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What's your level in (x)?


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It's not so much the question that annoys me, it's that everyone who asks this question deems it necessary to give you their level in return. If I had wanted to know your level, I would have asked you what your level in x skill was. You asked me, and I didn't reply with what is your level, therefore, you could assume that I don't give a [bleep] what your level in x skill is.







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The only time I hate this is when it's obvious that the person has already looked you up to see your level so that they can tell you their higher level and feel better about themselves. -.-




But yes, it gets annoying.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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They're just trying to be social. I do this all the time while training, to start a conversation.


Anyway, they tell you their levels probably because they assume you'll ask them.




If you don't want to talk, then just keep quiet. No one is going to call you a noob because you don't answer or anything. They'll just take it as you don't want to talk to them.

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They're absolutely fascinated with the number you just gave them, and they assume you are going to be just as interested if they shout a number back at you.

Grognarklu Snargle Ungle'Bla.

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Hi hob


Slayer level?




90, you?




93 here :D








No it's not




On occasion I look up their hiscores and then say I'm one or two levels above them. Then if they challenge that, I point out how dumb asking the question was if they already knew the answer :lol:



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Do what I do, answer with "1" every time. They will most likely just type "lol" and won't feel any need to talk about it. It also lets them know how unconcerned you are about their level.



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I hate when people do that as well. Everytime you do answer, they have to give you a higher level, whether to gloat or look like an [wagon] I don't know. I especially hate it when their first response is "Nice". That annoys me for the sheer reason they get you to feel good, then are like "Tee hee, you have 80, I have 84". It's like they give you a glass of wine, and then admit they pissed in it.




I usually reply with 1 as well though, it shuts them up and tells them to mind their own business, and if it mattered so much what level I was, go look on the goddam high scores.

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They're just trying to be social. I do this all the time while training, to start a conversation.


Anyway, they tell you their levels probably because they assume you'll ask them.




If you don't want to talk, then just keep quiet. No one is going to call you a noob because you don't answer or anything. They'll just take it as you don't want to talk to them.




No, most people aren't just trying to be social. In almost all cases, MOST people are trying to be competitive. I am high leveled and I could say for fact 9/10 times when a person asks me for my level in usually whatever we are doing at the time, they have already looked me up and know that mine is lower. This especially happens in skills like fishing and woodcutting. You always have the moron with 98 woodcutting going around asking everyone for their levels so they can, without being asked, retort "Cool. (Very unenthusiastically) I have 98. :D"




I usually am like, "That's nice," implying I don't really care that they are higher than me in one skill. I have friends I compete against for fun sometimes, but if a player realizes they "beat the 138" in one or more levels, they automatically turn the gloat factor on, as if I have some sort of disease because they are better than me in something.




In truth, it's just children with low self-esteem, sitting at home trying to make themselves feel better than others, even if that has to be through a virtual online game. I play for fun and because the game relaxes me and takes my mind away from performance stresses, not because I want to be better than a 16 year old kid living with his mother at home. :|



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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Do what I do, answer with "1" every time. They will most likely just type "lol" and won't feel any need to talk about it. It also lets them know how unconcerned you are about their level.




That's what I do now while cutting yews at Rimmington. :thumbsup:



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

Blogs are dead

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Love the people who do it, and then blatantly lie to make themselves sound good. I lol'd yesterday when the level 3 guy who was asking for money than goes on to ask what our woodcutting levels are, and then replies 99. Look him up and he has nothing.

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I sometimes say it as an ice breaker.




A lot of people do.




Methinks many of you are becoming callous, and anti-social.




Or it could just be that most players now are all about being better than the next guy and will make it known in a spiteful way.




I'm very social, I have tons of friends on runescape and hundreds more in real life, and I am not the least bit callous. Matter is that people lie about their levels or try to jab you in the eye with "my wc is better than your wc," just to try to prove they are better than you in something. Makes them feel special. I don't know why, but it does.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
They're just trying to be social. I do this all the time while training, to start a conversation.


Anyway, they tell you their levels probably because they assume you'll ask them.




If you don't want to talk, then just keep quiet. No one is going to call you a noob because you don't answer or anything. They'll just take it as you don't want to talk to them.




No, most people aren't just trying to be social. In almost all cases, MOST people are trying to be competitive. I am high leveled and I could say for fact 9/10 times when a person asks me for my level in usually whatever we are doing at the time, they have already looked me up and know that mine is lower. This especially happens in skills like fishing and woodcutting. You always have the moron with 98 woodcutting going around asking everyone for their levels so they can, without being asked, retort "Cool. (Very unenthusiastically) I have 98. :D"




I usually am like, "That's nice," implying I don't really care that they are higher than me in one skill. I have friends I compete against for fun sometimes, but if a player realizes they "beat the 138" in one or more levels, they automatically turn the gloat factor on, as if I have some sort of disease because they are better than me in something.




In truth, it's just children with low self-esteem, sitting at home trying to make themselves feel better than others, even if that has to be through a virtual online game. I play for fun and because the game relaxes me and takes my mind away from performance stresses, not because I want to be better than a 16 year old kid living with his mother at home. :|




Well, I do it for one. :roll:




Its just braggarts showing off their level. They do it everywhere where there are people.

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