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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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People who counter "US has bad/terrible laws" argument by mentioning only third world countries and minor laws of other developed nations, ignoring the existence countries that beat out America in certain categories. More irritating how they imply that I was planning to move out of the US when I never suggested it.

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People that get mad at you because they bumped into you. Go be grumpy behind your Subway counter all you want, but when there are thousands of people trying to get somewhere, have some [bleep]ing respect for a human being that isn't you for once.

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People that fold pages in books to mark their place.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Rick Perry, and just anyone who is still against different sexual orientations in general.

Wait, we actually take him seriously?


Not really, but it is still something i have an issue with.


~ 99 Hunter 1/29/09 ~ 99 Firemaking 12/4/10 ~


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Rick Perry, and just anyone who is still against different sexual orientations in general.

Wait, we actually take him seriously?


Not really, but it is still something i have an issue with.

I have an issue with the fact that these people exist.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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People who think they should laugh at *every* comedic thing on TV or in the movies and won't hold back the volume either.


I sometimes want to snap when those same people tell me I have no sense of humor because I am more reserved than them.

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Yes it's annoying, but society will be society. Just keep your cool and it'll blow over soon.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Arrow in the knee.


I swear one more of these jokes and I would kill somebody. It is way overdone.


I used to be annoyed at these jokes like you...

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Arrow in the knee.


I swear one more of these jokes and I would kill somebody. It is way overdone.

Man, I used to hate those jokes too.


Until I took an arrow in the knee.


edit: ffs

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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