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rs-my downfall


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Honestly it boils down more to a person's personality (addictive or not). People want to find blame for things that they perceive ruin their life, the game is not to blame for your addiction. I started playing runescape almost upon release yet I still managed to graduate from high school with a high GPA while participating in sports during all seasons and possessing an active social life. I went to college and got an engineering degree graduating towards the top of my class while finding time to exercise and hang out with my friends all while still playing runescape. After graduation I have since gotten a job and continue find time to exercise, visit with friends and play runescape all at the same time. I even managed to fit in other various hobbies while doing this. Really all it takes is a slight ability to manage your time and allowing runescape to be something you do in your free time not the other way around. I hate to break it to you but if you think runescape was really taking over your life odds are you just have an addictive personality and will find something else to consume all your time and blame for ruining your life. Instead of just swearing off something try to teach yourself good time management skills otherwise you will spend the rest of your life getting addicted to something and swearing off it to find something new.



There are a lot of debate regarding to this kind of topic. It's the reason why we have the whole psychological and psycho-social department set up for everyone. You might meet with a successful individual with a horrible past. You might meet an homeless individual with a glorify past. It does relate to one thing specifically, but it relates to everything as a whole.


If you talked to a lot of people in your careers, not just the one you work with (of course if you work in a computer engineering type companies, then that's the type of group you will mostly involved with). We got many diverse people out there and you really can't try to use one shoe fit all theory for them. In their downtime, its even worse to say that too bad so sad to them, because you will probably make it worse.


I do agree with some part of your explanations but that's how human nature are, we blame everything for the segment of an undesirable outcome, because we feel that its somewhat not our guilt if we put the blame on someone else, and I think its normal. There are so many people live out there with similar and different personalities that some will definitely sympathize or going against each other.


As I mentioned before, you can totally back up your opinion, and honestly, I probably think like you few years ago before I start my job. After I started my job and talking to various type of people (from people with long term disability, drug addict, to doctors and and high earning CEOs), EVERYONE got their own story to tell and it's good to really take yourself in their shoes and try to listen and think what they have to say. It's not easy to agree, or change, especially you have 2 different point on the extreme end of spectrum.


What many people could do is that offer their opinions and thought in topic like those, but offer some "positive" reinforcement or advice in the end as you could to your best friend. I find that the best scenario to use, if this happen to your loved ones, you will definitively try to help them out whatever you can (no matter how screwed up the situations might be, which as I find, as we grow older, they POP out a lot more often).

a happy Runescaper

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Well, it's nice to see that you have a nice life now.


However, is it really THAT hard to limit your RS playtime? I can manage my social life, get exceptionally good grades, and be athletic the same time as I play Runescape (and I play a lot, mind you). Unfortunately I'm not at the "romantically involved" stage but very few in my grade are at this point anyway.




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Well, it's nice to see that you have a nice life now.


However, is it really THAT hard to limit your RS playtime? I can manage my social life, get exceptionally good grades, and be athletic the same time as I play Runescape (and I play a lot, mind you). Unfortunately I'm not at the "romantically involved" stage but very few in my grade are at this point anyway.

What grade would that be?

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Reminds me of the days when I was 14/15. Wasted my summer, my weekends, my nights on RuneScape. Most of my time was spent either merchanting (back when there was no trade limit) in world 2, or on the RSOF. I look back at my account and think that it is nothing to show for the time wasted. I still play, but no where near to the extent that I used to.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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As someone with an addictive personality; I can relate.


If I'm not very careful to control my problem with playing RS for ridiculously long periods of time, then I lapse back into my addiction. It's not the game's fault, it's not Jagex's fault, it's my own problem.


Problem is though, when I remove RS from my life, I try to fill it with something else: usually something destructive - at the very least, other video games, if not worse. So I control my problem instead, by limiting the time spent playing, and finding other things in my life that I enjoy to pursue instead.

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Was an insightful story which shows how something can potentially ruin your life and that you need too be in constant control and find that balance to insure that you keep on top of everything.


Glad to see that it all worked out now go make us RS'ers jealous of your success! :P

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Runescape didn't do a damn thing wrong. If you chose to play rs over other things, it's, well, your choice. You're like the kind of people that blame fast food chains for "making them fat" when the problem is them not applying any self control and overeating. Blaming Runescape for causing your problems is just you trying to shift the blame from yourself.


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Withdrawl symtoms include vomiting, cold sweats, muscle aches, ect. Runescape cannot do to you what a substance can do to your body. I quit reading the article at that, Runescape is only addicting if you choose to play it that way.


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I'm addicted to runescape too.


I began in middle school, and I was in Gifted and Talented classes. For 3 years, I had the highest grade in my math class, and I finished middle school without ever making a B.


In high school, I maintained a 108.1 GPA (we did the 100 point scale) and graduated second in my class of 300. From there, I applied to (and was accepted) to Duke University. Because I applied early decision, I didn't have to apply anywhere else.


At Duke, I am double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. I am active in intramural sports, my church youth group, an outdoor camping organization (mainly hipsters), and I still have time to go out from time to time. I just broke up with my girlfriend of a year and a half because of the distance, and I really regret it. I think we should date again.


So, I think time management, not runescape, is the problem. There are plenty of other people who never played this game, and they did poorly because they spent all their time watching television, or doing drugs, or chasing women. Stop blaming the game for your poorly spent time.


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imaginary cookies that taste really fricken amazing will be awarded for reading this


Ok, it's been several years since i last posted, i only check these forums for the screenshots and updates of what happens to rs, because i find it amusing to see how the game changes as people change and ownership over the business changes, along with the marketing aspects, those interest me too, BUT SERIOUSLY people.... you NEED to learn how to moderate your time and take control over your mind.


i'm sure its safe to assume we've ALL at one point or another been addicted to SOMETHING, hell, i've been addicted to rs, SURE, but there comes a point -and yes, you will hit this point- where you realize SOMETHING IS WRONG, i'm certain you(the author) have already hit this point, zokot, you've hit this point as well. I'm not here to add insult to injury, but i'm just trying to come up with a feeble suggestion or a pointer in the right direction.


What i HIGHLY reccomend you do, which i have learned ever so much through life experience and lectures from upper management in high ranking companies is STUDY psychology!!!

- IN ORDER TO DEFEAT YOUR "addiction" YOU FIRST MUST UNDERSTAND IT (how it works and why it is effective)

runescape along with many other online (or even not-online) games LOVES building addictions, just look up the skinners box theory, this guy freaking trained pigeons to spin in circles on one foot for food. in this particular case, RUNESCAPE=skinner, YOU=pigeon. (oh, this is called positive reinforcement, with variable rewards - think about the exp between levels and the potential rewards for higher levels, hmm i really want that 91 rc....)


come on here, you cant be hopping around waiting for every single update IN HOPES that things will miraculously change, now granted pigeons have little to no brain so they can't exactly consciously change their whole view on life and perception, so this example isnt perfect.


AFTER you learn about what KIND of addiction you have, ANSWER FOR YOURSELF TWO THINGS:

do i mind this addiction?

is this addiction affecting my life negatively?


If at least ONE of the answers to those questions is YES, there's clearly something wrong.


NOW. The third thing you need to do after you understand and decide that this addiction is NOT GOOD is learn how to OVERCOME it.


NO i'm not telling you to suddenly go outside, or do ANYTHING social to be honest.... what would help the most is a counter-addiction. find a TV show you REALLY like and hell, if you have to, fricken watch every episode of it. (my crutch is southpark, i love that show) OR find a novel series, or hell, do sports/wii stuff, or w/e... whatever floats your boat... you should moderate your viewing of this show, for example maybe only two episodes per night MAXIMUM (i know its stupid because one is the minimum :P)... should you actually like this activity you've chosen, you'll see just how easy it is to migrate on to new activities.... lets look at WII bowling - you get really kick [wagon] at this, right? try real bowling... *go to an alley* progress, meet people etc.... look at novels, you run out of good series to read, and this author is just so good, so you want to find more authors like him, go to library/book club or w/e (yeah its nerdy but who gives a crud, you're the one addicted to rs, remember?) and voila you get suggestions, more books, and people to discuss it with. TV episodes or shows are among the best things to socialize about because people LOVE trying to reinact funny things they see, or serious things, etc. (people love to be the center of attention, its at everyone's core to strive to feel important ALL the time, look it up its true)


NOW..... after about two weeks i'm SURE you'll be thinking, hmm, i wonder what runescape is up to. its perfectly ok to check it, its perfectly ok to PLAY it, and its perfectly ok to talk with your friends who play it, but BE SURE to let them know what you have been up to OUTSIDE of rs, or else you will lose your sense of accomplishment.


What i'm getting at here is that now that you've found something else to do, you can more easily moderate your time on rs, and the more you do outside of runescape, the more your time online rs lessens.... you dont have to quit or anything, but you will find fun things to do and its great. and sure, i still love logging in once or twice every few months to peekay some newbz in varrok. its inevitable, its just too damn fun. but dont let all the other fun things you've done and accomplished go to waste! you will not just let them down, but you will most importantly LET YOURSELF down.


im sure you think this is a stereotypical lecture, which granted you're absolutely right, it is. but take it from me (played since 2002 and still f**king daydream about "the good times", all of this stuff WILL help you and you will have a GREAT time... life is too short, live it.






lots of enters



oh btw, go to college. the alcohol and girls alone are worth it, and hey you might just learn a thing or two....



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Good luck spending your life blaming the object of your addiction rather than your personnal choices in life.


And no im not looking for pity or sympathy, I know its my fault and im not blaming the game. Sorry for my crappy punctuation.


Is it so hard to read?

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Good luck spending your life blaming the object of your addiction rather than your personnal choices in life.


And no im not looking for pity or sympathy, I know its my fault and im not blaming the game. Sorry for my crappy punctuation.


Is it so hard to read?


Why is it in "game discussion" then? Putting a disclaimer in the text does not mean the OP hasn't taken responsability in his post... From what I read of his post, the OP has had major sociability problems and sometimes put the game on top of his priority at the cost of a healthy lifestyle. If he is not looking for sympathy or pity, what is he looking for?



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Cool story bro.

Dont blame runescape blame yourself.


If you were to actually read it, you would know he wasn't baming RuneScape, he was merely sharing a story. But it's not surprising internet tough guys like yourself try to look cool in front of everyone by using one liners from internet meme sites to support your side. Instead you've just made yourself to look like an immature loser. Let me direct you to a website better suited for you.


http://services.rune...forum/[Please Use QuickFind Code]

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The thing is, you may think that this is something strange, but in fact many people go through it. And not just our generation. Replace Runescape with 'an arcade' or any old computer and you could get the same story. It seems that you have found your way out fairly well, and i think most people also will. Teenage angst.

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The lack of empathy expressed in some of the moronic, childish responses in this thread is truly sickening. It doesn't reflect well on this community.


Video game addiction is real. And while those who suffer for it often do bear some of the blame for their conditions, that doesn't justify obnoxiously insulting them or making fun of them.


Some people here might also be surprised to learn how many video games -- especially MMOs -- are systematically designed to exploit weaknesses that lead to addiction.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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The lack of empathy expressed in some of the moronic, childish responses in this thread is truly sickening. It doesn't reflect well on this community.


Video game addiction is real. And while those who suffer for it often do bear some of the blame for their conditions, that doesn't justify obnoxiously insulting them or making fun of them.


Some people here might also be surprised to learn how many video games -- especially MMOs -- are systematically designed to exploit weaknesses that lead to addiction.


Some of us are also sick and tired of hearing the same story all over again...


I have no doubt that a very large proportion of every type of businesses work in a way to create "artificial voids" in order to fill them through "bait, hook and status quo" strategies.


My question to you is this: should self-pity be praised here?


What is the appropriate reply to someone whinning about what a failure he's been? (this is not a judgement call, this is what the OP seems to say while at the same time saying he's overcome his weakness)


An addiction is mostly the result of weakness in a person rather than external forces directing that person through a wrong path. People need to take responsability more.



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I too find it rather disheartening that the person who just started the thread is getting a general flame-like response and I agree with Qeltar - gaming addictions are real.


While some may say "oh they just need to get a grip onto reality and take responsibility."

While I do not speak for myself, I have seen many many problems from mental, to physical and everything in between with friends, both internet and real life, family and people you see and communicate every day. We are not all machines with unlimited willpower, as much as we all would love to be. :(


Perhaps no where near on the same scale as the person who started the thread but I also found myself slipping into trends of addiction to RuneScape, mostly in the year of 2007 when the game was at its peak (for me, especially after obtaining membership and exploring the world as a noob, great times - but a waste of time at that.) I'm glad to say I don't play myself as much, with school, studying and socializing. I hope the people who suffer similar social and gaming problems can get inspiration from it.


I hope the thread owner gets on well in life and I applaud him for beating his addiction and getting his life on track. Keep hold of that woman, keep at what your doing and get the best out of life. :)


If I also may slip in a plug, if you do find you need some sort of improvement or breaking of addictions gaming or anything. I recommended you read Personal Development blogs that are out there, some amazing articles that can help you change your life for all the better.

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The lack of empathy expressed in some of the moronic, childish responses in this thread is truly sickening. It doesn't reflect well on this community.


Video game addiction is real. And while those who suffer for it often do bear some of the blame for their conditions, that doesn't justify obnoxiously insulting them or making fun of them.


Some people here might also be surprised to learn how many video games -- especially MMOs -- are systematically designed to exploit weaknesses that lead to addiction.


Some of us are also sick and tired of hearing the same story all over again...


I have no doubt that a very large proportion of every type of businesses work in a way to create "artificial voids" in order to fill them through "bait, hook and status quo" strategies.


My question to you is this: should self-pity be praised here?


What is the appropriate reply to someone whinning about what a failure he's been? (this is not a judgement call, this is what the OP seems to say while at the same time saying he's overcome his weakness)


An addiction is mostly the result of weakness in a person rather than external forces directing that person through a wrong path. People need to take responsability more.

Seems to me like taking responsibility more is exactly what Snowboarder is doing, so why are you not encouraging him instead of kicking him while he's getting back up? If you've read the post, you should try doing so again with preconceived notions set aside.


Snowboarder, props to you for your course of action. Addiction is tough and more prevalent by the day, it seems. Kicking it is a worthy effort, and I believe you're right to take drastic measures like you're doing when faced with drastic consequences (whether the consequences have all come about or loom on the horizon). I don't believe that you're hoping for pity but rather to encourage others that may need to take that same course, and I hope your purpose there is accomplished. Best regards.


"All that is gold does not glitter..."

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You have no one to blame but yourself. There was no one holding a gun forcing you to play. Although MMO's are designed to be addictive, they don;t hold a gun to your head and force you to play either. You could've asked your parents to block RuneScape thorugh your ISP. I don't feel sorry for you at all. Sorry.(wait, that was redundant:| ) I have always been able to walk away and do homework and so have many others. Several top-rank players manage to work full-time and play RuneScape so yeah.


You should watch the documentary "Second Skin". It is pretty interesting.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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The lack of empathy expressed in some of the moronic, childish responses in this thread is truly sickening. It doesn't reflect well on this community.


Video game addiction is real. And while those who suffer for it often do bear some of the blame for their conditions, that doesn't justify obnoxiously insulting them or making fun of them.


Some people here might also be surprised to learn how many video games -- especially MMOs -- are systematically designed to exploit weaknesses that lead to addiction.


Quoted for truth.


The virtual gaming world creates an alternate reality which, to many people, is far more enjoyable than their real lives.


It is a snowballing problem. A young teenager is bored in the winter in his small town so he starts playing an MMO to fill the void. But then he just enjoys that far more than anything else hes experienced in his young life with no opportunities so far. But then, he starts getting too involved in the virtual world and it just makes him neglect his real life even more. Making his real life seem even less appealing and the virtual world even more appealing.


Eventually the 15 year old turns into an adult but he missed out on many opportunities he could have had. I think it is ridiculous to purely blame the people themselves for this. If someone is currently in a situation with nothing better to do, immersing yourself in an online community is really fun. And if you are having fun, theres no reason for you to stop your fun habit and try something new that may or may not be fun. I think a person's environment can be a huge cause of game addiction. I wouldn't say the game is to blame though.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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