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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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Trying to be specific as hell on looking for a specific set of images on Google but it is either 90% unrelated/10% crap or it doesn't have the images I am looking for. It's like trying to guide a hammered drunk to a place a mile away from the bar you two left at (bad analogy, I know).

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I found this quite good.

Sometimes I wish I could do that to every youtube commenter that posts one of those stupid things...

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Not exactly the KNEE per say, but...

I wish this was a literal depiction of my life.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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When people argue on the phone in the same room as you. It's awkward as heck, rude and very annoying.


But a little part of me brought out the popcorn and listened in because it broke the monotony of the day.



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Chip bags left open. D:



On topic, the "rebel without a cause" kind of person, who is against all authority, no matter what. The person that swings the door open and loudly slams his books on the desk, putting his feet up and scowling at the front of the room making angry remarks for the whole period, in heroic defiance of the elderly librarian watching the class.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Yeah, disrespectful people really tick me off.



A minor detail you may have overlooked/not noted properly will come back and kick you in the ass.


I had to create a map, logo and poster which had to use the font 'Franklin Gothic.' I skimmed over the instructions and thought it said 'Century Gothic.' ;_;



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Chip bags left open. D:


*Gasp* You returned to us!


On topic, the "rebel without a cause" kind of person, who is against all authority, no matter what. The person that swings the door open and loudly slams his books on the desk, putting his feet up and scowling at the front of the room making angry remarks for the whole period, in heroic defiance of the elderly librarian watching the class.


I hate those who act like rebels just to be asses. I admit to having issues against authority figures sometimes (mainly because I question some of the policies set), but I take consideration of the peace of other people instead of being crass. Personally, I think those kinds of disrespectful idiots just do it for attention (which makes sense since half of those idiots are why there high school fights).


People who think a sigh counts as "talking'. Brother is going on a tantrum fit because one of his friends "betrayed his trust" which is nothing more than stupid shenanigans gone wrong. He's even cursing and making gun noises. Might as well add people who think guns count as an winning piece in an argument since using simple logic or level-headed thinking is difficult compared to being highly emotional.

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Apparently Utah is Nevada too.


The joke here is Fox News.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I had to force myself off TIF cause I knew I wouldn't get much studying done with it up on my computer screen. Missed everyone. :grin:


And on that note, finals annoy me. At least, the studying for them. You really never know when enough studying is enough.


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People who go berserk over the slightest trace of black/dark humor and automatically call me a demon, or those who take it too seriously under other reasons.


It's not like I'm doing it for the sake of being an ass. I just have a preferred taste to it over most other genres (although I do accept there is a fine line myself). This isn't about making jokes, which I rarely do, and more on chuckling or finding humor in scenarios on the News or in movies/TV.

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People who go berserk over the slightest trace of black/dark humor and automatically call me a demon, or those who take it too seriously under other reasons.


It's not like I'm doing it for the sake of being an ass. I just have a preferred taste to it over most other genres (although I do accept there is a fine line myself). This isn't about making jokes, which I rarely do, and more on chuckling or finding humor in scenarios on the News or in movies/TV.



Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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People who go berserk over the slightest trace of black/dark humor and automatically call me a demon, or those who take it too seriously under other reasons.


It's not like I'm doing it for the sake of being an ass. I just have a preferred taste to it over most other genres (although I do accept there is a fine line myself). This isn't about making jokes, which I rarely do, and more on chuckling or finding humor in scenarios on the News or in movies/TV.


I was reading some of Maddox's articles at school and when somebody asked what I was reading I showed them (It was the article about Elizabeth Smart). They said Maddox is a horrible person and that I'm a monster for reading it. I tried to show them hate mail of people who believed exactly what they did but they refused to read anything else on his website.


Whaaatever... :rolleyes:

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