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Next-gen gaming consoles prediction thread


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Next-gen consoles:




  • [*:nnzd90rr]Microsoft Xbox 360
    [*:nnzd90rr]Sony PLAYSTATION3
    [*:nnzd90rr]Nintendo Revolution (code-name).




Current-gen consoles:




  • [*:nnzd90rr]Microsoft Xbox
    [*:nnzd90rr]Sony PlayStation2
    [*:nnzd90rr]Nintendo Gamecube.




Sales world-wide of current-gen consoles:




  • [*:nnzd90rr]Sony PlayStation2 ---- 90 million units
    [*:nnzd90rr]Microsoft Xbox -------- 22 million units
    [*:nnzd90rr]Nintendo Gamecube - 18 million units








The point here is that you try to predict what the next-gen consoles will sell at the end of next-gen, world-wide (2010-2012... something like that), in units. If you have no idea, just say which one will sell the most without trying to predict numbers i.e. Sony will be sell the most again with PS3.








This is going to be fun. :twisted:








Nintendo Revolution will sell at least:








180 million units (not a typo)








No clue on the other consoles, I'm guessing Sony PLAYSTATION3 will end up in second place, Microsoft Xbox 360 in third place. They'll both be success, both will sell at least 40 million units I think.

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PS3 will obviously be a huge hit and sell loads.








The other consoles have established themselves now so will have developed a bigger fanbase, so should sell more than the current console.








But Nintendo won't outsell the other consoles by 4 to 1. If anything will it will be the PS3, but only time will tell.

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I think Revolutin sales will be slow at first since people are afraid of change, but will begin to sell alot more as time goes by. I doubt that it will win the war, but it might come close.








I'm glad that another next-gen thread was made. The other ones just kinda died.


Gamertag: Dances w Ninjas

Retired(Oh noes!)

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Well heres my opinion












First of all lets talk about nintendo, I Personally think they should stop making consols and branch off like sega did and just make games,most of the games that are worth buying for gamecube at the moment are the ones miyamoto made (creator of mario/zelda ext). And nintendo just trys to get you with gimmicks to lure you in Examples: Nintendo DS.. they just added an extra screen with touch control which hasnt been put to and good use yet, (yes i own a DS) and also with the controler for the revolution, they put a gyro in it so u can use motion to control whats on the screen, my opinion kind of a good idea, i dont like it so much beacuse something like that should be a periferal, not part of the main controller. and nintendos next gen graphics are prolly not going to be good considering sony has Nvida on contract, and Xbox has ATI i beleive.








Conclusion for nintendo: Fanboys and girls will buy and prolly be happy, regular consumers will be lured in by nintendos gimicks and will probably be disappointed.












Next up: Sony PS3




first of all i want to talk about the hyped statistics, ps3 is supposed to be running 2 gfx card worth one-grand apeice (or something like that) the price point of this machine will detour a lot of people away, and i know its only probably a prototype, but the controller.. OMG cramped hands anyone, i mean look at the placement of the analog sticks. Also all that sony has going for it is MGS, Final Fantasy, and Grand Turismo. (i do not own a ps2, so this is semi-bias, but i've done research)








Sony Conclusion: if they live up to the hype, and provide the system for under 500$ it will do GOOD.. but not GREAT. But i doubt its going to. they NEVER have lived up to the hype in the past








Xbox 360




This looks promising, they've been doing everything right and giving the public enough info on the system for it to be tempting to buy for current owners and people who are new to the xbox scene. I looking forward to this, as i have an xbox currently, and i have a 360 pre-ordered. Xbox also has a great lineup of games including: PGR3, Morrowind, Perfect Dark, Battlefeild, and more. They also have the advantage of setting the bar high for their commpetetors and if they sell well within the next fews months when it comes out, i beleive it will have the fanbase to make it to the top.








360' conclusion:




i dont know if it will out sell the ps3, but it will be a very tight race between the 360 and the ps3, they'll both end up being nearly the same machine, but the 360 will have the advantage of a great lineup of games, hardware, and the early start at the store shelves. This is my pick

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I have a feeling the Xbox 360 will dominate in North America, and do well in everywhere else but Japan. The PS3 & Revolution will grapple for 2nd place, significantly behind the 360 though.

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The 360 will do well since it's being released way before the other systems. Also, with more support from Square (Final Fantasy series), a lot of PS2 gamers might switch.




PS- Halo 3, man.












PS3 will have to pull off something big to catch up, and the Revolution and it's TV remote thingy don't stand a chance..

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Well heres my opinion




First of all lets talk about nintendo, I Personally think they should stop making consols and branch off like sega did and just make games,most of the games that are worth buying for gamecube at the moment are the ones miyamoto made (creator of mario/zelda ext).




Nintendo profits off of their systems. I don't know about now (they're really cheap now), but for most of the console's life they were profitting off of the cube, unlike the other systems which took a loss. So no, Nintendo doesn't need to go software only. You also have a huge Xbox bias favoring their games as reasons why it will do better, which isn't really factual enough to back anything up with.




Nintendo will be lucky to get an even 1/3 share of the market. They're not going to pull ahead of Sony obviously, and they'd be lucky to get past M$.




Unless the Rev is cheap enough that people buy it as a second system, or it's revolutionary enough and is so beyond the other two systems, it won't do that great. And that's assuming that it becomes well known enough. I think it will do fine in Japan, but I think there's a decent chance Americans just won't accept a new form of video games like that. I'm thinking the regular gamer will have either a Ps3 or Xbox360, and then some of them will additionally have Revolutions. Not too many people I don't think will only buy a Revolution (although I plan to).




Nintendo will only pull through this if it offers enough that the other two don't, and the other two systems are just too similar to distinguish from that people want to try something new. M$'s big head start will help it massively, giving it a bigger lead, and I'm thinking Sony's console lead from the last era will shrink a little.

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The 360 will do well since it's being released way before the other systems.
That's a bit assumption. Too big a gap between launch dates might see sales going to Sony and Nintendo which they might not have gotten if they launched at the same time.








PS3 will have to pull off something big to catch up, and the Revolution and it's TV remote thingy don't stand a chance..




They both have a very good chance. The PS3 has the specs enough to give the XBOX a run of its money. And the Revolution has opened up an entirely new section of gaming which both Sony and MS can't even touch.












So it's pretty much fair game for now ;)

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If it went down to the games on offer the 360 would probably win, but methinks the PS3 might have a trick up their sleeve. Hopefully GTA might get their act together, work 24/7 and release the next instalment exclusively on the PS3 when it launches, unlikely though.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Nintendo Revolution will sell at least:








180 million units (not a typo)











:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




:lol: I know, I know... but it's a serious prediction. A couple of days ago I did some serious thinking... And I think it's possible.

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The 360 will do well since it's being released way before the other systems.








Dreamcast was released early and that did well didnt it?








High tide occurs at 7am which is also the peak time for traffic crossing the bridge overhead of the water, therefore high tides are caused by heavy traffic.








There were a half a dozen reasons why the dreamcast failed which can't be compared.








DreamcastÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s lack of DVD, easy ability to pirate (it was pretty much a standard cd-rom), bad reputation, debt and best of all really poor marketing in Europe contributed to the death of the dreamcast. I should also mention it sold 10million units in its short life span, half of the game cubes total sales. Not too bad for a "failed" console.

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and nintendos next gen graphics are prolly not going to be good considering sony has Nvida on contract, and Xbox has ATI i beleive.











Last I heard Nintendo was using an ATI GPU for Revolution


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I think PS3 will lead even though 360 should.
















PS3 - 120 million








Xbox 360 - 100 million








Nintendo Revolution - 35 million








as you can see i think revolution will bomb and 360 will start chasing PS3 6 months after PS3 is released, unless Microsoft sells tons before PS3 even gets out. 360 might just win because of the sheer fact its coming out quicker.
















Buy a 360 and Oblivion on November 22!!!!








P.S.S Roughly 3 weeks till 360!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i

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and nintendos next gen graphics are prolly not going to be good considering sony has Nvida on contract, and Xbox has ATI i beleive.











Last I heard Nintendo was using an ATI GPU for Revolution












I'd appreciate it if everyone did a little research on their own, though.




I think PS3 will lead even though 360 should.
















PS3 - 120 million








Xbox 360 - 100 million








Nintendo Revolution - 35 million








as you can see i think revolution will bomb and 360 will start chasing PS3 6 months after PS3 is released, unless Microsoft sells tons before PS3 even gets out. 360 might just win because of the sheer fact its coming out quicker.




I seriously doubt both PS3 and Xbox 360 will expand the market. The US market will grow, especially the European, but I still doubt they could sell that much.

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