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E3 2009 - The Big 3 & the Minorities


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I'm surprised with E3 being so close that there isn't a topic in this forum about it.




Anyways E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo, which you can find more about here: http://e3insider.com/. As everyone knows from last years E3 and the previous year before that, E3 has been a sloppy performance of what it used to be. This year promises to bring back the booth babes and the larger media audience that always gets attracted to E3.




E3 is where the gaming industry piles together for a week, discusses the industry, collaborates, shows off new gaming technology, and of course press releases from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, as well as press releases by publishers like EA, or Activision. As well independent developer studios like vALVE are also setting up their own booths, just like every other studios, where game demos and new game releases will be posted.




For gamers though we get to see what direction games are taking into the future, as well as what studios plan on releasing this year, next year, or where they want to be or aim at being in 4 or 5 years time. It's like the CES of gaming if you still haven't gotten excited.




As I said before, more information on E3:






Ok, Skatedog, but how do I watch it?




You go to:


http://g4tv.com/e32009/splash.aspx (G4 has streamed live, in real time, for E3 for the past 3 or so years I think, and has immense coverage on all the big names and independent studios, these guys are informative when they aren't talking about non-gaming stuff)




Last year GameTrailers had their own streaming service, but I don't know about this year:






They'll still have tons of coverage.




Lastly is GameSpot.com's coverage:






There's these three sites streaming it, but I recommend G4.








My expectations of E3:




From Nintendo I'm expecting both a Mario & a Zelda game from there, but the Zelda game is most likely as we've already seen a short trailer for it. I'm hoping though that they don't just release that Zelda game, but also one for the Wii, which is following the more adult Link, instead of the bubbly annoyance that is sailing, lol. For Mario I'm expecting a new game for him. A new plot and a new way to interact with Mario & the game environment with the Wii remote, and the Wii + sensor thingy majig. So those three things are going to be the things to look forward to, and of course Miyamoto performing some ridiculous performance.




Sony on the other hand, they need to do a lot to recover some lost fans of the console. I'm hoping they'll cut prices down on the PS3, so I'll actually buy it, and the new PsP Go was already leaked so not much to say there. Basically in my mind Sony needs to target the hardcore audience and the fan base built over Sony in order for them to ease their money losses with the PS3.




Microsoft, I could care less. Their press release is going to be a money grab and a catch-up with the Wii with new hardware for the Xbox 360. Not interested.




The games I want to see is the rumoured MGS game for the PsP Go, Brutal Legends, Zelda/Mario, Modern Warfare 2, something from vALVE, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2 and that's pretty much it. Perhaps even an MMO announcement from some independent developer studios may peak my interest.








So who else is looking forward to E3? Or your expectations?

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I heard Valve has something planned for E3.




I want to hear how the PS3 thing with 256 players is coming along too. They had it last year but it was too early to show anything more than a short trailer.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I heard Valve has something planned for E3.


Ep. 3. Oh that would be awesome.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Gee, I wonder if they have any more beloved characters to murder at the last second.


How about all of them? That would be something.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I want to see something about: Splinter Cell Conviction, God of War III, Alan Wake, Battlefront 3, Need for Speed Shift, Operation Flashpoint, MAG, Super Smash Bros. for the DS, and Battlefield 1943.




edit: oh yeah, and Fallout: New Vegas

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I want to hear how the PS3 thing with 256 players is coming along too. They had it last year but it was too early to show anything more than a short trailer.








Yea, if they released that this year, I'd buy a PS3 just for such an epic battle of so many people. It also looked like it may be decent as well. The game itself looked pretty much done, so probably November this year or February 2010.

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Heavy Rain looks good and so does Army of Two: 40th day, uncharted 2 as well. :)




A lot of really good looking games, that seem to be of high quality are in the process of being released.




I love game season. <3 (August/September To December).

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Suprisingly Sony looks best this year again.




Sony was crap last year, and just like last year the only thing I'm keeping my eye on is MAG (which looks freaking awesome). I want to see what happens with OnLive too.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Lol no one was that amazing last year but Sony was best.




Tbh I didnt really like ANYTHING that came from ANYONE. I didnt really see anything good from Xbox, crap from Sony, worse crap from Nintendo, and crap from the resurrected ghost of Atari.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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You guy's realize that it's probably an idea that isn't going to get off the ground, right?


I've said the same about Ep. 3. But you can hope.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Left 4 Dead 2 has been announced- not sure why though, from what I've gathered, there's not too much to improve on in L4D other than more maps and such.




Anyway, Nov. 17 is said release date.






I'm hoping something good is announced for the Wii though. It's been disappointing me for too long now. The Conduit has been looking good, but High Voltage has recently announced 3 or so games under "The people who brought you The Conduit," And they really haven't done much else... I'm starting to feel it will all be hype :?




Motion+ will be cool though - Red Steel 2 will be able to fill what it meant to in the first place, and maybe a new Zelda game to go with it? Nintendo has announced that they should be releasing something good this year.




And maybe a PS3 price drop would be cool - might convince me to think about buying one (maybe I should get 360 though... but I hate the controller).

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