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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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[bleep] ice skating. I go in already slightly annoyed because my girlfriend has to pay because I'm broke, and expect it to be super fun, but NOOOO. Turns out I can't skate for shit, fall over multiple times as some smug little 8 year olds zoom by me, to the point I get so frustrated that I just left the rink. Ugh tonight [bleep]ing sucks.

Hey, it could have been worse. In grade 2 my grade went on skating trips every couple weeks during the winter and my friend stepped on the ice, his blade broke off his skate, he fell, and everyone laughed at him. It was classic. Still good friends today.


Things that annoy the hell out of me? When I walk out of an exam thinking it was hard and then hear other people talking about how well they did. Damnit me.



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Turns out I can't skate for shit


you and me both :wall:


Technically, I *never* skated in my life. I don't know if I could, but there is a good chance I couldn't do it to save my life.


Oh, I get annoyed when my Wi-Fi randomly acts slow for no reason for five minutes and suddenly returns to normal, especially when I am watching anime or loading a page that interests me. <_<

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Things that annoy the hell out of me? When I walk out of an exam thinking it was hard and then hear other people talking about how well they did. Damnit me.

Hate that.

Or when you come out of an exam thinking you did well, and as you hear everyone discussing the answers, you notice you've made mistake after mistake.

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When I'm going fast on my bicycle and I hit that point where even though my gears are on their highest settings that pedaling just makes me wind my feet uselessly because there's no resistance. I need a better bike ;___;



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When I'm going fast on my bicycle and I hit that point where even though my gears are on their highest settings that pedaling just makes me wind my feet uselessly because there's no resistance. I need a better bike ;___;

I'm always terrified when I go fast on a bike. I have no problem going stupidly fast on skis (Fast to the point where I'd probably break several bones if I fell) but going fast on a bike has always scared me.

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Or when you come out of an exam thinking you did well, and as you hear everyone discussing the answers, you notice you've made mistake after mistake.


That has happened to me plenty of times. I used to try and avoid talking about specific answers afterwards, but always overheard someone.



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Or when you come out of an exam thinking you did well, and as you hear everyone discussing the answers, you notice you've made mistake after mistake.


That has happened to me plenty of times. I used to try and avoid talking about specific answers afterwards, but always overheard someone.

Something weird has happened to me during my last few physics finals (mainly my 103 and 204 ones). It is literally impossible for me to talk about the test to someone afterwards (or even gauge how I did on it) because I cannot remember any of it. I can't remember any of the problems, or which ones I had trouble on. It's like I got in this zone while doing the test, and when I was done, I snapped out of it. Funny thing is, I got a 107% the first time this happened (after the curve), and a 99% the second time (after the curve).


Strange forces be workin', I tell yer.


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The uncouth are most irritating.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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Most of the Cracked authors. Some of the articles can be interesting and actually have scientific evidence backing them, but it's usually just smothered by millions of random allusions that aren't even funny.


Oh, and when the inside of a car is messy.

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Most of the Cracked authors. Some of the articles can be interesting and actually have scientific evidence backing them, but it's usually just smothered by millions of random allusions that aren't even funny.

I really lost interest in the site when a lot of the authors started turning their articles/columns into their soapbox. The trend seems to be reversing a bit, but there are still too many articles that, although they're interesting, are not funny.


David Wong and John Cheese are probably the worst offenders, but at least they do it in a funny way (Usually). A number of other authors don't even bother with the humor.

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After two long years of use, my Skullcandies have finally failed me. sad.gif I don't even think it's worth sending it in for a free replacement. I think shipping would cost more than the headphones.

As much as I took care of them, they inevitably died. icon_mad.gif

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I've always taken care of them. I hate how none of my friends take care of their headphones and complain of them breaking after a month; it makes me hesitant to let others use my headphones.

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I had no luck with Skullcandy earphones at all. Had a few pairs, used for several hours daily, and they lasted 2-3 months tops. Prefer Sennheiser at the minute. Had the same ones for going on 11 months now and they're good as new.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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Earbuds all the way. At least you can easily keep those in your pocket.


That's what leads them to being destroyed. I kept mine in an empty Altoids case for safety. Considering they only cost $20, I'd say it lasted a decent amount of time.

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Earbuds all the way. At least you can easily keep those in your pocket.

Agreed. I got a pair of bose earbuds last year for Christmas, and aside from having the best sound quality of every headset I have ever tried in my life, they are still performing exactly as well as the day I got them, despite being dropped and being flung into the side of my desk every time I trip on the cord. They also don't seem to mind the weather at all. The only problem with earbuds is that due to their location covering your ear canal, they are more prone to causing hearing damage.


And I hate being forced to use my laptop, which happens every time I return to my parents. I've gotten used to my PC, which replaced it as my primary computer, and I really enjoy the vastly superior performance. Also, being around my parents bugs me a bit because as long as I am under their roof, I am not the master of what I do with my time anymore. I am once again on their clock. Their very reasonable about it, but you get used to being the master of your own life.

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Yeah, being around my parents annoys me as well, since I'm used to living alone and doing my own things. When I go home I have to use my laptop (which isn't so annoying anymore since it's a 2 month old Asus G53SW, much stronger than my desktop, but only has 1 screen) and then my mother comes into my stuff and cleans everything (it's already clean, STOP IT!) and then I can't find my stuff anymore since it's at different places than where I place them. I'm going to see if I can live with it for the 2 week break, but I might come back to my appartment if I can't stand it.


And yeah, for earphones I've been using my Logitech one for about 3 years and it's still working as new, even though I used to often roll on the wire with my computer chair >.<

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Oh, that reminds me. I cant stand it when other people try to tidy things up for me. I am not a very organized person, particularly not when it comes to physical objects (I am much better with files on the computer). There are specific items, my phone, wallet, and house keys, that have very specific places, because I got tired of looking for them in the morning. But for a lot of things, the only reason I can find them is either because I remember where I put things, or because I know how I think and can generate a short list of places to search. The second someone moves anything, I have neither to go by, so things that are put away by other people might as well be on the moon.

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