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LOST: The Final Season


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Lets go ahead and forgo hide tags for current episodes, if you are discussing a spoiler you heard about a future episode leave it hide tags.


Are we sure the flashes to the "no crash" story aren't as real as them still being on an island? It seems to me we may have a multi-universe thing going on.

I don't think it has become multi-universed, I think that would over complicate the story but the thought crossed my mind since they aren't afraid to explore time and space.. Does anyone recall how Jack cut himself on the plane? I think my brother said it best, They fix the island and we are just waiting to see how they did it.

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My real big question is why the hell did the Hydrogen bomb blow them back to the present?


I'll put hide tags, but we should assume that there will be spoilers from this point forward.


[hide] That was epic. It was a big surprise to find out that Locke (or whoever was posing as Locke), was also the smoke monster. He has been watching them the entire time.


I like the new flashes. We get to see what would have happened had they not crashed. I wonder how long they will do them. Perhaps it will be for the rest of the season, like the future flashes and the past flashes of the previous seasons.[/hide]


My theory..



At the end of the season some how the island is destroyed or sunken to the bottom of the ocean where it alters the lives of the people on the oceanic fight back to as if the crash had never happen. At least at this point this is my theory. I also assume it is going to involve the return of Jacob in some form or another and performing some sort of god like act. One mystery I want to be answer is what is Jack's fathers role in all? As far as the pilot goes, I enjoyed it very much.



I remember back in season one or two locke got attacked by the smoke monster. maybe that's when the smoke monster became or decided to become locke. maybe. just throwing it out there.



Since we're not hiding in spoiler tags anymore I'll just spill my theory here...


I think that Jack's father (Christian) on the island was the man in black (Aka the smoke monster) and I have a few reasons why.

-The first time any characters come into contact with Christian on the island is in Jacobs cabin (where Jacob is heard whispering 'help' and Claire suddenly reappears). Possibly Christian was taunting Jacob but I don't know how he got into the cabin because it was surrounded by white ash (which we now know prevents the smoke monster from entering).

-Christian then helped Locke escape the island possibly knowing that he would return dead in which case the man in black could occupy Locke's body and in turn get to see Jacob (because Locke had just become leader of 'the others')

-Both Locke and Christian (the two supposed forms of the man in black) were both dead when the two planes crashed... coincidence?


And as for the "parallel universe" thing... well I have a decent theory but I'll keep it to myself for now, at least for a little while as the season continues.


I think there's more to this alternate reality than a "what-if' thing. See: Jack's hair, Cindy giving him one bottle instead of two, Rose not wearing Bernard's ring, no Shannon, DESMOND, etc. It's more than just the Pilot episode played out as if there was no crash.


A lot of those might have just been restrictions placed on the actual making of the show.

For example, the actor playing Shannon might not have wanted to come back. And as for Desmond, his appearance was pure coincidence. If no island existed then his boat would have never crashed leading him to live his life as usual and just so happening to board the same plane and meeting Jack again for the 3rd of 4th time.



I have a lot of time at work to think about these kinds of things. :geek:




Lost = willy_nilly.gif

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I didn't really enjoy the episode to be honest. I got kind of bored throughout it.



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so does that mean the smoke monster is also jakobs rivel (the man you see jacob talking to on the beach and the man says he wants to kill jacob)


also i read they are going to be explaining to us about them 2 skeletons in that cave place where some of the servivors lived in season 1 i forgot about them a few episodes after we saw them -.-

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The skeletons in the Temple's wall tunnel were from Danielle Rousseau's expedition. The smoke monster dragged them inside.

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So about halfway through the episode I was thinking it was a bit slow, then we get slammed with Sawyer and Kate on the dock, Jack being a BAMF and swallowing the poison (and Dogen being equally BAMF) and then CLAIRE.


I was starting to think Rousseau's "sickness" from way back in season 1 was an unfortunate plot hole just from the way the show developed, but now it's actually starting to make sense. Her French team had the same thing happen to them as Claire and Sayid . . . Minus Montand, who just had his arm ripped off. So Claire died in her house explosion after all. I'm betting the same thing happened to Christian.


Like whoa.


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I'm really interested in Locke's story, so I was disappointed in this episode. Not to say it was a bad episode though. Next week will be Locke centered though, so I will be happy.

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Definitely wasn't the greatest episode, but man it is getting a LOT of hate. I'm happy with a lot of parts: Jack, Sawyer, Dogen, Claire, and the beginnings of an explanation for the sickness. But Kate was annoying and it moved slow. The alternate reality story was also rather ridiculous. Some random mechanic is chill enough to let Kate get away, Claire gets back in the cab with her, she somehow manages to drive that cab around for however long without getting caught. LA has some terrible cops.


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Definitely wasn't what I was expecting. I was hoping to see some more action and something a little more progressive to the story. This weeks was very dry, I end up half through searching for bike parts on the internet, which for me I tend to always focus solely on Lost when its on.

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There have been plenty of slow episodes over the course of the show. Just because it's not an OMGWTF moment every 5 minutes doesn't mean that the season is going to suck. Some episodes are required to set things up. Besides, it's only episode 3.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Claire was looking so hot the entire episode until we saw that shot of her on the island haha



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Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Clarie was looking so hot the entire episode until we saw that shot of her on the island haha


Agreed. It was the only good part of the alternate reality flashes.

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Amazing episode. I missed the first five minutes and the last fifteen when it was airing because my TV sucks, and they turned out to be the best parts. Wow.


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Did anyone notice the numbers next to the names not crossed out in Jacob's cave?

I might have to watch it again but I'm pretty sure they were *the numbers* (4,8,15,16,23,42).


Umm, yeah they made those pretty obvious. Fake Locke even mentioned them.


I actually liked this episode a lot, maybe just because of coming off of last weeks boring as hell episode. Although I have a theory now about what the island is and I don't really care for it all that much, hope they don't go that way. It's not a spoiler, just a theory, but spoiler tags anyways:


The island is hell, fake Locke is Lucifer, Jacob was an angel with guard duty keeping him there.



EDIT: Also where is the spoiler tag button?



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The creators have debunked the "island is hell/purgatory/heaven/some-other-variation-of-the-losties-being-dead" theories multiple times. Unless you're suggesting that they're physically traveling to and from hell while still alive, which is rather weird.


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Umm, yeah they made those pretty obvious. Fake Locke even mentioned them.


Guess I must have missed that part. :razz:

Great episode though, as everyone said. It's nice to have some questions answered and a lot of the themes presented were really cool too. (The white and black rock, the Of Mice and Men references, etc.)

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The creators have debunked the "island is hell/purgatory/heaven/some-other-variation-of-the-losties-being-dead" theories multiple times. Unless you're suggesting that they're physically traveling to and from hell while still alive, which is rather weird.


Oh I thought they just debunked the purgatory theories, they were big during season one. And yep, I was thinking alternate universe type of thing going on, so they were alive in both hell and heaven (their counterparts back in the real world aka "heaven" seem to have things go more right for them than normal).


Anyone else here go to /tv/? It is really pissing me off having to avoid all the Lost threads because they are full of foilers and spoilers.



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