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People who don't understand Barbarian Assault


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NOTE: If there is already another thread like this, please point me towards it. I couldn't find one so I'm making this, but if something similar already exists please post the link here. Thanks.




There is nothing more annoying than this. People who go to Barbarian Assault just to get a Fighter Torso, skip through the tutorial without processing anything, then proceed directly into the game with no idea what to do. Sometimes this is fine, and you just need to give them a brief run-down of what to do. It's the players that constantly gripe and scream at you because THEY can't do their job properly that really get under my skin. Speaking as a maxed out Assaulter, I have seen all of the following kinds of people. And all of them are just as annoying as the first time I encountered them.




The Anti-Cannoneer




To start off, the most common Barbarian Assault myth (and the most common subject of team disputes) surrounds the cannon. It's right there in Quick-Chat, plain to see everyone: THE CANNON DOES NOT MAKE YOU LOSE POINTS. I don't know where this one came from, who started it, but I really hope they're cursed in every Wave they ever attempt to complete, surrounded by these uninformed players.




Most of the time, I can understand why people think this. It's simple: the myth has been around since the release of Barbarian Assault. Everybody thinks the cannon makes you gain less points than normal. It has been disproved by not only players, but Jagex as well. Yet nobody seems to realize this. If people begin to scream at other players for using the cannon, or at least players other than the collector (a variant of the myth is that you will lose points if anybody BUT the collector uses the cannon) I simply use the Quick-Chat term that states the exact opposite. Some people listen, and realize that there's nothing bad about using the cannon. The problem is the players who continuously disregard you with "Quick-Chat is wrong" or "You're just a noob, what do you know." I hope that eventually, everybody gets it into their heads that THE CANNON DOES NOT MAKE YOU LOSE POINTS.




The Half-a-Second "CALL!"er




Heading on into the second most annoying Assaulter. The people who spamt he chatbox with "call u noob" half a second after the type of food/poisoned food/attack style/egg color has changed. Contrary to what I may say, I do not have catlike reflexes, nor can I do three things at once. It takes a few seconds for the change in text near the top-right corner of the screen to attract my attention, and another few to actually click on my horn. If somebody hasn't called all game, by all means, go remind them. But at least give people a few seconds to move their mouse.




The Griper




Finally, we come to that person on every team that simply hates their role. Normally it's the Defender, but I've seen Healers and even Attackers like this. If you don't like your role, fine. I hear you. But yelling at your team isn't going to change anything. It's not hard to drop food in a line towards a trap, and it's certainly not something to whine about. Please, just suck it up and deal with it. Everyone has to go through it eventually, if they survived then so can you.










Thanks for taking the time to read my long and possibly very boring rant. :thumbsup: If you have another complaint about people in Barbarian Assault, feel free to post it and I'll add it up here. Also, sorry for the lack of flavour near the end, I was running out of time to type :lol:




(Cue flaming from everybody who's goal in life is to annoy the heck out of everyone on their Barbarian Assault team.)





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Is this your first rant? It's not bad. Intelligently written and not at all offensive. I can't spot any flame material anywhere, although I guess since I don't have the finely-tuned senses of a troll... meh.




I guess you could try to form or join a regular team/clan of experienced BAers. That should reduce problems with people not cooperating well.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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Yes, I'm going to have to disagree with the second as well. It's not that hard to get a feel for when it'll change, and calling promptly is second in importance only to actually doing your job.

Grognarklu Snargle Ungle'Bla.

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It's [sarcasm]really fun[/sarcasm] to see a member on your team stand still for the first two minutes of the round, and when you go and tell him to do his job, he goes "What do I have to do?"


:wall: When will people learn to read.. there's Knowledge Base and the Tutorial to help them but no.




And, like you said, the idiots who start whining at you because you use the cannon. What do they base their logic on!? The point breakdown says "X killed", not "X killed by [insert role here]". <.<

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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I totally agree with everything you just typed.


Always, when im collector, i`ll get as many eggs as i can carry quickly, and start firing those runners, someone comes to me yelling: OMGZORZ U NUB STP SHOTING WI LOSE PNTS!!!???111.


Defender role is actually the fastest one if you know how to get them lured right at the beginning. Im almost every time the 1st to complete my task when im defender

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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I only really get annoyed by the first one. For the second one most of the time I have trouble with people not calling at all. I've been lucky not to have rude people that don't give you a chance to call at all before spamming that you are a noob.




As for the griper, it's mostly the defender who's like that. I just wish people would try their best and focus on the task at hand rather than complaining every few seconds. Maybe if they were focused on the game and not the chat they wouldn't be having trouble in the first place.




One that is not listed there that I find really annoying is the people who don't cooperate and work with you as a team. They try and do everything solo which is not how the game is to be played. Also people who can't be bothered to read the tutorial or KB article can get really annoying. If you were serious about getting an item such as the torso you would learn to play the game first.




Mostly that is why I prefer to play with people on my friend list, at least then I know I can depend on them and have a lot of fun. ::'

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I like using the cannon, it makes the game a lot more fun.




If you have ever played this game, it can get a bit exciting (especially on queen) but patience is a virtue, just wait for the call for a few seconds, most of the time it'll come.




I personally love Defender, all you do is run around and bait runners, its really fun. I'm a fantastic defender but sadly i'm not p2p anymore but the point is, you have the choice of what role you want, you dont have to do anything. Most people who complain about roles are the ones who try to get a torso but have to do the role they dont like. In order to the get the torso you have to be flexible, be basically decent in all roles, it makes the game a lot more fun, and a lot easier to get onto a team if you can manage to do all roles.

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Wow, went off for the weekend on vacation and already got a few replies. Let's see where to start...




Is this your first rant? It's not bad. Intelligently written and not at all offensive.




Thank you very much. Yes, it's my first rant. I knew I would get a few people coming in to yell at me, but the replies here are very intelligible.




You should call the moment it changes.


Yes, I'm going to have to disagree with the second as well. It's not that hard to get a feel for when it'll change, and calling promptly is second in importance only to actually doing your job.




While I understand where you're coming from on this one, and agree that calling is impeccably important, I think that you can take a few seconds before calling. I only get annoyed with the people who give you absolutely no chance to call before yelling at you.




Have you ever considered they're learning how to play Barbarian Assault?


Its a little harsh flaming those who want to get better and want to win...




I'm not flaming those who want to get better, I'm getting annoyed at the perfectionists who leave no margin for error. Nobody's perfect.




And I doubt that first-timers would cause these kinds of problems anyways, because they would have no idea how to compare a "hard" Defender job to something easier, or know that the cannon "makes you lose points".




Again, thanks for all the constructive criticism. Keep it coming!





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I agree with every point stated in your rant. Personally, the only role I'm fairly decent at is Collector. (I'm also a newb in most cases in Barbarian Assault.) However, I've seen the tutorial, and each time I forget, I look again.




I, for one, am not the fastest caller. It takes me a few seconds to call. (Obviously, clicking isn't instant.) It really gets on my nerves when people call WHILE I'm clicking in particular, as it gives me no chance to reply.




The cannoning myth is, in my opinion, the silliest of the lot. I have had many times when I use the cannon to HELP the other players and this the general response:


"OMG stop it u noob! canon makes u lose ponts!" (And I'm not faking the spelling mistakes.)




Anyway, agreed!


Follower of Guthix

The quill is a miracle, for it drinks darkness and sheds light.


Oh right, by the way, I'm a girl. No more calling me a guy you lot~

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The most efective way to deal with anti-cannon people is to point out that everyone losses ponits everytime a runner makes it through. And use the qc. After that, leave the team.




You don't need to call in the first half second. If I remember rightly though, calling stops you from attacking, so if im attacker I normally do call in half a second. I find calling hardest as a defender, or even worse as a healer. I once solo healed the last 3 waves. I was very thankful for the defenders patience, as I would go entire switches without being able to call. Healing 4 people on the last 2 rounds is tough, and demands all you attention. The defender managed to make it through with minimal reminders (and not complaints, just prompts), and was simply happy I managed to keep everyone alive.

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all things you put in the post are true, but i never found any of them to be that anoying (but i bet if i had a proper griper i would hate it :thumbdown:).




the only real thing is when people are just going "wat do i do?", but i can under stand. when i started i did read the entire tut in detail but it was long and complex (more complex then the game its slef imo...) so i was still lost at wat to do. all i can say is read the quide and then ask around about tips *cough*cannon myth*cough* for a short time then play.




also, one thing i dont like that nobody has sayd. people who play just for the torso, i ant got nuthing major against it, its just anoying that people would go play (and probably hate) the game for a short time for that one over-rated item.


I'm a Brony and proud of it!

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