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I need help on giving up smoking.


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There's this special blend of like Native American tobacco I bought a couple of times(non-Menthol) and it's 100% not addictive because it's like made with substitutes for Nicotine and whatnot. No idea how it actually works but it says it on the box. They come in this little black box and they have these cute little animal pictures that you get along with the cigarretes :D

How does a profession differ from an occupation?

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I have been smoking for 2 years [since i was 14] I have had a quite depressing life, When ever i was upset or needed comforting i just had a cigarette.








That's pathetic. You get no help or sympathy from me.




completely unnecessary..




this guy has come to sb for help and advice on quitting something that him (and many others) have 'fallen victim' to. and you shut him down without any information about him or his life.








I respect this guy and admire his courage.








come on bubsa I really expected more from you :(

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I have been smoking for 2 years [since i was 14] I have had a quite depressing life, When ever i was upset or needed comforting i just had a cigarette.








That's pathetic. You get no help or sympathy from me.




completely unnecessary..




this guy has come to sb for help and advice on quitting something that him (and many others) have 'fallen victim' to. and you shut him down without any information about him or his life.








I respect this guy and admire his courage.








come on bubsa I really expected more from you :(








Likewise, the guy is admitting he has a problem, admitting what he has done is wrong, and admitting he is not proud of it. He needs help, and encouragement, not people saying that because of his past he doesn't deserve help now. Otherwise how can we help people who have alchohol or drug problems? We treat them because they want help, and don't judge them because of the things they have done.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I have been smoking for 2 years [since i was 14] I have had a quite depressing life, When ever i was upset or needed comforting i just had a cigarette.








That's pathetic. You get no help or sympathy from me.




completely unnecessary..




this guy has come to sb for help and advice on quitting something that him (and many others) have 'fallen victim' to. and you shut him down without any information about him or his life.








I respect this guy and admire his courage.








come on bubsa I really expected more from you :(








I agree :?








Anyways, i know how hard it is, i smoked a bit for a year and a half or so.. But recently my ex-girlfriend (from today) has helped me pretty much quit. I would just stop. I didn't really smoke that much, but i just stopped smoking whenever, cut down to just at parties an that, then limited myself to one or 2 a day, and now i really have no urge to smoke.








It's not that hard in my view :?








But good luck with it :)

Rsn: snyper jr

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i saw in a dicumentry the showed us at school that the reason that you get adicted to smokes is because the nicotean either is very close(it was a while ago) to the chemical the brain releases when you do something good. so when you are streased and stuff thats why you want a smoke.








kinda off topic but i saw a chance to offload a small part of the vast amount of usless knolage (general knolage) that fills my head :P


First and only pixel thinger I made.

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Perhaps now you've released that information you can stuff in some correct spellings of words ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I have been smoking for 2 years [since i was 14] I have had a quite depressing life, When ever i was upset or needed comforting i just had a cigarette.








That's pathetic. You get no help or sympathy from me.








Wow, and I thought I was an a**hole.








Unlike most smokers, he admits that he has an addiction and is seeking help quitting. It's not always necessarily the person's fault if they have a problem. For instance, my friend used to be overweight for a bit because his family never really told him that he had to stop eating. It was always "Oh, have more! Have as much as you want!" and he always used to eat simply because it tasted good, not necessarily because he was hungry. This made him very overweight and because of this he had a very depressing life for about a year, until he eventually began to exercise and diet, and got back to his normal weight.








So if anybody ever says that it's his fault, it isn't always, because some people are very impressionable, especially from those they are close to. Think, if you were that age and someone like your father or someone you look up to began to smoke, there is a strong chance that you might too.








On top of which, nicotine actually does release endorphins (? I think) that stimulate the pleasure center of the brain, so scientifically, they actually DO feel good, and that's why they are so addictive. It's hard to fight your anatomy.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I'm a smoker and I try every now and then to quit doing it, never works. Best thing is just to quit inmediatly, not say "I'll quit after this weekend" or "After this pack of sigarettes I quit". Just do it.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I have been smoking for 2 years [since i was 14] I have had a quite depressing life, When ever i was upset or needed comforting i just had a cigarette.








That's pathetic. You get no help or sympathy from me.








Wow, and I thought I was an a**hole.








Unlike most smokers, he admits that he has an addiction and is seeking help quitting. It's not always necessarily the person's fault if they have a problem. For instance, my friend used to be overweight for a bit because his family never really told him that he had to stop eating. It was always "Oh, have more! Have as much as you want!" and he always used to eat simply because it tasted good, not necessarily because he was hungry. This made him very overweight and because of this he had a very depressing life for about a year, until he eventually began to exercise and diet, and got back to his normal weight.








So if anybody ever says that it's his fault, it isn't always, because some people are very impressionable, especially from those they are close to. Think, if you were that age and someone like your father or someone you look up to began to smoke, there is a strong chance that you might too.








On top of which, nicotine actually does release endorphins (? I think) that stimulate the pleasure center of the brain, so scientifically, they actually DO feel good, and that's why they are so addictive. It's hard to fight your anatomy.








He's 16. It's not like it's 40 or something years ago when information on smoking's damage to your health was limited. Throughout his life there have been constant sources of information on how it hurts you, ruins yours and other people's lives and why you shouldn't do it. There's even distinct labels on the package not to do it.




Yet, he still smokes because of that reason he gave? Fine, I'm an a**hole but I don't care on this one. I think it's pathetic. I'm not saying I'm glad he's on his way to an early grave, of course not. He still gets no sympathy from me though.

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I've been smoking for several years now (think since I was 12) and I've never really concearned myself with health risks, its not that I dont know, its that I'm not worried about death or anything like that.








And if it comes down to being a highly important issue, I'll quit.








I know I can cause I've practiced. When I was 19 I went a year and a half without a single smoke, and once a year I take a month off.








As for this, think about why you want to quit, nothing else ever worked for me.








And the gums intolerable to the point where you would rather cough up your own lungs and chew on them.




Yes its that bad.

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I've been smoking for several years now (think since I was 12) and I've never really concearned myself with health risks, its not that I dont know, its that I'm not worried about death or anything like that.








And if it comes down to being a highly important issue, I'll quit.








Could be a bit late don't you think? Quitting won't do you any good once you've contracted a terminal illness.

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urm you said about be afraid of a cig, if you showed osmeone lungs andbrains of a dead smoker that could easily make someone scared of a cig.








My advise is throw them away spend your money on sweets or something and avoid other smokers, then you wont even have acces to a cig and just forget about them

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I've been smoking for several years now (think since I was 12) and I've never really concearned myself with health risks, its not that I dont know, its that I'm not worried about death or anything like that.








And if it comes down to being a highly important issue, I'll quit.








Could be a bit late don't you think? Quitting won't do you any good once you've contracted a terminal illness.








I'm well aware, and more than coverd that issue with the point of, not caring.

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Actually eat Cold Turkey when you get a craving. Helped a friend of mine.








Dude thats just a saying rofl. Not taken literally :P



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I started to smoke when i was 14 aswell, I really don't know when or how,




anyway iv'e tried to stop several times without any greater succes.












1 month ago i decided to quit before my school started, it was veeeeery hard the first day i was shaking like a toy; Though i bought snus, iv'e never been a big fan of snus since it dosn't look very tasty though its alot less dangerous than smoking, but it was a big step for me, now i smoke a cig with a friend maybe once a week and im at the gym 5 times per week ( mon - fri ) and im already feeling alot better, psyicly atleast, my advice, if you really want to smoke, you can use snus instead and slowly trip down with the snusing to, I took maybe 10-12 snus per day at the start, now im down to 5-7, and running lower :) I don't know how simple it is to get snus for you depending where you live ( i belive its illegal in most countrys to sell it in stores ). but it's my advise, and when you read this; belive me its worth it, stop smoke








Lol, i feel kinda bad now i took a cig for like an hour ago with a mate :oops:

















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I'm another of those people who've not done it -- hence another of those people who don't understand what the problem is in giving it up: it sounds so easy. Obviously it's not, if people have trouble doing it, but it's hard to imagine.








Anyway, someone on the first page said something about going and eating some cake every time you want to smoke, and I recomend something similar. Whenever I want to stop myself doing something -- not that this is often, but sometimes I find that I've got into bad habits like major procrastination -- I make myself go and do something else; as with most things, like sickness and pain, wanting to do something (in my case "nothing at all") is easier to forget when busy.








...Who am I to say, though.

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My dad was a smoker. I don't know if he still smokes but he says he doesn't but I don't think he has stopped. I'm not going to smoke. I'm not *just* saying that. If I have a wife and a kids, I already know how'd they feel, I won't give them the chance of feeling fear because of my habits.








Oh yeah, ironically enough, my grandpa on my dad's side is the heaviest smoker/drinker of my grandparents and he's the only one who is still alive of the 4 of em. My grandpa on my mom's side lived for 91 years though and was a soldier during WW2 :) and my great aunts of my dad's side, 2 of em are still alive and I know they're also 90+ years. I'm hoping I'd inherit those long life and not my grandma's diabetes or my other grandma's weak heart :(

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(1) Quit because you want to quit. Not for any other reason, any other person or whatever.




(2) It's all about willpower.




(3) Stay busy.








If I can quit, cold turkey, an 8 month methadone addiction, you can beat smoking cigarettes. And this was while I still dealt drugs and hung out with people who did drugs on a daily basis. I will admit, I had to knock myself out because withdrawals made me not be able to sleep but hell, I can't see cigarette withdrawals as being worse than what I went through.








I've seen people who go to their doctor and request Zyban (Bupropion) have great success.

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Emotional encouragement doesnt usually work.








I recommend using nicotine programmes.








Nicotine is the substance that gets you all addicted on drugs.




What the nicotine programmes do is that because nicotine is the thing you're addicted to, they make you take the nicotine without all the poison in the smoke. So you're not harmed.








I think this programme does work.

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IF u want to give up smoking u need to believe you can give up smoking. You need to focus on it and believe in yourself. Give yourself reasons to quit.




Think about this. If u smoke a packet a day, thats about $7 a day (dont quote me on that). Thats $210 a month u can save. Think about what things u can buy with that. Think about wat u can save up to get.




THats not all. Your helath will increase and u will have more energy to do things u cant do when smoking.








My advice. Give Up. Focus on giving up believe that u can and u will.









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