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drinking cocacola


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I have always loved coca cola/ any other bottled drink really (pepsi, dr pepper etc)




Since I was little I always drank a lot of coke. Any way over the years I have been drinking it more and more often, and its at the point where I have about 2 x 1.25 litre bottles of coke a day. I can finish off a 2 litre coke like its nothing.




Anyway recently the shop down the road started selling pepsi 1.25 litres for 80 cents AUD (about 50? USD) and i have been having about 5 a day.




A lot of kids tell me that it's really unhealthy but i never thought it was to bad?




Anyone have any idea if this can have some bad effects on my health?








I dont want to get some coke-disease.

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"Think of your teeth" :-?








I've never had problems with drinking a lot of any drink.




Maybe felt a bit bloated but that's about all :P








mmm dentist says they are in really good shape








i brush them twice a day and all that.

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Eh...you know that coke contains acids that can be harmful if you drink too much of it. Also, it contains alot of sugar as well, so you might get fat or diabetes. Stick to good old refreshning water. :D

Sup noobs.

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Think of it this way, your body is made of about 75-80% water. What should we be drinking...hmmm....








Coke is high in sugars, acid, caffeinne, chemicals, junk etc....


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I cant stand coke, dew is the way to go. But I only have about 2L a week, so its like a treat.








I heard that dew doesn't shrink your "you know what", it justs makes you go to the bathroom more often :/. I knew my friend was BSing me when he told me that when i was drinking a can of mountain dew.

Sup noobs.

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If you can somehow manage it, get a pulled human tooth from a dentist or orthodontist or something and completely immerse it in a glass of coke. Check back on it in about 36-48 hours and you might change your mind about drinking so much. :wink:








But yeah, besides the damage to your teeth, all that soda is pretty harmful to your stomach and overall health. Surprised that your stomach hasn't been bothering you. Soda is a pretty strong acid and too much of it will "eat away" at your stomach lining and give you GI problems. Better quit while you're ahead and start moderating the amount you drink.








[EDIT] And on the Mountain Dew causing shrinkage/lowering sperm count rumor:
















Just bs. :P

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:? This is worse then tea in my opinion. That stuff could eat through your stomach if you had enough.








Just curious...what kind of tea do you drink? And from the sounds of your posts, it seems that you have to have tea everyday, or that you drink tea everytime when your thirsty lol. I only drink tea once in a while after I eat something that contains alot of fat.

Sup noobs.

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:? This is worse then tea in my opinion. That stuff could eat through your stomach if you had enough.








Just curious...what kind of tea do you drink? And from the sounds of your posts, it seems that you have to have tea everyday, or that you drink tea everytime when your thirsty lol. I only drink tea once in a while after I eat something that contains alot of fat.








Offtopic: I drink this international kind, not sure but its uber cheap so we buy it cause it tasts just as good as expensive stuff. I used to drink earl grey but my dad started buying me the stuff i drink now. Its orange and spice, but tasts almost exactly like earl grey. I also like rasberry tea. And i do drink tea every day, but not everytime im thristy, just like once in the morning, and maybe 1 or 2 times in the afternoon/evening.


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I heard from somewhere ( I think one of my teachers) that coke can eat through a steel nail in a couple of days, I dont know if it is true, but it sure doesnt stop me from drinking it :P








:? it can, but pepsi can do that in almost half the time :lol: . Im seriouse, my best friends dad's works for this steel company, and they use pepsi as something to clean something (Cant remember what they used the pepsi to clean)


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I've been trying to cut back on Coca Cola. I hardly have any at home anymore; I drink it mostly when I go out to eat. Eat out at one certain restaurant every week and usually have two or three glasses there. Then of course there's eating out for lunch/dinner other nights..








Am trying to drink more juices (grape is my favorite) plus Juice Squeeze (carbonated fruit drink). Still have yet to drink as much water as I should. :P But because I still drink Coke and can't stand Diet Coke, I've bought C2 which tastes the same and is half the calories.

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it can, but pepsi can do that in almost half the time :lol: . Im seriouse, my best friends dad's works for this steel company, and they use pepsi as something to clean something (Cant remember what they used the pepsi to clean)
You shouldn't believe everything you hear.








As for drinking several litres of soda every day, you should be aware that it will cause serious damage to your teeth. I didn't say "it might cause damage". Because it will. The effect is not noticable within a short time, but given time you will cause permanent damage to them. I know several people who suffer from this today, and they aren't particularly enthusiastic about soda any more.

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All that coke cannot be good for your body, but it'll be your teeth that'll take the brunt of the damage. I only started drinking coke a couple of years ago, and i actually prefer the diet stuff, the taste is a bit sharper. I only try to drink it when i go out or on special occasions when everybody else has a drink, otherwise i have water, or when i wake up and before i go to bed i have ribena.

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@dymed: The same thing came around when V and Red Bull came out.












And back to the whole 'eat away your stomach lining' thing. That is BS. Your stomach acid is something around the 1-2 ph mark. Coke is up at 3-4.




So unless your stomach somehow stops secreting the mucus to protect your stomach, nothing will be eating through it.




Not from the inside of it anyways.








The worst thing you can possibly get out of it would be Type 2 Diabetes.

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If you can somehow manage it, get a pulled human tooth from a dentist or orthodontist or something and completely immerse it in a glass of coke. Check back on it in about 36-48 hours and you might change your mind about drinking so much. :wink:
Anyone that ever says this obviously has never tried this experiment themselves. lol It wont dissolve :P








However, coke does have a very high sugar content and really isnt healthy to be drinking all the time. If you get thirsty drink juice of water. Its so much better for you than all that crap and chemicals.



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Glass bottles pwn :D








The soft drink i tend to have the most is Red Bull. and i only really have that mixed with vodka lol. I want to try the original Red Bull tho from Thailand (Krating Daeng) because it comes in a glass bottle. ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I used to drink coke all the time but about 18 months ago i stopped drinking fizzy drinks altogether. Now i just drink fruit juices, squash and water, it's a hell of a lot cheaper and i suppose i can be happy that i'm doing my body some good.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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I used to drink coke all the time but about 18 months ago i stopped drinking fizzy drinks altogether. Now i just drink fruit juices, squash and water, it's a hell of a lot cheaper and i suppose i can be happy that i'm doing my body some good.








good for you :) here's a sticker *posts sticker on your forehead* if you scratch it, it smells like cherry.

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