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PvP Potential tricks..


Abuse or not?


Your opinion.




Personally I find it abuse. Pretty obvious why.




Another question being, should the people who do tricks be punished or not?




EDIT: Because people nag.. I will elaborate..




Personally I find it abuse. Due to the fact that you're putting a very precise amount of money on the line to get a drop worthwhile. It doesnt seem bad until you actually look into it a bit more. PvP worlds - made to kill random people or friends for fun. Drops are kinda supposed to me very random too.




Infact, some people think its ok, really, I dont think it is. It's certainly abuse. The system wasnt made for this to happen. Attacking someone with wind strike for 2 hours then killing them isnt how it should be done.




Due to the fact that this "Trick", as they say, was said as Jagex as basically "not intended to be in the system", that kinda validates its typing of 'abuse'.




Opinions are opinions.

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Are you aiming at the pvp tricks? would be nice if you eloborated your post, not just say, "I think it is, you should know why..."




IMO it's not a bug or a glitch, but it is abuse of the system. you can't ban people for finding imperfections in a system which they made imperfect themselves.




*NOTE: I have never used the pvp trick, nor do i encourage it, I just don't find it a bannable offence.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Its a good trick. I was using the trick, and got alot of things. With these things I went to this place to do this trick and got mroe stuff. AFter doing this thing I went to do a trick to get this other stuff. The first thing was good so I did the trick again.


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You kinda threw me off with the plural form there. What do you mean by "tricks" in general? If you just mean the PvP Trick, I think it's against the spirit of the game. While I have nothing wrong with people who do it (it's smart and legal, but takes no skill and is inefficient), they deserve no respect for doing so imo.

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I don't like them, I think that they are "cheap" but they certainly aren't a punishable offense. So you know, you need some more elaboration on your post: it is deeply lacking.

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Its a good trick. I was using the trick, and got alot of things. With these things I went to this place to do this trick and got mroe stuff. AFter doing this thing I went to do a trick to get this other stuff. The first thing was good so I did the trick again.




Yeah, tricks create tricks to make more tricks, thus giving a never-ending supply of tricking tricks to trick trickers that trick.




Sorry I thought people KNEW what it was since thats what PEOPLE say in PvP worlds.




"Tricks" as in "26k / 76k / etc Tricks" in PvP worlds is what I am talking about.

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Its a good trick. I was using the trick, and got alot of things. With these things I went to this place to do this trick and got mroe stuff. AFter doing this thing I went to do a trick to get this other stuff. The first thing was good so I did the trick again.




Yeah, tricks create tricks to make more tricks, thus giving a never-ending supply of tricking tricks to trick trickers that trick.




Sorry I thought people KNEW what it was since thats what PEOPLE say in PvP worlds.




"Tricks" as in "26k / 76k / etc Tricks" in PvP worlds is what I am talking about.




I assumed tricks meant the MANY tricks in PVP worlds. Didn't know which.


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its not abuse, if it was it would be bannable




Jagex said it was abuse in a DD or something you n00b ;)


But it shouldnt be bannable since they still kinda havent fixed it -




But the PvP Wild just shows the obvious fact they're fightign against it.

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its not abuse, if it was it would be bannable




Jagex said it was abuse in a DD or something you n00b ;)


But it shouldnt be bannable since they still kinda havent fixed it -




But the PvP Wild just shows the obvious fact they're fightign against it.








In fact, 26k has been stated as being perfectly legal, and as the challenger to the stasis quo it is your duty to prove your point, by presenting evidence that the 26k trick is against game rules.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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Friend linked me to DD's when I wasnt playing runescape at the time so I have no proof. But i read it.

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I don't believe you, as I have seen proof saying it was legal. Also, just because you think it is abuse, doesn't mean it is. If you don't like it, yet JaGeX is fine with it, then you simply should avoid doing it.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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It is legal, I just can't be bothered to dig the link up again. Jagex just thinks it's not in the spirit of the game, or w/e. So, it's by design, therefore not a bug, therefore not abuse, therefore not bannable, therefore not wrong. Whether you think one should be using this particular feature of the game is a personal question, and will not be solved by any discussion whatsoever.

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It is legal, I just can't be bothered to dig the link up again. Jagex just thinks it's not in the spirit of the game, or w/e. So, it's by design, therefore not a bug, therefore not abuse, therefore not bannable, therefore not wrong.




lul well said, I agree with that :thumbsup:

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I don't believe you, as I have seen proof saying it was legal. Also, just because you think it is abuse, doesn't mean it is. If you don't like it, yet JaGeX is fine with it, then you simply should avoid doing it.


Well, Jagex doesn't like it either, they just acknowledge that it doesn't violate the rules. And sensibly, they've decided to try and discourage it through game mechanics (stopping drop potential from accumulating in certain situations, etc.) instead of simply punishing those who use it.

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Alright I searched over and Jagex said it wasnt abuse - but wasnt encouraged nor meant to be in the game.


Should there, though, be a punishment for those who do these tricks? Since Jagex themselves didnt say it was abuse, but wasnt meant to happen like that, should it?


OR, could anyone suggest any possible ways to cancel out tricks?

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a good analysis, is where you state your hypothesis i.e. the 26k trick being illegal, and then TRY to prove it wrong. That is the basis for which you should analyse something.




If it was illegal, which it's not, then i dont think it's a very hard trick to work out for jagex, and there would have been plenty of bans by now for "bug abuse".


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Rare drops; tzhaar-ket-om: 6 tzhaar-xil-ak: 4 tzhaar-xil-ek: 4 tzhaar-mej-tal: 1 Obsidian cape: 18 Dragon Plateskirt: 4 Dragon Platelegs: 7 Sq Shield left half: 1 Dragon Boots: 1 Dragon Medium Helmet: 11 Draconic Visage: 1 Zamorak Spear: 3 Steam Battlestaff: 1 Godsword Shards: 3 Bandos Chestplate: 1 Bandos Tassets: 1 Abyssal Whip: 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly I've never tried it but it does seem unfair, but is it really that great money (one bad drop = up to 5 hours wasted gf)

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how exactly does this trick work im confused? could anyone explain


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From Tip It Times




To explain it to those who don't know about it; if you and your partner risk 25k+ on an F2P PvP world or 75k+ on a P2P PvP world and take turns killing each other with the other one "fighting back", you can get drops FAR better then the amount risked by your opponent. This is determined by whats known as "drop potential", and for that I refer you to the Knowledge base. Doing this in a single way combat zone prevents other people from crashing.




So, if I have got this right because I only just found out, one person would suit up in magic robes with a dragon dagger, while the other one would suit up in nothing (but have 25k or 75k in their inventory, along with some runes) and only cast wind strike against the other person.


Then:(from tip it)




You do not receive opponent's items upon their death. Instead, you will recieve a reward based on the impressiveness of the kill. This is based upon you and your opponent's combat levels, the value of the items both of you are carrying, how long you have been in a dangerous section of the PVP world, how many players you have killed recently, and whether you are in a "hot zone". These are marked by a flaming skull icon on your screen; these are generally popular and/or dangerous areas.


The value of the items carried improve your drop chances until you have reached 75,000 coins value (P2P) or 25,000 coins value (F2P) excluding your three most valuable items. Since your drops will not improve over this limit, take only items you are willing to lose; don't bring your most expensive items unless they will help you! Try using the items lost on death interface to check how much you stand to lose on death to get this amount.




So you would get a good drop, and risk virtually nothing...


Also, if you stood in a 'Hot' Zone for however long only casting wind strike on each other, both wearing (say) splitbark, then you could build up an impressive bonus, before the one set to kill just goes and stabs them with a knife or something...You are only talking a couple of K of mind runes and potentially you are getting a mill or so in return....Another alternative might be bronze daggers and rune...or even just bare fists and steel...




(I am not an expert, I have known about this for about 5 minutes so I am guessing)






In any event they are no different from fixing fights in the 'fight pits' Just go there with you clan, kill everyone else, few hours later buy an onyx, cut it, and then sell it. You make 2.2 mil and have gained a bit of xp to boot...




Cheating the game is not new, but remember that cheating degrades the experiance completely, it ensure that you don't feel any satisfaction from buying this or that, and in the end all you have done is waste your own time because there will be no happy memories, just a long string of mini-victories over Jagex, none of which mean anything because you had to pay with your real money for them. I would take hard work over get rich quick schemes any day, if only because the game is there to entertain me for a few hours, not a few minutes.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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