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3rd April 2009 - Forums for High level F2P'ers!


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I can imagine that select F2Pers, being able to access the forums, will talk with members, see more discussion about P2P, and will be more inclined to buy membership.


Right now, FTP have to use TIF and other fansites instead of the RSOF. Do you really think that migrating to the RSOF will suddenly convince them to buy membership?


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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On and on it goes. Never does the train stop getting longer. It only gets longer and longer but what is the already failing locomotive connected to? A crapload of absolutely useless carriages. Only a few hops on to ride it, the others try to convince the train operator to stop making the train even longer cause he will eventually go on a ride that takes him nowhere. But what's that? The train isn't even moving cause it's in a so bad condition that the engineer that build it must have been a child or drunk maybe? The train operator decides to not make it longer and the train is a memory gone. The crowd outside does not cheer of joy that they have finally managed to convince this train operator/engineer that his train was going nowhere instead they turned away like men and women with some sense and just looked to join a different ride.






[hide=If you don't understand...]A metaphor to Compfreak's posts.


His first post is the locomotive, his so called "backup" posts are the carriages.


He is the train operator/engineer.




And it has an ending![/hide]




I was bored and I'm tired of arguing with my walls. (Yes walls, talk to a wall and I swear it will stay just like it was when you said "Hello" to it.) Yet another metaphor. :lol:

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I'm gonna say this once and only once:




If you don't have anything more to say other than "F2P sucks" or "P2P sucks," or anything that doesn't give any general discussion value to the topic, DON'T REPLY TO IT AND LEAVE THE THREAD ALONE! :evil:




This thread is about F2P joining the forums. This is NOT about F2P's existence in the game. This is NOT about how much the F2P community sucks. This is NOT about how much the P2P community sucks. This is NOT about how much certain individuals here may sound like another word for jerks that's a bad word.





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On and on it goes. Never does the train stop getting longer. It only gets longer and longer but what is the already failing locomotive connected to? A crapload of absolutely useless carriages. Only a few hops on to ride it, the others try to convince the train operator to stop making the train even longer cause he will eventually go on a ride that takes him nowhere. But what's that? The train isn't even moving cause it's in a so bad condition that the engineer that build it must have been a child or drunk maybe? The train operator decides to not make it longer and the train is a memory gone. The crowd outside does not cheer of joy that they have finally managed to convince this train operator/engineer that his train was going nowhere instead they turned away like men and women with some sense and just looked to join a different ride.


Don't bother wasting your time. I proved my statement with the facts to back it up, and illogical argument based on your feelings and opinions mean nothing.




I'm gonna say this once and only once:




If you don't have anything more to say other than "F2P sucks" or "P2P sucks," or anything that doesn't give any general discussion value to the topic, DON'T REPLY TO IT AND LEAVE THE THREAD ALONE! :evil:


If your talking to me, the only thing I said was that FTP was freeloading and I didn't like them getting updates on my dollar. The rest of my posts were simply backing up that statement. If the moderation staff decides that it isn't relevant and I'm going to get punished or have my posts removed, it better happen to everyone who argued against it too. :evil: :evil:


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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I can imagine that select F2Pers, being able to access the forums, will talk with members, see more discussion about P2P, and will be more inclined to buy membership.


Right now, FTP have to use TIF and other fansites instead of the RSOF. Do you really think that migrating to the RSOF will suddenly convince them to buy membership?


Not all F2Pers use other fansites, and no, I don't expect them to "suddenly" buy membership. I just think it will encourage a good handful.




Doubt I'll post here anymore, not much of a point. It's everyone v compfreak, and he's not going to change his opinion. Why bother.


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yeah this is has just become [developmentally delayed]ed...




Jagex probably used about $.00001 out of one of your payments to give the forums to f2p, which, to you, is of course outrageous because it does not encourage more f2pers to become p2p




so im sorry about your one millionth penny going down the drain for you, sometimes life just gives you ridiculously hard cases like these where the only thing you can do is suck it up and make what could've been a nice thread a nightmare of ridiculousness and failure




Im done with posting here...

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I'm gonna say this once and only once:




If you don't have anything more to say other than "F2P sucks" or "P2P sucks," or anything that doesn't give any general discussion value to the topic, DON'T REPLY TO IT AND LEAVE THE THREAD ALONE! :evil:


If your talking to me, the only thing I said was that FTP was freeloading and I didn't like them getting updates on my dollar. The rest of my posts were simply backing up that statement. If the moderation staff decides that it isn't relevant and I'm going to get punished or have my posts removed, it better happen to everyone who argued against it too. :evil: :evil:




No posts have been removed. However, I do expect that the flame fest stop.

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Not all F2Pers use other fansites, and no, I don't expect them to "suddenly" buy membership. I just think it will encourage a good handful.


And it will most likely discourage a big handful more.




yeah this is has just become [developmentally delayed]...




Jagex probably used about $.00001 out of one of your payments to give the forums to f2p, which, to you, is of course outrageous because it does not encourage more f2pers to become p2p




so im sorry about your one millionth penny going down the drain for you, sometimes life just gives you ridiculously hard cases like these where the only thing you can do is suck it up and make what could've been a nice thread a nightmare of ridiculousness and failure




Im done with posting here...


Do you have sources for this 'one millionth penny'? 'Cause otherwise I'm gonna go with the financial records that show server maintenance costing a lot more then a millionth of a penny :roll:




Besides that, it's not this specific update, it's the direction they are moving in. Giving something for nothing has never been a good idea, and it's a drain on the paying players.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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... So, what do you expect from him? Would you like him to kiss the feet of every member he comes across, thanking them profusely for every measly patch note JaGEx throws their way?


No, he can do what he wants on the forums...


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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i love this. one correct person taking on the rest of the tif f2p community.




long live compfreak




I'm p2p, get lost.




And other than that, it dosent stop the fact that, in disagreeing with us, he is also disagreeing which jagex, who clearly think its a good idea, and if they wan't to do it, why challenge the decision.




If you don't like it, make a rant on it, or stop paying for member, though i doubt you will do that because giving a few f2pers forums isn't going to make you stop being member.


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Well, it would be nice for F2P to get their own forum, but I am wondering if they do that for current f2p and ex p2pers as well. That could open up new window of opportunity for new ideas from greater amount of players for sure.




Jagex probably have a combat or overall total levels in mind so not all the new players might spam the forum with useless request, also potential mischievous people creating accounts just to invoke havoc on the forum.




Then again, even though I am pure F2P myself, I rarely use the RSOF, and I think what we have is really more than enough already in terms of F2P content. I do used to use RSOF to look for potential trades before grand exchange comes out, but I mainly use tip it forums for general discussion as well. I mean look how many high level F2Ps get by with limited resources, F2P did pretty well even few years ago.




If it's possible, I would be really happy that we can STOP get this kind of update like these, so at least the paying members don't have anymore excuses to berate the F2P communities. F2P didn't ask for those kind of updates (maybe small populations do), its up to Jagex to decide whether if they want to or not, currently, there are more than enough major update to keep F2Per happy (in my opinion, not a GENERALIZATION for everyone).




The only update that I could ever want to ask that Jagex do, is to have a 2 different high score, one for P2p, and one for Pure F2p, and I think that just simple tweaking the system, without spending too much effort into it (of course, if anyone want to flame this idea, then it's ok, I will just use the runehead one, lol, I am more than content enough to see my name float on 250 top f2p list)

a happy Runescaper

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I believe the purpose of this decision was to allow F2Pers to give ideas to better the game as well, helping everyone. I'm sure there will be strict action taken on those who abuse this privilege and spam, much like there is over here. Oh, and by the way, all fansite forums have the capability for F2Pers to post, what makes you think that the RSOF will get spammed up?




Also, most of the clan world is F2P (or at least wars on F2P). Therefore it makes sense to improve this aspect of the game to allow F2Pers to post as they know how to make the game more clan-friendly than, say, Compfreak.

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Toasting in an epic bread.




F2P won't have any effect on the forums, the only effect they can have is possibly making it more appealing by annoying the lowest common denominator of members who are whiners into quitting forever.




I hope the first post by a free player is a thread saying "I want all member content f2p accessible" so 90% of the RSOF rage-quits.




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I like how comp says Jagex is a profit-oriented company and how he wants them to use the money for more updates. Wouldn't they keep the most of the money for themself if they are profit-oriented?




And fact is, RuneScape is one of the lonely games with non-free forums.

[404] Signature not found.

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compfreak, I have been reading your posts and I'm kind of agreeing with you in some respects but not others. You say that they are giving the F2P forums INSTEAD of giving you updates. Well, they do have several areas of the company, the whole company is not doing the same things at once. They probably initially wanted the 'elite', you could say, of the F2Pers to have access to the forums and so asked the devs who maintain the forums if they could set a threshold on the top F2Pers who can access the forums. The rest of the company is still working on your precious updates which you seem to crave o so very much. After they gave the forums the full make-over and ironed out the bugs, there currently is not much to do to maintain the forums and they have the ability to give these F2Pers access.




Did you know, that if there weren't advertisments on the F2P game then the F2P game would not exist. P2P are NOT paying substantial amounts to keep the F2P game running. Stop complaining that you are paying for two million other people to play, because you are not.


Click my signature for my blog!

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But the fact that they are a company, formed to make money, does.


Meh, I missed the typing the main word into my sentence here. What I should have said was,


"Just because a company can lie to yield favorable results does not mean that the company always lies."


As of such, unless you can prove that they are lying, or information showing likewise, you have no better option than to assume they are telling the truth, due to Occam's Razor.





Not sure without knowing their market data. Perhaps they were convincing players that members stuff wasn't all that great, or was removing some of the mystery.


That is simply pulling at shadows. You seem to be looking for every other possible solution other than the one provided to you by Jagex. There is nothing wrong with that, it is just that other solutions without inside sources are a mix of bias and speculation, which cannot produce anything positive.





I'm not making a big deal about it, just a single post saying I don't like the direction Jagex is moving. The rest of my posts were backing up and proving every part of that first post.



Well hey, your opinion is your opinion, and by all means you are entitled to defend it.


But is too much dedication too much? You've made the same point to some people at least thrice now, which isn't quite helping the topic stay on-topic.




they only removed gnomecopters so it wouldn't be apparent that all they wanted was money from members. i assume it was resented among f2p'ers, the taunting that is.


As a F2Per for most of my life, I have never hated gnomecopters. In fact, every once in a while I'd go there and visit, always finding something new and a tad bit exciting. Gnomecopters was even used by a few of us for activities ranging from 'Gnomecopter tag' to hiding away from newbs. Even though it did not have any skilling or killing purpose to it, it was quite a fun place for me as a F2Per. I am quite happy that Jagex did not remove the cowfield and deposit boxes, as that was/is a great place I could refer any newbs that I had befriended towards. All-in-all, it was an area that placed a smile on my face, and that is, if not what they already are, what they should be aiming for in every new piece of content.
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I have a simple question.




Where is this notion coming from that the moment F2P players enter the forums that it is going to be spammed like crazy?


Maybe I'm the only one who has noticed this but ALL of the spam in the RSOF is from PAYING MEMBERS.




How can anyone make such an assumption and judgement, saying that members are far superior to free players, when they really have no clue?




Everyone at some point was a free player. So when do you go from being useless to superior? The moment you pay 5 bucks? Gimme a break!


It doesn't matter if you dish out 5 bucks or not because, like in any grouping of people found around the world, you are always going to have a minority of smart people and a majority of dumb people. This can be seen now with a few members posting sensible topics and the majority of them whining about non-sensible stuff. With 250,000 more players joining the forums, I'd think that ratio is not going to change one bit.




The sooner people realize this, the better!




@compfreak847: Why so much hate towards free players?

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I have a simple question.




Where is this notion coming from that the moment F2P players enter the forums that it is going to be spammed like crazy?


Maybe I'm the only one who has noticed this but ALL of the spam in the RSOF is from PAYING MEMBERS.




How can anyone make such an assumption and judgement, saying that members are far superior to free players, when they really have no clue?




Everyone at some point was a free player. So when do you go from being useless to superior? The moment you pay 5 bucks? Gimme a break!


It doesn't matter if you dish out 5 bucks or not because, like in any grouping of people found around the world, you are always going to have a minority of smart people and a majority of dumb people. This can be seen now with a few members posting sensible topics and the majority of them whining about non-sensible stuff. With 250,000 more players joining the forums, I'd think that ratio is not going to change one bit.




The sooner people realize this, the better!




You are right in that respect. Every group is made up of a few winners and a whole bunch of losers. However, they aren't making decisions of your maturity based on your total levels. Jagex is assuming that being a "high-level" player will mean that you have more to lose. This means they hope you will consider not risking your account getting banned by spamming their forums. Spam may seem bad now, but if they opened their forums to everybody you would see them burn. Ex-players with a grudge, bots, advertisers, anything you can think of, just because they could keep making lvl 3 throw-away accounts.




Personally, I used to think it was fair for forums to be members-only, but the RSOF have gotten so ridiculous that I rarely travel there anymore, especially since the GE.

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I have a simple question.




Where is this notion coming from that the moment F2P players enter the forums that it is going to be spammed like crazy?


Maybe I'm the only one who has noticed this but ALL of the spam in the RSOF is from PAYING MEMBERS.




How can anyone make such an assumption and judgement, saying that members are far superior to free players, when they really have no clue?




Everyone at some point was a free player. So when do you go from being useless to superior? The moment you pay 5 bucks? Gimme a break!


It doesn't matter if you dish out 5 bucks or not because, like in any grouping of people found around the world, you are always going to have a minority of smart people and a majority of dumb people. This can be seen now with a few members posting sensible topics and the majority of them whining about non-sensible stuff. With 250,000 more players joining the forums, I'd think that ratio is not going to change one bit.




The sooner people realize this, the better!




You are right in that respect. Every group is made up of a few winners and a whole bunch of losers. However, they aren't making decisions of your maturity based on your total levels. Jagex is assuming that being a "high-level" player will mean that you have more to lose. This means they hope you will consider not risking your account getting banned by spamming their forums. Spam may seem bad now, but if they opened their forums to everybody you would see them burn. Ex-players with a grudge, bots, advertisers, anything you can think of, just because they could keep making lvl 3 throw-away accounts.




Personally, I used to think it was fair for forums to be members-only, but the RSOF have gotten so ridiculous that I rarely travel there anymore, especially since the GE.




That's why I feel that it is a good idea to open up the forums for high level free players only. By high level, I'm saying ATLEAST 1000 total levels. I'm not at that number yet so I won't be able to post there but I still feel that is the best way to move things forward.




You brought up an excellent point about opening it up to all free accounts. I think Jagex has also realized this and thats why they are placing the restrictions.




I have no issue with the restrictions being placed on the forums. My issue is with the few arrogant members who feel that they are going to be inconvenienced by some extra players joining them in the forums. I can understand the whole "We pay so we should get extra stuff!" mentality but to say that people who don't pay should get absolutely nothing is quite ignorant in the case of RuneScape.

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i hope they realize this is making them lose money. it's just one less thing members have over F2P.




What made you come up with that idea? No one knows how the addition of free players to the forums is going to affect the forum situation so it is far too early to make such an assumption.




Money loss is directly dependent on how the quality of the forums are once free players join the fray. It would increase with more good quality suggestions, discussions and opinions or it might decrease with increased "We Want WILDY!" spam.




Also, offering more formatting suggestions such as being able to Bold or Underline your text can be another improvement that will get more forum users on the RSOF.

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