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The (thuh or thee) and a (uh or ay)


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When beginning a sentence "a" becomes AY. Anywhere else, "a" is "uh".


When "the" is just about always "thuh". ONly to be pronounced "thee" when spelled that way.






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It depends on the context, in a more sophisticated sounding sentence, or something more formal, I pronounce it as thee, and in something casual, and for the most part, I pronounce it as thuh.

That's interesting; I've always regarded thuh more formal than thee. Now that I think about it, I believe I'm wrong and you're right o.O

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I say "thuh" and I'm PRETTY sure I always say "uh," though I may say "ay" occasionally.

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Either, depends I suppose on what'll sound better/roll off tongue easier.

Though I definately use 'uh' alot more.


I tend to use "thee" and "ay" when I'm making the sentense up as I go along, when I don't know what I'll say next.

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Either, depends I suppose on what'll sound better/roll off tongue easier.

Though I definately use 'uh' alot more.


I tend to use "thee" and "ay" when I'm making the sentense up as I go along, when I don't know what I'll say next.

Haha. That's true actually. It's usually followed by 'the erm...' or something to that effect. I use 'thuh' normally though.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Here in Texas, where we ride horses to school, we usually say 'thuh' and alternate between 'aye and 'uh' (depends on how easy the sentence is too say, generally we tend to go the lazier way).


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I'm pretty sure I use them both.


Thee apple, thee orange, thuh picture... I guess I use thee for words that start with vowels?


The only time I use ay is when I'm trying to articulate. I think uh is just easier to say than ay.


Yeah, that sounds about right.

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Normally, you use 'thee' before words starting with vowels and 'thuh' before words starting with consonants, similar to 'a' and 'an'.


As for 'a', people usually say 'uh' which nearly flows into the next word ('uh') for speed, but sometimes say 'ay' so that it causes a break mid-sentence for emphasis and effect when appropriate. The exception is when saying the letter or just mentioning the word itself, when it's always 'ay'.

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