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This is madness! (and some other things)

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Why has our dance smilie not been fixed yet? \:D/


He has been sorely missed since the switchover to the new IPB boards. We must fix this at once! We must do whatever it takes. We need that smilie back! Remove the offending smilie if need be, he has little use now anyways. I'd like to say one last thing.





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Ok, then can we get it so we can quickselect that in the menu to the right of the post box?

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I think I recall there being an odd glitch with IPB and smilies that contain certain slashes.

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I have another suggestion. Is there a way to get the names at the bottom of the index placed in alphabetical order? I dislike having to search for a name in the list.

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I have another suggestion. Is there a way to get the names at the bottom of the index placed in alphabetical order? I dislike having to search for a name in the list.


334 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes)

155 members, 177 guests, 2 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name


Just click show by member name :thumbup:

It leads to a sortable, alphabetized list, which makes it even easier to find someone. Sadly, I know of no way to reorganize the simple list on the page.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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I have another suggestion. Is there a way to get the names at the bottom of the index placed in alphabetical order? I dislike having to search for a name in the list.

I prefer it in its current state, shows (obviously) who has been active more recently and who is pretty much 'away'. :-o

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I don't like the new emoticons either, they look round and pretty dumb.


I like a couple of them, like this one :huh:


This old one sucks: :wink: This one is better: ;)

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\:D/ <- I miss it.


Whatever happened to the EMR emoticon? :ugeek: Ah there it is.


the code for that one should be changed to :emr:


I think that's what everyone on the big thread about that agreed with.




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