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When Noobs call you a Noob


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OK!. This topic isabout when real Noobs, Call you a noob when your not..




Basically, about a month ago, i was walking from Al-karid to Varrock.


Then randomly out of the blue some guy started following me calling me a noob.


I was on my other account at the time (Ultimopker16) Which was only level 40.


The guy kept following me & stuff and when i got to varrock. He was still there & i was like What is your problem!!!




Then heres where the magic happens. He was level 62 combat. I asked what his magic leve was, he said 43...


I started laughing :P Mine was 45... So i went into bank, got cammy teleport & said "c ya in camelot the place you can't teleport to" & then i teleported HAHAHAHAHAHA




It was so funny, i felt so good after it. But it annoys me when people just start following you for no reason calling you a noob. Also. My main account (Mattio140) is level 94 at the moment. & i hate when a level 100 will call me a noob when he knows very well i'm not ive been playing for like 4 years XD




It's annoying.. I wan't you to share any similar stories with me. :wall:





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There is only 1 player that is better than the rest and 1 player that is not as good than the rest.


The rest of us fall into the middle of those two. I personally hate the word noob and what it stands for. The game is supposed to be a place for fun.


I get called a noob lots due to my combat level being low my most of the time my skill levels are superior. The way I see it is if you are enjoying the game, doing what you want to do, does it matter if your levels arent as high as the next guys?




I must admit I also get a sense of satisfaction when the people who call me a noob find out my stats and change their tune. :lol:

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Noob is a state of mind, not a level, or how much exp you have.




"lol ur magic iz 43, mien iz 45. ur n00b lolkthnxbai"




So I'll be the first to say: Your reaction makes you just as big of a noob as he was, and you only managed to do exactly what he wanted, a childish reaction.




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Yeah on that account...


I have a main level 94...


& i have lots of knowledge of runescape. I created that account 4 years ago & got banned & everything. Trust me, i've been through the lot.


I know my stuff on runescape i'm certainly not a noob :)







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Well he had no reason to call you a noob, and you had no reason to tease him about having a lower level. Now, I have 86 mage, but I probably know a hell of alot more about Mage than many people with 99. Same with crafting - mine is 92.


I study things.


Most RuneScape just do what other people say.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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'sigh' I hate rants that are tied with the OP going on an ego trip.




So basically, some player was being a "noob" towards you, and you respond by doing some "noobish" thing back.


What's to rant about? The fact that you just fell into the ever-growing list of people that respond in an immature fashion from bring irked by another player online?




It might have made you feel better, but you gave him/her what they wanted... Essentially, you both lost.

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Noob is a state of mind, not a level, or how much exp you have.




"lol ur magic iz 43, mien iz 45. ur n00b lolkthnxbai"




So I'll be the first to say: Your reaction makes you just as big of a noob as he was, and you only managed to do exactly what he wanted, a childish reaction.


I'll be the second to say it then.

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Actually everyone can teleport to camelot via teletabs.




And level 45 magic isn't exactly worth bragging about.




It's the extra five minutes of training that makes 45 awesome and 43 noobish.




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Ok. First of all. I asked for similar stories. Not to judge me.




I also said i was on my other account. Which is a low level.


& the other guy started it, so i turned it around & i thought it was quite funny.


I'm not bragging at all, i know level 45 mage is rubbish.


But i was just explaining my story.


Why can't anyone undersand that ?

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I do think people understand that, but you are the one opening a topic about a certain subject, accusing people being a noob, while your behaviour is just as pathetic.




Perhaps you understand that the whole point in your rant is totally gone and you're pretty much making a fool of yourself.




So if you want stories about noobs, look in the mirror.

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Ok. First of all. I asked for similar stories. Not to judge me.




I also said i was on my other account. Which is a low level.


& the other guy started it, so i turned it around & i thought it was quite funny.


I'm not bragging at all, i know level 45 mage is rubbish.


But i was just explaining my story.


Why can't anyone undersand that ?




We do understand the point of your thread and I'm sure a differently worded starter would elicit a different response from other forums members.


I bet the majority of the tipit community have come across the mindless 'noob'-calling that occurs within the game.


However, your response to that with a likeminded attitude has done nothing to endear you with your fellow forum members and I don't think you will get any posts of the type you were hoping for or expecting.


I would suggest closing this thread to spare yourself any further embarrassment and consider what you ar writing before posting another.


Good luck!

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I had a person with 3 cb levels higher than me. He started calling my fletch cape the noobiest thing he had ever seen. I asked him for his total lvl, he said around 1350 or something. That was 200 below me then, I started laughing and he then started calling me a no-lifer. I asked if he had any 99's and he said he would rather have no 99's at 103cb than 1 99 at 99cb and 1500 total lvl -.-


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Some level 82 main (not pure) offered me a fight and i was like "are you sure?"


Anyway it turned out he was using full rune and dragon scimi, I was using sacred clay body and legs, neiti, zammy cape, desert boots, combat brace and dds / defender.




I put rules as


No food


No drinks


No prayer.




He turned prayer off.


I said fine, so we went in, he prayed against melee, so I prayed chivalry - He didnt hit me once.




He called me a "Food noob" and a "Def noob"

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Noob is a state of mind, not a level, or how much exp you have.




"lol ur magic iz 43, mien iz 45. ur n00b lolkthnxbai"




So I'll be the first to say: Your reaction makes you just as big of a noob as he was, and you only managed to do exactly what he wanted, a childish reaction.


I'll be the second to say it then.




I see too many of these threads related to "noob". And don't call me a noob its just because some Mod banned my main and I'm temporarily using this account.

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Some level 82 main (not pure) offered me a fight and i was like "are you sure?"


Anyway it turned out he was using full rune and dragon scimi, I was using sacred clay body and legs, neiti, zammy cape, desert boots, combat brace and dds / defender.




I put rules as


No food


No drinks


No prayer.




He turned prayer off.


I said fine, so we went in, he prayed against melee, so I prayed chivalry - He didnt hit me once.




He called me a "Food noob" and a "Def noob"




Lol they're the ones who actually deserve to be called noobs.

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Right then, you asked for more examples so ill give you one instead of just flaming you! :D




A while ago I was training on my tet null (lol), and a level 60 came into the Stronghold of Securtiy. I was about level 20, and he started walking around killing all the monsters and stealing my kills. He kept calling me a noob constantly while doing so.




What I did was log onto my main in my full members armour and quest cape then followed him taunting him with "noob" for about 20 minutes. I felt reaally good! lolololololololol




Really? NO! I stayed silent the entire time, and simply kept on attacking monsters until he got bored after a minute or two. Alternatively I would have switched worlds if he had not left. That is the difference you see from being an immature little child and a mature person. I knew perfectly well how much I was better at him at Runescape in every single possible way, bragging about it on a long drawn out ego trip does not impress ANYBODY!




If you do not want to be seen as a "noob" do not act like one. Being "noobish" is nothing to do with how long you have played, your gear or your precious rubber chicken. It is about your attitude, im not surprised you have random blue people following you calling you noob when you are probably fighting low levels using magic wearing full rune armour. (Your attitude suggests you are that type of person to me.)




Relevant Biblical Quote! (I think)




And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:5-6


Know you are better in secret! :thumbsup:


Just kidding ladies, you know I love you =D

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You should feel impressed that I felt I had to reply to this and make an account to do so.




Maybe I'm just naive on the subject but, you can never satisfy someone. It's either the infamous "noob" or the ever so common "no lifer".




I feel like a noob is a person not with a low combat level or hasn't been playing long enough but rather someone who begs for free stuff. Nevertheless, I can relate with the being called a noob annoyance. I, as well as you, have gotten revenge with the turning the tables sort of moves.




For example, I'm level 105. I only have 78 strength. I get annoyed when strength pures come up on bh and call you a noob, for your low strength level.




1. I'm not into combat that much.


2. I enjoy Range, thus why I have 86.




However, the most annoying thing is when someone calls you a defense noob. I have 81 defense, which isn't that high, however I constantly get called a noob. If there's skills in the game that help me beat you, I'm obviously going to use them; Kid that I killed, please don't complain when I beat you 94 strength.




Recently, It's been the higher levels, like the 120's that have the "noob" insults at the tips of their tongues. You would think, them being a high level that they'd be just as annoyed at being called a noob that they'd stop. Sadly, that theory goes out the window. Best thing is however, whenever when they look you up and you have a higher total then they do. ^-^





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