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LOST: The Final Season


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In the preview for next week, where was that voice from. I know I've heard it before.




Anyways, awesome episode. I didn't think a Hurley episode would excite me, but this was good. Desmond is beginning to tie the losties together in the alternate reality.

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There are only 4 more episodes right?


Six hours left of the season but only five episodes. I have no idea how they're going to wrap things up to any degree in this time. So far the season has progressed at a decent quality, without really losing that 'LOST touch', so hopefully in the cramming of the next episodes it doesn't deteriorate into a bad ending of the season and series.


I like Hurley, and Hurly centric episodes rock my boat. Still, I think this episode focused a lot more on the Island and the alternative universe, more so than it did for Hurley. I mean Hurly had his alternative self explained, but this was just necessary for the story to continue, and it didn't feel like the series was taking that 'break' that usually occurs with the character centric episodes. It just seems like Hurley got jipped (again). Though the episode was probably one of my favourites.


"Dead people are more reliable than alive people."




[hide=Sun & Jin]I'm still mad that they haven't been reunited yet.[/hide]

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In the preview for next week, where was that voice from. I know I've heard it before.




Anyways, awesome episode. I didn't think a Hurley episode would excite me, but this was good. Desmond is beginning to tie the losties together in the alternate reality.


The song that played in the background was from Willy Wonka when they go through the tunnel on the chocolate river.


Great episode, I was very pleased despite not being a huge fan of Hurley as the episode. I'm really curious about Desmond and Jack now, they both have seemed to have changed and hold some sort of huge impact on the future of the island imo. Also everyone's has had a character centered episodes now, right?

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Of the main cast, Frank, Claire, and Miles haven't had a centric. And Ilana didn't before she went kaboom.


I dunno, I got a weird sort of vibe from this episode. It should have been awesome for me, and I guess it was, but there's just . . . something. Maybe it was the directing.


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And Ilana didn't before she went kaboom.


Ilana had one, or had her own centric part in a part of an episode back in Season 5 or even Season 6's first three episodes. There wasn't a whole episode dedicated to her though. For Frank he shared a centric episode in Season 5.




If you're just talking about Season 6 though, then you're correct.


For Season 6, I'm expecting one for Jacob and one for the MiB. Claire is probably going to get one, well if she doesn't get killed or is disposable. I can also see one more episode that is centric for all of the secondary characters that keep recurring. Though they're going to have to do repeats for characters in their centric episodes, or so I'd think they would if they wanted to do it more correctly or just having the chance of messing up some big storyline plot by not using a main character.


I also did not know that Nestor Carbonell who plays Richard was the Mayor in Gotham Knight.



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It was still a good episode and I'm sure there was a lot to it and everything, but waiting, what, a season and a half for them to finally come back?


[hide]I'm also coming to the realization that the central theme of LOST is love, or at least this is something that is really deeply implanted in LOST. If you take a look at the couples/those who have confessed their love for each other in the Island Timeline, and those in the Alternate Timeline, and then you compare how those two timelines are interacting or working towards each other, then it becomes very apparent that love is suppose to be a large theme. That or Good Vs Evil mixed with love.


It is just that this is much more apparent than in previous seasons, but upon looking back at previous seasons, it is now more solid.[/hide]

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During the first five minutes of this episode I was like, "Damn, this feels like old-school Lost :thumbup: "


Having everyone (minus team Richard) in the same place and having their fair share of screen time was such a relief.


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I'm really not liking how this season is progressing. The obnly reason why is cause like everyone else in the Universe, I want answers. Not really getting any... I mean maybe in the last episode they'll tie in all the answers with like 3 words or something mystical.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That had to be one of the best episodes LOST has ever had.



Like Locke's big reveal on what his plan is and the real reason why he really can't leave the Island.



AMAZING episode not only because of what we found out but like, just, it was a boss episode.




[hide]I'm upset that they brought Jin & Sun back together, and then killed them. GG.[/hide]

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Wait what? When was the big reveal? I mean at the end he walked away saying he was going to finish what he started but... Did he say why he can't leave the island? I may have somehow missed that.



Sun and Jin :(

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I wasn't that all impressed with last nights episode. It was already assumed that he can't kill any of the candidates because of the little ghost boy. I really want to know what the heck Ben and those guys are up too. We haven't seen them for a while.

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I just remembered something, remember back in Season 5 I believe, (maybe season 4) when Widmore's men were storming the barracks, and Ben summoned the smoke monster by pulling a plug and letting the water drain...? Do I have that right? Maybe he's controlled by water somehow?

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I can't say I remember that episode. I've thought before that water might have played a part in why he can't leave the island but I've ruled it out. The only idea I have to why he can't leave the island has something do with sonic waves or something that keeps in on the island. I really don't think about it a whole lot, though.

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How do you not remember the episode in which Keamy shoots Alex in cold blood and then Ben summons Smokey to rape the mercenary crew. Lol. That was in S4.


But the whole summoning thing was weird, since there's no real reason to believe the MIB takes orders from anyone, especially Ben, who had no idea that he existed. My guess is that he was just pretending to go along with it as an excuse to kick some mercenary [wagon], since they were just more people in his way. Plus, when Ben did the same thing in S5 when Smokey was pretending to be Locke he just sat there like "haha, sucker," so the whole thing is probably a sham.


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Anyone notice the irony oh how in the hatch Locke wanted to let the time run out on the timer. With disastrous results. Now Shepard wanted to let the time run out on the bomb, with disastrous results

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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Anyone notice the irony oh how in the hatch Locke wanted to let the time run out on the timer. With disastrous results. Now Shepard wanted to let the time run out on the bomb, with disastrous results


The bomb wouldn't have gone off if Sawyer had listened to Jack. The MIB planted the bomb, and it has been established that he can't kill the candidates directly, nor can they kill themselves. But nothing stops them from killing each other, and when Sawyer pulled the wires he made himself responsible for the explosion. If he hadn't interfered the timer would have just run down to zero and nothing would happen, like the fuse going out on Richard's dynamite.


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Anyone notice the irony oh how in the hatch Locke wanted to let the time run out on the timer. With disastrous results. Now Shepard wanted to let the time run out on the bomb, with disastrous results


The bomb wouldn't have gone off if Sawyer had listened to Jack. The MIB planted the bomb, and it has been established that he can't kill the candidates directly, nor can they kill themselves. But nothing stops them from killing each other, and when Sawyer pulled the wires he made himself responsible for the explosion. If he hadn't interfered the timer would have just run down to zero and nothing would happen, like the fuse going out on Richard's dynamite.



Intriguing, I didn't realize that.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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When is the finale? And no he said not all of them are dead. I wonder how he knew...

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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Couldn't get over how amazing yesterdays espoide was, I was in total 'O.M.G' shock. :lol:



It was cool we got a deep understanding of 'The Rules', well not that their was a direct mention of them - but they were part of the rules, like why Smokey couldn't directly kill Jacob but someone else? I'm sure this is the same for The Candidates. Shame Sawyer didn't listen to Jack, the bomb definitely wouldn't of went off.

Was totally gutted for Jin, Sun, Syaid and I assume pilot man died. (can't spell his name. :P)


Are we totally sure Jack is the Candidate then? I know Syaid said 'It's you Jack.' but what was his logic behind it, did Smokey tell him or something, or what?


And to regards that Locke knows whats going to happen, whatever he can but obviously he knew how to play it out. He could be playing a bluff, possibly he can predict what they do with this knowledge of them so well after all this time. But who knows it could be much deeper.



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There are 3 episodes left.


I think ever since Sayid first died he starting believe and doing everything Jack would say. So far Jack seems like the ideal candidate but I dunno its hard to say because simply enough, it's Lost.

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When is the finale? And no he said not all of them are dead. I wonder how he knew...


I believe it is because he felt that he couldn't cross the water, maybe? Or something of that sort. I'm not really sure.










Damn, I got teary-eyed at the ending scene of Sun and Jin :(

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^ I feld so sad when Hurley started crying on the beach



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