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How Long will 99 Str Take at bandits????


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I am in max str bonus with ss and am currently 106cb with 85str I use cake at general store etc. only 45 summon. I just discovered


bandits and love the AFK. Please tell me how long?


afk is against the rules of the game. Try slayer and actually create a respectable account.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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AFK is against the rules? What rule? :?


6. What is AFK training?




AFK training is Away From Keyboard training. While you are playing on our games, you must be at the computer. Away-from-keyboard training is not allowed, and you should log out when you leave the computer.

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I am in max str bonus with ss and am currently 106cb with 85str I use cake at general store etc. only 45 summon. I just discovered


bandits and love the AFK. Please tell me how long?


afk is against the rules of the game. Try slayer and actually create a respectable account.




please shut up about slayer... :roll: there are other ways to effectively train combat.




i wouldn't recommend bandits, unless you like world hopping!

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On the subject of AFKing, I was wondering if "AFSing," "Away From Screen-ing" would be viable.




It's like you're watching YouTube or something (at a different screen), but you're still at the 'keyboard.'




:? I've been campaigning for its use, but... lol. -.-


^ Blog.


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Moved to Help & Advice. Please post all questions here in the future :)




And just to clarify, there are two types of "AFK training." There is the "slang" type (for lack of a better phrase), where a person is able to fight at a location and constantly do something else while playing the game. They are still remained at their computer, but they are able to do other things WHILE PLAYING (such as read forums or watch TV, etc.). The person is still in control of their character and sitting at the computer, but the task does not demand their constant attention.




And then there's literal AFK training where someone LEAVES THE COMPUTER while their character does something. THIS form of AFK training is in fact against the rules and we do not permit the discussion/promotion of it.

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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On the subject of AFKing, I was wondering if "AFSing," "Away From Screen-ing" would be viable.




It's like you're watching YouTube or something (at a different screen), but you're still at the 'keyboard.'




:? I've been campaigning for its use, but... lol. -.-






thats what i do usally

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Moved to Help & Advice. Please post all questions here in the future :)




And just to clarify, there are two types of "AFK training." There is the "slang" type (for lack of a better phrase), where a person is able to fight at a location and constantly do something else while playing the game. They are still remained at their computer, but they are able to do other things WHILE PLAYING (such as read forums or watch TV, etc.). The person is still in control of their character and sitting at the computer, but the task does not demand their constant attention.




And then there's literal AFK training where someone LEAVES THE COMPUTER while their character does something. THIS form of AFK training is in fact against the rules and we do not permit the discussion/promotion of it.





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bandits give me a bit more than 1k xp / minute... using whip, rune defender, helm of neizinot, zamorak cape (for the auto attack), prosleyte, dragon boots, warrior ring... super potions..




80k/hour is NOT happening at bandits without using prayer for more than protect melee, or if you have 99att/str...

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I get like 70k (never ever timed/tested by the way) so 70k is a mere guess. It's a tops place to train, because I play Counterstrike Source on the main part of my screen, and have rs on the side, so best place for me to train. I reccomend it, BUT it's not the best place when it comes to making money an xp per hour is pretty average.

~ K O N K A R ~ Konkar Jr ~ X Konkar X
99 Strength - 18/12/08 - 99 Attack - 5/2/09
99 Hp - 20/7/09 - 99 Defence 26/7/09

Krisk Jr
RSC, Lives on in all of us

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I never get why people afk for longer then about 5 minutes at a time. I mean sure its nice to do other things, but why play the game if your not actually playing it?




Personally I respect a player with a 99 in a non combat skill then a strength, attack or hp (used to be the other way around). I mean one requires you to play the game the other is so lazy its stupid.




On a side note w00t 79 summoning without a 99 or 80 magic \'


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Woodcutting and fishing are basically 2 AFK/AFS able skills, so you'd respect those over melee? Sounds illogical.




This is the reason I don't really like the skills. They sure are "CTS-friendly" and can easily done on the side.




I like slayer better, because I actually have to pay attention most of the time.




As for your question, depending on your time, it will take a few days to a few weeks. There are better places to powertrain mellee nowadays (like armoured zombies), bandids are kind of outdated.



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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Woodcutting and fishing are basically 2 AFK/AFS able skills, so you'd respect those over melee? Sounds illogical.


Fishing and woodcutting require you to check the screen every few minutes, complete afk'ing melee involves not checking the screen for about 30 minutes.


Which is more respectable gaming for 10 seconds every 5 minutes or 10 seconds every 30 minutes?


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Woodcutting and fishing are basically 2 AFK/AFS able skills, so you'd respect those over melee? Sounds illogical.


Fishing and woodcutting require you to check the screen every few minutes, complete afk'ing melee involves not checking the screen for about 30 minutes.


Which is more respectable gaming for 10 seconds every 5 minutes or 10 seconds every 30 minutes?


true woodcutting and fishingis only slightly afk'able. and theres no way woodcutting is afk'able at a low level.


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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Seriously guys, answer the bloody question in hand - he clearly doesn't care about slayer or your attitude to a little productive training.




I trained alot there on my staker and found the xp rate was good, however i was using bones to peaches tabs and therefore had to maintain attention. I didnt think you could sell to the general store? Maybe cakes are the only food sources, i dont know.




I acquired around 65k xp an hour with 90 atk/80 str so you would be looking at a little more as i did it without all these new updates that make training so much easier.

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