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[TICT] CSF vs Legendz


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Last CSF war for the first round, and guess what, we won again :S So I guess we and Dragon Hunters are the only two clans who managed to win in all 4 categories in first round of the tournament, wish us luck in the future :P (Oh and yeah, we "lost" the 20+20 thing, because our partner had problems with ML and organizers decided that we should get disqualiefied for that, but we stood as the winners at taht fight anyways and CSF didn't do anything bad so I count it like we won it too :P ). Sorry if I forgot another clan, but DH is the only one I noticed..

Edit: Just got told that TRWF won today's fight, so they are the third clan I guess :)


Rules were set up as following:

- 50vs50 Tip.it fight

- turrets arena

- Meele & Binds

- no ranging

- no blasing

- no corrupt dragon items

- FoG gear allowed

- ring using allowed

- 5 snipers cap

- war world 33

- only people on Memberlist may fight


The fight was meant to start 30mins later than it did, but Lgz came to me yesterday asking if we can start 30min earlier hoping for better pull and I gladly accepted it, because 9pm for us it better than 9:30 :P





Starting: (some members didn't feel like wasting their time :S )






I saw Legendz being able to pull 50 in past, dunno what happened today :( Thanks for the fight guys..

Czecho Slovak Forces Leader

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