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YOU vs. Mediocrity

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I'm unlike Joe in many ways as well.




1. I love quests for their story and have a questcape.


2. I don't really want a 99 skill because I like to switch between training a variety of skills and cannot stay focused on one for more than a few days.


3. I value Attack over strength.


4. I rarely use the rants forum.


5. I always read the frontpage before checking out an update. I also often read the KB for extra information too.


6. I prefer skills over combat.




And probably several other small differences. ::'

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Back before I let my runescape character go, I shared some traits with Joe. However, because I started playing back during the Runescape Classic ERA (RCE), I was able to gain quite a bit of wealth just through small investments.




At age 12, when I started playing runescape, I instantly figured out the importance of owning a rare. The price of these items went up just for allowing them to collect dust in your bank. The only problem was obtaining them. I was able to collect santa's and Halloween masks on their drop dates, but I kept my account very insecure, I managed to lose all these items shortly after that Christmas. Thankfully, I had over 500k cash in coal(at this time, that was quite a bit of money), which the hacker didn't take due to the fact he didn't want to put all the work into certing them(remember those days?).




Back on track, what I am getting at is as soon as I was hacked, I secured my account, became educated, and invested all my assets into these holiday drops. I enjoyed the skills more than combat at this time, and because of this spent most of my time in the mining guild.




Tides have changed however. As soon as Runescape 3D was released, I became more of a fan of combat. I sold my investments, buying all the necessities to finish the members quest that would obtain me the almighty dragon longsword. I began camping at monsters that gave exp, but also had the rare chance of dropping a pretty good drop(Fire giants mostly).




One day, Jagex introduced something that would change the game for me forever. Treasure Trails! This is another aspects that I have different from Joe as I always enjoyed reading about the updates. I wanted to find anything I could take advantage of before other players got the chance. I began hunting monsters that dropped a fair amount of clue scrolls and these clues began to consume my runescape life. I managed to gain enough wealth over these to purchase a couple of party hats!




Time warp a couple years, and thats where we are now. I just came back to runescape. I managed to lose most of my cash right after the RWT updates. I didn't enjoy the game, and started splurging. Something I have never been good at is pking. Now I'm coming back, doing the things that Joe does. Investments are a thing of the past, as Jagex controls the market. I have some very impressive combat stats, however I don't have the cash to fund of the events. My friends list is wiped out, and I can't get a hold of any of my friends I used to DK with. I am kind of at a stand still. I found pking is more difficult now that it ever was in the past, and I am still terrible at it.

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  • Behold, this is a RuneScape player. Just like you. Let's call him Joe.


Joe is wearing a Granite body, Dragon platelegs, RoW, Dragon medium helmet, Abyssal Whip, Amulet of Glory, Dragon boots, Dragon gauntlets, Obsidian cape and an Obsidian shield. Certainly a step-up from his Rune Platebody, his Rune skirt/platelegs and his Rune boots. He also spent many days saving up for that Abyssal whip of his, and killed countless of Green dragons to fund it.




1. I'm worse on the whip part. I borrow mine. :lol:




2. Why the f*** would you buy dragon? I'm not quite sure why people hate on barrows so much; I can get five million gold just by killing green dragons in the time it takes to degrade. Obsidian shield sucks as well, though cape is pretty good, considering I don't have a 99.






Joe's aspirations are to, one day, own a Godsword. As we all know, Godswords are cool and the ultimate weapon for any situation. Yet, he can't fund one, not yet. That's why he's training to be able to go to the GWD one day. He set his sight on General Graardor, as that fits his stats the best.




Pfft. Whip+Rune Defender is better than godswords in a lot of situations. Godswords are fun to use for a while, just for the hits, but as a general weapon it's not so great.






After all, Strength is his main form of combat. Attack is a close second. Before he could wield the awesome weapons he owns, he trained on Experiments to get to the level he is now. He does not care much for Defence, as it is pretty pointless to have if you could hit high and often!


In that respect, he's also saving up for Dharok's armour. Who doesn't want to be able to hit 100+?!




I'm the total opposite of this. Defence is one of the most useful stats in the game; it is the stat that tells what you can or cannot do. Strength and Attack are good as well, but it's useless agaisnt bosses if you have 45 defence. Up until a month ago I never realized this with 50 defence, and then I was like "Screw it, I need to get this up". Now, at 73 defence (Don't laugh 99ers, seriously, don't make me tell on you), I can actually do stuff.




Attack ftw.






Another goal of his is to own an Achievement cape, though he does not care which, he just wants a 99 for the sake of having a 99. Therefore, he set his sights on Cooking and/or Fletching, as they are cheap and quite fast. In the rare case of him actually getting another 99 first, chances are he will use either of those two to trim it, because trims are cool.




I am one of those people who refuses to train a skill unless it serves some practical purpose. Cooking is so useless it's not even funny; I stopped at level 51, just so I could use Chef's Delight and do Hero's Quest. Just getting a 99 for the sake of a 99 is stupid in my opinion.








Aside from Green dragon killing and training for either his 99 or ability to go to the Godwars Dungeon, he doesn't do much. He does not like quests, and only did some to wear his Glory. In some instances, he might push the enveloppe and try for the Barrow gloves from RFD.


Or, he might turn around and actually like questing, but not for the sake of the story, but for the ability to one day wear the Quest cape. Don't expect him to know anything at all of the quest he did last! The how and why totally passed him by.




I'll be frank, I'm not too fond of questing. I enjoy the plot, and actually read the diolouge, but I so hate going to one side of runescape to get one item of unimportance, then return, only to get another item of stupidity, and return. Take: I loved Recruitment Drive, I liked One Small Favor up until the point where it just got stupidly long (it should have looped back to the guy at the beginning as another favor "No, I don't have your logs, but can I please have a Shilo hunting bow?" :lol: ), Fremmrick Trails was alright, and I wanted to shoot myself when I had to get the sap in Itachin's Little Helper.






"He isn't too observant either, and usually pays only poor attention to recent updates. As such, he relies on others to tell him what happened today. If in any case something happened that negatively affected him, he bolts to the Rants forum. He will fill his thread with childish foulmouthing, usually regarding how everyone's not heterosexual, threatening to give up his $5 a month and how Jagex employee's mums are lame (or variations thereof). He sure showed them! His punctuation and spelling are subpar also. Well, as long as he's (sort of) understandable, right?"




I hope I am nthin like tat... o godd, it hapennnin! svwe uslfsssssss..... Brng wdly bk nwwww 00mgmggg!!!!11!1!!






As for minigames, he doesn't do much of them. He's mostly limited to Castle wars, Duel Arena and maybe Pest Control and Soul Wars. After all, that's XP right there!




*huggles Stealing Creation* Castle Wars is awesome, don't diss that. I do go to Soul Wars, but that's mainly because I actually enjoy the game of it. Or I just slaughter a bunch of freeloaders, that's also fun. I also enjoy a nice visit to the Games Rooms and, oh who am I kidding, who the f*** goes there? :lol:






And, other than his melee (or sometimes, the entire array of combat) and the odd skill he trained to get his fabled cape, he rarely trains any other skill.




Alright, fine, I do have my Joe there. HAPPY?




Again, I am one of those people that does not grind something if there is not a use to it. Why should I grind and spend hours training Theiving if I don't have a use for it? Why should I go through an obsticale course over and over again if I never will actually use the agility levels (I'm actually planning to get this up, if Brimhaven does not turn out to be a massive grind)? That's just my mentality of it.




I'm more Joe than most people here are (or claim to be). That's probably because I am in these sterotypical levels (low-mid 90s) as of now. So we'll see what happens. =/

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Behold, this is a RuneScape player. Just like you. Let's call him Joe.


Joe is wearing a Granite body, Dragon platelegs, RoW, Dragon medium helmet, Abyssal Whip, Amulet of Glory, Dragon boots, Dragon gauntlets, Obsidian cape and an Obsidian shield. Certainly a step-up from his Rune Platebody, his Rune skirt/platelegs and his Rune boots. He also spent many days saving up for that Abyssal whip of his, and killed countless of Green dragons to fund it.




I wear Full Barrows with Barrows gloves. And an HP cape. everything else is same. My setup is for practicality and best value.




I would never grind at Green dragons or any such place to make money. That would be far too much of a chore. I don't believe that runescape should be a chore.




Joe's aspirations are to, one day, own a Godsword. As we all know, Godswords are cool and the ultimate weapon for any situation. Yet, he can't fund one, not yet. That's why he's training to be able to go to the GWD one day. He set his sight on General Graardor, as that fits his stats the best. After all, Strength is his main form of combat. Attack is a close second. Before he could wield the awesome weapons he owns, he trained on Experiments to get to the level he is now. He does not care much for Defence, as it is pretty pointless to have if you could hit high and often!


In that respect, he's also saving up for Dharok's armour. Who doesn't want to be able to hit 100+?!




I don't value hitting big. Godsword is a ridiculous alternative to whip, and though I could afford all of them and full bandos/arma armour with money to spare, that would be a major lapse of financial judgment on my part. I have not understood the fascination with big numbers, but I am willing to bet it hsa something to do with testosterone. I would assume this based on all the skinny bodybuilders at my gym constantly feeling the need to tell me that they "benched 215" when I'm doing 140-150ish. That is usually pretty funny, since my arms are about twice the size of theirs. I guess that this "big numbers" fanaticism has little to do with actual sucess...






Another goal of his is to own an Achievement cape, though he does not care which, he just wants a 99 for the sake of having a 99. Therefore, he set his sights on Cooking and/or Fletching, as they are cheap and quite fast. In the rare case of him actually getting another 99 first, chances are he will use either of those two to trim it, because trims are cool.




Achievement capes are worth 200k. The same as an obsidian cape. No matter whether it is a farming cape, herblore cape, slayer cape, or summoning cape, the cape itself is worth 200k. That is nice, considering you can buy it for 99k. But the 99 is what should be valuable. Sadly, the skill Joe will get 99 in probably won't be worth training past 99(or even 70 if you don't value the cape).




Aside from Green dragon killing and training for either his 99 or ability to go to the Godwars Dungeon, he doesn't do much. He does not like quests, and only did some to wear his Glory. In some instances, he might push the enveloppe and try for the Barrow gloves from RFD.


Or, he might turn around and actually like questing, but not for the sake of the story, but for the ability to one day wear the Quest cape. Don't expect him to know anything at all of the quest he did last! The how and why totally passed him by.




He plays runescape like a chore. How sad is that. He could be enjoying something else, but he is slaving for weeks in order to earn the right to wear something which he will feel a couple of hours of elation for. I feel sorry for him. Hopefully when he is older, he might get alzheimers, and he won't remember that his childhood was wasted in arduous clicking.



He isn't too observant either, and usually pays only poor attention to recent updates. As such, he relies on others to tell him what happened today. If in any case something happened that negatively affected him, he bolts to the Rants forum. He will fill his thread with childish foulmouthing, usually regarding how everyone's not heterosexual, threatening to give up his $5 a month and how Jagex employee's mums are lame (or variations thereof). He sure showed them! His punctuation and spelling are subpar also. Well, as long as he's (sort of) understandable, right?




and those stupid forum mods don't even give him a punishment he would care about. MAYBE(but not probably) a 48 hour ban from forums. Well, he never intended to use the forums until the next update he doesn't like! so he doesn't even learn his lesson.



As for minigames, he doesn't do much of them. He's mostly limited to Castle wars, Duel Arena and maybe Pest Control and Soul Wars. After all, that's XP right there!


And, other than his melee (or sometimes, the entire array of combat) and the odd skill he trained to get his fabled cape, he rarely trains any other skill.




Yeah, I would never be like this. I do what I enjoy, not because I want XP, but because it pleases me. I might take a moment to absorb the scenery around me, but Joe only looks for the ends of his actions. Forget fun, Joe wants to be the best so that he can call everyone lower leveled than him "noob". Sorry, my goal is not to be an immature level 138 whom you only have respect for before he speaks.




That's Joe for ya! Truly a unique persona... wait, what?

You will earn my gratitude if you pick one thing about my post above which you would like me to change and send it to me in a private message.

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I was Joe back when I was 12...


It's only been 2 & a half years since then, but the way I play has changed dramatically. I no longer treat this game as if it's a single player RPG, & use the fact that it is a multi-player game to my advantage.




But then again, people like Joe make everybody else look more professional. It's look putting a midget next to a dwarf. :thumbsup:

Only fear God,

Know the weapons of the weak,

The weakness of the hard.

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I wear Ahrim more often than any armor.


My favorite Minigame is Trouble Brewing.


My main source of income is alchemy or Aviansies.


I like Defense to be higher than Attack and Strength be the middle. Or all balanced because that is the way of Guthix (FTW!).


I like questing and my favorite quest was Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor.


I like to do random things (Like go burst red chins after and hour of hunting or go running into the Zil room with 3 items alone.)

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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- Joe's got better equipment than I did when I was a new member (rune plate, d skirt, rune boots because I didn't know people thought it was "newby") but I never wore an obby cape (I wore a cooking cape hehe).


- I never wore g plate since it looks ugly on girl pixels.


- I've never owned a d med :oops:


- I skill a lot and Strength's my lowest combat stat (excluding Prayer if you count that as a combat stat)


- I never killed green dragons for money, and up to this day I still haven't killed a single green d.


- I love doing quests (Myreque series ftw)


- I bought my whip on my first day in P2P since I saved up a lot when I was in F2P.


- I read updates.


- What's a rants forum? :mrgreen:


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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- Joe's got better equipment than I did when I was a new member (rune plate, d skirt, rune boots because I didn't know people thought it was "newby") but I never wore an obby cape (I wore a cooking cape hehe).


- I never wore g plate since it looks ugly on girl pixels.


- I've never owned a d med :oops:


- I skill a lot and Strength's my lowest combat stat (excluding Prayer if you count that as a combat stat)


- I never killed green dragons for money, and up to this day I still haven't killed a single green d.


- I love doing quests (Myreque series ftw)


- I bought my whip on my first day in P2P since I saved up a lot when I was in F2P.


- I read updates.


- What's a rants forum? :mrgreen:


You have 73 slay and you never been assigned a Dragon Task?

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Well, I like to think I have more knowledge of the game, especially farming, and I'm a lot more balanced than your average Joe. I also think I'm part of a fairly small group of players who like combat and skilling equally.




Also, your Joe is slightly above average I'd say, most Joes wear a dragon skirt and a dragon scimitar (to train strength) :P




Awesome story anyway, was fun to read.

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I love them


I like to follow the storylines


I do a quest to see WHAT HAPPENS DURING IT


not to skip to the end -.-


null and void

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I think everyone used to be a bit like Joe. It's just a stage we all go through.

Retired High Leader of the Great Titans


DK: Dragon axe x55, Zerker x40, Warrior x44

GWD: Bandos hilt x2,Bandos plate x8,Bandos tassets x3, Bandos boots x 2, Armadyl helm x2, Armadyl hilt x1, Saradomin sword x3

Dragon drops: d chain x3, d left half x3, d legs x4, d skirt x2, d claws x6

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I've never been Joe since I'm only just reaching his sort of level at the moment and the time I MIGHT have been like him has passed when I was just a F2P miner ::'




I haven't done many quests, that's true, however that's because I want to up my levels first and when I do them I like the storylines. I also have a decent knowledge of Runescape, I generally know where everything is and definitely know about new releases even if they don't concern me.




I want my first 99's to be Runecrafting and Woodcutting. I really enjoy woodcutting as a way to chill out, and Runecrafting is going to be a challenge, as well as it being something I really enjoy. (Who doesn't love double natures?!)




I think strength is way overrated, though I did grind to 70 attack so I could get a whip <3: I haven't touched attack in several months now :lol:




Soul Wars is one of my favourite minigames because it's really fun, same with Stealing Creation.




Well, I like to think I have more knowledge of the game, especially farming, and I'm a lot more balanced than your average Joe. I also think I'm part of a fairly small group of players who like combat and skilling equally.




Also, your Joe is slightly above average I'd say, most Joes wear a dragon skirt and a dragon scimitar (to train strength) :P




Awesome story anyway, was fun to read.


The average Joe wouldn't wear a skirt, he'd pay the extra for legs because wearing a skirt would make him look like a girl and he cares about what everyone thinks.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Well, I like to think I have more knowledge of the game, especially farming, and I'm a lot more balanced than your average Joe. I also think I'm part of a fairly small group of players who like combat and skilling equally.




Also, your Joe is slightly above average I'd say, most Joes wear a dragon skirt and a dragon scimitar (to train strength) :P




Awesome story anyway, was fun to read.


The average Joe wouldn't wear a skirt, he'd pay the extra for legs because wearing a skirt would make him look like a girl and he cares about what everyone thinks.


Ah. When I was around that level I wore a skirt because the stats didn't differ and I couldn't afford legs :P

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Is it strange that this made me think of Joe vs. Volcano?




Anyway, I do use a generic set such as this, except with a rune def, the fancier version of the glory ammy (why not have some quality bling, I say) and of course my neit helm since I did most of the quests (for fun). And of course the barrows gloves. People blow things way out of proportion and rfd was a lot easier than most things I've done, like say, Dream Mentor.




I tend to avoid combat most of the time since it seems sort of....boring, but at the same time, so is everything else.




The main driving force behind me wanting any skillcape is stylistic opinion.


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You have 73 slay and you never been assigned a Dragon Task?


Irons and steels yeah but I've never killed a green dragon EVER.


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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I train skills more than Joe, and I focus on getting them all to around the same level. I also enjoy quests and puzzles very much, I love trying to solove these with logical thinking. Of my top 3 favourite skills just one is combat; Summoning. The top is Runecrafting, then Hunter and finally Summoning. I also really like minigames and I make most of my money from selling items I have done myself or from merchanting. I prefer peaceful places in RS, even though combat is nice at sometimes. Plus a lot, lot more that makes me very different from this Mr. averge Joe.


Simply said, I'm far away from the averge player.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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boy, I see those joe's in runescape all the time.




Really, granite and d med doesn't even match >.>




And lol, I am literally a quest/history freak.




Ask me anything about a quest and I'll tell you.




(I love bob)

Neilson1111.png16800000+ 15000000+ 9mil

GWD Drops:(Lootshare)

2 Bandos Hilts, 1 BCP, 1 Bandos Tassets, 17 Snapdragon Seeds

Slayer Drops:

7 Abbysal Whips, 37 Dragon Boots, 17 Mauls, 1 visage. Total Loot: 43mil+

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How are YOU different from the average Joe on RuneScape?




I'm not, least not stat or gear wise, and I don't have any especial wish to be. Which isn't to say that I follow the herd or aim for the most generic character possible, just that I'm more focused on doing my thing than standing out from the crowd. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be special in a game like this, however with the number of people playing there have to be at least 5 or 10 others players with the same stats / gear / habits as you so I think people get a little too hung up on the idea of being unique as it's just a pipe dream.




I guess I am different from a lot of people in that I play nice, don't flame, and play as a game rather than an obsession. But even in that I'm (thankfully) following the same course as a lot of my fellow players :D

jagexvote.png :thumbsup:


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