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~~Newer Bank Of Runescape~~ **Updated again 05/15/09**


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I'm...I'm speechless

Said Zamorak, Thoust shall bring chaos and spread destruction across the land.

Said Guthix, Thoust shall bring balance between all.

Said Saradomin, Thoust shall bring peace and spread holyness across the land.

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AWESOME IDEA! read through your post, and i like it. just one little suggestion though....




an "R-lock" (rarelock) which can be set onto items (such as santas, p-hats, you name it) that prevents the item's stack from being withdrawn from without havig an R-pin (rare-pin) entered. the R-pin should be unique to each stack of items. that way, a high level player could R-lock any rare items (such as their p-hat sets) that they want to keep after being hacked. the point of it is simply this: an extra type of PIN you can set onto specific items that prevents the items from being withdrawn without the correct pin. Since the R-locked items would probably be used less often, a keylogger/screenlogger wouldn't be able to track the R-pin unless you enter that in. (so basically, if you are keylogged, and the hacker ends up with your regular pin, they wont be able to access your rares). in addition, the interface's buttons (the numbers you click on to unlock it) should randomly change their color scheme (for example, the "1" button would be blue and yellow, while the "3" button would be grey and green, and the colors would different each time you inputted the pin) to make it harder to screen-log




if you forget the number, you should be able to unlock the item, however, unless the R-pin is entered the lock will not open for one week (ample time for someone to recover their account and cancel the unlocking of it)






makes hackers unable to access your rare items for 1 week, giving you time to reclaim the account




hackers would need to know a second pin to access the more valuable items








forget the R-pin and you'd have to wait one week for it to reset




if the R-Pin was different for every rare then you would have a lot more pins to memorize

72 construction. Also a proud member of SODB



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Brilliantly simple. Just the way I like it. Great job organising your post and hopefully Jagex will take a look into this. :pray: :mrgreen:

.: Magic Guapo ~ Level 3 Skiller ~ 93 Quest Points :.


.:: Woot, 4 more levels left ... 95 / 99 Woodcutting ::.

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The RLock seems too complicated and hard to program. How about the 'Strongroom' instead? A player could have a strongroom (one pass per room) with rares or money inside. The first 2 rooms are free but for the next ones you need to rent with gp (players that rich would have enough money to throw around!)

[Admin Edit: Innapropriate Text in sig removed]

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Only one word...AWESOME!!!!!!!




Dealing with the RS bank is almost as bad as going to a real bank. I have lost several sale because I couldn't find an item quick enough. Kudos for the great work on this. Jagex can only benefit from this bank proposal and if they don't implement it, they are making a mistake.




Meta Mucil




SHHH, I am concentrating.....oh look, a paperclip!


Where was I again?

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This has got to be one of the best ideas EVER!






Quick, someone send it to JaGeX! :thumbsup:

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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To quote the immmortal Eric Cartman: "You know that feeling when you take a huge dump? Awesome!"






Great Idea!!

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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This is the best suggestion ever. :thumbsup: =D> :ohnoes:



Maybe you could include a 'Search for Item' button too?



I dont think you'll need the search button, you always find your items in this bank

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I love that idea.

I used to have a link to my school's project to provide fresh water to a Kenyan Village, but the sig police changed the link to say something, which, if followed, leads to an "ahem" adult website. Let me ask you. Which do you think is worse?

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OMG those are sweet pics of a great! idea. I believe Jagex should see this right away! also i think that there should be an amount of space in each part like 100 for each part of the bank..








Just a suggestion though







For Zamorak and Zaros I live (V) (X)


(X)Official Ancienter effective 2/28/07 at 10pm EST(X)

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Honestly this is the greatest suggestion for rs I have ever seen, even though this was made a year ago lol. I'm gonna send jagex a link to the page. Maybe if enough people bother them they will finally use it. So i think everyone should send the link to jagex.

Look its rob!

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