lot better built, I would probably beat him in a fight, as I doubt he has ever been in a fight in his life (mind you I have only been in a few) But that is the last thing I want to happen. I will be friendly about, and ask him to end it.




He keeps sending me abusive messages about it only being 3 years and it's not that much, so I doubt being friendly is going to do a lot :S And you know what, I personally agree. 3 years isn't a lot. When one person is 41 and the other 44. But from 12 to 15 is really twisted :S

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3 years isnt a lot no. my last girlfriend was 4 years younger, but then shes wasnt 12!!!



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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12? He's like.... 25% older than her :lol: end it now. If your friend denies it, talk with your sister -- or even your parents.

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12 year old going out with a 15 year old is a bit of a grey area really.




They could be happy together. Suppose the main fear is if he starts pressuring her into sex...noone should have it that young. Talk things through about sex with your sister (not have sex with your sister, i mean, talk about it with her) and tell her not to get into it with her boyfriend. If they just want a close friendship, maybe kissin, that's probably fine, but any more is a bit of a nono...she's not even past puberty yet.

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12 year old going out with a 15 year old is a bit of a grey area really.




They could be happy together. Suppose the main fear is if he starts pressuring her into sex...noone should have it that young. Talk things through about sex with your sister (not have sex with your sister, i mean, talk about it with her) and tell her not to get into it with her boyfriend. If they just want a close friendship, maybe kissin, that's probably fine, but any more is a bit of a nono...she's not even past puberty yet.








aahh I cant understand this, a 12 year old is pretty much like a baby








this guy is sick and I dont usually say this but if it was me i would tell him to stop or i would beat his as.




although your sister will hate you for a while, she will thank you in a few years time.. right now she probably just wants respect from her friends, but you dont know how far that can go..

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Maby its just cause im 15, its my area around here, but i dont see a huge problem with the relationship. Sure your firend lied to you, which means you shouldnt trust him as much, but if you two have a sit down, and talk for a bit, perhaps you can work out an understanding of how the two got together, and where they are on this. Also i would bring it to there attention now that you know, so that just incase he is a little more untrustworthy then you think, you can stop anything.








as for the relationship, as stated before i see no big problem with this. Of course when he becomes older, and if they get ideas, it will be a problem. but right now, it should be fine.


Sig by Ikurai

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He broke the code, you don't mess around with your mate's family, much less a 12 year old sister.




I don't have any sisters so i can't say for sure how i'd react, but more than anything else if a mate lied to me about being with my younger sister, there would be a very good chance of me kicking 7 shades of [cabbage] out of him.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Maby its just cause im 15. . . blah blah blah blah















Well im 16 and i CANNOT picture myself going out with a 13 year old!! ITS LIKE DATING SOMEONE NOT EVEN IN HIGHSCHOOL! Thats very odd and i would not suggest that it continue . . .*Shudders*








As insane said, it does matter right now because 3 years IS a quarter of her life...maybe when shes 20 or so when its not as much.












:oops: <----closest thing to a puking face :wink:


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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Why are you guys all fussing about how young she is and a 3 year difference? So what if she's 12 and he's 15? It's not like you can't have feelings if you're 12 and if they really like each other why should age matter?


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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Maby its just cause im 15. . . blah blah blah blah















Well im 16 and i CANNOT picture myself going out with a 13 year old!! ITS LIKE DATING SOMEONE NOT EVEN IN HIGHSCHOOL! Thats very odd and i would not suggest that it continue . . .*Shudders*








As insane said, it does matter right now because 3 years IS a quarter of her life...maybe when shes 20 or so when its not as much.












:oops: <----closest thing to a puking face :wink:








:? acutly many people around here do that, 12 year olds going out with 16 year olds (although that one ended up in tears...), but generaly its 1 or 2 years older, and it dosent matter cause the kids around here are really mature enough.


Sig by Ikurai

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Beat him up.








If one of my mates try something like that with my sister, I'd literally get a bat *just* for that occasion.








Imo, teenagers that go after younger ones are only after some erm, 'benefits' only :roll:








Is he too much of a loser to get a gf the same age as him?

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Well, it's bad enough that he's going out with your sister, but a 12 year old? If I went out with a girl that was 14 years old and 3 years younger than me, I'd get sooo much crap from my friends and my parents. Sure, it's not a big deal when you're in your 20's and stuff, but when you're a teenager, 3 years is a big difference. If I was in that situation I'd put him in his place, but hey, whatever floats your guys' boats.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Beat him up.








If one of my mates try something like that with my sister, I'd literally get a bat *just* for that occasion.








Imo, teenagers that go after younger ones are only after some erm, 'benefits' only :roll:








Is he too much of a loser to get a gf the same age as him?








That is a really stupid comment. Didnt i just finnish saying that the teenagers in my area arnt like that?! Why go make a generalized statement like that? Cant people think for once that we teens are actuly responsible, atleast most of us.








Its like news, all you see are the bad things.








Anyways, when a teen goes out witha younger girl, gernaly the guy gets made fun of, so we try not too.








If the two want to go out, they should cause they probably really like eachother.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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shadowfox makes a good point...s'easy to get a 12 year old girlfriend at that age...i've got a bunch chasing me right now but wouldnt even consider a relationship with them :/ 3 years is a hell of a difference at that age, mostly due to puberty...everyone becomes a totally different person in the few years it takes...

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