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Guest Rob

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Everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. (not sure about the exact spelling)


You mean this:




Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong and at the worst possible time
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"How tall is a six foot man?"




A question on a review packet in biology today. Major what moment.


Not sure, are the extra feet stacked on top?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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"How tall is a six foot man?"




A question on a review packet in biology today. Major what moment.


Reminds me when I was on a website for some zoo in Texas and I heard on the virtual tour, "Did you know there are animals at the zoo?"




Also reminds me of nearly every packet I have to do for each semester(not my chapter tests; those are actually hard. State required tests.)

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"How tall is a six foot man?"




A question on a review packet in biology today. Major what moment.


Not sure, are the extra feet stacked on top?




:thumbsup: *looks at clock* 1:25 AM in Finland and I'm on Tip.It forums... :roll:

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"How tall is a six foot man?"




A question on a review packet in biology today. Major what moment.




I prefer, "how do you seperate iron into its component elements?", that question stumpted so many people back in 9th grade.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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"How tall is a six foot man?"




A question on a review packet in biology today. Major what moment.




I prefer, "how do you seperate iron into its component elements?", that question stumpted so many people back in 9th grade.


Uhhh... I've never taken a high school science, class, but I'll hazard a guess that you don't do anything?




what grade are you in then if I may ask?




well to be blunt, my class isnt exactly amazing in the logical reasoning department and after the top 10-15 or so kids there is a big drop off. We had just gone after a session in honors natural science that involved methods of seperation(evaporation, filter, etc.) and that iron question was on there as a trick question. Most people did fairly well on the standard stuff (explain that filtering is how to remove sand from water) but the logical reasoning question about iron stumpted most of them.




to get back on topic






"the main thing that got in the way of my learning was my education"


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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"How tall is a six foot man?"




A question on a review packet in biology today. Major what moment.




I prefer, "how do you seperate iron into its component elements?", that question stumpted so many people back in 9th grade.


Uhhh... I've never taken a high school science, class, but I'll hazard a guess that you don't do anything?




what grade are you in then if I may ask?




well to be blunt, my class isnt exactly amazing in the logical reasoning department and after the top 10-15 or so kids there is a big drop off. We had just gone after a session in honors natural science that involved methods of seperation(evaporation, filter, etc.) and that iron question was on there as a trick question. Most people did fairly well on the standard stuff (explain that filtering is how to remove sand from water) but the logical reasoning question about iron stumpted most of them.


7th :D




I'm a youngin'.


to get back on topic






"the main thing that got in the way of my learning was my education"



I pretty much identify people by their avatars, and I just glance at it and I thought you were the same guy having a conversation with yourself :lol:



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When doing as the Romans do, be in Rome.




Of course, in a more understandable way:


When eating like a fat-arse, you must be in [country which if I name, I will get uber flamed].


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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"More then a Handful is a Waste."


If you know what it means, dont blurt it.


If not, ask a friend.




"In war, its not who's Right, but who is Left"


A rather sad, but true saying that I saw in someone's Siggy.


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to get back on topic






"the main thing that got in the way of my learning was my education"








Woot for Tom Sawyer...




that was Albert Einstein :lol:


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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No [cabbage]? I was doing some gay computer typing thing, and it was a quote from Tom Sawyer...:-o








use ctrl f and search learning




I paraphrased so its possible mark twain said something very similair; certainly sounds like something twain would say come to think of it :lol:


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Mark Twain is my great-great-great uncle or something like that. Pretty dang cool. Here, lemme think actually ... I think my dad's grandmother's father's dad, was Mark Twain's brother Orion. Or my great-grandfather's mother was Twain's sister Pamela. Not sure the exact details. Those two were his only siblings that lived about as long as he did ...

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I ahve a few....




"Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? or my enemy?"




"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something"




"It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop" -Confucius




Person X: This is all pure speculation.


Person Y: That's not how you spell bull$%#"




"It is my obligation as an American to make fun of your [wagon]..."

99 Fishing

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"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie? Or are you gonna bite?" - Reservoir Dogs




"As a jock, it is my job to give nerds a hard time." - The Simpsons







We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Here's another one:




"Hi dad, I didn't really need your help, I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna win a million dollars."




John Carpenter, first contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire to win the million, using his phone a friend lifeline on the last question. Pretty damn ballsy and cool.

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Here's another one:




"Hi dad, I didn't really need your help, I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna win a million dollars."




John Carpenter, first contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire to win the million, using his phone a friend lifeline on the last question. Pretty damn ballsy and cool.


That is so awesome. The host was just like -.-




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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"Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains" Jean Jacques Rousseau.




"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" Albert Einstein.




and the one in my sig




"We wouldn't be the people we are, make the choices we do essentially, live the lives we lead-without the influence of our ancestors who lived before us. Like the monarch butterfly, which takes several generations to complete a migration that ensures the survival of future butterflies, we can live good lives to ensure the happiness of future generations."




Allison DuBois



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Here's another one:




"Hi dad, I didn't really need your help, I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna win a million dollars."




John Carpenter, first contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire to win the million, using his phone a friend lifeline on the last question. Pretty damn ballsy and cool.


That is so awesome. The host was just like -.-






Woulda been more funny if he had gotten the question wrong...Ha

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