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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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My god damn piece of crap PrtScr doesn't bloody work when I need it to. Pressing ctrl, shift, function, and alt with it does nothing neither. <_<

Try this. You can set your own hotkeys for various capture settings in the options tab.

Ah, Halo you do not disappoint. :thumbup: Thanks.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Being the first one to show up at a gathering. :thumbdown:

Especially if you're not sure you're at the right place.

This, but when you're not at the right place.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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Unsolicited diet/health advice.


Unsolicited religious views.


Unsolicited comments about eating meat (from vegetarians/vegans).


Your not a doctor, I don't want to convert, and I'm not sitting here trying to make you eat meat so put the broccoli down and shut the [bleep] up.

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Unsolicited diet/health advice.


Unsolicited religious views.


Unsolicited comments about eating meat (from vegetarians/vegans).


Your not a doctor, I don't want to convert, and I'm not sitting here trying to make you eat meat so put the broccoli down and shut the [bleep] up.

Overzealous vegetarians/vegans who are in it for animal rights are annoying as hell.

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Unsolicited diet/health advice.


Unsolicited religious views.


Unsolicited comments about eating meat (from vegetarians/vegans).


Your not a doctor, I don't want to convert, and I'm not sitting here trying to make you eat meat so put the broccoli down and shut the [bleep] up.

Overzealous vegetarians/vegans who are in it for animal rights are annoying as hell.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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H2PM, that blog entry is actually what reminded me to put that on my list.


I get particularly annoyed since considering my long list of dietary restrictions that I am already under from a combination of allergies (such as a very painful one to both soy and milk), and digestive issues, a diet without meat would prove lethal to me. I firmly believe that if I need to take diet supplements to not drop dead, then there is something very wrong with what I am eating. I also pay very close attention to what foods I crave, since my body seems to have a pretty good handle on what it needs at any given time. Sometimes my body wants a salad, so I eat a salad. Sometimes the only food I can think about without feeling ill is chicken, so I eat some chicken. Since I don't eat much in the way of junk food or processed foods, I don't have to contend with things that are naturally rare that you body feels the need to stock up on no matter how much excess you have, which makes the food signals a pretty handy thing to follow. I have also yet to be accused of being even remotely overweight, yet neither am I a skeleton, so it seems to be working just dandy for me.


As far as the other two go, they are both just plain rude, though the medical advice can also become dangerous pretty fast if the person giving it doesn't know what they are talking about (or learned from a source that was talking out its ass).

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I don't floss a lot but I brush my teeth twice (or more) times a day every single day.


For some reason I've never made flossing a habit. I should probably start that as a resolution.


Anyway, the jist of this post is that flossing annoys me. I wish brushing your teeth did the flossing part, too.


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That awkward part of the party where no one is drinking yet, as no one else is, but every one secretly wants too.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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That awkward part of the party where no one is drinking yet, as no one else is, but every one secretly wants too.


You should come where I live, no one cares when you start to dinrk, and at any parties there's always someone already drinking! That's what being Acadian is, you drink when you want and no one asks questions!

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That awkward part of the party where no one is drinking yet, as no one else is, but every one secretly wants too.


You should come where I live, no one cares when you start to dinrk, and at any parties there's always someone already drinking! That's what being Acadian is, you drink when you want and no one asks questions!

It shows :twss:

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Speaking of eyes, mine tear (as in, release tears, not get ripped) pretty easily (like when it's moderately windy and pretty cold and I'm on the bike), so it looks like I'm crying for no reason.


that happens to me too, it's especially noticeable when I yawn


Yeah, it makes it look like I'm tearing up. Someone actually asked me once if I was crying, but it was only because I was really tired and kept yawning. <_<


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That awkward part of the party where no one is drinking yet, as no one else is, but every one secretly wants too.


You should come where I live, no one cares when you start to dinrk, and at any parties there's always someone already drinking! That's what being Acadian is, you drink when you want and no one asks questions!

It shows :twss:


I really meant Acadian and not Canadian though. Also that's what the flag in my avatar is, the Acadian flag, not the French flag.

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In RS, the cowards that PK at the air obelisk, ffs, grow a pair and go to real wildy


IRL, pedants. I know, I know, everyone like to show off their knowledge, but if a sentence begins "actually...." you know it's gonna be painful

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In RS, the cowards that PK at the air obelisk, ffs, grow a pair and go to real wildy


IRL, pedants. I know, I know, everyone like to show off their knowledge, but if a sentence begins "actually...." you know it's gonna be painful

Or Abyss PK'ers. Damn them to hell!




the Abyss is still there, right?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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In RS, the cowards that PK at the air obelisk, ffs, grow a pair and go to real wildy


IRL, pedants. I know, I know, everyone like to show off their knowledge, but if a sentence begins "actually...." you know it's gonna be painful

Or Abyss PK'ers. Damn them to hell!




the Abyss is still there, right?

Oh yeah, Abyss and green dragon PKers. Those guys had no balls.

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